Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 847: Rumors spread, the gap between brothers

After coming out of the Ministry of Magic, Kyle looked up at the bright and dazzling sunshine.

I don’t know if I can see the scene in front of me in the Department of Mysteries. After all, this is what Ariana has always longed for.

It should be possible...

Although the Department of Mysteries is on the underground floor of the Ministry of Magic, it is not difficult to use magic to create a window connecting to the outside with the ability of the Silent Man.

And this is already the best arrangement.

It was impossible for him to try to bring someone who existed in the past back to the future. This was unrealistic, including the fact that he drank 'raspberry drink' for a month before using the time turner.

And the most important thing... Kyle stretched out his hand and looked at his wand blankly.

Since last night, he has felt a vague sense of rejection. The most intuitive manifestation is that when he uses the magic spell, he is not as smooth as before.

It's not obvious, but it's real.

The reason is also very simple. He does not belong here. Although he used the time turner to come back, he is incompatible with everything around him.

Nico's 'raspberry drink' can help him temporarily solve this problem, but as time goes by, the effect is also weakening.

Since he is like this, Ariana, who was taken a hundred years in the future, should be no exception.

Therefore, taking her to the Department of Mysteries is the best option.

At least Ariana won't be bored there anymore. The Silent Man is very busy at work, which can be seen from the fact that his mother rarely comes home.

As long as people are busy, they have no time to be sad. Maybe this job can help Ariana adapt to life without her brother as soon as possible.

In addition, the salary of the silent man is not low, even higher than that of the professors at Hogwarts, and only slightly worse than the dean. It is a guaranteed high-paying iron rice bowl.

Sometimes even Kyle is a little moved, but unfortunately, they only look at predictions when recruiting people, not performance.

Kyle shook his head and didn't think about it anymore.

After leaving the Ministry of Magic, he came to a deserted place and apparated back to Godric's Hollow.

The top priority now is to determine Dumbledore's condition.

Kyle returned to the road he had left with Ariana and walked into the quiet valley again.

Although it was almost noon, it was extremely dull in the valley, and almost everyone was gathered near a church to the south.

There was a funeral going on there... Ariana's funeral.

Kyle stood alone and silently outside the crowd. Through the crowd, he could clearly see Aberforth throwing himself on the newly carved tombstone and crying loudly.

Young Dumbledore also burst into tears, with endless regret in his eyes.

"What right do you have to cry!"

Aberforth suddenly exploded, turned around and threw out a punch, hitting Dumbledore hard in the face.

Blood flowed out from his mouth and nose, and Dumbledore's nose bone was broken on the spot, but he had no intention of wiping it. He just stared blankly at the tombstone and let the blood cover his face.

"Hypocritical bastard!" Aberforth wanted to fight, but was stopped by everyone who came to their senses.

"That's enough Aberforth, that's enough." A middle-aged wizard hugged him, "Albus is in the same pain as you. He's already suffering enough."

"Let me go, what do you know!" Aberforth struggled hard, "He, a cold-blooded bastard, will only feel that he has got rid of the burden, secretly rejoicing, how could he be sad... Let me go, I want to kill him!"

But how could the people around him believe his words? They just thought that Aberforth was too sad and wanted to find someone to vent to.

So they held Aberforth tightly to prevent him from attacking Dumbledore again, and the scene became chaotic for a time.

However, Kyle noticed that only a small number of people stepped forward to break up the fight, while more people chose to stand silently.

It's not that they are cold-blooded or have little friendship with the Dumbledore family. Godric's Hollow is such a big place that they can be considered neighbors even if they don't look up at each other on weekdays. The relationship is naturally not too bad. It's just that most people still don't know each other. I just didn't understand the situation.

In other words, before today, they didn't know that there was a teenage girl in the Dumbledore family who had never been seen before.

"When did you come?" Someone suddenly came next to Kyle and asked.

"Oh, Cord." Kyle turned around and said hello, "What happened here?"

"It's Albus's family..." Cord suddenly paused before continuing: "To be honest, I still find it a bit incredible that there is a girl in their family.

"And it's not just me. Look over there, Bathilda doesn't seem to know about this either. I've always felt that their two families have a very good relationship. After all, when Candela was still alive, the two of them often had afternoon tea together. "

Kyle looked in the direction of his finger and saw a confused Bathilda Bagshot.

