Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 831 A unique way of traveling

Evening, British Ministry of Magic.

Fred and George had just finished a day's work. They dragged their tired bodies, cursed Kyle in their hearts, and took the elevator to the lobby, ready to return to St. Catchpole Village.

"Mr. Weasley..." A slow voice came, and the two turned their heads subconsciously.

"Bob, what's the matter?" Fred asked, "Any interesting things to share with us?"

"Then we are all ears." George said.

This is the receptionist in the lobby of the Ministry of Magic. He is responsible for leading wizards who come to the Ministry for the first time to find where they need to go. Because of his work, he can always get first-hand information on many things, so the two have always maintained a very friendly relationship with him.

"Where is there any interesting things recently? I'm so bored that I want to change jobs." Bob sighed.

"Then why don't you come to work in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures?" Fred's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "We have connections, and we guarantee that you can switch over smoothly."

"Yes." George said, "The salary here is much higher than that of a receptionist."

"Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures?" Bob seemed to have thought of something and shuddered, "Forget it, I suddenly feel bored and it's good, at least I have time to do something I like, unlike you, who are busy every day... Well, forget it, let's not talk about these unhappy things."

Bob changed his tone, "This is a letter for you."

He took out a bulging envelope and put it on the table.

"The letter was delivered by a foreign owl. You were not there at the time, so I helped to collect the letter."

"Our letter..."

"A foreign owl?"

Fred was stunned for a moment, "Where...who sent it."

"Austria." Bob said, "The sender is Kyle. To be honest, I also want to go to Austria to take a look. I heard that there are all kinds of different music in Diagon Alley there."

Bob said happily, but Fred and George were confused.

Kyle sent them a letter from Austria?

How could this be possible?

He was clearly at home yesterday, how could he suddenly go to Austria without saying a word and send them a letter?

Although they didn't believe it, Fred and George walked over and took the letter in their hands at Bob's urging.

The two thought it was just a prank, trying to trick them into opening the envelope, maybe there was a box of horror or something else inside.

Until they saw the signature on the envelope.

It was indeed Kyle's name, and it was also his handwriting.

The two were even more confused.

"Did Kyle...really go to Austria?" Fred asked.

"We'll know when we go back and take a look." George said, "Go to Kyle's house and see if he's there, it means the person who sent this letter has ulterior motives."

"That's right."

The two immediately said goodbye to Bob and hurried back to St. Catchpole Village.

They first came to Kyle's door and knocked hard for a long time, but there was no movement inside, only the catkins were howling impatiently, as if asking them to be quiet.

"Did he really go to Austria?"

"It's possible. Now that I think about it, there is a small mark on the envelope that only we know about. It shouldn't be forged."

"Then let's go back and take a look."

After that, the two returned to the Burrow.

"You're back just in time. Let's prepare for dinner." Mrs. Weasley came out of the kitchen with a stew pot.

"Wait a moment, Mom."

Fred put the envelope on the table.

"What is this?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"I don't know." George said, "Kyle sent it from Austria."

"Kyle..." Mrs. Weasley was also stunned for a moment, "Isn't he at home?"

"We just went to see him, he's not at home." George said, while picking up the envelope.

The letter was sealed with magic, and a password was required to open it, but this obviously couldn't stop him.

"Speaking of passwords..." George smiled slightly, "Fred, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?"

"Need I say that?" Fred also smiled, "Of course it's the one we're most familiar with."

"Yeah, I really miss it." George sighed, "It seems like we haven't used it for a long time."

"It's not useful..."

"What are you talking about?" Charlie was a little confused and urged, "Since you know the password, open the letter quickly."

The twins ignored him and just looked at each other.


"No problem."

They took out their wands at the same time and put them on the envelope.

"I solemnly swear that I'm not doing bad things."

"I solemnly swear that I'm not doing bad things."

The seal lit up and opened automatically.

Everyone curiously leaned over to see what was inside.

There was no parchment, only a box that had shrunk several times...

Or the envelope was used with a traceless extension spell, it just looked small, and when the box was taken out, it immediately returned to its original size.

"This is Kyle's box." Fred blurted out: "How did it get here..."

Before he finished speaking, the lock of the box popped open automatically.

Then, in the confusion of everyone, Kyle pushed the box open and jumped out.

"Finally here, it's been a long time." He moved his arms and then looked around, "Oh, Mrs. Weasley, Charlie, Bill... Why do you all look like this."

"Why don't you first tell me why you are here." Fred looked at Kyle and then at the envelope, "What on earth is going on?"

"As you can see, I found myself a ride." Kyle spread his hands and said, "It's a bit troublesome to explain. To put it simply, someone sent me to Austria but was not responsible for picking me back. So I just have to figure it out on my own.”

"Is this what you want?" George raised his eyebrows.

