Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 755 Stop, don’t fight anymore

I have to say, Snape is quite brave.

It seemed that he was unwilling to ask Kyle to help him a second time. After entering the Room of Requirement, he stayed there for five days without ever leaving.

Everything else is easy to solve. After all, this is a real castle and everything is available.

Only eating...Kyle didn't know how he survived for so many days.

Maybe he asked Kang Na to help bring him in, or maybe he drank the magic potion.

For example, if you drink one bottle of Vitality Potion, you can go without eating for a whole day, but the disadvantage is that it tastes terrible.

Kyle drank it once, and it felt like taking all the nasty flavors of Bibi's All-Flavour Beans and kneading them into a ball, squeezing them into juice, and then throwing a handful of dirt into them.

Anyway, if Kyle had a choice, he would rather bring more bread and baked potatoes in the morning than drink that stuff.

But Snape should be able to bear it. If he gets another bag with the Invisible Stretching Charm on it, he will have no problem carrying a dozen or twenty bottles of vitality potions.

But Kyle didn't know exactly what Snape did. Except for a few words on the first day, the two never spoke again.

Mainly because he didn't have this opportunity. After all, the only place Kyle didn't want to go was the Potions classroom.

It was the sixth day when he saw Snape again. At that time, he looked thinner than before, but his eyes were bright.

It can be seen that Snape, like other professors, has gained a lot.

Although Kyle was curious, he also knew that Snape would definitely not tell him, so he wisely did not ask and continued back to the Charms classroom.

"Don't deliberately manipulate the magic text, treat it as part of the magic." The old professor said, taking out his wand and waving it twice.

His movements were very light, as if he was conducting a large concert, and the flickering magic words were the beating notes.

It is obviously the simplest lighting spell, but it emits a dazzling light like the sun.

Kyle also imitated him and waved his wand... but nothing happened, and the tip of the wand flashed perfunctorily.

The time was too short, and he had no time to use magic power to draw the magic text.

"What an idiot! How can there be a stupid student like you in this classroom!"

The old professor roared: "Although the magic power is ink, the wand is not the only quill. The spells you recite are not another form of magic text!"

Kyle was scolded in the face, something that had never happened in the past six years. But in the past month or so, it has become the norm.

He has long been used to it.

Anyway, it's impossible for the other party to hit him with a magic wand, so just curse him a few times.

Kyle listened to the professor's words and adjusted his spell casting method little by little.

This went on until the day before school started, when Kyle decided to take a vacation for himself.

After being scolded for such a long time, even if he didn't care, it was still a bit stressful. In addition, continuous high-intensity study was also very energy-consuming, so it was necessary to relax a little.

It started to rain in the early morning that day, and Kyle slept until eleven o'clock before walking out of the dormitory yawning.

There were many people in the common room, but everyone was doing homework. No one paid attention to others, including Kang Na, who was also doing homework.

She had been in the Room of Requirement for a long time, and she didn't realize something very important until two days ago.

Kyle didn't need to do her homework because she asked for leave in advance, but she didn't ask for leave...

It was an impossible task to finish two weeks of homework in three days. When Kangna realized this, she was stunned.

Kyle originally wanted to write it for her, which wasn't difficult, just a few tweaks to the auto-answer quill.

But Kangna disagreed and insisted on writing it herself.

All Kyle could do was stay as far away from her as possible... He couldn't help it. After all, he invited Kangna to the Room of Requirement, and he also ignored the fact that there was homework. Thinking about it now, he still felt a little guilty.

Without disturbing anyone, Kyle quietly walked out of the common room and took a leisurely stroll around the castle.

It seemed like it had been a long time since he had been like this. He didn't have to rush for time and just walked around the castle aimlessly.

Looking at the dim castle walls, faded picture frames, and cemented railings on both sides of the corridor, Kyle was still in a daze for a moment.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s used to it, but Kyle still finds these pleasing to the eye. The Hogwarts in the Room of Requirement is a bit too new for him.

As he was walking, Kyle suddenly encountered a group of seventh-grade students who had just come down from upstairs. They must be Gryffindors. They were chattering around one person.

But because there were too many people and the angle, Kyle didn't see clearly who it was at first, but soon he spotted an acquaintance.

"Hermione!" Kyle waved hello.

"Kyle?" Hermione, who was walking at the back, ran over holding a few books, "Why are you here?"

