Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 821 Forbidden Knowledge

If you want to make a magic stone, the most important material is the ashes left after the Phoenix's nirvana. Kyle has known this for a long time. After all, he has a share of the credit for the magic stone in front of him.

But what Kyle didn't expect was that this would be needed to repair it.

"I no longer have the ashes of the Phoenix Nirvana." Kyle said, "I only took half of it. I gave it all to you last time. The remaining half is in Snape's hands and was made into Phoenix potion."

"I know." Nico nodded, "But Dumbledore's phoenix is ​​here with you."

"What's the use of that?" Kyle asked: "Didn't you say before that the ashes left after the natural nirvana of the Phoenix must be used to make the magic stone? It has only been a few years since Fox's last nirvana. We can’t wait forever.”

Kyle didn't know how long it would take for the phoenix to naturally nirvana, but what was certain was that the interval would definitely not be short. If it nirvana only once every few years, the ashes it left behind would not be so precious.

"Oh, you misunderstood." Nico looked at Kyle, "When making the magic stone, there are indeed some strict requirements for materials, but if it is just repairing, there are not so many restrictions. As long as it is ashes, it does not matter. It must be natural nirvana.”

"This..." Kyle suddenly looked hesitant.

Although he knew very well that Nirvana was no big deal to Fox. It was nothing more than being weak for a period of time, and he would be able to recover after a few months.

A few months of weakness can be exchanged for the chance to save Dumbledore. This is a very good deal no matter how you look at it.

But for some reason, maybe due to some strange psychology, Kyle was very resistant to this decision, and he didn't know how to tell Fox about it.

Nico also saw Kyle's hesitation, but did not urge him. He just said calmly: "You don't have to decide now. You have two weeks to think about it. After two weeks, I will be able to complete the process of rewriting the magic text. Then it will be the turn of the Magic Stone..."

Nico waved his hand and prepared to send Kyle out.

But at this moment, a golden-red figure appeared in mid-air. Fox landed on Kyle's shoulder and rubbed his ears with the feathers on his head.

"Did you hear everything?" Kyle asked.

Fox nodded.

"Then you decide." Kyle sighed, "If you don't want to, we can also think of other ways...such as asking Newt, or going to Professor Dumbledore's vault."

Fox didn't say anything, he just flew to the table nearby, his feathers trembling, and instantly turned into a ball of fiercely burning fire.

The fireball was very bright, but had no temperature, and even the wooden table was not affected at all.

"You don't need to worry now." Nico said.

"Yes." Kyle nodded, Fox's decision indeed made him relieved.

After that, the two of them stopped talking. Nico used a camera-like thing to record the entire process of Fox's nirvana.

It didn't take long, probably only a few seconds. When the flames went out, there was only a pile of dark brown ashes on the table. Then, a featherless baby bird poked its head out from the ashes.

Kyle reached out and held it out.

"Fox, you look really ugly now." He couldn't help but say.

No matter how many times I see it, the newly reborn phoenix is ​​extremely ugly. Even if it has no hair, it is still wrinkled and looks like a shrunken Shar-Pei.

Fox tried his best and pecked Kyle's finger hard with his young beak.

But with Fox's current state, this level of attack would not hurt Kyle at all.

Kyle placed it on a velvet cushion in the box and spread a layer of herbs around it... They were all very rare herbs, such as mandrake leaves, cloak grass, shriveled fig rhizomes, etc., used to help Fox Restore energy quickly.

"Shaqir." He warned the civet cat who was eager to try, "Don't get close to it, otherwise you will be beaten later, and I won't be able to persuade you."

The civet took a small step back, then raised its head in disdain, and gracefully jumped onto the bookshelf nearby, its long tail hanging on Fox's head, swaying.

Kyle noticed that Fox didn't seem to object to this, so he didn't care.

After doing all this, he left the box and looked at the pile of ashes on the table. Nico had collected them into a bottle.

“The quality is really not that great, but it’s still usable.”

He handed the bottle over, and after Kyle took it, he immediately saw the difference.

The bottle of ashes he got before was very beautiful. Although it was black at first glance, as long as it was facing the sun, he could see countless bright golden light spots hidden in the black.

But there was only black in front of him. After Kyle turned the bottle for a long time, he could vaguely see a little bit of light flashing past, just like the night sky in London, where all the starlight was tightly blocked.

"Does this really not affect the use?" Kyle asked.

"It doesn't matter, the essence of the Magic Stone is still there." Nico explained: "What we need to do now is just to make it work again."

