Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 853 Return to Godric's Hollow

Kyle now finally understood why Nico had been so calm after Dumbledore disappeared, and why he was able to prepare everything he needed in a very short time when he decided to use the time-turner.

It took him not just one month, but nearly three months. From this time on, he was preparing to repair the time-turner.

And he insisted on using the time-turner to go back to the past, without considering Professor McGonagall at all.

Nico also knew it a long time ago. He knew very well that it was Kyle who went to rescue Dumbledore this time, and he succeeded, so he ignored Professor McGonagall's suggestion and even went to Hogwarts in person to ensure that Kyle could get the time-turner.

"Ink... Thunderbird quills... These are prohibited trade goods, so don't take them out for the time being."

"Half of the Airem horns can be sold to the Quidditch boutique store. They should be willing to spend a lot of money to buy these rare materials."

Kyle sat at the table, leisurely sorting out his gains this time, mainly because there was nothing else to do now.

Although Dumbledore drank the potion prepared by Nico and recovered his lost memory, his physical condition was too poor before. For safety reasons, Nico took him for further examination.

Now Kyle was the only one left in the huge house, and there were various materials piled up like a small mountain next to him.

These were all bought by him a hundred years ago. When he returned to Diagon Alley, he could make at least ten times the profit by reselling these things.

This was because many of them were prohibited trade items and difficult to sell, such as the Thunderbird Quill Pen. This product was banned from sale as early as twenty years ago, and it would be difficult to sell it through formal channels.

Of course, only formal channels.

It took Kyle half an hour to sort out everything.

If it weren't for the high cost of using the time converter, which almost required a Philosopher's Stone at a time, it would be a good job to just deal with these materials from both sides.

Oh, and these...

Kyle looked at the specialties that Willy Tom "sent" to him again.

Most of them are useless joke props with simple contents, far less rich than today's, and worthless.

But after all, these things are products of the last century, and can barely be considered antiques, with certain collection value, and may be sold to Fred and George at a high price.

After a long while, Nico and Dumbledore finally came out.

Kyle turned his head and found that Dumbledore's face finally regained some color.

"Thank you for bringing me back." He walked over and said, "I must apologize for my recklessness."

"No need to say, professor," Kyle waved his hand and interrupted him,

"We all know that you did this not because you were reckless, but because it was inevitable. You can't do nothing."

"Yes, you are right." Dumbledore nodded helplessly.

Let him watch Ariana die again in front of him?

He couldn't do it.

Even if it happened again, he would do it, but he would feel a little guilty about involving Kyle.

"Fortunately, the matter has been resolved satisfactorily." Kyle stood up and pointed to the valuable items beside him, "and I have also received a good reward. Now I only need to wait for another two months, and the matter will come to a perfect end."

Kyle was referring to the moment when he used the time turner.

Now Dumbledore is fine, but there are still two Kyles in this world, which means he is still under the influence of the time turner.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Nico suddenly said: "During this period, I will help you prepare another potion to ensure that your thinking will not be affected in the future."

"Another potion..." Kyle asked: "Is it the raspberry juice?"

"To be precise, it is called the awakening potion." Nico smiled and said: "More than two months is not a short time. Without the help of the awakening potion, your thinking will gradually be affected by time. Although it will not be too serious, the feeling will definitely be uncomfortable."

Kyle shrugged and did not comment.

What Nico said was right. He remembered that he was indeed a little bit wrong at that time. The specific manifestation was that he would often make some mistakes that should not have happened, and he felt that his IQ was offline.

This is the effect of time. It will subconsciously reject all things that should not exist, such as him, who comes from two months later.

But he and Kyle at this time are the same person, so this rejection will also affect each other, causing confusion.

The longer the time, the more obvious the rejection effect.

As for the awakening potion... According to Nico, the effect of this potion is like another form of armor spell to resist this rejection.

"Do you need my help?" Kyle asked.

"No, and you probably don't have the time." Nico said with a smile: "But if you can, you'd better take the time to send me some two-ear grass. I don't have much stock here."

"Ah... no problem." Kyle nodded.

If it is other herbs... Rue, Dictamnus, Mandrake and the like, he can take them out now, but he really doesn't have two-ear grass in his box.