"It's just a visit to the castle. It's just free time anyway." Kyle said, "By the way, who was the person who passed by just now? He was so popular."

"Ah, it's Katie Bell," Hermione said. "She just came back from St. Mungo's this morning."

"She recovered?"

"It's completely fine, she said so herself." Hermione nodded, but soon thought of something and added: "But Harry has already asked, and she doesn't remember who used the Imperius Curse on her. , I just remember it was in The Three Broomsticks.”

"That's okay." Kyle said nonchalantly. He had no intention of asking this.

In fact, the person who used the Imperius Curse on Katie Bell was none other than Ms. Rosmerta, which he knew after the last love potion incident.

Ms. Rosmerta herself admitted that she also used the Imperius Curse on a girl at Hogwarts while she was under its control.

But this was not her intention, it was manipulated.

It's just that this matter was kept strictly confidential by the professors, and few people knew about it, including Harry.

"Where are you going?" Kyle glanced at the book in her hand. The top one was "Wands and Magic".

"You haven't finished your homework yet, right?"

"No, I have finished writing it a long time ago, it's Harry and Ron." Hermione said, "But now they have finished writing it, and I am going to return the book."

"That's it, then go ahead." Kyle smiled and waved his hand, ready to continue looking upstairs.

"Wait, Kyle." At this moment, Hermione suddenly called him from behind and asked, "I heard someone said that you took leave and didn't go to class? Is this true?"

"Who said that."

"Cormac McLaggen, a seventh-year Gryffindor student," Hermione said. "He said at a dinner party that he hadn't seen you in class for a long time, and then Professor Slughorn said... I asked for leave and won’t go to class.”

"Ah, it does happen." Kyle said.

"Can you tell me why?" Seeing Kyle admit it, Hermione was stunned for a moment and then asked.

In her opinion, not going to class is an incomprehensible behavior that should not happen to Kyle, who has excellent grades.

What's more, isn't seventh grade about to take the N.E.W.T. exam? It would be too strange not to go to class at this time.

"It's nothing, it's just that I have something else to do." Kyle said casually: "Although it may be a bit arrogant to say this, I really don't need to go to class anymore.

"And my leave is temporary. I may continue to attend classes after I finish my work for a while."

He didn't tell Hermione about the "make-up lessons".

Although the two had a good relationship, Hermione's personality made Kyle give up the idea.

First of all, Hermione's level of magic writing is actually about the same as Qiu's. Even if she goes, she will learn very little.

Another thing is that she is different from Qiu.

How should I put it, Hermione is a bit stubborn in some things, such as her excessive trust in books. Even if the facts are right in front of her, she will have doubts and even resist whenever there is a conflict with the so-called authority.

The teachings of thousands of years ago were completely different from the concepts she encountered daily. She would definitely have many questions by then, and Kyle didn't have time to explain them all to her.

In addition, even if all the questions are solved, Hermione may be tempted to learn hard again due to her character.

It would be fine if she learned it, but Ravenclaw also said that the Room of Requirement will not always exist. If she has not learned it before the memory disappears, then all the time spent during this period will be wasted, and this experience will even affect She later learned magic, but it was more of a loss than a gain.

Considering this, even though the relationship between the two was good, Kyle chose to keep it secret and did not tell her.

Although Hermione was a little skeptical, if Kyle didn't say anything, she could only choose to believe it.

The two chatted for a few more words and then separated at the stairs.

Hermione was going to the library downstairs, and Kyle was about to continue walking in a circle, but before he could go far, he heard a faint explosion.

Strange, why are there explosions in Hogwarts?

At first Kyle thought he heard it wrong, but the next second, a louder sound came over, and this time it was accompanied by a scream.

"do not do that……"

"Stop fighting, don't fight anymore!"

"That's Myrtle's voice, upstairs!" Hermione didn't know when she appeared behind Kyle, and she obviously heard what happened just now.


Kyle paused for a moment, then immediately ran down the stairs in the direction of the sound, with Hermione following closely behind.

As the distance continued to grow, the sounds became clearer and clearer, and Kyle could even hear the sound of a spell being recited.

"It's Harry!" Hermione screamed. She was so familiar with this voice that she could never mistake it.

Harry was attacked at Hogwarts?

Hermione instantly thought of Harry being kidnapped at school during the Triwizard Tournament two years ago... Now she was even more anxious and threw the heavy book into the corridor next to her.

