Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 813: Reunion after a long separation

As the home of Beauxbatons, one of the three major magic schools in Europe, and the hometown of the famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel, France is also very famous in the magic world.

Although its popularity and reputation are not as loud as Britain, there is only one thing... the French Minister of Magic can proudly say at the diplomatic conference that their country has not produced any notorious dark wizards in recent centuries, and its reputation is many times better than that of Britain.

That is, seventy years ago, Grindelwald suddenly came here to hold a mobilization meeting, which broke the peace in France for centuries.

But it was only that time. After Grindelwald, this place has been in a state of peace, which also makes French wizards look more leisurely than British ones.

In the middle of the Furstenberg Square in Paris, there is a building with a special shape. From the outside, it looks like an arrow pointing to the left, that is, a vertical triangle.

Its unique shape has attracted the attention of many people. It can be regarded as a nearby attraction, but most people don’t know that this building is even more famous in the magic world.

Because this is the famous French Ministry of Magic, and it is also Kyle's destination.

Although the drunk Muggle did not answer Kyle's question, the answer actually appeared in his mind when he heard the question.

So Kyle did not need to answer, the cat leopard saw it very clearly, including the specific location here, and the city's route map.

Fortunately, Kyle was not far from Furstenberg Square at the time, only a few streets away, and it took half an hour to walk there.

At eight o'clock, Kyle looked at the huge glass door in front of him, tidied his clothes, and walked over calmly.

He did not care about the security guard and the open door, but came to a fountain in front of the building.

There are two statues here. Kyle thought for a while and chose the Pegasus statue on the left. When he walked over, the wings of the Pegasus lifted up, revealing a passage.

One step in, and the scene in front of him instantly became another scene.

The bustling streets and tall buildings disappeared, replaced by strangely shaped buildings. The clothes of pedestrians changed from suits, long skirts, fashionable shirts to robes unique to wizards.

France's "Diagon Alley".

Of course, this place is definitely not called Diagon Alley, but the meaning is the same, it is a shopping street that only wizards can enter.

"Fortunately, I didn't make the wrong choice." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. He remembered that Fleur said that there were two entrances here, one of which was here, and the other led to the Ministry of Magic. If he accidentally went to the wrong place, he might have to explain to the Aurors why he was here.

Fortunately, his memory is not bad.

Kyle continued to walk forward, while curiously looking at the shops on the French side.

On the left side of the entrance is a large candy store, at least five times larger than Honeydukes, filled with all kinds of candies, all of which Kyle has never seen before, and chocolate accounts for more than half of them.

It should be because Beauxbatons has also started school, so there are not many people in the store.

Opposite the candy store... it should be a stationery store. Although Kyle couldn't read the French signs written in special cursive characters, he knew quills and parchment, so he didn't need to recognize the signs.

Further ahead was the flying broom shop, pet shop, bookstore, souvenir shop, second-hand shop, and the most conspicuous one in the middle of the street, the Gringotts Wizarding Bank built with white marble.

The types of shops here are similar to those in Diagon Alley, but the styles are completely different.

Diagon Alley continues the traditional style that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years. Those buildings are from the last century... or even earlier, and they will not look abrupt no matter what era they are placed in.

The French side is obviously much newer. Kyle can tell at a glance that many buildings are the products of recent years.

There is even a security door on the door of the flying broom shop... that is, the metal security door.

Kyle found it hard to believe that this thing could withstand the unlocking spell.

He continued to walk forward, passing by Gringotts and a noisy bar, and stopped at almost the end of the street.

"Prince's Potion Shop."

Kyle glanced at the French sign and nodded, "It should be here."

But what Kyle didn't understand was that the surrounding shops were open for business, but this one was closed, and there were no products in the window.

Could it be that Kanna wasn't here?

Kyle was stunned for a moment, then looked at the sign again.

Prince... That's right, there can't be a Prince in France.

He went up and knocked on the door with the intention of giving it a try.

There was no response from inside.

He knocked a few more times, and the result was the same.

"No way, really not here?"

Kyle was a little confused. Whether it was the address given by Fleur or the name of the store, they all matched. How could there be no one?

Or did Kanna not open a store in France, but went to other places?

Just when Kyle was hesitating whether to give Fleur this letter, there was finally movement in the store.

"Sorry, it's closed today."

The moment he heard the voice, Kyle's heart was relieved.

