Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 750 Makeup Lessons

Although Kyle felt it was unnecessary, Dumbledore returned the gold cup as promised three days later.

When Kyle found Harry with a bottle of mead, he was in the library and almost covered in books.

With him were Ron and Hermione.

There were several thick "walls of books" stacked in front of the three of them, completely blocking them. If the Marauder's Map hadn't shown that Harry was in the library, Kyle almost didn't find him.

It's hard to imagine when he and Ron became so fond of reading.

"This is what you want."

Kyle walked over to sit across from them, and when Mrs. Pince wasn't paying attention, he stuffed a bottle of mead into the gap between the book walls.

"Thank you." Harry raised his head and said.

Only then did Kyle discover that there were obvious dark circles around his eyes.

"How long have you been here?" he asked subconsciously.

"Three days." Ron yawned and muttered: "Except for classes, we almost live in the library."

He casually picked up a book next to him, flipped through it quickly and put it on the other side.

"Are you looking for something?" Kyle said, "Do you need help?"

"No, no need."

"We can just find it ourselves."

Harry and Ron spoke almost simultaneously.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Kyle always felt like they were hiding something and didn't want him to know.

But he wasn't that curious either. Seeing that the three of them didn't want to talk, he didn't ask any more questions. After handing the things to Harry, he got up and left the library.

At the same time, Harry and the other three were kicked out of the library by Mrs. Pince after a minute because they subconsciously shouted too loudly.

"It's all your fault!" Hermione said angrily, "We won't be able to enter the library for at least two days."

"What does this have to do with anything?" Ron looked quite happy. "We have been searching for three days, but we found nothing. I have already told you that there are no swords or lockets in the library. clues, this is just a waste of time."

Harry had the same idea. If Hermione hadn't insisted, he would have given up yesterday.

And if you think about it carefully, if the things left by the Big Four can be found in books, why did Voldemort have to work at Borgin-Bock for so long just for a Hufflepuff Gold Cup.

"Do you have any better ideas besides looking for clues in the library?"

Seeing both of them saying this, Hermione glared at them angrily, "If so, I don't mind listening to you, but don't tell me that you want to search in every room in the school. I don't want to do it. That’s such a stupid thing to do.”

With that, Hermione stormed off.

"What is she angry about?" Ron didn't understand. "We didn't say that, right?"

"I think she was just angry that she couldn't go to the library for two days." Harry whispered.

"Maybe." Ron curled his lips, turned to look at the bottle held by Harry and asked, "What is this?"

"It's mead..." Harry said, "Oops, I just forgot to give Kyle the money."

"Wine?" Ron frowned. "Don't you always like to drink butterbeer? When did you turn into mead? Besides, you don't seem to be an adult yet."

"Yeah, still a few months away," Harry said.

"But it's not for me to drink. It's for Slughorn. He likes mead. Maybe I can use this to get his memory."

"You want to get him drunk?" Ron touched his chin, "That's a good idea. When are you going to go, now?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head, "I need a chance."

While the two were discussing, they walked towards the common room. They had been reading books in the library for three consecutive days. Their previous enthusiasm for searching for Horcruxes had been worn out, and now they just wanted to go back and have a good sleep. Sleep.

Harry said he would look for an opportunity, and then waited for more than a week.

Mainly because he wanted to wait for a time when there was no one else before taking action. For example, there was a dinner party every few days before, but he forgot that since the last time he asked questions related to Horcruxes, Slug now He was no longer invited to the dinner party hosted by Horn.

Also not invited was Kyle, but this was exactly what Kyle wanted to see. After all, he didn't need to ask anything from Slughorn.

After entering April, the weather gradually became warmer.

In order to cope with the upcoming N.E.W.T. exams, there are very few seventh-grade students in the castle. Most of them stay in the library or practice magic in empty classrooms.

Even Mikel has missed two Quidditch training sessions in a row.

His spells and transformation are weak points. According to Professor McGonagall, if he doesn't practice them, he will most likely not be able to get the certificate in these two subjects.

Transfiguration and Charms are the two most important courses, and are required for many jobs.

Although this does not include the professional batsman Mikel wants to become, he is also very clear that his talent in Quidditch is not amazing, so it is impossible to completely give up these two certificates.

If there's anyone in the entire seventh grade who has the most leisure time, it's probably Kyle.

While everyone was working hard to get more certificates, he was the only one who was feeling idle.

Every day he either spent time in the common room or ran to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to find Hagrid.

"Listen to me, Kyle, you can't be so idle. This is the sixth time you've come to my place this week."

Finally one day, even Hagrid couldn't help it anymore and said after careful consideration: "Of course, I don't welcome you, but the exam is coming soon, don't you have to read a book? After all, even Harry has started to read. "

"Reading a book?" Kyle didn't even use his wand. He just pointed a finger and made the teapot float on the stove, pouring two cups of scalding tea.

