Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 876 The Frustrated Voldemort

As a nominal island, the Hesperidian Islands are really too large, and there is even a mountain range on it.

Perhaps this is why black dragons can live here for generations. If the area is too small, fire dragons cannot be raised.

The good news is that after going deep into the island, Voldemort turned into black fog and left first with his trusted Death Eaters.

Kyle and most of the resentful cannon fodders were behind, crossing the mountains with their legs.

But this is also good news for Kyle. Without Voldemort by his side, some things can be done without being restrained.

"Tired, buddy." Kyle caught up with a Death Eater who had fallen behind and patted him on the shoulder from behind, "Want a drink? I have butter beer here."

The man turned around and was stunned for a moment after seeing Kyle's face clearly.

Strange, why is this Travernot, who has little ability but a bad temper, so easy to talk to today?

But before he could think clearly, a magic wand passed in front of him.

"Legitimate Psychic!"

The Death Eater's eyes suddenly became unfocused.

Kyle checked his memory and shook his head in disappointment.

Nothing again. He had checked six Death Eaters, but didn't find any useful information.

These guys didn't know the purpose of this trip at all.

It seems that we have to start with those trusted Death Eaters. The most ideal candidate must be Rodolphus Lestrange, who was the person in charge before Voldemort came. He must know a lot.

But he will probably stay with Voldemort, so it's a bit difficult to take action.

Kyle thought and waved his hand casually.


The Death Eater who just woke up immediately fainted again.

"Should we notify the Order of the Phoenix?" Kyle muttered to himself without turning his head.

Logically speaking, the Order of the Phoenix must stop such a large-scale action by the Death Eaters, but this time Voldemort is here and Dumbledore is missing, so it is useless even if the Order of the Phoenix comes.

And Cornwall also needs manpower... Although that Barborlainis is Moody's disguise, Barty Crouch Jr. has not returned yet, and Kyle did not see him in the crowd just now.

What if the Order of the Phoenix transfers people here, what if Tonks is in danger?

But it is not possible not to say it. If something unexpected happens, such as the black dragon flies away, the Ministry of Magic will definitely be in big trouble if it doesn't know anything.

After hesitating for a moment, Kyle took out a special parchment and wrote a line on it.

"The mysterious man appeared in the Hesperidian Islands."

This is the parchment for the summons, and the other one is with Cedric.

As a clear-headed and calm person, Cedric must know what to do after receiving his news.

At least after seeing the name of the mysterious man, they should be more cautious.

The only problem now is that the Hesperidian Islands are a bit far away, which may be beyond the scope of the parchment.

After all, when he made this thing, it was just to facilitate communication within the Ministry of Magic, and it had not yet developed into a cross-border business.

Kyle folded the parchment, opened the box and jumped in.

After a while, an animal with a horse body and a fish tail squeezed out of the box. The moment it landed, its fish tail disappeared, and it became a complete horse, and then ran quickly towards the seaside.

Kelpie, a magical animal that can freely change its body shape. During the Triwizard Tournament, Kyle brought it back for treatment. Now it just came in handy.

Although the owl that Kelpie turned into did not have that kind of magical ability to recognize the road, Kyle did not need it to deliver the letter to a specific location.

According to the location of the Hesperidian Islands, as long as he crossed the ocean and reached the edge of Britain, Cedric should be able to display the content.

After doing all this, Kyle habitually kicked the unconscious Death Eater away, then took out the Firebolt and chased in the direction where Voldemort disappeared.

There is still time now, and he also needs to collect more information.

Voldemort should not be able to stay with those Death Eaters all the time. When they separate, it will be his chance.

With the help of the flying broom, Kyle quickly surpassed the cannon fodder troops and rushed to the other side of the island first.

What came into view was a village, a village at the foot of Jianwai Mountain. Most of the houses were made of stones and some plants, full of medieval style, a bit like a miniature version of Diagon Alley.

Kyle hid in a tree and looked into the village.

The originally quiet village had been set on fire, and the Death Eaters who followed Voldemort were destroying those simple houses like crazy.

It seemed to be venting their anger.

Because Kyle did not see a stranger.

The whole village had been emptied before Voldemort arrived, and everyone was gone. I think they should have hidden in the mountains.

I have to say that Miles McFasty is really a smart man. Facing such a large number of Death Eaters, only places with groups of black dragons are the safest.

In sight, Rodolphus Lestrange knelt down again, curled up on the ground and struggled like a cooked shrimp.