Although she spoke in French, Kyle could still tell that it was Connor who was speaking.

"Ministry of Magic inspection, please open the door and cooperate." Kyle cleared his throat and said.

There was a burst of hurried footsteps in the store, but soon there was no movement.

A few minutes later, with a creak, the door was opened.

Kanna seemed to have just woken up, and her hair was hastily done, but her face was full of surprise.

"Kyle!" There was a bit of disbelief in her voice, but she had already rushed over subconsciously.

Kyle hurriedly opened his arms to catch her, and after a long separation, the two hugged each other at the door of the store.

At this moment, neither of them cared about the eyes of passers-by, just hugged each other, and no one was willing to let go. Then Kyle felt his mouth touch a piece of sweet cream pudding.

I don't know how long it took, maybe ten minutes, or maybe an hour, or even longer.

"Hey, that's enough." Another person's voice came from the store, "Although I understand your feelings, can you please come into the house first? Aren't you tired of standing all the time?"

Although Fleur is a half-blood veela, at this moment, Kyle still feels that her voice must have been cursed by a witch, it's too harsh... Although she is also a witch.

"Aren't French people romantic?" Kyle looked at Fleur leaning against the shelf and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you so nosy."

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying?" Fleur exploded all of a sudden, and said angrily: "Can you consider me? I left my boyfriend alone and came all the way to accompany Connor, and you actually said that I am nosy?"

Fleur became more and more angry as she thought about it. When she and Bill broke up, they were in the passionate period and even decided to get married.

As a result, Kyle, this bastard, not only did not thank her for abandoning her fiancé to help him take care of his girlfriend, but also said such a conscienceless thing.

She seemed to be transforming, picked up a bottle of magic potion and was about to fight Kyle, but was stopped by Kanna.

Kanna also recovered from the surprise of seeing Kyle at the beginning.

"Calm down, calm down, don't bother with him." She comforted Furong who was about to explode, and glared at Kyle unhappily.

"Okay, I apologize." Kyle quickly raised his hands to surrender... When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

"To express my apology." He took out the gift he had prepared long ago, "This is for you."

"What is this?" Fleur's mood stabilized a little, and she picked up the bottle on the table, "Why does it look so much like shampoo."

"Almost." Kyle said, "Newt has studied Veela, this magical creature is particularly prone to hair loss in autumn. I thought you are half Veela, and you might also lose your hair, so I used ginger root, mantle grass and mandrake juice to develop this hair care..."

Before Kyle finished speaking, a bottle flew over, brushed his ear and hit the wall behind him, and Kanna didn't even try to stop it.

Or maybe she didn't intend to stop it.

It was not a loss to hit Fleur, who always kept people at a distance, to make her so angry, but it was a pity for her bottle of vitality potion.

Kanna sighed and closed the door again.

It was already twenty minutes later when the room became quiet again. Fleur sat there panting, glaring at Kyle fiercely.

But what's interesting is that the things Kyle brought on the table disappeared.

"Tell me, what are you doing in France at this time?"

"Wait!" At this point, Connor suddenly realized, "Why did you suddenly come here? It's in the UK..."

"Don't worry, there's nothing going on over there. I don't know what the mysterious man and his Death Eaters are doing. Few people have seen them recently."

"Besides, Hogwarts has started school as usual, so I thought about coming to see you." Kyle said, he waved his hand, and the broken things on the ground quickly returned to their original state and floated to their original positions.

This is the wizard's shopping street, and wizards are all coming and going. There is no problem using magic here.

"By the way, how did you know it was me outside." He asked casually.

Just now, after Connor opened the door, she rushed over without any hesitation, obviously knowing in advance that the person outside was Kyle.

"Of course I know." Connor said with a smile, "If it was a French wizard, he couldn't speak that kind of poor French."

"Is my French really that bad?" Kyle scratched his hair, he felt that his pronunciation was quite standard.

"My sister was ten months old and she spoke better than you." Fleur sneered.

"Okay." Kyle sighed, "I should have made a translator earlier. This trip is really inconvenient."

"How did you get here, portkey?" Connor poured Kyle a glass of cherry soda, which is a popular drink in France and is equivalent to pumpkin soda in the UK.

"No, I didn't use a portkey." Kyle explained, "Fawkes brought me here, so I can avoid the Ministry of Magic's sight."

