Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 829 Rozier's Choice

"Petrify all!"

In the forest, Kyle quickly cast a spell behind him, but his target was not the people who were chasing him, but the sturdy trees.

First, use the softening spell to knock down the trees and place them across the road, and then turn them into stones, which will form a more solid barrier, which can at least block the people chasing him... for a few seconds.

Kyle originally thought that his opponents were a group of old men and women in their seventies and eighties, who even had difficulty walking, and it should be easy to get rid of them, but he soon found out that he was wrong.

They didn't need to run at all, but flew in the sky like ghosts. As long as the magic power was enough, age was not a problem at all.

To be honest, this was the most difficult battle Kyle had experienced in these years, and it was even difficult for him to launch an effective counterattack.

More importantly, the combat awareness of these people was completely different from the Death Eaters he had encountered before, and their reaction speed was too fast.

Kyle used many tricks, but still couldn't gain an advantage. In addition to the initial sneak attack that reduced the opponent's number of men by two, he also used the Nangdu leopard to set a trap and tried to lure the opponent in.

It was indeed very effective. Because he didn't know Kyle's tricks, the wizard who ran the fastest had no time to react and rushed into the poisonous fog and fell asleep... but that was all.

The others didn't even hesitate for a second. After noticing the abnormality of their companions, they immediately changed their positions and scattered from both sides. The person who stayed at the back took the initiative to use the Bubble Head Curse and rushed into the poisonous fog to save people... The action was clean and neat, as if it had been practiced countless times.

Later, when he was about to be caught up, Kyle threw out twenty pots of Mandrake in one breath. Although it made him feel very distressed, the effect was surprisingly good. The range of the sound was larger than the poisonous fog, and two people were successfully put down... As for whether they were still alive, Kyle didn't know. He only knew that there were three fewer people chasing him.

As for the biting cabbage... people use flying ones, this thing is useless at all, so Kyle didn't waste it.

So far, the only trump card he could use seemed to be the basilisk, but the opponent still had five people left, including the strongest Wenda Rozier.

She followed the middle of the team slowly and patiently.

Kyle did not think of using the same trick again, using the mandrake or the poison mist trap again. Judging from the situation of the opponent, they probably would not fall in the same place twice.

There was a rustling sound behind him again. It was the sound of clothes and leaves passing by. Kyle was already very familiar with it. When he heard this sound, it meant that those people had caught up.

Kyle did not hesitate, turned around and pointed the wand behind him.

"God's Edge Without Shadow!"

Three invisible wind blades cut through the air, cutting everything in front into two pieces, including two trees and an arm holding a wand.

At the same time, a hazy silver-white light flashed on his left, and the white light turned into a shield, blocking the coma spell coming from the left.

After the silver shield flashed a few times, it instantly appeared behind him, blocking another spell, but this time it also shattered itself, turning into a small silver light spot.

Taking advantage of this gap, Kyle turned over again and rode on the flying broom and ran away.

Shuttled through the forest, the Firebolt had no way to exert its original speed, but Kyle did not dare to fly too high, otherwise he would definitely become a target in the sky with an unobstructed view, so he could only reduce some of his speed in exchange for cover.

"S***!" Someone cursed, "This is the nth time, it's really a troublesome magic, doesn't his armor need to be actively controlled?"

"Probably not." Rozier narrowed his eyes, "Tinos, how are you."

"I'm fine, I was just careless." The wizard named Tinos picked up his arm, endured the severe pain and put it on the wound, gritted his teeth and recited a spell.

The wound emitted a burst of blue light and began to heal slowly.

"Are all British wizards like this now... How old is he, twenty years old? He can actually force the twelve of us to this point!"

"And his magic is also weird, almost all rune magic, it's really unreasonable."

"It shouldn't be all people, only him is like this." Rosier said, "... a magic genius, this is probably why Dumbledore asked him to come to Nurmengard."

"Tell me, who has a stronger talent between Graydens and him."

"There is no comparison." Rosier thought for a while, "Graydens is an Obscurial, and one of the very few Obscurials who can survive and master the Obscurial. His existence is a miracle and almost impossible to replicate."

"But if we only talk about magic, he may not be able to beat this Hogwarts student. If we add means and agility, the difference will be even greater." Rosier shook his head and said softly, "How is it going."

"He has been forced to change direction..." Another person walked out of the woods. "We have now returned to the area where Apparition is prohibited, and Clave is following us. According to the current situation, it will take at least an hour for him to get out."

