Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 808 The work of the Hogwarts headmaster

"Aurora Sinista wants to replace it with a brand new planet model, with magic storage and automatic calibration functions. The price is about two thousand galleons..."

"Filius Flivi wants to reopen the duel club for third grade students and above..."

"Severus Snape needs a full set of magic armor, combat puppets, and various potion materials totaling two hundred kilograms..."

The next day, when Kyle came to the principal's office leisurely and looked at the ten-inch-high bundle of documents on the table, he was stunned.

He always thought that as long as he survived yesterday's opening party, this task would be a very leisurely job.

But what happened to these documents that were sent over now.

He was just a fake. He drank Polyjuice Potion and pretended to be Dumbledore. No one told him that he really wanted to be the principal.

And these outrageous demands.

He dared to say that the location where Snape was injured must not be on his mouth, otherwise he would not dare to ask for two hundred kilograms of potion ingredients at once.

Those are potion ingredients, not two hundred pounds of potatoes.

Not to mention precious materials such as unicorn horns, aconite, fire dragon egg shells, and fire ash snake eggs, even ordinary consumables such as lion fish bone meal and valerian are not cheap.

How dare he weigh two hundred pounds in one breath?

Oh, there is another person whose mouth is bigger than his,


Not only did we need a hundred kilograms of potion materials, but we also applied for fifty sets of automatic mixing crucibles...

Otherwise, the old professor would think about the students. The set of automatic stirring crucibles is thirty-five galleons, and his understatement is one thousand seven hundred and fifty galleons.

Mr. Weasley had to save this amount for more than two years without eating or drinking.

Kyle scrolled down again.

Good guy, this is even more outrageous.

"Sprout is going to build three new greenhouses..."

"Filch proposed to add thirty-five new school rules..."

"The school hospital wants to purchase the latest potion storage equipment..."

Kyle put the parchment in his hand back on the pile of documents and looked up at Professor McGonagall.

"These are not for me."

Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

"This is definitely not going to work." Kyle seemed to realize something and said subconsciously: "It's okay if I use Polyjuice Potion to pretend to be Professor Dumbledore, but I'm pretending to be Dumbledore, not the real principal! These things Let’s wait until he comes back.”

"No, you are wrong." Professor McGonagall said calmly: "You can turn out the letter and read it again. It is written very clearly."


Kyle was slightly startled.

On the train, he only took the hair and Polyjuice Potion, and threw the rest aside. Now that Professor McGonagall said this, he really couldn't remember where he put the letter.

Kyle could only rummage around in his pockets.

Galleons, master keys, dried meat, owl nuts... He found a lot of small items, but no letter.

In the end, Fawkes flew over and threw a piece of parchment in his mouth on the table... which happened to be the letter Dumbledore wrote to him.

Kyle quickly picked it up and took a look.

"Down below, fifth line from the bottom..." Professor McGonagall reminded.

Kyle's eyes moved downward,

[Everything you need is in another bag. Please use Polyjuice Potion to temporarily take over my duties as principal. 】

That's it.

Although Kyle saw it on the train before, he didn't think much about it. In other words, when he saw the polyjuice potion, he ignored the second half of the sentence.

Kyle thought this was normal. Anyone who saw the Polyjuice Potion would think it was pretending to be him.

Also, would any normal person entrust such an important position as principal to a person who just graduated last year?

Kyle couldn't figure it out anyway.

It's enough to just pretend to fool you, why should you take it seriously?

"No, I guess he must have written it by hand." Kyle threw the letter on the table and emphasized at the same time: "Professor McGonagall, I just graduated last year. It is too hasty to ask me to handle school affairs. You I definitely don’t agree with that either, right?”

"Actually, I have no objection, otherwise I wouldn't give these to you."

To Kyle's expectation, Professor McGonagall, who had always been serious, nodded, "And Dumbledore can't make a mistake."

Kyle's whole body was in bad shape.

How could she agree?

Could it be that the Professor McGonagall in front of me was also pretending to be someone who drank Polyjuice Potion?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why she made such an abnormal decision.

"Not old enough," Kyle said.

"It's not important." Professor McGonagall said calmly.

"The school director will definitely not agree."

"With Dumbledore's letter, they will agree."

"But I have no experience."

"It doesn't matter, you can learn. No one is born to be a principal. I believe in your learning ability. This has been verified when you were in school."

"You don't have to believe it now." Kyle cursed in his heart.

"Then I'll just write that I agree." Kyle, who really couldn't find an excuse, was about to act rogue and slapped his hand on the document.

Although he has not finished reading it, he roughly estimates that if he wants to meet all these requirements, he will need at least 50,000 to 60,000 Galleons.

He didn't believe that Professor McGonagall would let him do whatever he wanted.