It's not because it's precious, but mainly because the smell of that thing is a bit pungent. He didn't plant it in the box, and there are very few potions that can be used.

As far as Kyle knows, it seems that only a small amount of double-eared grass is needed when brewing polyjuice potion.

"There's no rush for these." Nico said, "Would you like to stay for afternoon tea?"

"Ah, no problem." Kyle glanced at the time and agreed.

Rather than afternoon tea, it was more like a late lunch. He had hardly eaten anything all day and was indeed hungry.

Soon, the house elf Tata brought a large plate of sandwiches and golden and crispy fried pork chops.

It was not rich, but Kyle ate it very happily. He ate three pork chops in one breath before putting down the tableware.

"Finally, I don't have to eat the teeth-gritting potatoes in the Valley Bar anymore." Kyle leaned back in his chair and said with satisfaction, "I even doubt whether the potatoes there were cooked a year ago. It's been more than a month, and I haven't eaten a slightly soft one."

"The food in their store is really not good." Dumbledore said in agreement.

"But professor." Kyle suddenly remembered something and asked, "Did you know that I would go back to the past a long time ago?"

"Why do you ask?" Dumbledore looked over.

"Because you saw me, during the graduation exam." Kyle said, "At that time, I had just returned to the past and happened to encounter your graduation exam. I couldn't help but follow my curiosity and take a look. At that time, you also used the Confusion Charm on Professor Marchbank to let her agree to let a stranger like me enter the examination room."

"Using the Confusion Charm on the invigilator professor... Did I do such a stupid thing when I was young?" Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, as if he had no impression at all.

"Of course." Kyle glanced at him, "You also told me confidently that successfully using the Confusion Charm on Professor Marchbank is the real graduation exam."

Dumbledore's old face flushed.

To be honest, he really forgot.

But thinking about his virtues when he was young... It seems that it is not surprising that a genius wizard who grew up in flattery and was full of vigor would do such a thing.

"Including when you went to Knockturn Alley, we also met." Kyle continued.

"I'm sorry, I really don't remember..." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "I've experienced a lot in my life. If I record them all, maybe I can add a new bookshelf to the library. I can't remember everyone I've met."

"Really?" Kyle nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He didn't doubt what Dumbledore said.

After all, even if he was asked to recall who he had met in the first grade, he couldn't remember.

Moreover, it has been ninety-eight years since Dumbledore graduated, and it has been ninety-eight years with extremely rich experiences. Kyle estimated that Grindelwald alone can occupy two-thirds of his memory.

The remaining one-third has to be divided into Voldemort, and there is really not much left for others.

Perhaps this is why he wants to put a meditation basin in his office.

When the empty plate was taken away by Tata, Kyle took a look at the sky outside and then stood up.

"Are you going out?" Nico asked.

"Yeah." Kyle nodded, "I'll go to Diagon Alley to see if there's any two-eared grass. If not, I'll go to Hogwarts. I remember there should be a small patch near the Forbidden Forest."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I still have some here."

"It doesn't matter. I just have nothing to do." Kyle said and walked out.

But just as he was about to Apparate away, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

"Professor?" Kyle turned his head and looked at Dumbledore who followed him. "Just buy some things. I can do it alone."

"I'm afraid you're not just buying things." Dumbledore said, "I noticed just now that you've been looking outside and seem to be very concerned about time. Did something happen after I left?"

Kyle hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"In two hours, Bellatrix will lead the Death Eaters to attack Lupin's wedding, and the mysterious man will also go."

"What did you say?" Dumbledore's hand trembled slightly.

"But it doesn't matter. Because of Fawkes' help, no one was killed in this incident." Kyle said quickly, "And the mysterious man went there only after everyone was rescued."

"Then how did you know?" Dumbledore asked in a deep voice.

"Because I was the only one there at the time." Kyle shrugged, "That was also the first time I faced the mysterious man."

"... Sorry, it's all because of me." Dumbledore lowered his eyes, "If I could leave a day later, maybe it wouldn't have happened."

"Yeah." Kyle said, "The taste of the Cruciatus Curse is really not good."

Hearing his words, Dumbledore felt even more guilty.

"Professor, are you thinking about how to make it up to me?" Kyle asked in a low voice.

"I can agree to any condition you have." Dumbledore said.

"Then send Fawkes to me." Kyle blurted out.

