Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 638 The kind professor

Everyone's study time in the Room of Requirement was only for an hour, as they had to return to their common rooms before Hogwarts curfew at nine o'clock.

Fortunately, the leg-locking spell is not a very complicated spell. It can even be said to be very simple. It only took half an hour for everyone to be able to use it skillfully.

Well... except for Neville.

But in order not to waste everyone's time, Hermione decided to teach him in private.

"I hope she won't be so angry that she goes crazy." Ron whispered.

Harry couldn't help but laugh when he heard his words.

Neville was indeed a bit slow in learning spells, and sometimes even Professor McGonagall would be so angry that he was speechless at his impressive progress.

But Harry knew that Neville had really tried hard, but his memory was really bad. Sometimes he could forget all the spells he just learned in the morning in the time it took him to have lunch...or maybe it wouldn't take that long.

Of course, these are not things they need to consider.

After everyone put down their wands, Hermione cleared her throat and said:

"There's still some time before the curfew starts and I think we should elect a leader."

She was about to make this proposal just now, but before she could speak, she was interrupted by Anthony.

In addition, everyone was aroused by Garen and couldn't wait to start practicing magic spells, so she didn't mention it again.

But it's not too late. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

There was a buzz in the room.

Upon hearing Hermione's proposal, someone immediately thought of the largest sponsor of this event, Kyle who contributed fifty galleons as a reward.

"I suggested that Kyle come...wait, where is Kyle?"

At this time, they suddenly realized that Kyle was not in the room.

Everyone subconsciously looked around, but the room was so big. They searched around and found no trace of Kyle.

"He has gone back..." Luna in the crowd said: "I dare say he must have discovered Paobat hiding in the darkness and then chased him out."

"What is Paobat?" Neville couldn't help but ask, looking confused, and he was not the only one like him.

"A winged spirit," Luna said, her bulging eyes wide, "that can give people directions."

"Things like that don't exist at all." Hermione frowned, "At least I'm sure there's no record of them in any book."

"If you'd seen The Quibbler, you wouldn't be so sure," Luna said angrily.

Hermione didn't speak this time. It was getting closer and closer to nine o'clock, and she didn't want to waste time on such meaningless arguments.

"Where were we talking about?"

"Elect a leader"

"Ah, yes." Hermione said, "I think a leader should ensure that he comes every time, and Kyle is not suitable.

"Then I choose Cedric..." said a Hufflepuff student: "He is the president of the Boys' Student Council."

"It's no big deal," said Ron. "I think Harry can do it too."

"Since there are differences." Hermione glanced at them, "Then let's vote..."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became more lively than when he was practicing the spell just now.

In addition to choosing a leader, there is also the matter of choosing a name and setting a time for the next gathering...

By the time everything settled, it was already 9:10 pm.

It took more than ten minutes longer than the original end time, but there was nothing we could do about it. There were so many of them that it was difficult to make a proposal that would satisfy everyone.

After Cedric carefully returned to the common room, he happened to see Kyle sitting on a table in the back, writing something.

"Why did you come back so suddenly?" Cedric walked over.

"Suddenly I remembered that I haven't done my Potions homework yet, and I don't want to stay up all night to make up my homework, so I have to come back first." Kyle said, and pushed "Potions and Crucibles" on the table forward.

"How's it going there? Is everything going well?"

"You have the nerve to mention this." Cedric suddenly became angry, "Why did you suddenly give out fifty galleons as a reward..."

"Any questions?" Kyle put down the quill in his hand, "I think this is the only way to give them enough motivation to learn.

"What about Voldemort, Death Eaters... until you see them with your own eyes, they are all imaginary. Only the golden Galleons are the best source of power.

"You should have noticed just now, they suddenly became active."

"Of course I noticed it," Cedric said, "But that's fifty Galleons, not fifty Sickles. Even if it's a reward, there's no need to spend that much."

For most students, their pocket money for a school year is less than ten galleons, and fifty galleons is undoubtedly a huge amount of money.

And this is just a class for self-study of Defense Against the Dark Arts. There is no need to spend such a large sum of money as a reward. Five Galleons is enough.

In addition, if Kyle used the fifty galleons reward on himself, Cedric would not have such a big reaction, because he knew that no student at Hogwarts could defeat Kyle, so the fifty galleons would naturally be impossible. Give it out.

But Kyle asked him to be the one being challenged, which made Cedric a little worried.

It is true that doing so can quickly increase his prestige, and this is indeed the case. He was elected as the leader of the DA by others with a very high number of votes.

Oh, DA is their new name, "Defense Association", which is also the abbreviation of "Dumbledore's Army".

Autumn came up with this name. According to her... wasn't Umbridge afraid of Professor Dumbledore's secret army? In this case, they formed such a team, and this view was unanimously agreed upon by everyone.

But the problem now is that he really can't guarantee that he will not fail. If someone can really defeat him... Kyle can't keep the fifty galleons.

At least when he left the Room of Requirement, Cedric noticed that some people were looking at him very hotly, apparently treating him as a mobile treasure chest...the kind that exploded with gold coins.

"Don't worry, I believe you." Kyle said sincerely.

"But I don't believe in myself." Cedric muttered: "That girl Angelina is not much worse than me, and there are those two sixth-year students from Ravenclaw. I am also not sure of winning."

"You underestimate yourself too much." Kyle waved his hand and said, "They are no match for you, I can guarantee that."

"What about Fred and George..." Cedric continued: "Although I am confident that I can defeat any of them, based on past experience, they will not abide by the duel rules honestly, right? ?”


Kyle was silent for a moment.

"Well, it doesn't matter even if you lose." He continued: "It's only fifty galleons... At worst, we can just find someone to reimburse us."

"Looking for someone to reimburse?" Cedric was stunned for a moment, "Who is it? Don't tell me it's Principal Dumbledore."

"Ah, no, Dumbledore is not so generous." Kyle said, "It's another kind-hearted professor."

"Okay." Cedric glanced at Kyle suspiciously, but didn't ask any more questions and just muttered a few more words.

Anyway, he will probably be very busy when he attends DA gatherings later.

Putting aside the others, he just hoped that Fred and George would not use too immoral means when dealing with him.

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