At ten o'clock in the evening, the Hogwarts castle fell into silence. Due to the curfew, there was no one in the corridor. There was only a whisper from the portraits on both sides.

At this time, there was a sudden light not far away. It was a door that was opened, and the light inside came out.

Then there was the sound of stones rubbing against the ground, and the sound of someone's footsteps.

Harry took two steps and couldn't help but look back at the gargoyle that jumped back to its original position and sighed quietly.

He originally wanted to use Slughorn's memory to save himself from being imprisoned. In his opinion, this was a sure thing, but unexpectedly it failed.

"I'm glad you can get this memory, Harry. If you are willing, I can give you an extra reward, but it won't help you escape punishment. These are two different things, and they cannot be offset easily."

Dumbledore said so.

This means that he will still go to Professor McGonagall's office every Saturday for confinement and will no longer be able to participate in the last crucial Quidditch match.

The only thing that made him feel lucky was that Kyle seemed to have something else to do and was no longer participating in the competition for the time being.

Because everyone only has the last game left, in which Hufflepuff and Gryffindor are far ahead in points, and the difference between the two sides is only 10 points.

In other words, whichever of the two teams scores more points in the last game is likely to win the final championship.

Now both sides are missing a main player, so no one suffers.

"I hope Kyle won't be competing by then." Harry sighed, turned and walked towards the common room.

Due to the time, there was no one in the common room, but Hermione and Ron were still there, and judging from their appearance, they must have been waiting for Harry.

"Why did it take so long?"

"How about it? Principal Dumbledore didn't fire you?" Hermione asked.

"No." Harry shook his head, "But he deducted a hundred points from me, and I will be put in solitary confinement on Saturday in Professor McGonagall's office."

"As long as we don't get expelled." Ron was very open-minded, "It's just a point deduction and confinement. We are already at the bottom of the academy, so it's not a big deal if we get another hundred points deducted."

"The point isn't the scores," Harry said, "it's that I have to go to Professor McGonagall's office every Saturday."

"So what, you... wait a minute." At this moment, Ron suddenly realized something. "You mean you're going to be in solitary confinement every Saturday?"

"That's right."

"What about the last Quidditch match?" Ron asked hurriedly.

"There's nothing I can do." Harry spread his hands.

"How could the principal do this..." Ron was anxious, "That is a game that affects whether we can win the Quidditch Cup!

"Can you talk to him again? Maybe he will agree to let you participate in the competition."

"Stop talking nonsense, Ron." Hermione pushed him away, "What do you think the principal's decision is, your homework? You can change it if you ask for it?"

"But Gryffindor hasn't won the Quidditch Cup in more than ten years." Ron looked at the ceiling and said weakly: "This year is obviously the most promising year!"

"There's nothing I can do." Harry lowered his head.

"Don't worry about it for now." Hermione interrupted the two of them sighing, "How about that memory? Did you give it to Principal Dumbledore?"

"Of course, thanks to you, Hermione, otherwise I might not have been able to get it," Harry said.

"That's because you already have the ability to persuade him." Hermione said, "The function of Felixir is just to help you adjust the environment. If it were me or Ron, even if you drink a pint of Felixir, It’s not possible to get his memory from Professor Slughorn.”

"But the environment is what I lack." Harry said, "No matter what, I still want to thank you. As for the Elixir of Fortune, I will find a way to return it to you."

"What nonsense are you talking about? There's no need for you to reply." Hermione said, "But what exactly is that memory?"

"I was about to tell you this." Harry suddenly looked around and said, "Follow me."

He came to sit down at a row of armchairs in the corner of the common room and said in a low voice: "Slughorn told Voldemort how to make Horcruxes."

"So it's really him?" Hermione covered her mouth with disbelief on her face.

"That's right, he was the one who told Voldemort that making Horcruxes requires killing to split one's own soul."

After that, Harry told them one by one what he saw in his memory.

To be honest, the content of this memory is not much, it is just a conversation between Slughorn and young Voldemort, which lasts about ten minutes.

But after reading the memory, Dumbledore meditated for more than half an hour, and then showed a look... that seemed to be lucky and very exciting.

After listening to Harry's description, Ron couldn't help but ask: "You mean, Dumbledore looks happy?"

"Probably." Harry nodded, "He even said a few words to himself at the time."