"Fawkes..." Connor blinked, "Professor Dumbledore's phoenix?"

"Well, I have to say, it's really convenient." Kyle rubbed his forehead, "but the process is a bit unfriendly."

Although Fleur was sitting next to him, Kyle didn't mean to hide it from her.

Fleur's character is still trustworthy.

And it can be foreseen that Fleur and Bill will definitely get married in the end. At that time, she will naturally become a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and there is no need to hide it.

But Fleur is not very interested in the topic of phoenix. She is concerned about another thing.

"I'm very curious... how did you find this place with such poor French." She looked at Kyle, "The French Ministry of Magic attaches great importance to Furstenberg Square. There are Aurors everywhere, and suddenly there is one more Wizards, there's no way they can't detect it."

"Really?" Kyle blinked, "Then I'm really lucky. The place I appeared is three streets away. It's not far from here, but it's not that close either."

"Then how did you get here? It's impossible to ask for directions."

"Of course I asked for directions." Kyle said seriously: "For a Muggle to ask, he was very enthusiastic, and he understood everything I said."


Fleur expressed doubts about Kyle's statement, but since Kyle came here and the Auror didn't come to the door, it meant that he did not use magic means.

"But... it shouldn't be. Is Muggle language so tolerant?" Fleur whispered, "No, you must have found a Muggle who can speak English."

Kyle chose to ignore her groundless speculation.

"By the way, it's almost noon, why aren't you open yet?" He changed the subject and said, "Are you really selling potions?"


"Of course it is, otherwise what else could we do?" Kangna said before Fleur could speak: "I just don't want to open the door so early.

"Anyway, this store is not for making money. It must be as comfortable as possible. Under normal circumstances, we don't open until noon."

"Why is the window empty?" Kyle asked, pointing behind him.

"Of course they're all sold out," said Kangna. "The Beauxbatons semester just started a few days ago, and those French students almost bought out all the stock in the store.

"In order to replenish the goods as soon as possible, I don't even plan to open today."

To add credibility to her statement, she stood up and opened a door inside.

Kyle looked around and saw that there were all potions placed there. They were full of potions, covering the whole room, leaving only a small open space at the door for easy entry and exit.

Seeing this, Kyle believed Kangna's words.

After all, there are so many magic potions that cannot be faked, and Kangna really runs a store with her heart, so he can rest assured.

Then they changed the topic to another topic, but then it was mainly Connor and Kyle talking.

After not seeing each other for such a long time, the two of them seemed to have endless things to talk about.

"I'm telling you, France is very interesting. Did you see those alchemy shops when you came here?" At some point, Kangna had already taken Kyle's hand.

"I see, there are three." Kyle nodded.

"That's not all." Kangna said, "They don't seem to pay much attention to potions here. They prefer alchemy."

"Then can your potion be sold?"

"It's just because it's young that it's popular." Kangna said, "After all, the role of potions cannot be replaced by alchemy. Even if you don't take it seriously, there is still a need."

"makes sense."

"How's it going in England?"

"It's not bad," Kyle said. "The Death Eaters were quite active when Hogwarts first went on vacation, but there hasn't been much action lately. Oh, and Lupine and Nymphadora got married."

"Really? When!"

"Early August."

"Too bad I can't attend."

"It's okay, and it was quite dangerous that day. Bellatrix came with Death Eaters to ruin the wedding."

The two of them were chatting indifferently. At first, Fleur could sit and listen, but as time went by, she felt more and more that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

It was as if he had become an invisible and transparent person.

She, Fleur, a half-Veela, was always the brightest one in the crowd wherever she went, and she never thought that she would be ignored one day.

As a result, she encountered it today.

There seemed to be a magical aura around those two people, which could automatically block everything around them. She tried to interrupt several times, but was ignored.

"I said, can you respect me?" Fleur said loudly, and this time she finally got a response.

"What's wrong?" Kyle raised his head.

"I just wanted to ask, how is Bill doing?"

"When you wrote the letter, you wanted to kill three owls in one day. You need to ask me how he is?" Kyle said unhurriedly: "Also, do you think that if something happens to Bill, I will not follow him for such a long time?" Did you mention it?”

Fleur took a deep breath. Her good etiquette kept her smiling, but no one knew what she was thinking.

"You guys go on...I'm going out for a walk."

Fleur stood up, slammed the door and left angrily.

She really couldn't stay in this place for a minute.

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