Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 769 Black Forest (there will be another chapter in the afternoon)

In a jungle with dense trees, under the moonlight, the leaves on the top layer seemed to be coated with a layer of silvery brilliance. However, because the branches and leaves were too lush, they blocked all the moonlight. The trunk of the tree was dark with only sporadic branches. A light the size of a coin loomed in the breeze.

This is also the origin of the name Black Forest.

And not only at night, even during the day it seems very dark here.

However, this night, a rustling sound suddenly came from the silent black forest, as if someone was stepping on the thick fallen leaves, and then trampled on the dead branches.

This sudden noise disturbed some birds and small animals that haunted the night, and they all came out of their hiding places and ran to other hiding places where they felt safe... The silent black forest suddenly became alive for a short time.

"It's really hard to walk here." Kyle couldn't help complaining as he pulled his feet out of the soft pile of leaves.

"It's always been like this. Once you get used to it, you won't fall into it again." Newt's voice came from next to him.

He seemed to know the black forest very well. He could walk on clean and solid ground every time and move nimbly between the trees.

Unlike Kyle, not only did he get his feet stuck in the leaves after taking two steps, but he almost hit a tree several times.

"I don't like it here!" Kyle sighed.

"Most wizards don't like it," Newt said. "The dense trees here will have a great impact on the accuracy of the spell. The threat of the spell is weakened to a minimum, and it will be useless even if there are more people. But. It is precisely because of this that this place has become a favorite base camp for some dark creatures.”

"So, are there really werewolves here?" Kyle asked.

"Not only are there, but there are many." Newt said, "Because it is safe enough. Unless the wizard is willing to make great efforts to shovel all these trees, no one can catch up with the werewolves here. Slowly, the Black Forest has become The headquarters of the werewolf."

While talking, Newt seemed to have stepped on something. He slowly squatted down and picked up a bone of an unknown animal from the leaves.

The bones were not big and seemed to belong to a hare or some kind of bird.

Newt wiped away the dirt on the outside, revealing the bite marks inside.

"Oh, look at this, these are the teeth marks left by the werewolf," Newt said.

Kyle also moved closer.

But the surroundings were too dark, and Newt was not allowed to use the lighting spell. He could only barely see that there were indeed bite marks on it, nothing more.

"Are you sure it's a werewolf?" Kyle asked, "Is it possible it's some other animal?"

"No." Newt shook his head, "These are the teeth marks left by werewolves before they transformed. They are completely different from animals. It seems that we have already entered their hunting range."

Newt dropped the bone in his hand. He raised his head cautiously and looked around.

Kyle also became excited immediately.

It has been almost a week since I came to the Black Forest, and now I have finally gained something.

It all started half a month ago.

About two weeks after Kyle returned to Grimmauld Place, they received news that Lupine was rushed to St. Mungo's because of serious injuries.

And the initiator is the werewolf.

Everyone knows that there are werewolves among the Death Eaters. Ever since Fenrir Greyback was captured in a car accident at Hogwarts, there have been several major disagreements among the werewolves.

Later, some of the werewolves chose to leave and withdraw from the war due to Lupine's persistent lobbying, while the other more extreme and cruel group united, seriously injured Lupine and escaped, completely surrendering to Voldemort.

Recently, they appear every full moon night, either in villages where wizards live or on Muggle streets. These werewolves will attack everyone they see indiscriminately.

Their strong bodies and thick fur allow them to ignore most magic. Sometimes, more than a dozen wizards will be caught or bitten by them in a night.

If they were Muggles, the number would be even higher.

Moreover, these werewolves are very cunning. They only move on full-moon nights, and their appearance is completely random. The people from the Order of the Phoenix tried to ambush them in advance but failed.

Perhaps for revenge, half a month ago, these werewolves planned a sneak attack on Lupine, who they considered a werewolf traitor.

If Tonks hadn't sensed something was wrong and rushed over with people in time, Lupine might not even have a chance to be sent to St. Mungo's.

Kyle still remembers what Lupine looked like when he saw him at St. Mungo's...he was covered in bandages, and there was even an obvious dent in his shoulder, obviously from a bite.

Sirius was so angry that he wanted to seek revenge from the werewolf, but was stopped by everyone.

Because Sirius is only one person, even if his Animagus form is not afraid of werewolves' claws and bites, he cannot withstand large numbers.

