Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 835 They might be sleepy.

Compared to the daytime, Diagon Alley at night is not so pleasant, especially after the shops on both sides are closed, the cold moonlight and the dim yellow lights interweave together, and there is a bit of a gloomy feeling out of thin air.

Holiken and his group walked quickly on the street, two in front and three behind, vaguely surrounding Kyle in the middle, as if to prevent him from escaping.

Although Kyle also saw their intention, he pretended to know nothing, and even urged impatiently.

"Why is it so far, haven't we arrived yet?"

"It's just in front." Holicen said, looking back.

He turned a corner and turned into a small alley.

Kyle stopped where he was, a little hesitant, "Are you sure that the area ahead is still within the scope of Diagon Alley?"

"Of course, I promise." Holicen said in a low voice: "This is the back street of Diagon Alley, also known as Knockturn Alley."

"But why have I never heard of it?"

"Because... well, this is where the shop owners rest." Holicen explained: "They will be in the store during the day and come back here to rest at night. Maybe there is nothing to visit, so no one told you."

Knockturn Alley is the shop owner's dormitory?

Kyle sneered... Would he believe such a ridiculous excuse?

Others may also think that this excuse is ridiculous. They subconsciously moved their feet and got closer to Kyle.

"I see."

The next second, Kyle nodded and took the initiative to walk in, "Hurry up, don't waste time."

"No problem." Holicen showed a sneer of success and came to the front again to lead the way.

Knockturn Alley at this time was even dirtier than a hundred years later. Strange things like bones could be seen everywhere on the road, and the air was filled with a suffocating stench.

"Is this really the place where the shop owner rests?" Kyle couldn't help but cast a bubble head spell on himself and asked again.

But this time, he didn't get an answer.

At this time, they had come to a more gloomy and secluded alley. Holicen stopped, and several people next to him surrounded Kyle in the middle in tacit understanding.

"It's not easy to trick you here." Holicen turned around and stared at Kyle coldly.

"Lie to me... What do you mean?" Kyle's voice was a little muffled, "Aren't you afraid that I will hire those shop owners to kill you?"

"Of course I am afraid." Holicen said, but his eyes were full of sarcasm and ridicule, "But they dare not come in here, Knockturn Alley is our territory. Although those guys are greedy, they can also distinguish between gold coins and life."

"What do you mean?" Kyle narrowed his eyes, "Forget it, you should take out the black dragon egg quickly, this place is really disgusting."

"Haha, hahaha..." Holicen suddenly laughed out loud, "No problem, give it to you..."

He picked up a stone from the ground and handed it to Kyle, "But we decided to temporarily increase the price, you need to pay us 10,000 Galleons."

"Are you crazy... a stone?"

"No, this is the dragon egg."

"What if I refuse."

"It doesn't matter, after we kill you later, we can slowly look for it from you." Holicen and the wizards around approached Kyle again.

Perhaps they felt they had a sure win, or perhaps they felt Kyle was not a threat, so they did not take out their wands at the first time, but just surrounded him with a smug look on their faces... They looked like they were playing with their prey.

"You want to kill me?"

"Smart, otherwise why would we trick you here? Do we really want to make a deal with you?" Holicon laughed even more happily, "Why don't you scream and try to get someone to save you."

"Ah, someone..." Kyle muttered perfunctorily.

But this behavior angered Holicon,

"Be afraid, why aren't you afraid!"

"I hate people like you the most, always acting so high and mighty." He roared and took out his wand, "It doesn't matter, I want to see if you can continue to maintain this... disgusting expression under the torture of the Cruciatus Curse."

"What a pity." Kyle sighed.

"It's a pity for you."

"No, I mean, I thought I could get another dragon egg." Kyle shook his head, "What a waste of time, then, goodbye."

"Ha, you think you can still walk..."


Before Holiken finished speaking, a sharp stone spike suddenly pierced his chest.

The stone spike extended from the wall next to him, and it was not one, but five, just right, just corresponding to all of them.

But fortunately, the stone spike did not pierce the vital points, and they were still alive.

"Transfiguration spell..." Holiken spit out a mouthful of blood, "You obviously...didn't take the wand...when."

"It's just a simple Transfiguration, why do you need a wand." Kyle said casually.

"I seem to have underestimated you..." Holiken took a step forward and broke free from the stone spike, "But it's a pity, you should aim at our heart."

"Do it!" He shouted sharply, pointing the wand at Kyle, "Avada..."

But no one responded to him, and Holiken suddenly found that Kyle's box had been opened at some point.