If nothing unexpected happened, Voldemort should have given him a Cruciatus Curse as a punishment for his cleverness.

"Where is the person you said!"

Kyle could hear Voldemort's roar from a long distance.

"Master... they... really agreed... and proposed the conditions for cooperation... I swear..."

Lestrange rolled on the ground in pain.

"Fool, you have been deceived! They are just stalling for time, buying time for everyone's transfer."

Voldemort's face was gloomy, and he threw another Cruciatus Curse, "It seems that Miles McFasty does not want to be a smart man."

Rodolphus Lestrange was in so much pain that he could not make a sound at all, and only the twitching of his calves proved that he was still alive.

At this time, other Death Eaters also arrived.

Facing Rodolphus Lestrange lying on the ground, they all lowered their heads and pretended that they saw nothing.

Kyle also took the opportunity to leave his hiding place and mixed into the back of the team.

"Anyone who disobeys the Dark Lord will pay the price." A big guy overturned the last intact house, walked over, and ordered in a high-handed tone: "Go find them!"

Everyone looked at each other.

They had not forgotten the roar of the dragon and the dozens of intertwined flames.

There were dragons in this mountain range, at least dozens of them.

Going in to look for someone? That would be courting death.

But their hesitation did not last long. Voldemort just turned his head slightly, and everyone scattered like birds and beasts, and rushed into the mountain in the blink of an eye.

Facing the dragon may not necessarily die, but if you continue to stand still, you will definitely not survive.

Just like what old Crabbe said just now, there is a price to pay for disobeying the Dark Lord, the price of life.

Kyle was also among them.

But he did not go far, and soon secretly turned back.

After confirming that this village was no longer of any value, Voldemort also left. Now there was only Rodolphus Lestrange, who was tortured to the brink of collapse by the Cruciatus Curse.

"Tsk tsk, what's the point." Kyle pointed his wand at his head.


The spell that had been invincible before, now only saw a messy picture, without any useful information at all.


Kyle frowned.

That's right. How could a confidant trusted by Voldemort not know Occlumency? Even if it's to save their lives, they must learn this.

But this is troublesome.

If Legilimency doesn't work, then we can only try Veritaserum.

Kyle does have this potion. During the first-year holiday, Dean Sassia of St. Mungo's gave him a box of dozens of different potions, including a small bottle of Veritaserum, because he defeated the werewolf.

In addition, Snape also gave him a bottle on Christmas.

Although his original intention was to threaten and he had no good intentions, the potion was real, a real Veritaserum. Two drops of it would answer any question.

But with Lestrange's current state of dying, he probably couldn't say anything.

Kyle hesitated, wondering whether to find another opportunity... But opportunities are rare. He didn't know when he would meet such a high-ranking Death Eater who was alone next time.

How about taking him away... and leaving the Hesperidian Islands directly?

Kyle hesitated in his heart. At the same time, the effect of the Polyjuice Potion on him gradually disappeared due to time.

When Rodolphus Lestrange forced himself to open his eyes, he saw a face that he would never forget.

The Lestrange family had the largest number of Death Eaters, until this man appeared... There were originally three people, and now only he was left.

It was all this man named Kyle!

Rodolphus Lestrange grabbed the wand and waved it towards the sky without knowing where the strength came from.

A huge skull appeared out of thin air, and a python coiled in the skull's mouth.

He knew that it was difficult for him to kill Dumbledore's successor in his current state, so he chose to release the Dark Mark!

As long as the Dark Lord saw the mark, he would definitely come.

Kyle panicked, and then he noticed that Lestrange had woken up at some point, and he had returned to his original appearance.

"You can't run away..." Rodolphus Lestrange gasped, but his eyes were full of madness and joy.

"I never thought... I would actually... meet you here..."

"It's quite a coincidence. Your Lestrange family and I are really destined to be together." Kyle made up his mind, put away the polyjuice potion in his hand, replaced it with another thumb-sized bottle, opened his mouth, and poured the potion in.

In an instant, Rodolphus Lestrange became polite, and his eyes full of swear words became much clearer.

"Tell me, what is your purpose here!"

"To recruit the black dragon of the Hexidiary Islands and start a war." Rodolphus Lestrange said in a dull tone.

"Is that all?" Kyle asked again, "What if we can't recruit them?"

"Kill the wizards of the McFastie family, create chaos, and cause the black dragons to riot."

"What will you do?"