Not to mention that the Animagus form cannot use magic, not even a real werewolf like Lupine. A dog trying to deal with them is basically equivalent to wishful thinking.

But just as everyone was arguing about how to take revenge on Lupine, what everyone didn't expect was that Newt suddenly came.

When he slowly opened the door to No. 12 Grimmauld Place, everyone in the room was startled. Fortunately, Mrs. Weasley had met Newt at King's Cross Station last year, so nothing happened. joke.

The famous Newt Scamander, everyone is curious about why this legendary wizard who has disappeared for a long time suddenly comes here.

Until Newt revealed his purpose...to bring someone to solve the werewolf problem.

Before he could finish speaking, Sirius was the first to jump out and wanted to go with him, but his request was politely rejected by Newt.

It was really tactful. As a sociopath, Newt had little experience in rejecting others and could only hesitantly say that he was not suitable.

Sirius was naturally dissatisfied at first. He believed that his Animagus was fully capable of playing a role and he was also the most suitable candidate present.

Fortunately, other people knew this well and stepped forward to persuade Sirius, saying that he should stay at St. Mungo's to take care of Lupin.

Anyone with any brains would know who Newt was looking for... After all, except for Kyle, no one in the Order of the Phoenix was familiar with Newt, and no one had even seen him before.

And this is indeed the case, Newt came to find Kyle.

In his words, when Chris graduated, he started running around to solve the werewolf threat. Now that Kyle has graduated, this job naturally fell on his head.

To a certain extent, this can be considered a family inheritance.

So Kyle followed Newt to the Black Forest and looked for traces of werewolves.

I have to say, this process is really boring.

"Should we keep looking?"

Kyle raised his head and looked around, "How about we make some noise to attract the werewolf. I also have cows and sheep in my box. The werewolf should like it, as long as we stay by..."

"There are never cows in the Black Forest, Kyle."

Newt shook his head and said, "Werewolves are still wizards at their core. They are not so stupid that they can't even identify this most basic trap."

"What about rabbits?" Kyle continued: "Before I graduated, I specially brought many different animals from the Forbidden Forest, including rabbits."

"The rabbits here and those in the Forbidden Forest are completely different species."

Newt continued to shake his head. "Kyle, you have to be more patient. Because of the living environment and instinct, werewolves are more vigilant than ordinary wizards. Once they notice any abnormality, our previous efforts will be in vain, so we must not be anxious.

"Your father is much better than you at this point. When we were looking for a group of vampires who had taken refuge with the mysterious man, we stayed in the Cambria Mountains for three full months. During this period, he was always very patient."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Kyle sighed quietly. "I don't like it here, not at all."

The trees in the Black Forest are so dense that when you look down from a height, you can only see leaves and nothing else.

Otherwise, he could completely fly up on Norbert, and at the speed of the fire dragon, he would probably be able to find the werewolf within a day.

But this approach is definitely not feasible now.

Kyle sighed again, tried to calm down, and continued walking with Newt.

Another few days passed.

Like Newt said, it was a patient job, and apart from a few other bones, they found nothing, not even a single wolf hair.

Keldu suspected that there was something wrong with Newt's intelligence, and wanted to speak several times, but finally held back.

At the same time, Newt also noticed the change in Kyle's mood, but he said nothing.

Kyle has very few shortcomings. If anything, impatience is definitely one of them.

It's not that Kyle has an impatient personality, on the contrary, Kyle is actually very calm in some things, such as guiding Fudge and making him believe that Voldemort is back.

Regardless of whether Fudge really believed it or for some other reason, the Ministry of Magic did release the news before Voldemort became stronger, allowing everyone to prepare in advance.

What Newt thinks of as "impatience" refers to things other than specific actions, such as looking for traces of the enemy.

Probably because of different experiences, or maybe because of the bad habits he learned from Dumbledore, Kyle preferred to face his opponents head-on.

He prefers to spend his time focusing on strategies against his enemies rather than aimlessly searching for targets.

But in a real war, not all enemies will stand there stupidly. Most of them will hide in the dark like werewolves, and only come out to cause trouble at critical moments.

This is also the biggest headache for Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix, so finding them is also a very important task.

A large part of the reason why Newt brought Kyle out this time was to take this opportunity to exercise his shortcomings.

It is for this reason that Newt is not in a hurry. Anyway, there is still some time before the next full moon night, so they can take their time to find it.