The whole process was incredibly smooth, as if there was an invisible person holding the teapot.

"Okay... just pretend I didn't say that." Hagrid decisively shut his mouth.

I have to admit that with Kyle's current ability, he can fully cope with the N.E.W.T. exam. It seems that he really doesn't need to read a book.

But as a professor, there are some things he must say.

"Where's Kangna? Why haven't I seen her recently?" Hagrid changed the subject, "You guys didn't have a fight, right? Let me tell you, she is a good girl, you..."

"Quarrel? How is that possible?" Kyle interrupted Hagrid, shook his head and said, "She has recently become obsessed with ancient potions. She stays next to the crucible almost every day and refuses to let me help."

This is also the main reason why Kyle has nothing to do.

Although Kyle repeatedly said that learning ancient potions was of little significance because that kind of thing was not suitable for today's wizards, Connor discovered new fun in it.

So, she decisively abandoned Kyle and went to the underground classroom.

At first, Kyle wanted to help, but potions were not his strong point. After two visits, he was disliked by Kangna.

Now it was Snape who helped her. Kyle would be ridiculed every time he went there. He might as well just wander around the castle doing nothing.

"How's your spider doing?" Kyle directed the teapot back to the stove and asked, "Do you need me to boil some more tonic?"

"Thank you, but no need." Hagrid waved his hand and said with a somewhat lonely expression, "Aragog is too old. This has nothing to do with tonics."

"That's... okay." Seeing Hagrid say this, Kyle stopped insisting and asked instead, "What about Grawp? Is he used to life in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Grawp has adapted very well." Hagrid suddenly became energetic when he mentioned his giant brother. "The environment of the Forbidden Forest makes him very comfortable. At least he doesn't need to worry about being expelled by other giants.

"Although the centaurs were a little unhappy, they tried to drive Grawp away several times, but they couldn't...Haha, those arrogant guys!"

Because of Grawp, the relationship between Hagrid and the centaurs has recently taken a turn for the worse. Although they haven't gotten into a fight yet, they are no longer harmonious.

Kyle can understand this.

The centaurs have always regarded the Forbidden Forest as their territory. Hagrid had already caused dissatisfaction among the centaurs when he kept the three-headed dog Luwei in it. Now he has directly brought a giant here. It is normal for them to object. .

After all, who would like to have two natural enemies living at their doorstep... Whether it's a three-headed dog or a giant, if they go crazy, they can bulldoze the centaur tribe in minutes.

Unfortunately, the Forbidden Forest does not belong to the centaurs, and no matter how much they object, it is useless.

Unless, they can defeat Dumbledore and overthrow Hogwarts.

But if they have this kind of strength, it seems that they don't have to worry about the three-headed dogs and giants anymore.

After staying with Hagrid for a while, Kyle was driven back to the castle by him.

In Hagrid's words, as a professor, he really couldn't stand Kyle's idle behavior. Before he made some moves that affected the relationship between the two, it was better to keep out of sight.

There was no choice but to go back to the castle and look for another place to kill time.

He wandered aimlessly in the castle for a while, preparing to visit the underground classroom again.

But just as he was passing by the second floor, he was stopped by a portrait.

"You seem a little confused." The voice was very familiar.

Kyle turned his head and found that it was a portrait of the witch Violet. She was a friend of the Fat Lady and the two often drank together.

But what made Kyle strange was that there was something wrong with her eyes... How should I put it, a little too calm, as if she didn't care about everything.

It's hard to imagine that someone with such a pair of eyes would steal other people's wine with the Fat Lady.

In addition, Kyle had a very familiar feeling. Although I couldn't tell, I was at least certain that the person in the portrait in front of me was definitely not Violet.

"Who are you?" he asked nervously.

"It's me." Violet said again, but this time, there was a silver crown set with sapphires on her head.

In an instant, Kyle recognized the other person. After so long, he almost forgot that there was such a person in the castle.

Who else could this crown be but Rowena Ravenclaw.

"Can you control the portraits in the castle?" Kyle couldn't help but ask.

"Not really controlling," Ravenclaw said calmly. "After all, I am just a memory now. The only difference between it and the portrait is that there is no frame."

"That's right, that's right." Violet's voice changed and she said jumpily: "And I do it voluntarily, Ms. Ravenclaw, I am very willing to share a picture frame with you."

But no one paid any attention to her.

"Then do you... want to see Hogwarts today?" Kyle asked tentatively.

This seems to be the only way to explain why Rowena Ravenclaw suddenly possessed the portrait in the castle.

"No, my era ended a thousand years ago. What the castle becomes now has nothing to do with me." Ravenclaw said, "I am observing you."