"This is a good thing, if you can convince the school director to pay." Professor McGonagall raised her eyelids slightly, "Oh, by the way, in this case, I will also send an application later.

"I've always felt that the animals needed for the Transfiguration class were too small and not difficult enough. I wanted to buy something bigger, but I couldn't do it before because of the cost. But now... it should be the same as me. "

Seeing Professor McGonagall's indifferent expression, Kyle scratched his hair in annoyance.

It's tens of thousands of galleons. It's strange that the school director can agree to it. Even Dumbledore's face can't let them pay so much money, let alone him.

"Okay, okay." Kyle sighed, "What did Professor Dumbledore do before."

"What do you mean?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Just deal with these problems." Kyle whispered.

"So, are you going to do it his way?" Professor McGonagall glanced at Kyle.

"Otherwise, what should I do?" Kyle lay down on the back of the chair and murmured in a low voice: "I can obviously sleep at home, but you guys insist on dragging me over and tricking me with text traps. What can I do?"

At this point, Kyle sighed silently, "Since you want to pretend to be Dumbledore, you must also handle the work according to his habits, so that your secret will not be exposed."

"It's good that you think so." Professor McGonagall nodded.

"So how does Professor Dumbledore usually deal with these problems." Kyle turned over the parchment on the table again, "Are there so many every day? I have always thought that the principal of Hogwarts is a very leisurely job. ”

"Of course not, this is the backlog before the holidays." Professor McGonagall thought for a moment and said, "He had already left school at that time, and it must have been three months now."

"Three months is so much?" Kyle sat up again.

According to the number of parchments on the table, on average there is only one piece every two or three days. If this is the case, it is not unacceptable.

Kyle looked through the drawer on Dumbledore's desk and found a golden-red quill... As expected of the wealthy Dumbledore, he even used a phoenix feather for his quill.

But now it has a different owner.

"What should I do now, agree or reject." Kyle found another bottle of ink, opened it and put it on the table.

"Are you sure you are following Dumbledore's method?" Professor McGonagall asked again, seeming to be sure of something.

"Of course." Kyle said.

"Okay." Professor McGonagall nodded.

Then, under Kyle's incredible eyes, she picked up the thick pile of parchment on the table, threw them all into the fireplace, and then waved her wand, and the fireplace immediately ignited. flame.

The firelight illuminated half of Kyle's face.

"Is this how Dumbledore handled it?" He didn't react, "Is it so simple and crude?"

"No, this is how I handle it." Professor McGonagall said, "As the chief wizard of the International Federation of Wizards, Dumbledore always leaves time for more important things, so starting from a long time ago, I have always been responsible for completing some of the school affairs on his behalf.”

"But he is no longer the chief magician." Kyle said. "He was even expelled from the International Confederation of Wizards."

"That only happened recently." Professor McGonagall said, "And after that, he was busy looking for clues related to the mysterious man, and he also didn't have much free time.

"I believe you should also know that since two or three years ago, he rarely stays in school."

"It seems, that's indeed the case." Kyle said after thinking for a while.

Especially last year, Dumbledore only appeared in school a handful of times, and in most cases Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal, was in charge.

"You are right about one thing." Seeing that the parchment in the fireplace was almost burned, Professor McGonagall waved her hand to extinguish the flames.

"If we just talk about being the headmaster of Hogwarts, it is indeed a very leisurely job."

When he said this, Kyle clearly felt a bit of helplessness in Professor McGonagall's tone.

Doing double jobs with one salary means that Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore have a good relationship.

"I thought I would finally be a little more relaxed this year." Professor McGonagall looked at Kyle with some kind of expectation in her eyes.

It is foreseeable that this year's Quidditch will definitely be more exciting than previous years. If Kyle can help share the work that belongs to the principal, then she will be able to free up time to focus on the team and the game.

Maybe she can help train the team.

Professor McGonagall had several Quidditch game tactics in her mind, all of which she came up with while watching the game. However, she had so many things to do that she never found time to study them in depth.

This year is a good opportunity, just think of it as a rare moment of relaxation before the war.

As for Kyle's ability, Professor McGonagall is not worried. It can be seen from how he handles the work of the Ministry of Magic that he is not ignorant about it and does a good job.

For example, the Dementor bounty plan he made during last year's holiday was perfect.

With so many dementors, it took only one month to deal with them all. This was simply impossible before.

The Ministry of Magic only paid for one Auror position.

No, it can’t even be called giving.

Lupin is a wizard with good abilities in all aspects, and he is more than qualified to be an Auror. In this way, the Ministry of Magic not only did not pay anything, but also gained a talent.

And Sirius, although he was the one who paid, the Black family was not short of money, and he cared about his friends living in the sun.

A larger part of the reason must be friendship, and a small part, Professor McGonagall guessed that Sirius wanted to make up for something.