The two of them found night from day to night in the vast black forest, and then found day from night. Sunlight penetrated into the forest through the gaps between the leaves, leaving behind bright beams of light, which looked mysterious and beautiful.

Unfortunately, no one appreciated this scene. Kyle, who was gradually becoming irritable, was in sharp contrast to the calm Newt next to him. He habitually kicked the fallen leaves. When he was about to say something, one of them looked like a mantis. The little thing suddenly jumped down from the tree next to him and jumped onto his shoulder.

It was a Bowtruckle.

The Black Forest, like the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, is a place frequented by magical creatures. It is not surprising that there is a Bowtruckle.

The little guy leaned close to Kyle's ear, opened and closed his mouth, and seemed to be saying something. But its voice was so quiet that Newt didn't even hear it, so he subconsciously looked at Kyle.

Kyle was stunned at first, and then his expression became serious.

"In a cave, footprints... wizards... firelight at night... are you sure?"

The Bowtruckle said something else, and Kyle suddenly became excited.

"Where is it! Take me there!"

Then he looked at Newt again.

"We found the werewolf, follow us."

After saying that, the Bowtruckle jumped onto a tree on their left with its short legs, and Kyle hurriedly followed.

To be honest, Newt is still a little confused.

It is not difficult to judge from Kyle's words just now that the place where the werewolf is hiding seems to have been found.

But can the Bowtruckle still be used like this? Newt always felt a little unreal, and he followed with doubt.

The two of them shuttled through the bushes, and during this time they encountered more Bowtruckles. The little guys seemed to be waiting for them on purpose, and they followed Kyle one after another after seeing him.

The Black Forest was very large, and when they finally stopped, it was already half a day later.

From a distance, Kyle smelled a very strange smell, as if something was burnt.

In front of them was a well-hidden cave. Not only was the mountain covered with lush trees, but even the entrance of the cave was covered with vines. If you don't look carefully, I'm afraid it would be difficult to notice it even if you pass by.

Newt came to Kyle quietly. He just glanced at it and was 100% sure that there were traces of people living here.

As for whether it was a werewolf... Newt felt that apart from them, no one would be bored enough to come to such a place to camp.

"How did you do it?" He subconsciously looked at Kyle and asked incredulously.

"Through the Bowtruckles." Kyle lowered his voice and said, "This is their territory."

"I mean, when did you find so many Bowtruckles?" Newt turned his head and looked behind him.

There were at least a hundred Bowtruckles perched on a branch. From a distance, it looked like a piece of moss covered the branch. They had followed all the way.

Newt felt that he was still very alert and slept very lightly. Kyle couldn't have developed so many spies without telling him.

"Oh, it was when I was on guard a few days ago." Kyle said casually, "I was bored at that time, so I thought about whether I could find more helpers to find werewolves together."

"Did you find all these at that time?" Newt pointed to the row of Bowtruckles on the branches behind him and asked.

"What the hell?" Kyle turned his head subconsciously and took a look, and was startled.

"No." He shook his head repeatedly. "There was only one in front of me at that time. I saw that it was very brave and not very shy, so I talked to it for a few more words... As for why there are so many now."

Kelly paused for a moment before continuing, "Maybe it asked for help."

In fact, not only Newt, but even Kyle himself felt a little incredible. He really just said it casually at that time. He didn't expect that the Bowtruckle actually helped him find the trace of the werewolf, and it was so far away.

But Newt obviously didn't think so.

He stared at Kyle and suddenly smacked his lips, "Sometimes, I really envy your magical talent."

Letting the Bowtruckle help is equivalent to directly expanding the team of two people to hundreds of people. More importantly, these spies are still very concealed.

Especially in a place like the Black Forest...Who would doubt a Bowtruckle that can be seen everywhere? Even Newt himself would not doubt it.

It is completely reasonable for such magical animals to appear in the forest. It would be strange if we couldn't see them.

However, this method only works for Kyle, who can communicate freely with magical animals. Others can't understand what these little guys say, including himself.

He can only roughly guess what they mean based on the actions of the Bowtruckles.

Subconsciously, Newt thought of Chris again.

If Chris could find Bowtruckles to help like Kyle when they were looking for vampires in the Cumbria Mountains more than a decade ago, they wouldn't have to stay there for several months.

Chris is really a fool who doesn't know how to adapt to this convenient ability but doesn't use it.

Why did he accept such a stupid student in the first place?

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