Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 793 Dumbledore's New Nickname

Soon, Kyle returned to the room upstairs carrying twenty bottles of spirits.

"What is this?" Fred looked at the big package in Kyle's hand and asked doubtfully.

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"Good stuff. You should feel better if you drink it later." Kyle said.

After hearing this, Fred felt his stomach begin to churn again.

"If we have to go back now, can I be the last one in line?"

"I really don't want to Apparate again anytime soon."

"Don't worry, we'll use the portkey this time." Kyle took out the dirty glass.

Under his arrangement, everyone formed a circle to ensure that everyone had a finger to touch the cup.

As for the unconscious Tonks, they stayed here, and Nymphadora Tonks was responsible for sending them to the school hospital at Hogwarts for treatment.

Having just been attacked by Death Eaters, they did not dare to go to St. Mungo's with two wounded people, so the closer Hogwarts campus hospital became the best choice.

Members of the Order of the Phoenix had done this before when they were injured, and Madam Pomfrey had become accustomed to occasionally working overtime during holidays.

"My dear, it's enough for me to be alone here. You must go back with them." Tonks glanced at Lupine, kissed his cheek, and then turned to look at the others.

"Hurry up, George." She warned. At this time, a dazzling blue light appeared on the cup, and George hurriedly pressed his index finger on it.

As if there was an invisible hook behind the stomach that suddenly hooked forward, everyone's feet left the dirty floor and disappeared on the second floor of the Pig's Head Bar.

Kyle felt like the world was spinning for a while, and his fingers were tightly glued to the door key, but compared with the phoenix's disembodiment, this level could only be regarded as a merry-go-round in an amusement park.

A few seconds later, everyone's feet landed heavily on the ground, but no one fell down. Everyone landed smoothly.

Grimmauld Place number twelve has arrived.

Mrs. Weasley ran over excitedly and hugged Fred and George.

Chris also came, looking nervous. It wasn't until Kyle looked over that his expression became more relaxed.

Next to him were Mr. Weasley, Alastor, Kingsley and a man wearing a hood and cloak, who must have all received the message.

There are many wizards living in Godric's Hollow. If such a big thing happens there, someone will definitely tell the Ministry of Magic.

But Kyle didn't look at them, but turned his attention to the person whose appearance he couldn't see clearly.

To be honest, this man was dressed like a Death Eater. The only difference was that there were some symbols made of gold thread on the black cloak.

When Kyle went to the Ministry of Magic for interrogation, this style of clothing was the work clothes of the Department of Mysteries. His mother Diana was wearing this kind of robe at that time.

However, Kyle was certain that the person in front of him was definitely not Diana. Although he couldn't see his face, his height and body shape didn't match her.

"This is the Silent Man." Seeming to see Kyle's doubts, Chris took the initiative to explain: "Your mother is very worried about you, but for some reasons, she cannot leave the Department of Mysteries. The silent person who can contact the outside comes out to check the situation. "

"If that's the case..." Kyle nodded, and when he was about to say something, when he turned around, the silent man disappeared.

No sound was made, and no one knew how the other party disappeared, as if what they just saw was just a shadow.

"No need to make a fuss, they are always like this, mysterious." Chris said.

"What on earth is the Department of Mysteries busy with?" Kyle couldn't help but ask, "Can't you even come out?"

"I don't know." Chris shook his head and lowered his voice: "But I heard, just heard, that there are several doors in the Department of Mysteries. Whenever a major event occurs outside, such as a war, those doors will change. Very unstable."

"So what's in there?"

"I don't know." Chris blurted out: "No one knows except the silent man.

"And your mother never told me any of this, including what I just said. I heard it from others."



"Who are you talking about?" Kyle was stunned for a moment, thinking he heard wrongly.

"Xenophilius Lovegood." Chris said again, "Have you forgotten? Luna's father also lives in St. Catchpole Village. You have met him."

"Of course I haven't forgotten it." Kyle rubbed his forehead, and some of the thoughts he had just brewed disappeared in an instant.

"But didn't he also say before that the Department of Mysteries was specifically responsible for making poison for Fudge to help him deal with his opponents?"

"But now Fudge is no longer the Minister." Chris looked around and lowered his voice again. "And I think his statement is very reasonable. Remember? There are really some very mysterious things in the Department of Mysteries." Door."

"Yeah." Kyle laughed dryly.

Compared with poisoning Fudge to get rid of his opponent, this statement is really normal, and it can even be said that it is so normal that it doesn't look like something that should be in "The Quibbler".

To be honest, Kyle didn't know whether Xenophilius said this to Chris or it was new content he wrote in "The Quibbler".

If it was the latter, then Kyle could only say that Xenophilius had fallen. He gave up his consistent persistence and lofty ideals, and fell from the boundless clouds back to the solid ground.

How could such logical content appear in "The Quibbler"? How sad would its loyal readers be if they saw it? Wouldn't this cause trouble for St. Mungo's?

