Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 641 Another three against one

Cedric was absolutely right. Slytherin was probably the only team that wasn't happy about the replacement of new brooms.

Because this was originally their biggest advantage, but now this advantage is gone. Instead, Gryffindor becomes more and more courageous as they fight.

Not long after the game started, they were already leading by twenty points.

In order to restore the situation, Slytherin's captain, Graham Montague, also wanted Crabbe to knock Angelina off the broom... As long as the most threatening Chaser could be eliminated, they would still have a chance.

However, Crabbe's intention was so obvious that Angelina didn't give him a chance to get close to her.

In addition, Ms. Huo Qi also discovered his undisguised foul behavior and awarded Gryffindor a free throw.

Angelina was responsible for the penalty kick. She first used a fake move to deceive the Slytherin goalkeeper, and then raised her hand to throw the Quaffle steadily through the goal post.


The Gryffindors in the stands immediately cheered.

"Gryffindor will definitely win." Mikel said with a smile, "Montai is no match for Angelina, and his orangutan team members will not play any role. Now it depends on when Harry can catch the gold It’s a snitch.”

Cedric nodded, "Yeah...wait, is it an illusion? Why do I feel like someone is singing."

"No, it's not an illusion." Kyle said.

Someone was actually singing, and the sound came from Slytherin across the way, and everyone else heard it.

"That silly little Weasley,

"He won't block a ball,

"The Slytherins sang at the top of their lungs,

"Weasley made sure I won this,

"Weasley is our king."

It feels like someone is conducting, the singing is uniform and penetrating.

The Slytherins had probably planned this a long time ago. They knew very well that the rest of the Gryffindor team were veterans and had rich game experience and would not be disturbed by the audience at all.

So, they set their sights on Ron, who had just joined this year.

Ron's nervousness in the past few days, including his confusion when facing Slytherin's provocation, was obvious to all.

So this trick works quite well.

After hearing the singing around him, Ron, who was already nervous, suddenly panicked and his body began to become sluggish.

At the same time, Slytherin's Warrington also got the Quaffle and rushed towards the goal.

Without any surprise, the Quaffle passed under Ron's outstretched arm and fell straight into the center goal post.


"How despicable!" Mikel shouted angrily, "They know this is Ron's first time participating in the game. If this continues, Gryffindor's goalkeeper will be useless."

Everyone knew this, and Mikel was not the only one to protest. Lee Jordan in the commentary box also loudly condemned Slytherin's behavior.

But it was useless, this was not a foul, and even Professor McGonagall couldn't say anything... Ron was affected, which only showed that his mental quality was not good.

The game continues.

But then, the singing on the field never stopped, especially when the Slytherin players got the Quaffle, they sang especially enthusiastically.

"Gryffindor must change their tactics." Cedric said: "They can no longer count on the goalkeeper. They can only force Slytherin to defend through constant attacks to buy time for Harry."

On the court, Angelina also chose the same style of play as Cedric.

The three Chasers lined up in an eagle-headed attack formation and rushed towards Slytherin's goal.

Fred and George are responsible for the defensive tasks. As long as the Slytherin players get the Quaffle, they will immediately hit the Bludgers towards each other.

However, this method cannot always work, and Slytherin still seized the opportunity... Pousse passed the Quaffle to Montague, and Gower stepped forward to block the Bludger, allowing Montague to go straight to the goal.


The Gryffindors groaned in pain, but the Slytherins erupted in screams and applause.

"This is so shameless." Cedric said solemnly, "Gryffindor only has one new player, but we have three, and there are new players in every position.

"If Slytherin still uses the same trick then, we will be in trouble."

Kyle also frowned.

"It doesn't matter. We can get some loud speakers in advance to cover up those annoying singing voices."

"Also, we can also go talk to them." Kyle continued: "Maybe they can realize that this kind of behavior is not desirable."

"It can only be like this...Oh, look." Cedric suddenly pointed to the arena.

Harry and Malfoy were diving down at the same time.

"That's the Golden Snitch!"

"Right there, they all saw it..."

The speed of the two of them was getting faster and faster, but Harry's Firebolt was still faster. When he was less than five feet from the ground, he stopped suddenly, and his outstretched hand instantly clenched into a fist, pointing. In the gap, a golden light loomed.

Harry caught the Golden Snitch.

Ms. Huo Qi’s sharp whistle sounded again, which meant the game was over.


Gryffindor wins.

There was an uproar in the stands, and the Gryffindors began to mock the Slytherin who sang before.

On the field, except for Ron who was still sitting on his broom in a daze, the other players from both sides had also fallen back to the ground. Ms. Hooch angrily stopped Crabbe and loudly accused him of foul play... After her whistle blew just now, the opponent still hit Harry with the Bludger.

"Let's see we found another way to solve the interference." Cedric said with a smile, "Just catch the Golden Snitch as soon as possible."

"But it's not like you can catch the Golden Snitch just because you want to." Kyle said, "I still think it's more appropriate to talk to them. After all, both Montague and Malfoy seem to be quite easy to talk to."

"Are they...easy to talk to?" Cedric was a little confused, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Kyle nodded, "And I'm actually very good at reasoning with others, and usually they are happy to listen."

Cedric was still a little doubtful. The Montague he knew was not easy to talk to.

But before he could say anything else, he was interrupted by a sudden commotion on the field.

The two teams started fighting.

To be precise, it was Fred, George and Harry. The three of them rushed towards Malfoy and punched and kicked him.

In an instant, the entire Quidditch pitch was in complete chaos.

The sound of fists hitting the body, Malfoy's screams, and the shouts of the surrounding audience mixed together, rising and falling with each other.

"What trouble did Malfoy's mouth get him into again?" Kyle couldn't help but think.

He did see Malfoy say something just now, but because it was too far away, he couldn't hear it in the stands... and then Malfoy was beaten.

"Don't do this, Fred, George..." Cedric leaned his upper body out of the stands and shouted down: "Professor, the professor is still here, stop it!"

But the three of them were like angry bulls at this time, turning a deaf ear to the sounds around them, and raised their fists and smashed at Malfoy.


"There are many obstacles!"

A force pushed the three people out.

"What are you doing!" Ms. Huo Qi shouted angrily: "I have never seen this kind of behavior... You three, go to the dean's office right now, right now!"

Fred, George and Harry left the field without looking back and strode towards the castle.

The Slytherins behind him stepped forward and helped Malfoy up, who was curled up on the ground and groaning.

His mouth was bleeding, shoe sole marks of various types could be seen everywhere on his body, and his entire face was larger than before.

Pansy Parkinson ran over and started screaming and cursing as soon as she saw Malfoy. Crabbe stood behind, giggling at the three people who left... Montague was also laughing.

Kyle looked at the commentary table again. Li Jordan had been taken away, and Professor McGonagall, who was originally behind him, followed Fred and the others back to the castle with a pale face.

"Should we go and have a look too?" Kangna said.

Things happened so fast that she had no idea what was happening, but judging from the current situation... Gryffindor was in big trouble.

"Then I'll go find out what's going on." Mikel said.

"Okay." Kyle nodded, "But we'd better hurry up, there will be more people leaving soon."

Then they left the stands together.

Kyle, Cedric and Connor ran towards the castle, while Mikel ran towards the remaining Gryffindor players on the field.

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