Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 884 Dumbledore's sky-high bill

"Well, this is good, this is good too..."

Returning to Hogwarts again, Kyle naturally couldn't go back empty-handed. No matter what, he had to have lunch before talking.

Kyle came to the auditorium and sat in the seat between Harry and Hermione with a calm face, eating the sumptuous food in front of him as if no one else was watching.

While eating, he turned to look at the people next to him.

"Why don't you move? Aren't you hungry?" Kyle poked the fork in his hand on the only remaining piece of honey-fried pork chop.

"If you're not hungry, I won't be polite."

After saying that, he took a big bite.

Ron's heart trembled.

He had been staring at the piece of pork chop for a long time, but he didn't expect it to land on Kyle's plate with just a sudden move.

This action is too fast.

Also, what are you, a graduate, doing here, just to steal their lunch?

"What's the matter with you coming to school..." At this time, Hermione helped him ask his doubts.

"Did the Death Eaters outside do something else?"

"Have any Death Eaters ever been honest?" Kyle swallowed the steak in his mouth and took another sip of pumpkin juice.

"As for me coming here...didn't I say it before? I'm just here to watch the fun."

"Watching the fun?" Hermione became even more confused. "But the minister has already left."

Amelia Bones had emerged from the Headmaster's Office twenty minutes ago and hurried out of Hogwarts with Scrimgeour.

No one knew what they talked about with the principal, but judging from Bones' relaxed and calm expression, the three of them must have had a pleasant chat, and maybe even reached some agreement.

"Yeah, the minister is gone, what else do you have to watch?" Ron muttered quietly beside him.

He was still feeling sorry for the honey-fried pork chop.

"Of course." Kyle raised his head and glanced at the teacher's chair.

Dumbledore is not here, and neither is Professor McGonagall.

In fact, after Bones and Scrimgeour left, Professor McGonagall followed them to the Headmaster's Office.

Even Dumbledore, who wanted to see off his guests, was forcibly dragged in.

Kyle stayed here to see if Dumbledore would need to be sent to the school hospital later.

After all, this matter has something to do with him.

When he pretended to be Dumbledore before, he had promised Professor McGonagall not to touch the time turner and left this dangerous job to the professor.

But he broke his promise.

Although it happened for a reason, Professor McGonagall was obviously not very happy.

This transfiguration professor is quite old, and sulking all the time is not good for your health.

So in order to keep himself clean and to find a suitable target for Professor McGonagall to vent his anger on, Kyle simply sold Dumbledore away.

This is not difficult, just change the topic and conflict.

Professor McGonagall has been working at Hogwarts for decades. What she dislikes the most is irresponsible professors letting students take risks. In her opinion, if something is dangerous, it must be the professor who takes the lead. .

Even though Kyle had graduated, it was still a few months ago. In the eyes of Professor McGonagall, he was still a student.

Compared with the unknown situation of the time turner, Voldemort, the Dark Lord on the surface, is definitely more dangerous.

Kyle's reckless use of the Time-Turner became less significant when he revealed that he had met Voldemort on the Hesidian Islands.

Coupled with Dumbledore's disappearance out of thin air, the blame was thrown away easily, easier than he imagined.

As for what will happen to Dumbledore...it doesn't matter, since he won't die anyway, Professor McGonagall can't kill him.

Over a hundred years old is the age to take the blame, and this is not the first time. Taking more blame will help to exercise.

This wave is a win-win-win, everyone is happy.

Kyle took another bite of the fried pork chop, took out a box and handed it to Harry.

"For me?" Harry asked blankly.

"Well, a gift." Kyle said.


Not knowing why, Harry subconsciously took the box and opened it.

Inside was a box full of candies he had never seen before. Although it had the Honeydukes logo on it, he had never seen any of them before.

"Thank you, thank you." Harry said, "But why, why did you suddenly give me a gift?"

"There is no special reason." After eating, Kyle wiped his mouth and looked around, "Just take it as... I wish you in advance that you will be the last in the academy for seven consecutive years."

As soon as he finished speaking, the faces of everyone around him turned dark.

This is too bad. What does it mean to be ranked last for seven consecutive years? Is this something worth celebrating?

But they couldn't refute it.

Because of the collective lateness incident this morning, Gryffindor was deducted 300 points in one breath, leaving other houses far behind.

Hermione's expression turned even uglier.

In the past few years, she has added the most points to Gryffindor, but three hundred points... coupled with the previous gap, how many questions does she have to answer to add it back?

Even if he used a stiffening spell to fix his arms in the classroom, it probably wouldn't be enough.

For a moment, the Gryffindor table was eerily quiet.

"It's all Snape's fault." Ron muttered: "He deducted fifty points for those who were late in seventh year...fifty points for each person, otherwise there wouldn't be so many."

"Seventh grade..." Kyle glanced at Ron thoughtfully, "So you knew that the next period was Snape's class, and you still ran over to watch the fun?"

"Yes..." Harry said, and quickly explained: "But we also lost track of time."