"It's very convenient, isn't it?" Kyle said with a smile: "Although owls are not particularly fast, they will not be traced by the Ministry of Magic and can travel unimpeded. Without illegal door keys, there is nothing better than this. There’s a solution.”

Kyle said cheerfully.

All it takes is a box and a Traceless Stretch Spell envelope to travel safely, quickly, conveniently and worry-free. If Newt could have thought of this, he might not have needed to buy illegal door keys everywhere.

"Then how did you put yourself in the envelope?" Percy asked curiously.

"This is simple, just ask the owl to help push it. They are quite smart and can do the job completely."

Kyle gently pushed a plate on the table. Although it was much larger than the envelope, it was easily put in when it touched the envelope because of the invisible stretching spell.

"What about the sealing work?"

“It can be done from the inside.”

Percy smacked his lips and murmured to himself: "I didn't expect that the Traceless Stretch Spell could be used like this. This is a loophole that may allow some people with ulterior motives to take advantage of it."

"Of course, I'm not talking about you." He seemed to have thought of something and quickly looked at Kyle to explain.

"It doesn't matter." Kyle waved his hand and didn't care.

"In fact, it is not that easy to complete this operation." Bill said thoughtfully: "It is estimated that not many wizards can use the traceless stretching spell on a fragile envelope... In addition, you need to have A box big enough to hold them in the envelope for a long enough time.”

"Let's not talk about this first." George stared at Kyle, "Why did you suddenly run away to Austria?"


After being reminded like this, others also reacted and looked at Kyle.

"This question...it may take me a few days to explain it to you." Kyle said.

"Isn't it possible now?" Fred still didn't give up, "I'm really too curious. If I didn't know, I might not be able to sleep at night..."

"Fred, if you feel too idle, go and share some work for your father!" Mrs. Weasley's voice came from behind. She served Kyle a large bowl of stew and smiled: "Dear "Would you like some toast?"

"Thank you..." Kyle said, "Oh, I almost forgot, I brought you a gift too."

He took out a bunch of things from the box...a color-blocked patterned robe, a Muggle-made accordion, a screaming harmonica, Irem horn glasses, local wine...all kinds of things were spread out on the table, all Kyle was looking for. I bought it at the Owl Post Office, something unique to Austria.

"This is too expensive." Mrs. Weasley said, but she took a fancy to the different style of robes at a glance, including Charlie, who also looked at the wine and swallowed his saliva.

"No, these things are very cheap locally." Kyle took a big mouthful of stew and said with a smile, "It's just more expensive to send it here. Nowadays, people don't want to send things to the UK..."

"There's nothing we can do about it, it's all the Death Eaters' fault..." Charlie said.

The originally lively atmosphere suddenly became much more deserted.

"Well...are they doing anything now?" Kyle asked.

"No." Mrs. Weasley shook her head, "This is also what we are most worried about. According to Arthur, there is a lot of evidence that they have been trying to recruit more Death Eaters, but there is nothing on the surface. Even if there are occasional small-scale conflicts, I am very worried whether they are planning a larger conspiracy.

"How should we deal with so many Death Eaters if they attack together..."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Weasley, maybe we are just overthinking." Kyle comforted her: "We are evenly matched now. Not everyone will join the mysterious man. Isn't the Ministry of Magic also expanding Aurors and strikers? Quantity? If we really fight for quantity, we may not lose to the Death Eaters."

"Yeah mom, don't worry."

"We still have the advantage."

Bill and Charlie also comforted her.

Mrs. Weasley forced a smile and gave everyone two more sausages.

Especially Kyle, who hadn't eaten much all day long, had obviously more things in front of him than others, and even the dinner left for Mr. Weasley was put on his plate.

After dinner, Kyle left the Burrow and returned to his home, holding on to the wall.

Although he had slept for a while in the box before, he did not dare to completely relax in that situation, so he could only close his eyes and rest.

Now that he finally returned home, the fatigue of being chased by Wenda Rozier and others all night suddenly came out. He didn't even change his clothes, so he threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.

He slept until noon, when Kyle was woken up by a peck.

He waved his hand in annoyance to chase away the owl beside his pillow.

"Don't make trouble, Laton...the food is in the cabinet, you know its location."

But the owl Raton still pecked the back of his hand, and at the same time stretched out his talons and slapped an envelope on Kyle's face.

Kyle finally woke up. He rubbed his eyes, opened the envelope casually, and took out the parchment inside...

Then, Kyle jumped off the bed suddenly.

"Come to Hogwarts quickly. The mysterious man showed up and attacked Gringotts. Minister of Magic Amelia Bones insisted on seeing Dumbledore.

...Minerva McGonagall."

"Why at this time?" Kyle frowned and subconsciously reached out to take the Polyjuice Potion he had put on his body in advance.

