Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 609 He gave too much

The first period today is Defense Against the Dark Arts, Sirius' class.

This was the first time that Hogwarts students had seen the same Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for two consecutive years... but only for students in their sixth year and below.

Their professor last year was Moody, so strictly speaking, Sirius was their sixth professor, still a year-round professor.

But because of Sirius's legendary experience, the classroom was filled with people early.

"I asked Justin." On his seat, Mikel took out his textbook from his bag with a look of anticipation on his face. "He told me that Sirius's class is very interesting, but occasionally some unpleasant things happen. thing."

"Not very pleasant?" Kangna frowned and said, "Did he assign a lot of homework?"

Although Sirius helped Moody with a few classes during the last school year, the content he taught at that time was all determined by Moody before, and he also reviewed what he had learned before.

Therefore, everyone does not know much about his personal teaching style.

"No, on the contrary." Mikel shook his head, "As far as I know, he rarely leaves homework. I was envious of him for a long time last year."

"Then why is it unpleasant."

"Because it will hurt." At this time, Ryan on the side added.

Just as he was speaking, the classroom door was pushed open and Sirius walked in from the outside.

He seemed quite happy and not bothered at all by having to attend three more grades of classes.

"Hello everyone." Sirius waved his wand and opened the curtains, and the bright sunshine illuminated the classroom very brightly.

"I guess I don't need to introduce myself." He smiled and said, "Put the books away. You won't need this in the first class."

Everyone put away their books immediately, among which Mikel was the fastest. He has always believed that any professor who collects books in the first class is a good professor.

"I already know your progress from Professor Moody."

Sirius continued: "I have to admit that he is really a good professor as a professor, which can be seen from your results.

"Almost everyone got high scores. Even Professor Marchban, who was in charge of invigilating the exam, was surprised... She probably didn't expect that the subjects with the lowest scores in previous years actually had so many high scores this year."

Everyone straightened their backs subconsciously.

Although Professor Moody is very strict and has a lot of homework, their improved performance is real.

Some people's grades even jumped directly from A (pass) to O (excellent) and successfully obtained a certificate.

"But... your professor this year is me." Sirius changed the subject, "And I always believe that the essence of Defense Against the Dark Arts lies in actual combat, not performance.

"Black magic is diverse and ever-changing. When you really face it, you will find that the knowledge in textbooks is actually completely insufficient. You can only deal with it with instinct and excellent reaction ability."

Everyone stared at Sirius, his face was very serious and there was no joke in his tone.

"Therefore, before you really encounter black magic, you must know where your shortcomings are."

"The quickest way... is to let you experience it for yourself." Sirius pulled out his wand, "Lockhart's dueling club was a good idea, but it was a pity that it was canceled after only one session. If this club can persist until now, It will definitely bring a huge improvement to your strength.”

"But it's not too late now."

Sirius walked around to the other side of the classroom and cleared all the debris piled in the corner outside the room.

"I think actual combat is far more useful than any lecture, so in the following classes, duels are essential, and you'd better prepare in advance.

"I will protect you from injury to the greatest extent, but occasionally there will be times when I can't take care of you. If any of you don't want to participate, you can bring it up now and I will agree to it."

Everyone looked at him, and no one was deterred by this, but became more excited.

Seeing that no one raised their hands to quit, Sirius nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, I knew you would be able to make the most correct choice... So now, we have to make some small adjustments to the classroom."

He asked all the students to stand up, and then directed the tables, chairs, benches and other things to fly out of the window in a line, not even leaving the podium.

Sirius had originally chosen the largest classroom, but now that it was tidied up, it looked even bigger.

Then he used his magic wand to transform a medium-sized platform under his feet.

"In the first class, we won't learn new content, but will check your actual combat ability.

"Everyone has five minutes. No matter what spell you use, as long as you can get my feet off this stage, you will get ten points."

When they heard that points were awarded, everyone's eyes became even more excited, and they all pushed to the front, fearing that they would end up at the end and not have enough time.

"Professor, I'm coming."

"Choose me as professor..."

"I am the man who will become a duel master in the future!"

There was a lot of noise in the classroom, and Sirius looked around, finally stopping on Kyle.

"Kyle, how about you come."

"No problem." Kyle stood up.

He glanced at the platform at Sirius's feet, "As long as it allows you to fall from here, right?"

"That's right...but you're not." Sirius shook his head and took the initiative to step down from the stage, "I think it's necessary to let everyone know that this is not a game."

"I understand." Kyle nodded and also took out his wand.

Everyone else became quiet when they saw this.

I don't know who ran to the corner first, but under his leadership, a large area of ​​​​space was quickly vacated around the two of them.

Kyle was confronting Sirius with his wand, and without the cumbersome etiquette ordered by Lockhart, the duel started suddenly.

A curse was thrown out by Sirius without any warning.

But the next second, it bounced back at a faster speed.

"Oh, beautiful..."

Sirius quickly ducked down to avoid it. To be honest, he didn't even know when Kyle used the Iron Armor Curse on him.

But just as Sirius bent down, a row of sharp stone cones suddenly jumped out from the floor.

Fortunately, Sirius reacted quickly enough, and with a flick of his wand, he exploded these stone cones into powder.

But before it was over, the fragments of the stone cones on the ground suddenly began to squirm, turning into hunting dogs of different sizes, running towards Kyle, trying to bite his wand.

Kyle calmly took two steps back and pointed his wand at the hairpins, multi-flavor beans and other things that had fallen when he moved the desk.

The next second, Sirius's hunting dog was blocked by a group of shrunken Norwegian Spinyback dragons, and they started biting each other.

Taking this opportunity, Sirius also stood up again and couldn't help but praise: "Excellent transfiguration...Twenty points for Hufflepuff."

While speaking, he did not forget to throw out two other magic spells, and at the same time, when others could not see, he winked at Kyle crazily.

The corner of Kyle's mouth twitched twice. He had just finished warming up, but now he wanted to cheat?

Isn't this a bit much?

But looking at Sirius who was winking crazily, Kyle still sighed, well, we are in class now after all, and the time is limited, so naturally we can't delay it too long.

So Kyle took the initiative to remove his iron armor spell, and after being hit by a "clean up", he stumbled back several steps.

"Not bad, really good." Sirius put away his wand and clapped his hands, "I have to say that you are the best little wizard I have ever seen, plus thirty points for Hufflepuff."

Kyle returned to the crowd to a round of applause.

"Can the cleaning spell also work in a duel?" Kangna asked softly.

"Did you see it?" Kyle said in surprise: "It seems that Sirius didn't recite the spell just now."

"I saw it." Connor pointed to Kyle's robe, "During breakfast, an owl knocked over the bottle of pumpkin juice, and some of it splashed on you.

"But now that pumpkin juice is gone."

"Okay." Kyle shrugged, "The cleaning spell is originally useless, but who made the situation just now special? We can't teach a lesson."

"So you gave in on purpose?"

"I can't help it, he gave me too much...a full fifty points."

"Well, it's indeed quite a lot." Kangna couldn't help laughing.

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