Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 765 Six consecutive championships

"Have you heard? Malfoy was picked up!"

In the Gryffindor common room, Harry pushed open the door and broke in. As if he had discovered some treasure, he found Hermione and Ron doing homework with excitement on his face.

"What did you say?" They both raised their heads at the same time and asked.

"Malfoy was picked up from school. He dropped out," Harry said again. "I just met the Slytherin team and they are selecting a new Seeker."

"This is impossible." Hermione lowered her head again, flipped through the "Advanced Transfiguration Guide" at hand, and said: "There is no reason why Malfoy dropped out of school."

"Does this need to be said? The things he did must have been discovered."

Ron looked as excited as Harry, "I have been wondering why the Death Eaters can come to the school quietly. Someone must be helping them, and this person is probably Malfoy!"

Harry applauded Ron wildly in his mind.

Because he promised Dumbledore that he couldn't tell anyone what happened in the tower before, but he didn't expect Ron to guess it.

"Yes, I think so too." Harry said decisively, "Now that the school is preparing to settle accounts after the fall, he has to run away. I really should have told the professors earlier and asked them to keep an eye on Malfoy."

"It doesn't matter, at least we don't have to see him anymore." Ron said happily, "I can't imagine how great Hogwarts would be without Malfoy."

"is that so?"

Hermione was still a little skeptical, but seeing Harry and Ron cheering as if it was Christmas early, she didn't say anything else.

Whether it was Malfoy who put Death Eaters into the school or not, it was not an issue they should consider.

In school, Malfoy's dropping out of school also did not attract much attention at Hogwarts, because he was not the only one who did this.

Ever since the news about Death Eaters breaking into Hogwarts spread, many parents came over and picked up their children.

Even Hufflepuff has such a person, the Quidditch match commentator Zachary Smith, who followed his arrogant father out of the castle during breakfast.

The professors did not stop this.

They have had too much to do recently, not only to strengthen the castle defenses, but also to patrol around Hogsmeade and prepare for the upcoming exams. They have not stopped since they opened their eyes every day.

Therefore, for those parents who do not trust the school, they can only choose to respect the other party's decision.

Of course, there are also some more assertive students who convinced their parents and insisted on staying in school.

"Only fools would leave school at this time."

When Zachary Smith and his father passed by the foyer, MacMillan, who was eating, suddenly said loudly: "Those smug fools, they don't think there is a safer place than Hogwarts outside!"

Zachary Smith is the only Hufflepuff student to leave school.

Half an hour ago, while chatting with Seamus of Gryffindor, MacMillan vowed that no one from Hufflepuff would leave school.

This situation is undoubtedly a slap in his face, and the sound is crisp. McMillan will naturally not be happy.

But the father and son outside the door seemed not to have heard and strode over anyway.

Unlike MacMillan who gritted his teeth, Harry and Ron almost jumped for joy.

First Malfoy, and now their most hated Quidditch commentator Zachary has also left the school, which is a double blessing.

Harry even thanked the Death Eaters in his heart. After this attack, all the bad elements in the school seemed to disappear.

The only pity is that they have also reached the end of the term.

"It would be great if it stays like this next semester." Harry was looking forward to it in his heart.

As if to match his mood, the weather in June was sunny and wonderful, and even the wind blowing in had a faint fragrance.

Harry and Ron would lie by the window when they had nothing to do, enjoying the breeze while flipping through books to prepare for the upcoming exam.

It wasn't until Hermione told them that the smell was the smell produced by the fermentation of Moon Crazy Beast fertilizer that the two of them closed the window with livid faces.

"Hermione, you should have told us earlier!" Ron muttered.

"If you would be more serious in your Herbology class, you wouldn't need to remind me!" Hermione said without raising her head.

Harry's good mood lasted until the first weekend of June.

It was the day of the Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, and it was also the Quidditch final.

They had just finished their last game half a month ago. Their opponent was also Ravenclaw. Although Harry was missing the seeker, they still won with Ginny's outstanding performance and won with the total score. The advantage of 660 points is temporarily ranked first.

The second place Hufflepuff is 500 points.

In other words, if Hufflepuff fails to score 160 points in this game, they will win the first Quidditch Cup in ten years.

Early in the morning, almost all Gryffindors came to the court, waiting for the game to start.