"Wait a moment." Nico turned around and picked up another crucible from the shelf behind him.

This crucible is much smaller, only as big as a fist, and looks like a child's toy, but it also contains magic potion, and it is a shiny pink color.

Nico held out his hand and Kyle immediately handed over the bottle.

The ashes of the phoenix, together with the dimmed magic stone, were put into the crucible.

As the potion rolled, the original pink color immediately turned into deep red, and then became lighter.

Nico held out his hand again.

Kyle immediately guessed what he wanted to do, after all, this was how he was sent out last time.

"Wait." He said immediately: "Can I watch from the side and I promise not to disturb you."

This is the process of repairing the magic stone. Although it is not a production, it is still rare. Kyle naturally wants to see more.

For no other reason than simply wanting to learn some skills.

"I can understand, but no..." Nico shook his head, "It's too early for you. Do you know the principles of alchemy?"

"Of course." Kyle said, "Exchange of equal value, no contact with the realm of God, no alchemy of the human body."

He had just seen these when he was at Beauxbatons.

"Strictly speaking, the Philosopher's Stone belongs to the realm of God and is a forbidden alchemy." Nico said solemnly: "Contacting these too early will make you fall into it unconsciously. This kind of knowledge is like a golden ship in the sea. , tempting you to get closer to it, as if you can reach out and touch it, but you will never be able to touch it.

"Because the golden ship itself is in the sky, what you see is just its shadow thrown into the sea, and then you will slowly disappear into the sea during the long pursuit, making a splash, and then return to calm."

Listening to Nico's words, Kyle shuddered unconsciously.

He just wanted to learn some skills. He never thought it would be so dangerous. It is a golden ship and it belongs to the sea. He couldn't do it if he didn't learn it.

"Okay, I understand." Kyle laughed twice and took the initiative to walk towards the door.

But after taking two steps, he couldn't help but turn around and ask: "Nico, does the so-called 'god' really exist?"

"Why do you ask?" Nico said with great interest: "You should have heard of it. In the story of the three brothers in "The Tales of Beedle the Bard," didn't there appear three sacred objects related to God? "

"But I feel that they are more like three powerful alchemical items. It's just that they have been circulated for a long time, so they have some mysterious legends."

Kyle thought for a while and said: "I have seen the legendary cloak of the sacred artifact, or I have seen all three sacred artifacts. In comparison, I still think Ravenclaw's crown is even more incredible."

"Then do you know how Ravenclaw's diadem was made?" Nico continued to ask.

"I don't know." Kyle shook his head this time.

"I don't know either," Nico said softly, "But last time I asked Rowena about Ms. Ravenclaw's memory and how she made the diadem."

"What did Ravenclaw say?" Kyle asked curiously.

"She doesn't know either." Nico said with a smile. "That memory can't hold much content. It may be that Ms. Ravenclaw did it deliberately. She only remembered that the crown was the result of an accidental alchemy, but that alchemy The process is actually a failure.”

"That's right..." Kyle hesitated, "But aren't we discussing issues about 'gods'? Why are we suddenly talking about crowns again?"

"Because this is the trace of the possible existence of God, including those incredible alchemical items, I am sure that I can't make a crown, I can only make a nondescript imitation...it was remelted by me ten minutes later. "

Nico said, "I can't really figure out where they come from, so I can't answer your question."

Kyle was confused when he heard it, and when he came back to his senses, he was already in the living room.

He rubbed his somewhat swollen forehead.

I should have known better than to say this to Nico, and I don’t know what happened. He obviously only said a few words, but he seemed to have listened to the history of magic for two days in a row, receiving too much information.

But if you think about it carefully, there are still a few words.

Now he can somewhat understand why Nico didn't let him see the process of repairing the magic stone, and the talk about the golden ship and the sea... This thing is indeed a bit abnormal.

Kyle shook his head, trying to get rid of those messy thoughts.

"Sir, do you need help?" The house elf Tata appeared next to Kyle at some point, looking at him unblinkingly with her big tennis ball-like eyes.

"If you can, could you give me a glass of lemon juice?"

"As you wish, sir." Tata snapped his fingers, and an empty cup appeared in his hand. A few golden and plump lemons jumped out, and then quickly became shriveled.

"Your lemon juice, sir."

"Thank you." Kyle took it and took a sip. The sour and bitter taste made his whole face wrinkle up unconsciously, but in contrast, the messy thoughts in his mind also subsided a little.

Kyle shook his head again, returned the empty cup to Tata, and asked, "How long will it take Nico?"