Under the effect of the truth serum, Lestrange answered every question, "The black dragons are extremely disgusted with magic. As long as a large number of wizards keep using magic, they can leave Hexydri..."


Before Lestrange finished speaking, Kyle suddenly leaned over and rolled over, narrowly avoiding the killing curse flying from a distance.

A cloud of black mist fell from the sky.

Voldemort is back!

Without any hesitation, Kyle immediately prepared to Apparate and leave. Anyway, he knew almost all the news, so there was no point for him to stay here.

But the next second, Kyle found that he was still standing there.

"Did you find that Apparate doesn't work?" Voldemort fell to the ground, with a sarcastic sneer on his lips, "Do you want to guess why?"

"Professor Dumbledore, Riddle was fooled!" Kyle's eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Let's kill him together!"


Voldemort turned his head subconsciously.

A gust of wind brought a few leaves and flew slowly past him.

Been fooled...

The red light in Voldemort's eyes suddenly surged, almost spraying out, but when he turned around again, wanting to crush the shameless thief, he only saw a broom tail.


Several green lights flew from behind him at a high speed. Kyle, who wanted to escape on a broom, had to change direction immediately and fly towards the depths of the mountains.

The Firebolt is fast, but not as fast as the Killing Curse. The only way now is... well, to find another way.

At least get rid of Voldemort first.

This unsportsmanlike guy actually secretly learned the spell to prohibit Apparition.

Kyle even suspected that the reason why he didn't show up at the first time was to set up this spell.

As the Dark Lord, he used a trick instead of a spell. Isn't it embarrassing to tell others?

But no matter what, Kyle had to admit that he was careless this time.

Originally, he wanted to withdraw after asking questions, but now it seems that it is not so easy.

The only good news is that if he can't use Apparition, Voldemort can't use it either. It shouldn't be so easy to catch up with the Firebolt... right?

"I... ***"

Kyle took the time to look back and was so scared that he almost fell off the broom.

Voldemort, who turned into black mist again, was following closely behind him, and getting closer and closer to him.

This is a Firebolt that can travel 150 miles per hour. It's the fastest broom in the world. How could it be caught up like this?

Is this reasonable?

Kyle could only turn again and plunge into the deepest part of the mountain.

During this process, Kyle held the broom with one hand and reached into the box with the other hand to grab things.

More than a dozen pots of mandrakes were thrown out, all of which were pulled out, and the piercing howling sounded through the mountains.

Voldemort would naturally not be killed by the cry of mandrakes, but the black mist he turned into was briefly dispersed and was once again pulled away by Kyle.

"This little trick again!"

Voldemort was very frustrated, or he had never been so frustrated before.

In his opinion, Kyle was just a bug that could be crushed to death with one foot, but the problem was that this bug not only ran fast, but also seemed to be slippery as if it was covered with lubricant, and occasionally vomited some disgusting things, which he could not catch at all.

This had never happened before.

"Did Dumbledore teach you this?"

Voldemort, furious, took out his wand and threw the killing curse at Kyle.

"This is not what the headmaster taught me." Kyle muttered, but he didn't dare to stop at all. He plunged into the forest in the mountains and disappeared.

Voldemort fell back to the ground and waved his wand vigorously. It seemed that something was shrouding the mountains. Then he shot the Dark Mark into the sky.

A few seconds later, several black mists appeared one after another. The Death Eaters who didn't know this spell also ran over in the shortest time.


Crabbe, Goyle and other Death Eaters came to Voldemort tremblingly and stood respectfully.

They could see that Voldemort was very angry at this time, even unprecedentedly angry, including the last time he met Dumbledore in the Ministry of Magic, he was not so angry.

They didn't know what happened, but they didn't dare to ask.

"Let everyone come here and find this shameless thief!" Voldemort waved his wand, and Kyle's appearance immediately appeared in front of everyone.

The picture created by magic was so lifelike that it was almost exactly the same as Kyle himself, even if he looked in the mirror.

Shameless... thief?

Crabbe and Goyle, who were not smart to begin with, were even more confused at this time.

They naturally knew who Kyle belonged to. After all, when Voldemort was just resurrected, it was this person who came out to make trouble and rescued Harry Potter from the chopping block.

But what about the thief? How dare this person steal the Dark Lord's things?

Are you going to die?

Seeing Kyle's appearance again, even if he was transformed by magic, Voldemort's originally pale face still had a little more blood color, and his voice was so cold that there was no emotion.

"Remember, I don't want to hear about your failure this time."


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