By the way, the best-selling place for "The Quibbler" is St. Mungo's, or to be more precise, the Department of Mental Magic Treatment and Comprehensive Recovery Research under the Department of Magical Injury of St. Mungo's.

Because the therapist accidentally discovered that reading "The Quibbler" can calm down wizards who have been injured by mental magic, and can also temporarily show the same thinking logic as normal wizards.

Although they don't know the principle, they still buy several sets of magazines every month, some for reading, some for research, and the rest for wall coverings.

It is said that the walls of several wards are covered with articles cut from The Quibbler intact.

Kyle is not sure about the effect, but there must be a reason why they can stick to this tradition for so long.

At the same time, Mrs. Weasley has brought everyone else into the house.

She looked very happy. No one was missing, and there were the same number of people as when they set out in the morning.

"Today is worth celebrating." She said with a smile: "I'll go prepare supper."

Mrs. Weasley went to the kitchen. Others wanted to help, but they were all driven out by her.

Based on Kyle's understanding of Mrs. Weasley, she probably wanted to find a place where no one was alone for a while.

What happened today was a bit too exciting for her. It can be said that except for Percy in St. Mungo's and Arthur who returned to the Ministry of Magic in advance, the rest of the Weasley family was at the wedding.

When she saw Bellatrix and the Death Eaters behind her, who were almost three times more than them, Mrs. Weasley felt that the sky had fallen.

If the Phoenix had not appeared in time to take them to a safe place, she couldn't imagine what would happen next.

She still hasn't recovered yet. Kyle noticed that her hands were shaking slightly.

The same thing happened to Mr. Weasley. After Kyle distributed the wine bought from the Hog's Head to everyone, he tried three times to pull out the cork.

For a while, no one spoke.

Even Fred and George, who were the most noisy, sat there quietly, each holding a bottle of wine in their hands, drinking it in big gulps, as if it was a potion that could stabilize their spirits, and also to suppress the dizziness that had not disappeared yet.

As for Ginny, who was younger, and Hermione, who didn't like drinking, Kyle made them a special drink, half a cup of water and half a cup of vinegar, plus the juice squeezed from three lemons with skin.

Because they didn't see the production process, they were quite happy when Kyle brought this thing to the two.

"What is this?" Ginny asked curiously.

"Special lemonade." Kyle tilted his head slightly, "According to my experience, the most effective way to relieve the dizziness caused by Apparition is to drink something with a strong sour taste, followed by strong liquor."

"Thank you." Hermione said.

"Well... you're welcome." Kyle said, "Try it."

"Can I have a glass of this too?" At this time, Ron suddenly said.

Although he has reached the age to drink, he really doesn't like the taste of whiskey and brandy. In comparison, lemonade is easier to accept.

"Of course, no problem." Kyle found a few smaller cups and divided some out, "Harry, do you want some?"

"Ah, no, thank you." Harry shook his head and said.

Although he doesn't like strong liquor, he also doesn't like sour things.

"Okay then." Kyle returned the lemonade to Ginny. Because it was too uncomfortable, she took it up and drank it without any hesitation.

The next second, a sour and bitter taste rushed straight to the top of her head along her tongue.

Ginny's facial features were all wrinkled together.

"Why, is it unpalatable?" Ron suddenly stopped the cup he had raised to his lips and asked suspiciously.

"No, it's not unpalatable at all, it's sweet." Ginny's face, which had been wrinkled just now, quickly opened up, and she tried to pretend to be nonchalant. In order to prove to Ron that she was not lying, she even took another sip.

"Then why are you so weird?" Ron did not doubt him, and decisively brought the cup to his mouth and took a big sip.


"Oh... so sour!" Ron's face also wrinkled, and his facial features were squeezed together, looking like a cabbage stepped on by a unicorn.

"Oh... why is it still so bitter!"

"Because of the lemon peel." Kyle tried not to laugh, "Drink it, it's okay, and it's good for you."

"Absolutely not." Ron shook his head firmly, "Ginny, you actually lied to me."

"What did I lie to you about?" Ginny glanced at him.

"You told me this stuff tastes good."

"It tastes good."

"Then take another sip." Ron said angrily, "I'll believe you if you take another sip."

"Why should I ask you to believe me." Ginny said calmly, "I feel much better now and don't want to drink anymore, is that okay?"

"You..." Ron became even more angry and his face turned red.

But what he didn't know was that Ginny's words were true. After taking a second sip of lemonade, she did feel better, and the ubiquitous dizziness gradually disappeared.

Although he has not fully recovered, he is at least much more comfortable than before.

Ron naturally didn't feel this way because he spit out everything in his mouth.

The two of them just sat at the dinner table, glaring at each other across Harry.

However, due to their commotion, the atmosphere at the dinner table relaxed a lot, and everyone was not as nervous as before.

"Today was really thrilling." Kingsley was the first to say, "If we had known that something like this would happen, we shouldn't have gone back to the Ministry of Magic before."

