Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 762 The Rescued Death Eater

Even though it was very late now, at the professor's request, everyone left the common room and went to the auditorium.

Everyone gathered together and chattered about what had just happened.

Although each of them stayed in the common room according to the professor's request and did not see what happened in the castle with their own eyes, they were aware of the movements.

For example, Ravenclaw, who was relatively close to the tower, could clearly hear explosions and roars.

In addition, Gryffindor also saw the bright firelight outside through the window, as well as the Dark Mark floating above the castle.

Now, these messages are spreading among everyone at an incredible speed.

In addition, there are always a few well-informed people among the students, so in less than twenty minutes, the news of the Death Eaters' attack on Hogwarts spread throughout the entire auditorium.

Unprecedented panic enveloped everyone's heart,

Everyone thought that Hogwarts was the safest place before, but they never thought that one day Death Eaters would appear in this castle.

The only good thing is that no one was attacked this time. Only one Gryffindor accidentally fell down while going downstairs, and everyone else was safe.

After another five minutes, Neville limped into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table.

Everyone is here.

Dumbledore stopped talking to Fudge and strode to the teacher's desk, looking seriously at everyone in the audience.

"I'm sure some of you already know what I'm going to say...yes, just an hour ago, Death Eaters broke into this castle."

Immediately there was a buzz of discussion below.

"Please be quiet," Dumbledore shouted, barely able to cover the voices of so many people.

"But what I want to say is that all the Death Eaters have been driven away, and please rest assured that as long as I am still in school, this kind of thing will never happen again."

Under Dumbledore's comfort, the auditorium gradually became quiet and turned into a heart-wrenching silence.

"But I need to emphasize that the current situation is very tense. In order to ensure everyone's safety, the curfew time will be moved forward by two hours. After dinner, you are no longer allowed to move around at will."

Professor McGonagall next to her subconsciously straightened her body. She originally thought that this decision would arouse the dissatisfaction of many people, but unexpectedly, everyone seemed to accept it and willingly.

The auditorium was quiet, with no objection at all.

"Okay, a warm and comfortable bed is waiting for you. I know your top priority is to have a good rest and prepare for class tomorrow, so... Oh, I'm sorry, I have to wait a little longer."

Many people had already stood up, but they heard Dumbledore suddenly say: "Here, I would like to add one hundred points to Hufflepuff in recognition of Kyle's heroic performance in the Death Eater attack just now... …He saved my life, by the way.”

In an instant, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Kyle.

"Did you save Principal Dumbledore?" Connor asked in surprise, "Why didn't you tell me just now?"

"Do you think this is possible?" Kyle said calmly, "If a few Death Eaters can kill Dumbledore, then Voldemort, who has been hiding from him and dare not come out, doesn't matter. He might as well change his name to Puff Rong. Yes, or Bowtruckle will do."

I have to say that Kyle's words were very convincing, and Connor immediately reacted... Yes, that was Dumbledore.

"But if that's the case, why did the principal say that just now?"

"Who knows." Kyle said nonchalantly, "Maybe it's a bad taste that only old wizards have."

In any case, it is a good thing that Hufflepuff has one hundred more points. At least this year's Academy Cup will definitely be won.

In order not to be entangled by other people, under the gaze of countless eyes, Kyle pulled Kangna through the crowd, left the auditorium first, and returned to the common room.

At this time, the Hufflepuffs had already begun to celebrate that they had won the House Cup ahead of schedule.

It's hard to imagine that people who were worried a second ago became excited again just because of a college cup.

In addition, being woken up in the middle of the night will inevitably make you feel a little hungry, so some people spontaneously ran to the kitchen next door.

After a while, various cakes, biscuits, steaks, roast chicken, pudding drinks and other food were piled on the table.

Although Kyle didn't really agree with their behavior of popping champagne at halftime, it was rare for everyone to be in the mood, so he didn't say anything.

The only problem was that Kyle had to explain again and again that he didn't save Dumbledore and that it was all a joke on the part of the headmaster, but not many people believed it.

This strange banquet didn't end until early in the morning. There were still classes tomorrow. Some lower-grade students couldn't bear it any longer and returned to the dormitory first, and then others also left one after another.

Kyle originally thought that Dumbledore would ask him to go to the principal's office, but he did not receive any message until the banquet was over.

Kyle simply didn't wait any longer. After a brief wash, he climbed into bed and went to sleep.

The next day, the common room, which was a mess last night, had been cleaned up by the house elves.