For some reason, when Kyle said this, Dumbledore seemed to feel less guilty all of a sudden.

"Although I really want to..." He sighed, "But the Phoenix is ​​not my personal property. To be precise, we are just a partnership. Fawkes's stay or departure depends entirely on it."

"Tsk, stingy." Kyle curled his lips.

Although he knew it was impossible to pry the Phoenix away from Dumbledore so easily, he was still a little disappointed.

"So you're going to Godric's Hollow?" Dumbledore changed the subject.

"Well, maybe it's because you just showed up at this time. I'm still quite concerned." Kyle said, "After all, he's a mysterious man."

"I'll go with you."

"Is it okay?" Kyle glanced at him, "Your body..."

"No problem." Dumbledore said softly, "The potion prepared by Nico is very effective. I just feel a little weak now, but it's still okay to use magic."

"Okay then." Kyle thought about it and agreed.

Indeed, with Dumbledore following, it was a guarantee.

After that, the two used Apparition to come to the vicinity of Godric's Hollow.

Because he had lived here for a month before, Kyle was already familiar with the nearby terrain and appeared directly on a hidden hillside.

From here, you can just see Cod's house... Oh, no, it should be the old Potter's house now. His old potion shop has long been turned into an exquisite two-story building.

The next second, Dumbledore also appeared beside him.

When they arrived, the wedding had just entered its most lively moment. Many guests were in the middle of the dance floor, dancing to the music of the band.

Fred and George were also there. Because there were not many guests, in order to maintain the atmosphere on the scene, they chose the most familiar tap dance.

Harry was also there, acting as a waiter, serving drinks to everyone who left the dance floor.

Seeing Harry, Kyle couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"Nothing, just thinking of something happy." Kyle said, "Corder once told me that he wanted me to be the godfather of his child."

"Corder Potter?" Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

Calculating the time, Corder is Harry's great-great-grandfather, and his child Henry Potter is Harry's great-grandfather.

Dumbledore really couldn't imagine what kind of mood Harry would feel if he knew that his classmate at Hogwarts suddenly became the godfather of his great-grandfather.

But it would definitely not be too good.

The two waited for a while, and the sky gradually darkened.

"When will Bellatrix, the one you mentioned, come back?" Dumbledore couldn't help asking.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a black cloud suddenly appear not far away... It was the black cloaks of the Death Eaters.

"Here they come." Kyle said.

Bellatrix was walking in front with a crazy grin on her face, and the two dying people were thrown to the ground by the Death Eaters behind them.

"It's the Tonks!" Dumbledore recognized the other party's identity, and at the same time guessed that Bellatrix should have found the Potter ancestral home protected by the Fidelius Charm through them.

What happened next was exactly the same as Kyle remembered.

Bellatrix forcibly broke the protective magic, and the whole wedding scene was in chaos.

Dumbledore subconsciously wanted to help, but was stopped by Kyle.

"It's okay." Dumbledore said, "The other me has left, so it's okay for me to go out now."

"I know, but I don't remember you." Kyle said, squinting his eyes and quickly connecting the past memories with the present.

In other words, Dumbledore and he were actually here at the time, but why didn't Dumbledore go to help?

With Dumbledore's character, in order to make up for the mistakes he made, he would never sit idly by, just like what he did just now.

But there was indeed no Dumbledore in his memory, and he never appeared from beginning to end.

There is only one possibility for this situation, that is, he was dragged down by more important things and had no time to help.

Is there anything more important than saving the members of the Order of the Phoenix?

Of course there is, such as stopping the Death Eaters' support halfway to buy time for the people below.

Thinking of this, Kyle realized something instantly and asked:

"Professor, if you were to face the mysterious man now, could you beat him, or hold him back?"

"Tom..." Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and also guessed why Kyle asked this, "If it's just to hold him back, no problem."

"Well, I think we may have something to do."

Kyle looked around, took out his flying broom, and flew straight to the south, where Voldemort appeared at the beginning.

The only person Kyle could think of who could hold Dumbledore back and leave him no time to support the Order of the Phoenix was Voldemort.

If Kyle guessed correctly, Voldemort at that time did not wait until the matter was over before rushing over, but had already come, but wasted time on the way.

And they were the time that was delayed.


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