Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 776 The Death Eaters' True Goal

Kyle had always hoped that he was overthinking.

Because later on, news came that there were only two Death Eaters in Little Whinging and Privet Drive from the beginning, the two who were led away by Tonks... or they were not even Death Eaters.

After everyone left, Tonks returned to Privet Drive with a few Aurors and arrested them, and no Death Eaters came to help during the period.

Through interrogation, it was learned that they were still in Cornwall a few days ago, and later because they admired Voldemort, they wanted to join the Death Eaters.

And monitoring Harry Potter was the first task they received. In other words, these two people were simply two free cannon fodders. They knew nothing, and they didn't even know who to report to when they found something unexpected.

Because since they came to Privet Drive, no one has contacted them.

No wonder everyone was safe and sound, and the Death Eaters didn't go at all... Whether it was planning a route or using the portkey to return, it was a battle of wits and courage with the air.

Now it was not just Kyle, but everyone else also noticed something was wrong. The originally lively atmosphere suddenly became cold after Tonks finished speaking, and everyone was thinking about something.


"Isn't this good?"

Ron didn't care, and said happily: "It means that the false news we released worked. The mysterious man must think that we will not take Harry away until the 30th."

Mundungus nodded beside him and thought the same way. In his opinion, it was good to have no danger. Why bother about other things?

But except Mundungus, no one else responded to him.

Because almost everyone present had dealt with the Death Eaters, they knew very well that if Voldemort really wanted to attack Harry, it would be impossible for him to have no movement until now.

Even if they were deceived by the false news released in advance, they would react immediately in a short time.

After all, the Death Eaters are just bad, but not stupid.

It's been half an hour since the end of the operation. If their response ability was really so slow, they would have been captured by the Ministry of Magic and kept company with the Dementors.

"Anyway, Harry is safe, that's good." Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Mrs. Weasley said hurriedly.

She glanced at the time, "Oh my God, is it so late? I guess you are all hungry?"

Then she took everyone to the restaurant and prepared to use dinner to divert everyone's attention.

But before that, she had no intention of preparing dinner at all. If she made it now, the time was a bit tight, so she could only make some simple sandwiches.

But no one had much appetite. Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, Mad-Eye Moody and other adults sat there, drinking one glass of wine after another, with the same worry in their eyes.

Although nothing was said, Kyle knew what they were thinking.

... Dumbledore.

The Death Eaters gave up the operation here only because there were more important reasons, such as besieging Dumbledore who was alone.

Now Dumbledore was abroad, with almost no helpers, and it was also the best opportunity to kill him.

As long as he can be killed, Voldemort will have no opponent at all. He can walk sideways here when he makes a comeback. Whether it is controlling the Ministry of Magic or attacking Hogwarts, he no longer needs to worry about anything.

In this way, it seems that what will happen to Harry is really irrelevant.


To be honest, Kyle actually wants to help, but he has no idea where Dumbledore has gone, including Professor McGonagall and other people in the Order of the Phoenix.

The only thing to be thankful for now is that Dumbledore still has Fawkes with him.

The Phoenix can help Dumbledore resist the Killing Curse once, and can also take him away from the battlefield instantly in a critical moment. Even if he really can't beat him, escaping will definitely be no problem... I hope it's okay.

For some reason, Kyle suddenly thought of Nurmengard again...

He shook his head, picked up a sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth, trying to calm himself down.

If Voldemort really went to Nurmengard, there would be no need to worry. Grindelwald and Dumbledore would join forces and probably hang all the Death Eaters and Voldemort on the tower as decorations.

Thinking of this, Kyle took a deep breath and started to eat dinner.

But the others were still not in the mood. A bottle of Fire Whiskey was quickly drunk. Sirius was about to open the second bottle, but was stopped by Mr. Weasley. He shook his head and said, "Forget it, we need to stay awake."

Sirius had no choice but to give up.

What he said made sense. No matter what the Death Eaters' plan was, they had to stay awake to deal with what might happen at any time.

If they couldn't drink, they could only use drinks instead. Hot cocoa, pumpkin juice, milk and the like were all turned out.

Everyone sat at the dining table, but no one knew what they were waiting for. It might be Dumbledore, or it might be something else, but no one took the initiative to ask for news.

As time passed, some bad guesses pressed on their hearts like severe frost, and the coldness became more and more unbearable.

Until a frivolous voice came from behind them.

"You are really leisurely."