Because of his decision more than ten years ago, their small team fell apart overnight.

One betrayed everyone, two were killed by Voldemort, and he himself was arrested in Azkaban. In the end, only Lupin was left, living in confusion and pain for more than ten years without knowing the truth.

Sirius needed to do something to give himself a little comfort.

And Lupin, he finally found a formal and decent job.

The wizard who helped capture the Dementors also received a considerable reward.

After the whole thing, everyone involved was very satisfied.

When the professors were chatting together before, they also talked about this. Everyone agreed that this was the most correct decision made by the Ministry of Magic in recent years.

Few people know that the initiator of this matter was Kyle, and all the details were formulated by him alone, and he had not even graduated at that time.

This is enough to prove his ability.

The Ministry of Magic has the courage to let a student who has not yet graduated serve as a senior ministerial assistant with real power, so why can't they Hogwarts.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Kyle himself is willing.

"Well... I really want to help you." Kyle turned his head slightly, "But you also know that I am not Dumbledore, I am just here to help guest star. If I make any decision, it will make everyone feel wrong and doubt the authenticity of Dumbledore's identity, that would be bad."

"What do you want to say?" Professor McGonagall's heart sank.

"It's just... you work harder, let's follow the original process, how about it?" Kyle said cautiously.

The encouragement in Professor McGonagall's eyes just now almost poked his forehead, and Kyle certainly knew what she meant.

But the problem is, he really doesn't want to take this job.

The reason why he agreed to work in the Ministry of Magic was because the Minister at that time was Fudge, he could do whatever he wanted, and if there was any mistake in the decision, he could directly put all the responsibility on Fudge.

But it's not possible in Hogwarts. This is a school. Every decision he makes may affect the students. Kyle definitely doesn't want to take this burden... at least it's too early now.

"Then why weren't you afraid of arousing suspicion at the opening banquet yesterday?" Professor McGonagall sat opposite Kyle and asked, staring into his eyes.

"To be honest, I regretted it this morning."

Kyle shook his head, "Maybe it was because I was nervous. I didn't think about it at all at the time. I said it in a rush.

"This kind of thing is enough once. If it happens too many times, it will definitely arouse suspicion from others."

"Are you really not going to familiarize yourself with the work of the principal in advance?"

Professor McGonagall stared at Kyle for a while, and asked unwillingly: "This is a rare opportunity. "

"I think the most important thing now is to make everyone believe that Professor Dumbledore is still here, and it doesn't matter if the school matters are put aside for the time being." Kyle said,

"Okay, I understand." Professor McGonagall stood up. "Then let's do it according to last year's situation."

"Thank you for your hard work, professor." Kyle trotted around the table and escorted Professor McGonagall out of the principal's office attentively.

When the oak door was closed again, a sneer suddenly came from behind.


"Principal Black, what do you mean?" Kyle didn't even need to think, his eyes went straight to the portrait of Phineas Black.

"How stupid." Phineas sat on a stone, leisurely crossing his legs, "What does Dumbledore think of Hogwarts? He can actually come up with the idea of ​​letting someone use Polyjuice Potion to pretend to be himself.

"If that's the case, it's fine, but his vision, tut tut..."

Is he scolding himself?

"Ha!" Kyle raised his eyebrows slightly.

He was still too kind. That day at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, he should have taken down Phineas's portrait and made a perch for Fawkes.

"Don't say that. I think Albus's decision is fine." Headmaster Armando Dippet also opened his eyes. "The most important thing now is to stabilize everyone's emotions."


"That's right."

"That's good."

The portraits of several other headmasters also nodded.

"A bunch of idiots." Seeing that no one supported him, Phineas snorted coldly, "You don't even think about what will happen if this matter is exposed. Dumbledore is stupid, and you are even more stupid than him."

"As long as we don't say it, it won't be exposed." A big-nosed wizard silently moved his position from his own portrait to the side of Phineas's portrait, "But you are right to remind me. I think we should eliminate an unstable factor first."

"What do you mean?" Phineas stood up.

"It's simple. We need to remind someone to keep his mouth shut."

"Damn it, go back to your own portrait!"

"Don't worry, I'll go back when I'm done." The big-nosed wizard waved his hand violently.

It was like a signal.

It was just a moment, no matter what the other principals were doing, the next second they all rushed towards Phineas as if they had rehearsed.

He had no time to run, they were surrounded.

Then there was a beating.

A slender witch, who couldn't squeeze in, simply went directly to the portrait of a knight, snatched his sword and ran away.

Then the sword became a rare commodity, and was snatched by the principals.

Kyle looked at this scene and touched his chin.

Although he didn't understand magic portraits, he thought it should be interoperable with alchemy. If so, he could study it and see if he could draw some toys for the principals to entertain themselves.

For example, small toys like maces or splitting axes would be pretty good.

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