"That's good. As long as he can't escape by Apparition, we have time to deal with him slowly." Rozier looked at a neatly cut tree next to him, "I want to see how many tricks he has left to use."

"Tinos, you stay."

"Wenda, I can still do it." Tinos moved his newly grown arm. "This degree of injury will not have any impact on me."

"No." Rozier shook his head, "If we continue to pursue him, he will definitely use you as a breakthrough point, and then we will only be able to keep one person.

"You go and take over from Nagel and bring the injured people together, and get them here as soon as possible."

"Okay." Tinos did not hesitate this time, and returned immediately after identifying the direction.

Rozier and others set off again, chasing Kyle in the direction he left.

It was already early morning.

Kyle walked through the dense trees, and he found awkwardly that he seemed to be lost.

Just now he was only focused on avoiding those who were chasing him, and he didn't have time to identify the direction. As a result, now he didn't know where he was at all.

"No, if we continue like this, we will only be chased endlessly." Kyle felt a little irritable.

Just at this time, Billywig, who was responsible for investigating the situation, brought him good news.

"So, there is only one person chasing me now?"

Listening to the squeaking sound of the Billywig, Kyle was heartbroken and stopped immediately.

"Where is he?"

The Billywig changed direction, and Kyle immediately turned his broom and flew over.

Within a minute, he saw the wizard flying in the air.

Without any nonsense, Kyle raised his wand.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

Although Clough, who was responsible for chasing Kyle, didn't understand why he suddenly turned around and came back, the current situation did not allow him to think too much. With a wave of his wand, a ray of red light went straight towards Kyle.

Kyle had no intention of hiding at all, but took advantage of the opponent's avoidance to point his wand at the tree next to him.

Clough's coma spell was blocked by the silver shield around Kyle... The branches began to squirm quickly, tightly wrapping around his legs, and then, a big mouth full of fangs appeared on the tree trunk next to it.

"Still want to make a sneak attack? Isn't it a bit too disrespectful?" As if thinking of the scene where Trang's leg was bitten off, Clough suddenly became furious, waved his hand and smashed the tree trunk next to him, and then turned his target again Kyle.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"


Two rays of red light, one deep and one shallow, collided in mid-air, bursting out with dazzling aftermath, like a ball of red sun.

"Ha, the disarming spell... you're just a brat after all!" Clough sneered, and the hand holding the wand exerted force, and the ball of light slowly began to move in the direction of Kyle.

Kyle had a panicked look on his face and began to hurriedly control his magic power in an attempt to resist the approaching light ball.

But this was in vain. No matter how hard he tried, he could not stop the ball of light from approaching.

"Wenda told us to be cautious, but now it seems that your methods have been exhausted." Clough laughed ferociously, "I hope that when I torture you later, you won't surrender too quickly, so that I can spend more time." More time to torture you and avenge Trang and others..."

Suddenly, Clough's voice stopped abruptly, and after a burst of twitching, he fell straight down from the tree.

Without the support of magic power, the Cruciatus Curse dissipated instantly. Kyle caught the whirling wand, walked up to Clough, stretched out his arm, and said lightly: "You should really listen to Rozier."

A Bowtruckle emerged from Clough's cuffs, holding in its hand a small bone needle polished from a basilisk's teeth.

When he was fighting magic with Clough just now, Kyle let the Billywig fly next to him with the Bowtruckle.

Clough didn't notice this... maybe he did, but he didn't care.

Also, in a forest, who would care about those weak bowtruckles that can be seen everywhere.

Kyle took out his wand again and placed it in the palm of his hand.

"Show me the way!"

The wand turned a few times in his hand, and the tip stopped in one direction. Kyle immediately got on his broomstick and flew over.

After a while, Rozier and others also arrived, and there were six of them, which meant that they had gathered all the wounded together, and the people who had been responsible for taking care of them were also freed.

They immediately saw Clough lying on the ground.

One of them immediately ran over to check on him, then turned back with a pale face and said:

"Wenda, he's dead."

"I know." Wenda Rozier's face was as dark as water, and his eyes fell on the back of Clough's hand. The hand had completely turned black, and there was a tiny wound that could not be detected.

"Is it the poisonous leopard again?" Rozier frowned, shook his head and said, "No, it shouldn't be. The wound is too small. It couldn't have been bitten by the poisonous leopard."

"It should be some kind of poisonous bee." Another person said thoughtfully: "But in the magic world, is there such a poisonous bee? It can actually kill a experienced wizard in such a short period of time."