"It's just because I didn't expect it." Sirius had finished a whole bottle of whiskey and was opening the second bottle. "I still haven't figured out how they knew that Remus was going to marry Nymphadora. Obviously we only told a few people, and they were all our own."

"Maybe someone let it slip." Chris thought for a while, "It could also be that the Death Eaters have long been eyeing those people who are close to us. Capture Andromeda and Ted, and follow their movements It's actually not difficult to deduce the location of Godric's Hollow, just a bottle of Veritaserum or Legilimency."

"We didn't think carefully this time." Lupine lowered his head, "We should be more cautious."

"No, I am also responsible." Sirius said, "After knowing that Dumbledore was coming, I subconsciously relaxed my vigilance around me. If I could be more cautious, I might be able to discover the Death Eaters in advance. traces.”

"No, no, after all, we shouldn't leave early..."

Several people shared the responsibilities at the table.

But in Kyle's opinion, this matter was ultimately Dumbledore's fault. Who made him show his face, give others the illusion that he was there, and then slip away without saying a word.

There is nothing wrong with taking the blame for this irresponsible behavior.

"And Kyle!" Sirius suddenly turned his head and said, and Kyle looked over subconsciously.

"Why did you let the Phoenix send me away first!" His eyes turned slightly red. "You told Fred that Dumbledore asked the Phoenix to save everyone, but I don't think so."


"No need to explain, I can tell that you are directing the Phoenix's actions, and it was precisely because of your request that it turned back and caught me."

"not me……"

"Have you ever thought about how much I would blame myself if you failed to come back this time? Asking a child to buy time for me... How shameful would I be to see Chris again?"

Kyle, who was interrupted twice in a row, said nothing again. He didn't cough lightly until he was sure that Sirius had finished speaking.


"Actually, what I want to say is that I can apparate without the help of the Phoenix... Do you remember? When I took you out of the encirclement."

As he spoke, Kyle stretched out his hand and pointed to the ring on his finger.

However, after three uses of Apparition, the color of the ring has become very dim. In addition, it is close to the finger, making it difficult to spot without looking carefully.

"That won't work either." Sirius said with a stiff neck, "I have to stay behind you."

"Ah, okay." Kyle didn't refute, "Next time, definitely next time."

"It's better not to have another time." Chris said to help smooth things over. He also looked at Kyle and asked solemnly: "So what did you do after sending Sirius away?"

"It's nothing," Kyle said. "I gave them a little surprise and then left."

His tone was very relaxed, and he deliberately concealed the news about Voldemort.

"Surprise?" Chris raised his eyebrows, "What you call a surprise doesn't mean killing all seventy Death Eaters."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire restaurant fell silent instantly. Everyone looked at Kyle in disbelief. Even Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen ran out, her pupils constricted, as if she had heard something extremely terrifying.

To be honest, they all had this experience more than ten years ago, even more than once, when killing Death Eaters.

But if you raise that number to seventy... there will be no one sitting here except Alastor Moody.

Even Alastor had accumulated numbers over his decades-long career as an Auror.

But as for Kyle, if he killed seventy Death Eaters at once...

Inexplicably, when Ron looked at Kyle again, his legs began to tremble unconsciously. This was a physiological reaction and had nothing to do with whether he was familiar with Kyle.

"There must be some mistake, Chris." Mrs. Weasley came back to her senses and said, "Kyle is a good boy, how could he..."

"No, Molly..." Mr. Weasley shook his head, "The news we received is that all seventy Death Eaters were killed in Godric's Hollow. If I guess correctly, Scrimgeour The Aurors are already there."

"No, this has nothing to do with me." Kyle looked innocent and quickly denied, "I didn't do it."

"But you were the last one to leave," Kingsley said.

He had been wanting to ask since just now, but because Chris was here, he didn't know what to say.

Now that Chris took the initiative to mention this, he asked accordingly: "You are the last one, no one knows what you did."

"But I really didn't do this, I swear." Kyle raised his wand calmly, "If you don't believe it, you can use the magic contract to verify whether I have killed seventy Death Eaters."

"Ah, no need." Kingsley hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "Believe me, I didn't mean to question you..."

"Of course you shouldn't question." Mrs. Weasley also reacted at this time. She walked over quickly, "Let's put it this way, from the time I was sent to the Pig's Head Bar to the time Kyle came back here, there were at most only Twenty minutes.

"Do you think Kyle can kill seventy Death Eaters in twenty minutes?"

"No, it should be fifteen minutes." Sirius added: "This is the time when I come back. At that time, the Death Eaters are still chasing us."

"Did you hear that?"

Mrs. Weasley continued: "If Kyle can really kill all the Death Eaters in fifteen minutes, do we still need the help of the Phoenix?"

"Hurry up and admit it, Kyle, you will become a legend." Fred couldn't help laughing.

"Even Dumbledore will be called Little Kyle from now on." George also said with a smile.

"No, it should be old Kyle."

After saying that, the two couldn't help it anymore and started laughing.

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