It should be when he was stabbed by the stone spike. After all, before that, the box had always been held in Kyle's hand.

As one of his main targets, Holican had been keeping an eye on the box, so he remembered it very clearly.

Then, he saw a pair of orange eyes.

"Plop... Plop..."

There was no screaming, and several people fell to the ground, as if they were asleep.

The alley was quiet again.

A few minutes later, Kyle came out with a bag, ready to leave Knockturn Alley.

He originally thought that Holican really had black dragon eggs, so he followed him, but he didn't expect that this was just an excuse for the other party to trick him here.

But think about it, for centuries, black dragons have been in the Hesperidian Islands, and they have never heard of their traces in other places. With just these few people, I'm afraid they don't have the ability to bring out the dragon eggs.

Although he had expected this result, Kyle still felt a little disappointed.

He walked around a piece of strangely colored mud in front of him and walked towards the alley entrance.

At the same time, a figure just happened to walk towards this side in a hurry.

Although the man was wearing a black cloak, Kyle still recognized his identity at a glance.

Dumbledore... Of course, the young Dumbledore.

Kyle was taking final exams when he first came here, and he stayed in Diagon Alley for so long afterwards. Calculating the time, Hogwarts seemed to have been on vacation for a long time.

When Kyle looked over, the other party also found him.

"Oh, you are the... sixth-year Hufflepuff." Dumbledore was a little surprised, and vaguely a little panicked, "You appeared in Knockturn Alley at this time. What trouble did you encounter?"

"No." Kyle shook his head and said, "I just wanted to go to Gringotts and walked here accidentally."

"I'm afraid Gringotts is closed at this time."

"Yeah, they closed the door as soon as I came out." Kyle said.

"That's good, but you'd better leave quickly. This is not a good place." Dumbledore looked a little absent-minded and deliberately avoided Kyle's eyes.

Inadvertently, he saw several people lying in the alley not far behind him, "What happened to them..."

"I don't know, maybe they are sleepy." Kyle looked back, "I noticed it just now, but I didn't dare to go closer."

"You are right." Dumbledore said, he seemed to think it was normal for wizards to sleep on the roadside in Knockturn Alley, and he didn't care.

"Do you need any help?" Kyle asked enthusiastically.

"No, I just came to buy some things." Dumbledore shook his head, and his tone became a little hurried, "The regular stores are closed at this time, and I can only try my luck in Knockturn Alley."

Kyle noticed that his hand subconsciously moved to the edge of his pocket, where he could pull out his wand at any time.

Is there anything you don't want him to know?

"In that case, I wish you good luck." Kyle didn't ask any more questions.

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and passed by Kyle, and continued to walk deeper into Knockturn Alley.

Kyle continued to walk to the alley entrance. He did not look back out of curiosity and went back to Diagon Alley.

There was a very obvious light on the originally dim street, coming from a magic item store.

Kyle had been to this store before. It sold some special items, such as fecal stones that can detoxify and crystals that can remove black magic curses.

But Kyle remembered that when he went to Knockturn Alley, the door was obviously closed. Why is it suddenly open now?

The boss was yawning and preparing to close the door again. When Kyle walked over, he could still hear him muttering in his mouth, "Annoying little ghost... knocking on the door in the middle of the night... not buying anything... and so on."

However, after noticing Kyle, his expression immediately changed, quickly switching from impatience to surprise.

"Oh, sir, it's nice to see you." He opened the door enthusiastically, "Do you need any help?"

Because Kyle never gave his name when buying things, the shopkeepers here usually just called him "this gentleman".

"I'm just looking around." Kyle walked into the store and picked up a piece of blue crystal.

"That's a sound storage stone. It can store sounds and can be played automatically with just a little magic."

"Not bad, I bought it." Kyle put it on the counter and asked naturally, "It's really strange. I remember that when I came here just now, the door was still closed. Do you have business hours at night?"

"No." The owner said with a smile, "Actually, I'm ready to rest, but a student just came, probably from Hogwarts, and knocked on the door rudely, wanting to buy something."

"Oh, what did he buy?" Kyle asked curiously.

"He didn't buy anything." The owner said angrily, "He just took a round and left, and said that there was nothing he wanted here.

"It's really interesting. Everyone in Diagon Alley knows that I have the most complete goods here, and even amulets that can resist the killing curse. "

The boss glanced at a necklace placed in the most conspicuous position intentionally or unintentionally. "Do you want to wear one? This is a life-saving item. It only costs fifty Galleons. No one who has used it has said anything bad about it... Now there is only this one left."

