This Care of Magical Creatures class went smoothly, and no one was injured until the end of get out of class.

After leaving Hagrid's paddock, everyone walked back talking and laughing.

When they arrived at the gate of the castle, a group of first-year students just walked out of it. Judging from the direction, they should be going to take flying lessons.

Speaking of flying... In previous years, this time was the most stressful day for every Quidditch player, because in preparation for the last game, the four teams wanted to use every second of free time to train.

The court is always occupied, never empty.

But now because of the Triwizard Tournament, the Quidditch game has been cancelled. The busiest time in the past years has suddenly become free. For a while, Kyle was a little uncomfortable with it.

Qiu was also not adaptable, but it was not because of the Quidditch match, but for another reason.

One weekend, she suddenly said mysteriously: "Have you noticed that there is a ghost missing in the castle recently?"

"No way..." Fred squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I feel like all the ghosts are there."

"Nearly Headless Nick... Peeves..." George counted one by one, "and Weeping Myrtle on the second floor. She is no longer content to stay in that small bathroom. I am somewhere else. I’ve seen her several times.”

"It's not them, it's the ghost of Ravenclaw, Ms. Grey..."

Qiu said, "He used to actually show up in our common room at six o'clock every day, standing in front of a statue in a daze, but recently she hasn't come even once."

"That's right." Fred nodded, but he was not very interested in this topic. He just said perfunctorily: "Could it be that Ms. Gray doesn't want to go."

"Just like Nearly Headless Nick." George also said: "He used to like being in the tower, but in recent years he prefers to stay around the foyer where there are more people."

"No, we have searched all over, and there is no Ms. Gray in the entire castle."

Autumn shook her head. "Tell me, will the ghost disappear out of thin air?"

"Theoretically, yes." Cedric said seriously, "But as far as I know, this has never happened. According to the records in "Hogwarts: A School History", these ghosts are almost It has been around for hundreds of years, and not a single one is missing until now.”

As they talked, Kyle listened silently and said nothing.

He knew where Ms. Gray was.

The Room of Requirement, where she had been staying since the Easter holidays, with the Crown.

But because he promised the other party to keep it secret, he couldn't tell anyone else.

Fortunately, Qiu didn't particularly care. He was just a little curious because he suddenly couldn't see the ghosts in his college.

It didn't take long for their conversation to shift to the last event of the Triwizard Tournament.

Everyone is curious about what the last event will be and how they will choose the winner.

Kyle really didn't know about this. The only thing he could guess was that there should be a Hippogriff in the game.

After the holidays, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and everyone has changed out of their thick robes.

This lasted until the last week of May, when Professor McGonagall kept Kyle behind after the Transfiguration class.

"You go to the Quidditch pitch at nine o'clock tonight." Professor McGonagall said, "Mr. Bagman will tell the warriors what the third event is there... Come on." She gave a rare smile.

So, at 8:30 that night, Kyle left the Hufflepuff common room on time.

"I said, why do you want to follow?"

While walking in the empty foyer, Kyle suddenly said as if talking to himself.

"Of course it's out of curiosity." Fred's voice came from next to might also be George's.

Their voices were more similar than their looks. Without seeing their faces, even Kyle had a hard time telling who was speaking.

"That's right, we spent half a year learning the Disillusionment Curse, isn't it just for now?"

There was a wave in the air, but then it disappeared again.

"Oh, Cedric, you stepped on me."

"It's not me, I'm over here..." Cedric's voice came from the other side of Kyle.

"Fred, you did a good job!"

"Hey, I didn't mean to."

While walking through the foyer, Ms. Maxim happened to be walking over from the other side of the venue with Fleur.

Fred and others immediately became quiet and stopped following Kyle.

"What do you think it could be?" When the two of them were walking together in the cloudy night, Fleur suddenly said, "I think it should be an underground tunnel. We are going to find the treasure."

Ms. Maxim glanced this way, as if she wanted to stop them, but in the end she didn't say anything. She just quickened her pace and walked at the front.

"That's easy." Kyle said, "Maybe we can ask Hagrid to borrow some Nifflers and let them do the work. Those little guys might even be able to dig out the Triwizard Tournament trophy. .”

They walked along the dark lawn towards the Quidditch pitch and then walked through the passage onto the pitch.

"Oh, this is really spectacular."

The golf course is no longer flat, and someone has built countless intricate and winding hedge walls here.

Bagman walked from the middle of the field and was talking to Dumbledore. Not far away were Chris and Barty Crouch, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Oh, poor old Barty, that investigation affected him so much."

When Kyle and Fleur walked over, they happened to hear Bagman whispering to Dumbledore: "He originally didn't want to get involved in this matter, but we think he has done a lot for the Triwizard Tournament before. If you don't have enough power, you should still participate.

"Of course, the referee's choice will not change. To be honest, his current state is not suitable for scoring.

"Oh, hello." At this time, he also saw the two people walking over, and quickly changed the subject and said: "How is it, you think the progress is good, right?

"In another month, Hagrid will make them twelve feet tall...oh, and Krum is here too."

Bagman's tone became much more cheerful.

"Okay, I think you can probably guess what we're going to do here."

"Maze," Kyle said.

"Exactly," Bagman said. "The trophy of the Triwizard Tournament is in the center of the maze. Whichever warrior can touch it first will become the champion... It's very simple and clear, isn't it."

Bagman said cheerfully, "There will be many obstacles in the maze. Hagrid provided a lot of magical animals, Pomona provided a lot of plants, and there are some spells that must be lifted... things like that should be very convenient." Fun."

"Wait a minute, does winning the trophy mean you are the champion?" Krum asked gruffly: "What about our previous scores? Are they useless?"

"Of course not, the warrior with the leading score can enter the maze first." Bagman smiled at Kyle, "Mr. Krum, you are second, and last is Miss Delacour.

"Of course, the lead is only temporary. Whether you can win the Triwizard Tournament trophy in the end depends on your ability to overcome obstacles...

Okay, if there are no other questions, let's go back to the's getting a bit cold here. "

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