"You didn't know there was a girl in Dumbledore's house?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know." Cord shook his head affirmatively, "And many people don't know that Kandra has never mentioned her."

Speaking of this, Cord suddenly lowered his voice.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the pub..."

"Does it fit?"

"No problem, the ceremony is over."

Kyle nodded and followed Cord out of the church and came to the Valley Bar. It happened that he didn't want to stay here all the time.

He took the initiative to order two glasses of the best brandy, and at the same time took out a common brown paper bag and handed it to him.

"What's this?"

"I borrowed something from you," Kyle said. "I said I would return it, and now it returns to its original owner."

When he met the Silent Man, Kyle took off the invisibility cloak from Ariana, and the witch didn't mention it again before leaving. I guess the Department of Mysteries should have a way to deal with the Silent Man, and he wouldn't be needed. Come and worry.

"Did you really give it back to me?" Cord still couldn't believe it.

"Why, I don't want it." Kyle raised his eyebrows, "Then I'll reluctantly accept it..."

"Who says I don't want it?" Cord grabbed the brown paper bag and held it in his arms, lowering his voice and saying: "I just didn't expect you would actually return it to me. In fact, I gave the invisibility cloak to you that day. At that time, I never thought about seeing it again.

"And at that time, I felt a little relieved."

"How do you say this?"

"Because this is also a big trouble." Cord took a sip of brandy. "For hundreds of years, countless wizards have been looking for holy artifacts. It's funny to say that. Last night was the most solid sleep I've ever had."

"How about you sleep a few more days and have a good rest." Kyle smiled and said, "I definitely don't mind anyway."

Cord didn't speak, but tightened the brown paper bag in his arms to show his attitude.

"Let's make an agreement first. Even if you give it back to me, you won't be able to get back the things you left before... I've finished drinking it."

"I don't want to come back either." Kyle said, "As I said before, that's the reward."

"But having said that." Cord glanced at Kyle hesitantly, and finally couldn't help but asked: "This is the legendary holy weapon, are you really willing to give it back to me?"

"It's just a magic item." Kyle waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Besides, I've even seen Ravenclaw's crown. Do you still care about this?"

"Ha, why do some people get drunk before they start drinking?" Cord couldn't help but laugh, "If you have ever seen Ravenclaw's crown, I, I will..."

He looked around, "I took off my pants and ran around Godric's Hollow."

"Remember to notify me when the time comes." Kyle said with a smile, "I can prepare some eye-cleaning potions in advance. I will definitely make a fortune."

"Then you must have seen it." Cord sneered, "Ravenclaw's diadem is much more mysterious than the sacred artifact. There are even very few legends about it. I guess that thing must have been stolen by Luo. Ina Ravenclaw has been taken to a place where no one can find her, so stop talking nonsense."

"Let's just treat it like this." Kyle shrugged and didn't explain anything further, "Now let's talk, what did you want to say when you brought me here?"

"It's just some gossip. It's inconvenient to talk over there." Cord took another sip of brandy. "Some people think that the girl from Dumbledore's house is a squib, so Kandra locked her in the house, and she is also a squib." Poor child."

"Why do you say that?" Kyle asked with interest.

"Of course it's because of Candela's character." Cord said, "You don't know, she is a very scary woman... Oh, it may be inappropriate to say scary, but there is one thing, she is very proud and domineering.

Of course, Candela also has a good side, as long as anything passes through her hands, it can always be handled beautifully, and usually, she is also willing to help everyone who is in trouble, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Her identity." Cord was a little confused, "I shouldn't have told you this in the first place... Forget it, you are not an outsider either.

"Well, it's said that Candela is a Muggle-born, but she insists on lying that she is not. Anyone who mentions this will make her furious.

"If such a person gave birth to a Squib child, it would certainly be impossible to bring her to light, especially after Albus's extraordinary magical talent was revealed."

"Muggle-born?" Kyle asked doubtfully, "Who said that?"

"It seems to be a Hogwarts student in the same year as her."

"Just one?" Kyle tapped his fingers on the table, "Do you believe it?"

"To be honest, I don't believe it." Cord shook his head without hesitation, "And it doesn't matter, who here doesn't have a few Muggle-born wizards.

"It's just that the sudden appearance of this girl brought this old incident to light again. I still can't figure out why Candela imprisoned her daughter in the house."

Cord became more and more obedient, and Kyle got a general image from him.

That is a witch with a strong personality, an upright character, but a very capable one.