Professor McGonagall also came. When people saw her in the stands, they felt it was incredible. After all, she didn't come to the Gryffindor game half a month ago, but she came today.

Of course, it could also be that Professor McGonagall was too busy half a month ago and couldn't spare time to watch the game.

Harry and the others came to the stands and sat down, waiting for the game to start.

"Hermione, can't you put the book down?" Ron couldn't help but said, "How can you still read it under such circumstances?"

"Why not." Hermione calmly turned the page.

"This game is related to whether we can win the Quidditch Cup!" Ron said, "We haven't won it in more than ten years."

"Compared with the Quidditch Cup, I think you should be more concerned about the final exam in a week's time."

"I know, but these are two different things, we..."

Ron wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by a deafening cheer.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw everyone in the Hufflepuff audience standing up excitedly.

Then he knew why.

Kyle appeared in the starting lineup, and judging from his position, he should have returned to his old profession as a chaser.

"Oh, crap!" Ron covered his forehead, "Didn't Kyle take leave? Why is he still participating in the game?"

"Don't you know by now?" Hermione raised her head and glanced at him, "Kyle has started taking classes again since the last Death Eater attack."

At this time, Ms. Huo Qi blew the whistle in her hand and the game began.

"It's okay." Harry said next to him, not knowing whether he was comforting Ron or himself.

"Quidditch is not a one-person game. Even Kyle can't guarantee that he will beat Ravenclaw..."

"Goal scored."

Harry's voice was drowned out by the new narrator's screams.

"Kyle scored the first goal right after the game started and the Ravenclaw goalkeeper didn't react at all.

"10:0, Hufflepuff leads!"

Deafening cheers erupted from the stands again, and several Hufflepuff fans even danced in the stands.

They haven't seen this kind of devastating attack for more than a year.

"It doesn't matter..." Harry's voice was dry, "It's only one goal, and we are still 150 points ahead."

five minutes later……

"It's okay, just three balls."

"We're still a hundred points ahead."

"It doesn't matter, Gryffindor still has a fifty-point advantage."

Twenty minutes later...

"It's okay. It's just a tie now. Maybe Qiu will catch the Golden Snitch soon."

Harry's voice became softer and softer, and his expression became duller and duller.

When Kyle made another long shot and threw the Quaffle into the goal post, Harry's hanging heart finally died.

The entire Gryffindor stand was silent.

"It's okay..." Harry said with difficulty, "We still have a chance next year. I mean, Kyle will graduate next year, right?"

Ron didn't answer. He seemed to have had all his strength taken away from him and sat there with his head hanging down.

Hermione shook her head and continued reading the book in her hand.

Ever since she saw Kyle in the player team, she had thought of this outcome.

Facts also proved that she was right, only Ron and Harry were unwilling to accept it.

After half an hour, the game was over.

Qiu relied on his rich experience and caught the Golden Snitch first with a two-inch advantage, but Kyle scored too many goals. Twenty-eight goals in one game, almost one every minute, directly broke the school record.

By the way, the last scoring record was also Kyle's.

So even if Ravenclaw adds 150 points, the score is still far behind.

When the audience left, Harry didn't even dare to look into Professor McGonagall's eyes and kept his head lowered.

"Don't think so much." Hermione rarely put down the book in her hand, patted his shoulder and comforted him: "As you said before, there will be a chance next year, and Kyle will graduate by then."

Somehow, even though Hermione was right, and even Harry thought so, he felt even more uncomfortable.

"You can think about it from another perspective," Hermione continued.

"Change the angle?" Harry looked at her doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

"The exams are coming soon." Hermione said softly, "I heard Professor McGonagall say that most people's final exam scores in sixth grade are basically the same as the certificate they received when they graduated. If there is any If you fail a course, you will most likely not get the certificate.

"The exam is less than a week away, so are you ready?"

"Thank you, Hermione," Harry said with a grimace.

Well, compared to the upcoming exams, just missing out on the Quidditch championship seems like nothing.

After all, his dream is to become an Auror after graduation. As we all know, Aurors have very strict requirements for grades, and even one of several key certificates will not be enough.

"It doesn't matter, this is what I should do, and it is considered the obligation of a friend." Hermione smiled slightly and walked into the castle.