"Observe me?" Kyle pointed at himself.

"Yes." Ravenclaw did not explain, but said again: "You seem a little confused."

"It's a bit..." Kyle said.

Although he thought he was just a little bored, since Ravenclaw said so, he was confused.

"It seems you don't realize this." Ravenclaw said softly.

Then, the silver crown suddenly floated out of the portrait and appeared on top of Kyle's head in the blink of an eye.

Subconsciously, Kyle wanted to take it off.

The effect brought by the crown was too powerful, and he was afraid that he would not be able to control the feeling of being so buoyant, as if he could control everything.

"It's okay, relax." Ravenclaw's voice came from his ears.

Kyle also realized that he didn't seem to have changed, he was still the same as before.

"Sorry." Kyle thought for a moment and asked, "What did you mean by being confused just now?"

"To put it simply, the current knowledge system can no longer give you the desire to continue exploring."

"From a student's point of view, you have achieved perfection. Even in my time, few people can surpass you in this grade."

"Thank you, thank you." Kyle said, smacking his lips.

This is considered a compliment... it should be counted.

"And I'm glad you restrained your desires."

"Huh?" Kyle didn't understand.

"Because you are not addicted to more powerful magic."

Ravenclaw continued: "I have seen many geniuses. They often spend their entire lives chasing more dazzling magic and more powerful power, and slowly break away from the original intention of learning magic and turn it into power. servant."

"I think you should go to the restricted book section in the library." She asked suddenly.

Kyle nodded, "Okay, I admit that I violated the school rules."

There was no denying this. Not only had he been there, he had also confiscated nearly half of the banned books.

"No, that's not the point," Ravenclaw said. "We talked about you when Helena was talking to me.

"She told me that there once was a boy who was just like you, smart, gifted, and above all his peers, and even most wizards.

"But the difference between you is that he has never wandered around the castle doing nothing like you."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Kyle's face.

"To remedy your laziness, you can choose a place." Ravenclaw said.

"Choose a place?" Kyle asked subconsciously, "What to do?"

"Make up a lesson." Ravenclaw said, "This is my way of thanking you. I'm very happy during this time, really very happy."

Ravenclaw's voice suddenly became much lighter, and this was the first time she experienced any emotional change.

But this only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared again. She seemed to suddenly assume the identity of a professor and said coldly:

"Your foundation is so poor that you are not even as good as a third-grade student. How can you have the nerve to wander around in the castle?"

"That's not what you just said." Kyle muttered in his heart, but soon he realized something else.

Ravenclaw wants to give him extra lessons?

This surprise was so big that Kyle couldn't believe it.

"Do you really want to give me extra lessons?"

"If you don't want to, I can give you other thanks."

"No, no, this is fine." Kyle said repeatedly.

No fool would want to take supplementary lessons from Ravenclaw.

"I know a place that's quiet enough and no one disturbs me." Kyle subconsciously thought of the Room of Requirement, which was the most suitable place.

At this time, Ron, Harry, and Hermione just came out of the library.

Ron, who was walking at the front, turned the corner and saw Kyle who was in a daze in front of the portrait.

"Kyle, what are you doing here...oh!"

Before he could finish his words, he saw Kyle suddenly take a step forward and then disappear.

Yes, it disappeared without any sound.

"Ron, what are you calling!" Harry and Hermione came from behind.

"Didn't you see it?" Ron said happily, pointing to the portrait of Violet, "Kyle, he was right there just now!"

"Where?" Hermione looked at the empty corridor in front of her. "Are you dazzled?"

"Absolutely not, he was here just now!" Ron said, "He must have disapparated."

"Impossible." Hermione said firmly: "Apparition is prohibited in the castle, you know it."

"But I really saw it!" Ron insisted, "And he was wearing a silver thing on his head. That must be the crown of Ravenclaw."

Then he ran to the portrait again, "You saw it too, right? There was a person standing here just now. You must have seen it too, right?"

"Hey, I don't know what you're talking about." The disturbed Violet glanced dissatisfied at Ron, "I'm always alone here."

"You didn't see it?"

"What did I lie to you for?" Violet said impatiently, "Get out of here quickly and don't disturb my sleep."

"Did you hear that?" Hermione came over, "Don't be stupid. Apparition is prohibited in the castle, and Kyle is no exception."

"Yes." Harry also said, "You must be reading too many books and your eyesight is dazzled."

"If you ask me Hermione, there's really no need for us to waste time in the library."

"No, there is another place we haven't looked for yet."


"Restricted Book Zone!"

"That's against school rules, unless we can get the professor's signature."

The two of them walked further and further away, and Ron, who stopped in place, was a little confused.

He clearly saw Kyle just now, why didn't the person in the portrait see it.

Could it be that he was really dazzled?


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