"What did you say?" Hermione asked.

"Let me think about it..." Harry frowned and carefully recalled Dumbledore's appearance after he came to his senses.

"He said at the time...'This memory confirmed my guess. I guessed it right, and it will be successful soon...Tom, Tom, you must not have expected it.' That's probably it."

"Who is this Tom?" Ron asked confused.

"That was Voldemort's name when he was young." Harry said, "I remember telling you before that Voldemort's original name was Tom Riddle."

"If you could change your name, maybe I could remember it," Ron muttered.

His legs trembled when he heard the words "Voldemort", how could he possibly remember what Harry said next.

"You can't do this, Ron, be brave, it's just a name." Harry said seriously: "You need to learn to adapt to it."

"Ah, yes, I'll try my best." Ron said, but his tone revealed a perfunctory meaning.

Getting used to calling Voldemort's name? To put it simply, he can guarantee that 80% of the people in the magic world cannot do it.

"Success soon?" Hermione sat in the armchair and looked at Harry doubtfully, "What does this mean?"

"I don't know, Professor Dumbledore didn't say anything." Harry shook his head. "After that, he asked me to leave, and asked me to wait for him in the auditorium at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, saying that he would take me with him then. Go see something’s a reward for getting memories.”

"Hermione." At this time, Harry suddenly turned his head and said, "Otherwise you can go tomorrow morning. Without your elixir, I won't be able to get the memory. This reward should be yours."

"No, Harry." Hermione shook her head, "As I said just now, the main factor that can convince Professor Slughorn is you. The Felixir only played a minor supporting role, so the reward is also It should belong to you."

Are the two pushing each other?


Harry wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Hermione.

"That's it." She stood up and said, "And it takes you an hour or two every time you go to the principal's office. Who knows if it will be the same tomorrow. The first period tomorrow morning is Transfiguration class, and I don't want to be late. "

"Okay." Seeing Hermione say this, Harry could only agree.

"If you change your mind, always tell me."

"No." Hermione waved her hand and said firmly.

Then the three of them returned to their dormitories.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Harry struggled to get out of bed and yawned as he came to the Great Hall. Since the second grade, he rarely got up so early again, and he was a little uncomfortable for a while.

From a distance, he saw Dumbledore standing there, followed by... Kyle?

Apparently, after many misses, Dumbledore finally managed to corner Kyle on the first morning after the holidays.

The time was just right. When he arrived, Kyle had just finished breakfast and was about to go to the eighth floor.

"Professor Dumbledore." Harry trotted over, "Kyle, you are here too."

"Hello Harry," Kyle said, looking at Dumbledore, "So Harry is the one we're waiting for, right?"

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded: "I hope you can forgive me for making my own decisions."

"It's okay." Kyle said, "But... forget it, do you want to have breakfast first?"

He originally wanted to say that Harry had never taken the ancient runes course and would not understand it even if he did, but now that everyone else was here, it was useless to talk about it, so he changed the topic.

"Breakfast?" Harry touched his belly.

He was indeed a little hungry, but he didn't want Kyle and Dumbledore waiting for him. After thinking about it, he simply took two sandwiches and planned to eat them while walking, at least this way he wouldn't waste time.

The three of them came to the eighth floor together again. Kyle at the front made a few turns and stopped in a certain corridor.

Harry was very familiar with where this place was. Just when he was about to remind Kyle that the Room of Requirement was broken down and no one could get in, he saw Kyle take out a strange-shaped door knocker and stick it on the wall.

The next second, a door suddenly appeared on the wall.

Room of Requirement?

Harry was dumbfounded and stared at the scene in front of him, speechless.

What's going on? Does the Room of Requirement now require a key?

Never heard of it.

In addition, where should this key be matched? He also wanted to get one.

It wasn't until everyone else entered the door that Harry realized what was happening and quickly followed him in.

Then Harry was shocked again.

He felt like he had entered another Hogwarts, everything was so familiar.

"Is this the memory of Rowena Ravenclaw?" Dumbledore looked at the students coming and going in front of him, a little surprised, "It's amazing."

And from his words, Harry also captured some key information.

Whose memory?

Rowena Ravenclaw? !

Could it be that this place is the same as the pensieve in the principal's office?