Phineas Black appeared on his portrait at some point and looked at everyone leisurely.

"Hurry up, is there any news?" Sirius asked anxiously.

From a long time ago, Phineas' portrait has been acting as an intelligence agent, passing the information obtained from Dumbledore to the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Is this your attitude towards your great-great-grandfather?" Phineas was very dissatisfied with Sirius' attitude and refused to speak with a stern face.

"Hurry up!" Sirius said impatiently, "Otherwise I will throw away your portrait. Even if you use the permanent sticking spell, I can also take down the whole wall. You know, I mean what I say."

"What a loser, how could the Black family produce such an alien like you!" Phineas's face became even uglier, but in order not to leave the ancestral house, he still said with a stern face:

"That Fudge, dead!"

The room fell into silence again, but I don't know if it was an illusion, Kyle always felt that several people showed a relieved expression, as if they were glad that it was not the news they imagined.

Only Hermione looked incredulous.

"Are you talking about the Minister of Magic?" She asked almost screaming.

"Why, wasn't I clear enough?" Phineas raised his eyebrows, "Then I'll say it again, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, was killed by Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic."

"Okay, shut up, we understand." Sirius interrupted him again,

Phineas looked at him with disgust, and then said in a mocking tone: "Just an hour ago, the Ministry of Magic was attacked by a large number of Death Eaters. With the help of an insider, they found Fudge hiding in the office and killed him.

"I thought you knew it a long time ago. "

No one paid attention to his tone.

An hour ago, wasn't it the time when they rescued Harry?

Now everything is clear.

The Death Eaters planned it from the beginning. They arranged two cannon fodders to come to Privet Drive, so that the people of the Order of the Phoenix would think that they wanted to attack Harry.

But in fact, their target was the Minister of Magic.

While everyone in the Order of the Phoenix was paying attention to Harry, they rushed into the unguarded Ministry of Magic and killed Fudge. It was a good plan.

Although Fudge was not a good person, his identity represented the Ministry of Magic. His death was undoubtedly a major blow to the magic world.

Not to mention that there were many other important people in the Ministry of Magic... the Department of Magical Transportation, which controlled the Floo Network, Apparition, and Portkeys, and the Department of Law Enforcement, which formulated the rules. It can be said that once the Ministry of Magic was in chaos, the entire magic world would be in chaos.

More importantly, the Ministry of Magic was also an important channel responsible for contacting foreign countries. If the news of Fudge's murder got out, they would lose face completely.

"Damn Death Eaters! "

Kingsley was the first to react. As an Auror, he felt a burning pain on his face, as if he was slapped by someone, and rushed out the door immediately.

Then Tonks, Moody, and Mr. Weasley also left.

They all thought that the Death Eaters disappeared to deal with Dumbledore, so no one wanted to be the first to know the news of Dumbledore's death in battle. They all waited here, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

"It doesn't matter." Mrs. Weasley pulled the corner of her mouth reluctantly and said to the rest of the people, "At least we know that the Death Eaters did not go to besiege Dumbledore, right?"

Yes, although the Death Eaters gave everyone a big and loud slap, fortunately it was not the worst result they imagined, which was why some people subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief just now.

"I'll go and see too." Kyle said.

He remembered that he was still nominally the assistant minister, and there was Cedric, who also worked in the Ministry of Magic, so he had to go and see.

"And me."

"I'll go too! "

Fred and George obviously thought of Cedric and followed him immediately.

"I want to go too." Harry said.

"No!" Mrs. Weasley grabbed him, "You'd better stay here, only here is safe enough."

Harry felt his stomach churning and was in a terrible mood. It was because of his safety that the Order of the Phoenix ignored the Ministry of Magic, which was attacked by Death Eaters.

He didn't know what happened or how many people died, but he couldn't do anything.

Harry rubbed his forehead, and the scar was stinging again. It hadn't hurt so much for a long time.

"And if the Death Eaters haven't left yet, I can help there..."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Mrs. Weasley hugged Harry tightly, as if to comfort him, and as if to comfort herself, "It's okay, your safety is just as important, they will be fine."

Soon, only he, Hermione, Ron and Ginny, who hadn't left yet, were left in the room. Mrs. Weasley was guarding the door to prevent them from sneaking out.

"I don't understand why Kyle can leave, but we can't! "Harry said angrily.

"I think Kyle has graduated." Hermione whispered.