At the same time, the Hufflepuffs who had won the victory had also begun to celebrate. In the common room, Mikel was holding a trophy made of cake, shouting and jumping on the table to celebrate their sixth consecutive Quidditch championship trophy.

Of course, we may also include the Academy Cup for seven consecutive years. After all, the Quidditch champion team will also add a lot of points. In addition to the 100 points scored by Kele before, they are already ahead of the second place team. Ravenclaw has over 200 points.

At this moment, not even Voldemort could stop their good mood.

The carnival lasted until late at night, and Kyle finally got out of the crowd and sat down on an armchair in the corner.

Connor handed him a bottle of butterbeer.

"Thank you." Kyle took it and took a sip. "They were absolutely crazy. The party lasted for three hours."

"It's understandable." Connor said with a smile. "After all, Hufflepuff has never shown her face like this, and everyone is quite depressed during this time. It's good to have something worth celebrating."

Kyle nodded and took another sip of butterbeer.

"What are your plans next?"

"Waiting for the exam." Kyle said.

"I mean what are your plans after graduation, what kind of job are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Kyle shrugged, "For now, I plan to go to Diagon Alley to have a look, remember? Sirius gave me a shop before, and it's not good to always have it empty."

"You want to open a store?"

"I just have this idea temporarily." Kyle said, "But it's hard to say what to do specifically. After all, there are Death Eaters and Voldemort outside. No matter what we do, we must solve this problem first."

"So, you will join that...Order of the Phoenix, that's the name."

Kyle didn't answer immediately.

"I'm really not sure." He thought for a while and said, "There is one thing that I still can't figure out. Professor Dumbledore has not sent me a formal invitation until now, and I don't know what he thinks. "

"But didn't you take me to their base camp before?"

"That's different." Kyle shook his head, "Fred and George told me that before they graduated, they signed a very formal magic contract, which was also a formal certificate for joining the Order of the Phoenix.

"According to them, that contract can create a connection between them and other members of the Order of the Phoenix, allowing them to vaguely sense each other's location. It should be used to facilitate support."

"Is there still such a thing?" Connor asked. She always thought that Kyle was already a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

"I'm not sure, I can't rule out that it's a prank by Fred and George." Kyle said, "But Professor Dumbledore has never mentioned this to me."

"By the way, why do you suddenly ask this?"

"No, it's nothing." Kangna said, "I'm just a little curious."

"What about you, what are you going to do after graduation?"

"Professor Snape bought a potions shop in Paris." Connor whispered. "He wanted me to go there and open the shop."

"That's good." Kyle thought thoughtfully and said, "The potion shop is quite profitable, and in Paris, I know quite a few people. Even if I encounter any problems, I can solve them."

Kyle was talking about Madam Maxime. As the principal of Beauxbatons, she still has great energy in France.

If you really encounter any trouble, it will definitely be no problem to find her.

"Is that what you think?" Connor asked looking at Kyle.

Kyle looked her in the eyes and nodded.

On this matter, he and Snape rarely had the same ideas.

Although Connor is very good, and can even be said to be very good, her results in the entire Hufflepuff are second only to Kyle and Cedric, and she even got eight certificates in last year's O.W.L.

It's not that there can't be more, but she took a total of eight courses, and her grades were all excellent.

But the enemy is Voldemort after all, and no matter how good her grades are, Kangna is only seventeen years old. When the day of the decisive battle comes, no one knows what will happen. The safest way is to stay away from the battlefield.

France is a nice place, not too far or too close, and there are many acquaintances there. Even if the Death Eaters' influence reaches somewhere one day, there won't be even a single person to help.


Without anger or any feeling of dissatisfaction, Kangna agreed.

This was so true that Kyle didn't expect that under normal circumstances, shouldn't Kangna be angry because she was underestimated?

Why is this reaction? It's too calm, so calm that it's a bit abnormal.

"Aren't you angry?" Kyle asked tentatively.

"Why should I be angry?" Kangna looked at Kyle with a smile and asked: "Or do you think I should turn around and leave, or clamor to stay here... If that's the case, I can actually satisfy you. of."

As she spoke, Kangna cleared her throat and raised her hand to slap it on the table.

"No, that's fine, really." Kyle stopped her quickly.

No matter what, it's good that Kangna isn't angry. It would be troublesome if she really started to argue.

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