"Don't panic, this is Hogwarts, everything will be fine." Kyle comforted her and speeded up.

Soon, they arrived at the seventh floor, near a bathroom that had been blown apart.

It's not hard to find, because the myrtle is floating right at the door.

Kyle ran over quickly.

It was indeed Harry in the bathroom, holding his wand and breathing heavily.

Opposite him... was Malfoy, in a similar state to Harry, also holding a wand.

I don’t know what happened just now, but the bathroom door has been damaged by the magic spell and is hanging crookedly on the door frame.

The water pipe inside was also broken and was spraying water continuously. The water column hit the ceiling and fell down again, as if it was raining heavily in the room.

Myrtle screamed urgently for them to stop fighting, but no one listened.

Both of them only had eyes for each other, completely ignoring everything around them.

In unison, they raised their wands again.

"Shattered to pieces!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"Stop, Harry!" Hermione screamed, trying to stop them, but by then it was too late.

Two dazzling magic spells crossed in mid-air and headed straight towards each other.

The blasting curse and the crushing curse... It can be seen that the two of them have the same goal, and they both want the other's life.

Hermione closed her eyes subconsciously, unable to bear to watch the next scene.

But the imagined explosions and screams did not appear.

It seemed that only a second, or maybe a minute, had passed. When Hermione opened her eyes again, she saw an incredible scene.

The light of the curse disappeared, but there were two more... ravens of different colors in the bathroom?

It should be a raven, one red and one blue, which corresponds to the colors of the Crushing Curse and the Explosive Curse.

They flew in mid-air for a while, then suddenly trembled, turned into two groups of fireworks, and disappeared.

Everyone was stunned, even Myrtle fell silent.

Hermione didn't see it, but she saw it clearly.

Just now, when Harry and Malfoy shouted out spells, Kyle also raised his wand.

No one knew what he had done. The two magic spells just stopped in mid-air strangely, and transformed into a raven in a burst of distortion.

Perhaps the scene was too unbelievable, but in just a moment, the two people who had been hit woke up and looked at Kyle standing at the door.

"You guys came just in time, I..." Harry wanted to say something, but Kyle didn't give him the chance.

He waved his wand again, and the water pipes on both sides stretched instantly, wrapping around the two of them like snakes, tying them tightly.

The metal pipe was easy to use, no matter how hard Harry and Malfoy struggled.

"Let me go!" Malfoy yelled angrily: "Damn it, you can't do this..."

But Kyle didn't even bother to listen to Harry's words, so how could he listen to him? He waved his wand, and the water pipe immediately wrapped around his mouth again.

The same goes for Harry, who is impartial and focused on fairness.

It was quiet now.

"Myrtle." Kyle turned around and said, "Can you please find a professor, any one, and ask them to come over as soon as possible."

"Ah...Okay, okay!" After reacting, Myrtle glanced at the bathroom worriedly, and then flew away immediately.

Hermione next to her was shocked at Kyle's mastery of magic. Two people who had already been slapped on the head were just separated?

Although they are one grade below Kyle, they are still two people after all, and their grades are not particularly bad. It is a bit too exaggerated to be controlled so easily.

Even if the professor comes, that's about it... No, even ordinary professors may not be able to do better than Kyle.

Hermione thought again of what Kyle had said before... It seemed that there was really no need for him to continue the class.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Hermione shook her head and angrily walked into the bathroom.

"Harry, do you know what you are doing? Use the Crushing Curse on your classmates. If the professor finds out, you will be expelled!"

Kyle next to him raised his eyebrows...

"Discovered by Professor"

So this is what Hermione cares about?

But it is true.

"What happened," Hermione looked at Harry and continued: "Weren't you still in the common room just now? Why did you suddenly run to the seventh floor and fight with Malfoy! Did you ever think that you would Expelled.

"Speak. Don't think you can get away with it without saying anything. Professor McGonagall will be here soon. You'd better think about how to explain to her so as not to be expelled!"

Harry said "hmm" twice.

He wanted to speak, but didn't Hermione notice that his mouth was gagged?

Harry turned his head with difficulty and blinked wildly at Kyle, trying to get him to put him down.

Kyle just pretended not to see it.

This was what was wrong with Harry. If he wanted to let go, why would he tie Harry up just now? This would be good, at least it would keep them awake.

It doesn't matter if they fight recklessly in school, they are really brave.

Kyle hooked his hand, and two wands on the ground immediately flew into his hand.

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