"How about using the invisibility cloak." Ron suggested: "Mom will definitely not be watching all the time. As long as we put on the invisibility cloak, we can sneak out..."

"Don't even think about it!" Ginny glared at him, "If Harry is in danger in the Ministry of Magic, all our previous efforts will be in vain."

"Yes." Hermione said, "At least we have successfully rescued Harry now."

It's my own safety again...

Listening to their words, Harry felt even more uncomfortable in his stomach. The pumpkin juice he had just drunk seemed to have turned into countless fists, beating his stomach again and again.

At the same time, Kyle and the Weasley brothers, who had left No. 12 Grimmauld Place, ran quickly to another street in order not to expose their location here, and then used Apparition to come to the Ministry of Magic.

The telephone booth at the entrance had been overturned and smashed to pieces.

Fortunately, they were going to another entrance, an old record store.

This is the staff entrance of the Ministry of Magic, and there is a boss named Rod, who is also a wizard, but he is not in the store at the moment.

The few people didn't care and went straight to a cabinet.

Kyle stepped forward, "I am the senior assistant minister, and I need to go to the Ministry of Magic now."

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic." A cold female voice came from the record player next to it.

Then, the cabinet opened with a click, revealing the passage behind.

The three of them ran in immediately.

The hall of the Ministry of Magic was in chaos, with groans and cries for help everywhere. Several healers kept running around, treating the wounds for the wounded.

The golden statue that had just been repaired was broken again, and the golden fragments were scattered all over the floor.

"How is it, there is no Cedric here." Fred asked anxiously.

"No." Kyle said after looking around.

"It's okay." George said softly, "Maybe he is not here. After all, it was off-duty time an hour ago. Maybe he has gone home."

"Yeah." Fred nodded.

Although he said so, he knew in his heart that there were too many things that the Death Eaters had caused recently, and the Ministry of Magic had no so-called off-duty time.

Several people were silent for a while.

"The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is on the fourth floor." Fred suddenly said,


Without any extra words, Kyle and George immediately understood what he meant and turned to walk towards the elevator.

Fortunately, the elevator was still usable.

But because there were too many people, the place was already full of people, including healers and people who got the news and rushed here.

"We can't go this way, we have to change the way."

"Take the stairs." Kyle said.

But when they came to the stairs, they found that it was blocked by a huge rock that fell from the upper floor.

Several people were using blasting spells to try to blast a passage, but with little success.

"Get out of the way, don't block the way!"

Kyle took out his wand. He didn't use the blasting spell, but the Transfiguration spell, turning the boulder into a crup.

The crup ran to the side happily, and in an instant, the stairs were open.

"Can the Transfiguration spell be used like this?" Fred blinked and said.

"What else?" Kyle said, "This is better than using the blasting spell."

"Oh, that's amazing."

Just as the three of them ran up the stairs quickly, a voice suddenly came from behind, "But not everyone can transform such a big stone."

Kyle didn't even turn his head. Because he was worried about Cedric, he didn't pay attention to the person behind him.

But the other party was still chattering.

"It's really amazing that you can do this at your age. Why do I feel that you look familiar? Do you also work in the Ministry of Magic?"

"But if you ask me, my son can definitely do it. He is transporting the wounded now and insisted that I go to help somewhere else."

"Oh, by the way, are you two children of the Weasley family? How is Arthur?"

Hearing Mr. Weasley's name finally brought Kyle back to his senses. He suddenly realized that the other party's voice seemed a little familiar.

Kyle stopped abruptly and turned around to see a tall man with a short brown beard following them.

"Mr. Diggory?" Kyle looked at him in disbelief, "Why is it you?"

"Oh, Kyle." Amos Diggory was also surprised, "It turned out to be you, no wonder I always felt familiar with you just now."

Then he also recognized Fred and George, "Sure enough, when I saw your hair, I knew you were the Weasley children. How are Arthur and Chris, are they all okay?"

"They are all fine." Fred smacked his lips, "Mr. Diggory, where is Cedric..."

"Ced, he escorted some seriously injured people to St. Mungo's." Amos Diggory said, "You can see that we can only do some simple treatment here."

"Is he okay?" George asked.

"Ah, it's okay." Mr. Diggory waved his hand and said in a low voice: "Although it's a bit inappropriate to say this, when the Death Eaters attacked the Ministry of Magic, we were lucky to be at the Borg's house, dealing with his magically transformed animals."


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