But his hand grabbed nothing. Kyle searched back and forth three times before he was sure that the Polyjuice Potion and Dumbledore's hair that had been placed in the shapeshifting lizard skin bag had all disappeared.

"Did it fall when we were in the forest before?" Kyle frowned.

At that time, he was chased too quickly, and maybe he took it out when he was taking things out.

But it doesn't matter, there is a spare in the principal's office. As long as he goes there quickly, he should be able to make it in time. Kyle didn't have time to think carefully. He directly Apparated to the familiar Hog's Head Bar, ready to repeat the old trick and turn into an owl to fly back to school.


A hand suddenly appeared and stopped Kyle.

"Mr. Aberforth..." Kyle looked at the person who came, "No time to explain, I have to rush back to Hogwarts now."

"I know," Aberforth said lightly, "Now Hogwarts is full of experienced Aurors. If you use Transfiguration again, you will probably be discovered... Go there."

He pointed to a huge portrait on the wall.

A portrait of Ariana, but at this time the portrait had been opened like a door, revealing a passage behind it.

"Wait, didn't you say before that this is a one-way secret passage?"

"Yes." Aberforth said lightly, "but just a minute ago, it was opened from the inside. Maybe someone knew in advance that you were going back to Hogwarts, so they opened it from the inside.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry over, otherwise the passage will be closed and you will have to find a way yourself."

"Okay." Kyle nodded and jumped in.

The passage was long and spacious. Kyle hurried and it took nearly ten minutes to reach the exit of the Room of Requirement.

The Room of Requirement is on the eighth floor, and the headmaster's office is also on the eighth floor. The distance is not far, but Kyle just came outside and heard Amelia's cold voice.

"Minerva, where is Dumbledore? I must see him today!"

"I'm sorry, Minister Bones, the headmaster has more important things to do." This is Professor McGonagall's voice.

"More important things? "Bones' voice suddenly rose, "Is there anything more important than the attack on Gringotts... When more than a hundred Death Eaters, Aurors and strikers were desperately protecting the wizards in Gringotts, where was Dumbledore? Do you know how many we sacrificed?

"I must see him today. I need to know his attitude. If Dumbledore is unwilling to cooperate with the Ministry of Magic to fight against the mysterious man, we must withdraw all protection and information exchanges from Hogwarts as soon as possible."

"You misunderstood, Amelia, our Hogwarts will always stand against the Death Eaters." Professor McGonagall said.

"Then let Dumbledore come to see me!"

Kyle walked forward a few steps and saw Amelia Bones and Professor McGonagall standing at the corner.

Fortunately, there were only the two of them around, and there were no other Aurors and students.

Amelia had lost her patience at this time, "Don't lie to me with that lame excuse. I've inquired about it. At present, there is no news about Dumbledore in any country in the wizarding world. Or you can tell me directly whether he is still alive!"

"Of course, I promise you this." Professor McGonagall said seriously.

Amelia's face eased a little, and she seemed relieved.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall also saw Kyle sneaking around. She subconsciously moved her position, and Amelia's sight also turned, completely leaving the corridor.

Kyle took the opportunity to tiptoe over.

Amelia seemed to hear something, and subconsciously wanted to turn her head.

"In fact..." Professor McGonagall suddenly raised her voice and attracted her attention again, "I have notified Headmaster Dumbledore, and he will be back soon."

"Then I'll wait here."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Kyle, who had just run over, suddenly felt a little weak in the legs.

He probably understood what was going on. Death Eaters attacked Gringotts, the Ministry of Magic fought hard, but Dumbledore never showed up... The Minister came to ask for punishment.

How could he find an excuse?

Kyle was confused. If he didn't do it well, Hogwarts might break with the Ministry of Magic. How could such a big responsibility fall on him?

With mixed feelings, Kyle walked through the gargoyles and went to the headmaster's office along the spiral staircase.

In any case, Dumbledore must show up. As for what excuse he could find to fool him... He had to adapt to the situation. Maybe Professor McGonagall could help him.

Kyle pushed open the oak door at the top of the stairs and prepared to take the Polyjuice Potion and hair from the drawer, but what he didn't expect was that someone was already in the headmaster's office.

Kyle was startled, but when he saw who that person was, he was relieved.


"Ah, I knew you would find a way to come back by yourself." Nico said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Kyle couldn't help but twitch his lips.

If he hadn't thought of the owl idea, it might have taken more than ten hours to fly. How could he have the nerve to mention it.

But now was not the time to talk about this. Kyle walked quickly to the table, opened the drawer, and looked for the polyjuice potion inside, saying, "Nico, why are you here? But I may not have time now. Can we talk about it later?"

"It's okay, I just came to give you something."

Nico smiled and reached into his pocket, took out an exquisite golden pocket watch and put it on the table, "I said that the time converter will be repaired after you return from Nurmengard. Look, it's just right now."

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