Since the classes in the Room of Requirement were over, Kyle's leave note could no longer be used. He waited in the common room for a while, and then went to the auditorium with Connor to have breakfast.

Along the way, he could always hear people discussing what happened last night, until he entered the auditorium.

"Have you heard? The Death Eaters came back last night." A senior student said mysteriously.

"Really? How is it possible?" The witch opposite him looked unbelieving. "Principal Dumbledore and the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic were here last night. How dare the Death Eaters come back."

"Everything I said is true," the man said. "The Death Eaters came in the early morning. The principal must have fallen asleep at that time, so he didn't know."

"It's still wrong." The witch shook her head and said, "I heard that the professors had been patrolling the castle last night. It's impossible that no one noticed it."

"Who told you that Death Eaters came to the castle? They went to the school hospital."

"school clinic?"

"That's right." The man said, "I just came back from there, and even the principal went there. Can it be a lie?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore?"

"Otherwise, will the school have a second principal?"


"Stop it, if you still don't believe it. You can take a look at Professor Snape during class. He was injured by a Death Eater."

Soon, the two walked away, but their conversation caught Kyle's attention.

Death Eaters go and come back?

To be honest, Kyle didn't believe it.

There were only two Death Eaters who escaped yesterday. It's hard to say what happened to Oren and Kyle, but Antonin Dolohov would definitely not dare to come back.

He is missing a leg, and coming back at this time is no different from willingly committing suicide.

In addition, he doesn't look like the kind of person who is willing to sacrifice himself for his companions. If he were, he wouldn't have used Alecto to block the Fire Curse last night.

So after breakfast, Kyle was not in a hurry to go to class, but dropped by the school hospital to inquire about the situation.

There were many people who had the same idea as him, and the way to the school hospital was full of people, but no one could see what happened.

But Kyle didn't see Dumbledore here. Maybe he just left, or maybe the man saw it wrong and he didn't come at all.

But in the corner of the school hospital, there are two beds covered by thick curtains, and nothing can be seen from the outside...

Well, two beds?

Kyle, who made an excuse to get a pick-me-up, seemed to think of something and stopped suddenly.

If it was Alecto and Malfoy in the curtain, what about Snape? Where was Snape? Was he in it?

Alecto was a Death Eater and had a violent temper. As long as she was alive, even if she was injured, Dumbledore would never let her be alone in the school hospital.

But what about Snape...

Kyle subconsciously glanced at the direction of the curtain again.

Although the curtain is very thick, it can be seen from the gap exposed below that no one is standing inside.

This is very interesting. The curtains only cover two beds, corresponding to Alecto and Malfoy. As for Snape, who is responsible for looking after them, Alecto can't be lying together...

Um? Actually...it's not impossible.

"Don't look around!"

Just as he was thinking about it, Madam Pomfrey interrupted Kyle and impatiently put a bottle of refreshing potion into his hand.

"Today we are all people who are here to get a pick-me-up..." She looked at the people in line behind her and muttered: "Don't think that I don't know what you are planning, but I must remind you, put away your curiosity, don't do anything else. Ask them all.”

But apparently not many people listened to her words, and the queue was still very long.

In desperation, Madam Pomfrey simply kicked everyone out, and then moved a table outside the school hospital, and no one was allowed to enter again.

On the other side, Kyle, who had received the refreshing potion, had returned to the castle.

It was not difficult to infer from the available information that something must have happened in the school hospital last night, but he didn't know exactly what happened.


A voice interrupted Kyle's musings. He looked up and saw that it was Lupin and Tonks.

Lupine's arm was bandaged. He must have been injured last night. Tonks was supporting him beside him, which made Lupine look very uncomfortable.

"No really, Tonks, I just hit my arm, my leg is fine," he said.

But Tonks turned a deaf ear and didn't pay any attention to Kyle's gaze.

"Where are you going?" Kyle asked, pretending not to see Lupine's evasive gaze.

"School hospital." Tonks said, "The minister decided to take Alecto back to the Ministry of Magic. We are the Aurors accompanying this trip and need to check her condition in advance."

"Okay, then go ahead, I have to go back to class quickly." Kyle said, waved and walked past them.

Lupine looked at Kyle hesitantly, as if he wanted to ask something, but said nothing.

Harry had told Sirius what happened in the tower last night, and Sirius told him again.

So when he saw Kyle, Lupine subconsciously wanted to ask about the specific situation, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say.