He really just asked casually and didn't expect the elf to give him a definite answer.

But Tata didn't even think about it and blurted out directly: "The master said that if you have anything to do, you can leave directly. He will find you after he completes his work."

"It's okay, I can wait here." Kyle said.

"This is what the master wants." Tata hesitated. "He thinks it is best for you to leave the manor during this period. This is also for the sake of your safety."

"My safety..." Kyle was stunned for a moment and then understood what this meant.

Was Nico afraid that he would peek?

This is too much to underestimate his character... Moreover, even if he really had this idea for Nicoléme's alchemy room, it would be impossible for him to succeed.

Kyle was a little helpless.

But since this was Nico's intention, he had no intention of insisting on it.

To be honest, he does still have to do some things.

"Then I'll go back to Hogwarts first." Kyle said, "Remember to tell him that he will go directly to find me there then... No, just write me a letter."

"Wait a moment, sir."

Tata stopped him and took out another bottle, which contained the same raspberry juice-like drink he drank on the first day.

"The master asked Tata to give this to the gentleman. The gentleman drinks one bottle every day when he gets up and before going to bed."

"I wanted to ask before, what on earth is this?"

"Tata doesn't know." The house elf shook his big ears, "But the master spent a long time preparing this for sir, and said it would be of great help to him."

"Okay." Kyle took the bottle of drink.

He didn't ask why there was only one bottle. For Nicoléme, it was too simple to make a bottle with the ability to refill the curse.

Kyle put away his drink and walked out of the manor with Tata.

"Well, see you next time."

Kyle said, "Fox, let's go back to Hogwarts..."

There was no movement around.

"Oh!" Kyle slapped his forehead. He forgot that Fox had just passed into nirvana, and there was no way to fly out and take him back to Apparition at this time.

There was no other way, so Kyle could only walk a little further, to a place outside the protective magic, and use phantom.

Although he might be discovered by the Ministry of Magic, there was no other way at this time, and he couldn't walk back.

Kyle's chosen destination was Hogsmeade, on the second floor of the Hog's Head pub.

Various wizards and wizards apparated here every day, and it was also the safest place he could think of.

"Boy, this is not a fireplace. You need to pay to borrow a room." A disgusted voice came from my ear, "It's fifty galleons in total, how do you want to pay for it."

The person who spoke was Aberforth... to be precise, it should be a portrait of him on the second floor.

"Principal Dumbledore should pay when he comes back." Kyle blurted out.

He had to charge fifty galleons for a temporary stay... This was faster than robbing money, and he didn't want to pay this money.

"This bar does not accept credit." Aberforth added a handful of grass to the goat in the portrait. "Hurry up, or I'll call someone."

"Don't be like this, can I give you five times the amount when the time comes?" Kyle said.

Aberforth: "..."

"ten times!"

"Get out of here quickly, don't delay my business." Aberforth's expression changed, "By the way, I'd like to remind you that there are more people downstairs than usual in the past two days, and many of them have become regular customers."

"Got it, thank you." Kyle said.

These days are not weekends, so it cannot be Hogsmeade visit day. Someone else must be coming to the Pig Head Bar, and becoming a regular visitor means that they have been there these days.

Unless they like the wine here, they can only have ulterior motives.

Aberforth was reminding him to be careful about hiding his identity.

Sure enough, the service you paid for is attentive. It is really worth ten times the price.

But Kyle had no intention of leaving downstairs.

He came to the window on the second floor, took out his wand and put it against his forehead, whispering a spell.

His body began to shrink and deform, and the robe on his body became twisted, as if someone had neatly cut it with scissors and trimmed it into brown feathers.

Not long after, Kyle disappeared from the spot, but there was a very common owl on the windowsill on the second floor of the Hog's Head Bar.

Human Transfiguration, the main content of Hogwarts Transfiguration class after the fifth year, allows you to transform yourself into an animal, a table, or a stone.

Although this transformation technique is not as perfect as Animagus, and there is a time limit, it does not have the restrictions of Animagus, and you can transform into anything you want.

During the Triwizard Tournament, Viktor Krum turned himself into a shark to participate in the event in the Black Lake.

It's just that he was half changed at that time, only his upper body was a shark.

But Kyle is completely transformed this time.

In fact, it was his first time to do this, and the whole process was simpler than he thought.

Kyle looked at his new body. This feeling was so amazing, so light that he couldn't even feel the weight. He tried to flap his wings, and almost fell off the first time, and hit the upper window frame the second time, until the second time. After three attempts, he finally succeeded in flying.

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