Kyle walked over and took a look, then lost interest.

It was clearly a thing that only had a dispelling spell, which could only scare weak dark creatures like Red Riding Hood and Kaba at most. If it really encountered a killing curse, this thing would be useless.

As for whether anyone had been fooled... well, once they found out that they had been fooled, they might not have the chance to come to the boss to argue.

However, Kyle did not intend to expose him. He walked around twice, picked up two small things, and then checked out and left.

The boss sent him out enthusiastically, and then closed the store door again.

Kyle walked on the street, thinking about what the boss had just said.

If I guessed correctly, the person who knocked on his store door should be Dumbledore. He seemed to want to buy something, but the store didn't have it, so he went to Knockturn Alley.

But what did Dumbledore want to buy? He was so anxious that he had to buy it at night.

The first person Kyle thought of was Ariana, Dumbledore's sister, a little girl who was a squib in everyone's eyes.

This also explains why Dumbledore was a little flustered just now.

The famous Dumbledore had a Squib in his family, so he naturally didn't want others to know about it.

In addition, he remembered that in fact, Dumbledore didn't like his sister very much at the beginning, especially when she just graduated.

Dumbledore felt that his sister, who needed someone to take care of her at this moment, was like a shackle, locking him, who had just graduated and was full of vigor, in the small Godric's Hollow, and he couldn't go anywhere.

Of course, Ariana was not a real Squib, but an Obscurial.

The so-called Obscurial, in simple terms, is a wizard who resisted using magic when he was a child, and the magic in his body could not be properly guided and vented, and gradually turned into another form.

It was a dark magic substance without rules and shapes, called "Obscura".

The destructive power of the Obscurus was extremely strong, and the host's fragile body could hardly bear its power. Ariana was one of the few Obscurials who lived past the age of ten.

But this also meant that she had to endure the pain brought by the Obscurus at all times. Perhaps tonight, Ariana's Obscurus would break out, and Dumbledore had to come out to find a solution.

Perhaps it was time for him to go to Godric's Hollow.

Although there was no news about his other dragon egg, Kyle didn't want to wait any longer.

He returned to the Leaky Cauldron and had a good rest for the night. Kyle checked out of the room the next morning.

He first went to Diagon Alley again and found the shop.

Last night, he learned the name of the owner from Holicon... Willy Tom, but he didn't know what relationship he had with the owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

Maybe it didn't matter. After all, the name Tom was too common in the UK, but it was the first time Kyle saw it as a surname.

As expected, there was still a sign of "Closed" hanging at the door of the shop, and the owner still didn't come back.

It's just that there are more wizards wearing special robes on the street, especially near Knockturn Alley. Judging from their movements, they should be Aurors or strikers.

"Is the Ministry of Magic so efficient at this time?"

Kyle frowned. He remembered that the owner Tom had said before that there seemed to be some big man behind Holicon.

This time, he really couldn't stay here any longer.

Although Kyle was sure that he had not left any traces last night, it was better to leave as soon as possible anyway.

He had become too famous in Diagon Alley recently. There was no reason why a wizard who spent money like water would not be targeted by Horicon.

When the Aurors learned about this, they would definitely come to question him. Even if they had no evidence, Kyle did not want to have anything to do with the current Ministry of Magic.

He turned back to the Leaky Cauldron, pulled a hair from a passerby, put it in a bottle and shook it, then went into a bookstore next door and drank the Polyjuice Potion under the cover of a large bookcase.

When he came out again, he had become a middle-aged wizard with an ordinary appearance.

Kyle calmly walked through the Leaky Cauldron, came to a remote street, and stretched out his wand.

There were suddenly two more lights at the intersection, as if a gust of wind blew, and a brand new double-decker bus whizzed to a stop in front of him.

"The Knight Bus, dedicated to providing services for wizards in distress." A very enthusiastic voice came from the bus.

"Sir, can I help you?"

"I want to go to Godric's Hollow." Kyle said, "How much?"

"One Sickle." The salesperson said with a smile, "If you add another Sickle, you can get a cup of butter beer."

"No thanks." Kyle said, he walked onto the bus, grabbed a handful of nut, counted them carefully twice and handed them to the other party.

However, the conductor did not show a disgusted expression because of Kyle's behavior, and still enthusiastically found him an empty seat.

"Next stop, Godric's Hollow!" She shouted loudly at the front of the bus.

The lights of the double-decker bus flashed, and it rushed out again with a whoosh.


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