As for Dumbledore's father...no one has ever seen him, there were only three people when the Dumbledore family moved here...Candra, Albus and Aberforth.

Gradually, there were more and more people in the bar. Although it was not yet evening, the surrounding area was already full.

And there was only one thing that everyone was discussing, Ariana who appeared out of thin air and suddenly died.

Everyone was so curious that someone was imprisoned by his mother for such a long time under their noses.

Anger, suspicion, responsibility... Everyone has their own opinions, but most people think that Kendra is an incompetent mother. Although there are a few people who think there must be some misunderstanding, their voices are too small and they are soon drowned out by the noisy discussions.

Kyle did not explain this, he just thought it was a little funny.

Perhaps the facts are the same as they said. After all, Kendra is dead and no one knows her true thoughts.

But in a sense, Kendra also saved their lives.

If she hadn't insisted on Ariana staying at home, when the Obscurus broke out, no one here would have survived.

Kyle suddenly felt a little bored, and the wine in the glass became tasteless. He stood up and left the noisy bar.

He first came to a hillside near the church, just in time to see the direction of the cemetery.

Most people have left, only a few are still there, and it seems that they should have some relationship with the Dumbledore family.

Aberforth and young Dumbledore had not left yet, but there was always a distance between them, as if there was an unbridgeable gap.

Kyle wanted to confirm the situation, but with his identity, he could not do anything even if he went there.

"Wait a minute." Kyle turned and left the hillside, returned to Godric's Hollow, and began to wander aimlessly on the street.

Unconsciously, he walked to the vicinity of Bathilda Bagshot's house again.

It is worth mentioning that he did not see Grindelwald along the way, nor did he see him near the church. The other party seemed to have left Godric's Hollow yesterday.

Bathilda was sitting in the garden, staring at Dumbledore's house not far away, and did not even notice that Kyle was next to her.

Seeing this, Kyle did not disturb her and went straight to the barn.

If Dumbledore had escaped, he would probably come here.

Unfortunately, when Kyle opened the door, he did not see him.


Late at night, the light through the window gradually went out, and Godric's Hollow fell into silence.

Under the moonlight, a figure quickly crossed the path and walked towards the church.

This person was naturally Kyle. He had waited for Dumbledore for an entire afternoon but didn't see him. In order to prevent any changes, he had to go find him himself.

But what he didn't expect was that there was someone else in the cemetery.

It was the young Dumbledore, who was still standing in his previous position, and seemed to have never moved.

Kyle looked at him, then at the tombstone, and then raised his wand.

What he was going to do later probably wouldn't be allowed by the other party, so he had to solve this problem first.

In his current state, Kyle was fully confident that he could knock him down in an instant.


A beam of red light flew by.

Just as Kyle thought, Dumbledore, who was not alert at all, was hit directly, his legs softened, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Kyle walked over.

"Oh, I should have shown up earlier."

At this time, a voice came from behind.

Kyle turned around and said in surprise: "Professor, you are still alive?"

"Well, at present, it is like this." Dumbledore came over, "It is really not easy to deceive them. When the Polyjuice Potion failed, it was almost exposed. Fortunately, the scene was quite chaotic at that time, which gave me the opportunity to use the Transfiguration Spell."

"Can you deceive all of them with just the Transfiguration Spell?" Kyle said in surprise.

"I also used a special magic to assist myself, making myself look like I am really dead.

"After waking up, you can use the prepared portkey to come out." Dumbledore said.

He glanced at his young self lying on the ground, subconsciously touched his head, and muttered in a low voice: "No wonder I slept next to the tombstone inexplicably that day, and I left with a headache after waking up. I didn't expect it was because of you.

"I should have put the portkey in advance earlier. It really hurt that time."

Kyle laughed twice and kicked away a piece of the head next to the young Dumbledore's head without making a sound.

"It's okay, at least the pain at that time also made me sober." Dumbledore said, and then asked the question he was most concerned about.

"What about Ariana, how is she?"

"No problem." Kyle said, "I sent her to a safe place, I promise it will be fine."

"Where is it?" Dumbledore asked anxiously,

"Ministry of Magic, Department of Mysteries." Kyle glanced at him, "Don't think about looking for her, at least not now, otherwise everything we have done before will be wasted."

"I know, I won't go." Dumbledore said.

Kyle didn't care, at this point, he believed that Dumbledore would not be impulsive.

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