Harry couldn't help but reach out and touch the wall next to him. It felt cold to the touch. It was true.

He tentatively came to a person who looked like a student, but the person passed through his body like a ghost.

But he didn't look like a ghost at all. After all, no ghost could walk on its legs. They were all floating, and there was no color on his body other than pearly white.

"Newcomer, keep an eye on yourself as you walk." The man turned his head and said dissatisfiedly.

"I'm sorry." Harry apologized subconsciously.

So this is really a memory?

He couldn't believe it. When he experienced the memories in the pensieve before, no one could see him, let alone communicate with him.

But when he saw Dumbledore's surprised expression, Harry was relieved.

Fortunately, he is not the only one who has never seen the world.

But Kyle next to him was very calm, as if he already knew.

"You can take a stroll around." Kyle came over and said, "There are classrooms upstairs and professors giving classes. They are all courses from thousands of years ago. You can go and listen."

Harry nodded and left.

However, he did not go to the classroom, but wandered around the castle curiously like he did when he first entered the first grade.

He went to the Gryffindor common room, but there was not the familiar fat lady there, but another painting, a tall knight holding a two-handed sword.

Because Harry didn't know the password, the knight refused to let him in.

There was no other way, Harry could only leave and go somewhere else.

For some unknown reason, he came to the corridor where the Room of Requirement was.

Harry looked at the empty wall, closed his eyes and started pacing back and forth:

"I need a broom closet...I need a broom closet...I need a broom closet."

He walked back and forth in front of that empty wall three times, but when he opened his eyes, he didn't see the door.

Also...this is the Room of Requirement. How could there be another Room of Requirement?

Harry shook his head and left.

At the same time, Dumbledore also came to the place he was interested in.

About three hours later, maybe longer, the three of them returned to the foyer, ready to leave.

"Harry, how do you feel? Do you understand?" Kyle asked.

Harry's face suddenly stiffened.

"Alright, okay." He said hesitantly.

He didn't go to those classrooms at all... You can't say that. It should be said that he stayed for ten minutes, but couldn't understand anything, so he went out again.

Because of this, the professor got angry and scolded him.

Harry had never thought that memories could become so real, so he subconsciously regarded this place as a pensieve. He could do whatever he wanted without anyone noticing, including leaving suddenly in the middle of class.

So when the book that was thrown passed through his head, Harry's legs felt weak. He never went to those classrooms again, but spent the whole morning walking around here carefully.

But looking at his guilty look, Kyle could probably guess what was going on, so he nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He looked at Dumbledore.

"It's very interesting. This has solved some doubts that have troubled me for many years, such as how long those portraits have been in school. I have always been curious about this." Dumbledore said, "But there is one thing that is strange."


"I saw Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets and Hufflepuff in the kitchen, but I didn't find Gryffindor."

Dumbledore asked: "He doesn't seem to be in this castle, but if I remember correctly, Gryffindor seems to be the most active one among the four giants, and he also served as a professor for a period of time, personally Give lessons to students.”

"This..." Kyle opened his mouth.

He couldn't tell Dumbledore that Godric Gryffindor had been wiped from Ravenclaw's memory because of some unseemly behavior.

Dumbledore is also a graduate of Gryffindor House. Can he accept that the founder of the college is a pervert who likes to pick people's belts with a sword... um, weird?

For the sake of the reputation of the Big Four, Kyle said after hesitating for a moment: "Maybe he is not in school during this time."

"Really?" Dumbledore didn't think much about it.

When the three of them walked out of the Room of Requirement, the door on the wall immediately disappeared.

"I heard from Harry that you used his and Malfoy's magic to turn him into some kind of animal, and you learned it from here." Dumbledore asked.

Harry looked over too.

Before, Hermione said that Kyle saw this kind of curse from the library, but now it seems that this is obviously not the case.

"That's right." Kyle nodded and said, "In the Charms class on the second floor, Professor Lagore thought this was a very effective trick."

"This is no small trick." Dumbledore said with a smile, "If you face an enemy who doesn't understand runes, any of his magic will become your assistance, and the number of people will no longer be meaningful."

He turned his head and looked to the other side, wanting Harry to follow suit, but he stopped when he reached his lips.

Forget it, some things had to be forced, Harry was pretty good now, at least he was capable of fighting against most Death Eaters.

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