"It could be something else." Rozier closed his eyes, waved his wand, and the ground turned into a swamp, gradually engulfing Clough.

"I'm going to kill that guy! I'm going to kill him!" a wizard roared.

"Quiet, first we have to find where he is again." Rozier looked around and murmured to himself: "He definitely wants to leave here as soon as possible. The simplest and fastest way is to find a right direction... …”

She seemed to have thought of something and placed the wand flat in the palm of her hand.

"Show me the way!"

The tip of the staff rotated and stopped in one direction.

"Is it this way? Let's go after it." One person couldn't wait to fly forward for a distance.

"Yes, this is the direction. Here is the broom branch he dropped."

The others rushed out immediately.

But Wenda Rozier did not move. She flew to a high place and observed for a moment, then resolutely flew towards the back, where they were before.

The silence of the forest in the middle of the night was eerie, and even the chirping of insects seemed to have disappeared. Rozier's face became heavier and heavier as he galloped all the way.

The quieter the surroundings were, the more likely it was that a certain guess in her mind was true.

Rozier speeded up again and turned into a huge golden eagle, soaring over the forest.

Finally, she saw the deserted tower and a leopard made of flames.

Bending its target...

With the golden eagle's excellent vision, Rozier saw Tinos, who was holding a wand with his left hand, and the injured and unconscious people behind him.


The golden eagle made a shrill neighing sound and turned back into Rozier in mid-air. She pointed her wand directly at Kyle and emitted a dazzling green light.

Kyle dodged in time, and her life-killing curse also fell on the cliff behind, exploding a shockingly large crater.

Rozier fell to the ground and stared gloomily at Kyle who was smiling at her.

"Is this what Dumbledore does? Killing people who have lost the ability to resist..."

"What you said is so insulting to me." Kyle shook his head, "I have never had such an idea. If you don't believe it, you can ask this gentleman. If he hadn't blocked my way, I would have Just left."

Rozier looked at Tinos.

Although he was very reluctant, Tinos nodded, "Yes, his target has always been me."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you didn't chase me, but turned back." Kyle shrugged.

"You can't be faster than us. Even if you find the right direction, you will be overtaken sooner or later." Rozier said calmly, "Think about it this way, the best way is to run back.

"Although it will take more time, it will get rid of us and make you safer. To be honest, I didn't expect you to do this at first."

"But you came back."

"Because of that broom stick," Rozier said. "I don't believe you would be so careless."

"It's a waste of time." Kyle sighed and said with his hands behind his back: "For wizards like you who were all-powerful sixty years ago, my tricks are indeed a bit childish."

"You can't say that." Rozier straightened his messy robe, "Killing Clough stimulates us, makes us lose our due judgment, and leaves obvious clues... Most people have been deceived by you. ”

"Wenda... what did you say... Clough is dead?!" Tinos' legs softened and he almost fell to the ground.

"Kill him... take revenge... take revenge for Clough."

"There is nothing to take revenge on. We were the ones who made the first move, which is fair." Rozier said calmly, "As long as you take us into Nurmengard, I can make the decision to spare your life."

"That's not possible. If I ask you to rescue him, I can't explain it." Kyle said.

"So there's nothing to talk about?" Rozier raised his eyes, "You should know that the reason why you are still alive is just because we don't want to kill you."

"Of course, I know." Kyle said, "If what you used before was a death curse, my armor protection would definitely not be able to block it. But despite this, I still refuse your request. But before I go all out, there is one thing. I'm curious about it."

"Desperately... just relying on your fire spell?" Rozier glanced at the wizards lying on the ground, "But since you didn't attack them, let me ask..."

"That is, between rescuing Grindelwald and watching him die, which one would you choose?"


"Vulcan clears the way!"

Kyle's wand behind his back suddenly spurted out a golden red flame. Under his control, the leopard composed of fierce fire also jumped into the air and actively merged into the flames.

In an instant, the golden red turned into a heart-stopping red.

The Vulcan, which was completely composed of fierce fire, opened the way. It was also the first time for Kyle to use it. Even Rozier was startled and subconsciously raised the wand in front of him.

But she soon discovered that the target of the flames was not herself, but the high tower on the cliff.

Although the fierce fire could not destroy the magic protecting Nurmengard, it enveloped everything around it. The blazing heat once dyed the tower red.

"Hurry up and make your choice, Ms. Wenda Rozier." Kyle turned around and smiled: "Mr. Grindelwald may not last long..."

Without any hesitation, Rozier left Kyle behind and headed straight for the tower.

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