The giant fire giant and the poisonous leopard were really beyond his imagination.

"It's okay, Remus." Tonks said next to him, "Kyle will definitely join the Order of the Phoenix after he graduates, so I'll ask you again then."

"That's right." Lu Ping nodded, and the two of them continued walking towards the school hospital.

After returning to the castle, Kyle came to the third floor to prepare for the first spells class. Everyone in the classroom seemed surprised by his arrival.

This was the first time they had seen Kyle in the classroom in two months.

However, Professor Flitwick was very calm. He waved his hand to signal everyone to keep quiet.

"Water Control Spell!" He said loudly: "This is a very important spell. Although it is not difficult, it tests the wizard's comprehensive ability. It is also the spell that appears most frequently in N.E.W.T., and I suggest you master it proficiently.

"Everyone remember the incantation. The water is as clear as a spring. Don't forget it."

Professor Flitwick stood on a podium made of stacked books and loudly spoke about the precautions for the water-making spell, but few people around him listened. The water-making spell was a magic spell for sixth grade students, and they had learned it long ago.

In fact, since seventh grade, especially in the second half of the semester after Christmas, because the N.E.W.T. exam is approaching, professors basically focus on review and will not teach anything new.

While Professor Flitwick was speaking, everyone around him was talking about topics of interest to him, and the buzz in the classroom never stopped.

"You know what? Draco Malfoy is on leave."

There were two Slytherin students sitting behind Kyle, and he could clearly hear their conversation.

"What happened to him?" Another Slytherin said nonchalantly, "It couldn't be that he was attacked by Death Eaters."

"How is that possible? Don't forget that his father is..." The Slytherin who spoke first suddenly lowered his voice, and Kyle did not hear what he said next.

"In short, he is like a Death Eater himself, and he is a pure blood. How could he be attacked?"

"Then why did he take leave?"

"I don't know, maybe he was frightened." The man sneered, "Don't forget, he is Malfoy, the smartest person in the wizarding world. It is not surprising that he would ask for leave."

"But it's the Quidditch final soon. Without one main seeker, wouldn't we lose?"

"There's nothing we can do. He may have left school now, so there's no way we can drag him back. And we're too far behind, a full 600 points. Even if he doesn't ask for leave, we probably won't be able to win."

"Yeah." The other one sighed, "Why don't we Slytherins have Firebolts..."

Soon, the conversation between the two turned to Quidditch, and Kyle stopped listening.

He didn't find it strange that Malfoy asked for leave. After all, he had exposed his identity when he was in the tower last night...


Kyle suddenly frowned.

He thought of the possibility that the Death Eaters might be targeting Malfoy when they attacked the school hospital in the early morning.

A picture appeared in Kyle's mind. Late at night, a masked wizard broke into the school hospital and tried to rescue Malfoy in the bed. Snape struggled to resist, but in the end he was injured due to lack of strength, and the other party succeeded.

At the same time, this can also explain why there are only two beds behind the curtain in the school hospital.

As for who this masked wizard is, there is no telling. It may be a Death Eater, it may be the real Snape, or even Dumbledore.

Kyle tapped his fingers on the table.

Malfoy has been exposed, both Dumbledore and Voldemort know this, and this is the only way to save him at the moment.

After all, no matter how generous Dumbledore was, he would certainly not be able to allow someone who let Death Eaters into Hogwarts to remain in the school.

Even if his heart is bigger than the Black Lake, he really doesn't care, what about Voldemort.

The Death Eaters suffered heavy losses this time. If Malfoy was not punished in any way, the suspicious Voldemort must have felt that he had betrayed him and revealed the news to Dumbledore in advance.

For Voldemort, he didn't need evidence, just a suspicion, and Malfoy was dead... He was now in the sixth grade and could not hide in Hogwarts forever.

Being rescued from Hogwarts was undoubtedly the best outcome, and with Snape, an apparent Death Eater, taking action, everything seemed reasonable.

More importantly, when they met Lupine and Tonks outside, they only said they were sending Alecto to the Ministry of Magic, and did not mention Malfoy at all.

"Tsk, tsk." Kyle couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"What's wrong?" Kangna next to her asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing." Kyle said, "I just think Dumbledore is really having a hard time."

"Indeed." Kangna nodded without doubting that he was there, "I saw the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic when I came to class just now. They looked very anxious. They must have not rested all night."

"It's normal. With such a big thing happening, they can't sleep even if they want to."

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