"Then you deserve to be deducted three hundred points." Kyle said calmly: "You know Snape doesn't like Gryffindor, why are you still so curious?"

Harry sighed.

He didn't say a word. They were planning to go back to class before, but they forgot about the time because they met Kyle and chatted.

It's just that this can't be blamed on Kyle, after all, they didn't hold them back.

After lunch, Harry and the others went back to the common room to prepare for the afternoon class.

Kyle, who was idle and bored, originally wanted to go over and have a look, but maybe because he had graduated, the fat lady at the door refused to let him in.

Even Harry and the others couldn't get into the common room, even with Kyle standing nearby.

"How stingy, no wonder you sing so poorly." Kyle muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?!" The fat lady heard this and angrily pressed her face against the frame, looking like she wanted to get out of it.

"Stand in front of me, you tasteless guy... Everyone says my singing is the sound of nature."

The Fat Lady waved her arms.

"Ha, the voice of the biggest toad in the world is definitely the voice of Tian Leizhi." Kyle folded his arms and said calmly.

"What did you say!"

The Fat Lady exploded, waving her arms vigorously as if swimming, trying with all her strength to get out of the portrait, even her face was squeezed out of shape.

That ferocious look made some little lion cubs around them tremble with fear.

"Kyle, we have to go back to get the textbooks." Hermione rubbed her forehead. She had never seen the Fat Lady so angry.

Although Kyle was telling the truth, the Fat Lady's singing was indeed a bit torturous.

But they could only coax them as they controlled access to the Gryffindor common room.

Just like now, the Fat Lady, who wanted to beat Kyle up, completely forgot about her duties, and at least a dozen people were trapped in the corridor.

"What are you all doing here!"

Just when everyone was at a loss, Professor McGonagall came over.

"Minerva, you came just in time..." The fat lady took a deep breath and prepared to complain, "He..."

"She doesn't let students enter the common room." Kyle said first: "Everyone is waiting to go back to review their homework, but the Fat Madam insists on not opening the door. She must let everyone listen to her singing."

"No..." The fat lady was confused, "I..."

"Professor McGonagall, this kind of culture is unacceptable." Kyle once again took the lead, "Everyone's time is precious, especially fifth and seventh graders. One more minute of study or one more spell may make them learn more. Got a high score in the final exam.”


"How can such precious time be spent listening to people sing?"

"I didn't, it was..."

"She is delaying the future of the little wizards!"

"No, that's not the case..."

"As a graduate, I severely condemn this kind of behavior of seeking power for personal gain."


It was obvious that the fat lady really wanted to get out of the portrait, and she just lowered her head and charged.

As expected, she seemed to have hit an invisible wall, rolled her eyes and fainted.

It was eerily quiet.

Most of the people present knew the truth, but they never expected that things would turn out like this.

It was so weird that some younger wizards even doubted their own memories, wondering whether they had been fragmented just now.

Professor McGonagall's eye twitched.

In fact, from the second time Kyle spoke before the Fat Lady, she had a vague idea of ​​what was going on.

Anyway, it is definitely different from what Kyle said.

But she was also unable to say anything, and could only watch helplessly as the Fat Madam knocked herself unconscious.


Professor McGonagall tried to calm down.

"The principal is looking for you... If you have nothing to do, go to the principal's office."

"Oh, okay." Kyle turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Professor McGonagall stopped him.

"Professor, is there anything else?"

"Hogwarts is a school." Professor McGonagall said after thinking for a moment: "You have graduated. If there is nothing else, it is best not to come."

Kyle looked at Professor McGonagall blankly.

What do you mean, when he needs to pretend to be Dumbledore, he wants to tie him up in the school, but now that the real Dumbledore comes back, he drives him away?

Burning bridges across rivers... is a bit too much.

"That's it." Professor McGonagall didn't even look at Kyle, just waved her hand.

The portrait opened automatically, revealing the passage behind it.

"Go back quickly, why are you still hanging around?" She shouted to the crowd: "If you delay for one more minute now, your final exam score may drop from O (excellent) to P (poor), go back!"

Hermione blinked. She wanted to say that one point would not cause such a big fluctuation in the grade. At most, it would drop from O to E (good).

But looking at Professor McGonagall's tightly pursed lips, she decisively gave up the idea and followed the crowd into the passage.

other side.

Seeing that Professor McGonagall ignored him, Kyle could only sigh and turned to go to the headmaster's office.

The headmaster's office was also on the eighth floor, very close to the Gryffindor common room, basically just around the corner.

The gargoyles at the door were standing by the side, probably because Professor McGonagall deliberately didn't open the door.

Kyle didn't care and went straight up the spiral staircase at the back.

The oak door at the end of the stairs was also open.

As soon as Kyle walked in, he saw a pair of blue eyes that looked hopeless.

"Professor Dumbledore." Kyle was surprised. "How much did Minister Bones ask for that he made you so angry?"

"Amelia." Dumbledore stared at Kyle. "She thinks that the members of the Order of the Phoenix should be included in the Aurors and under unified command."

"That's really too much."

Kyle curled his lips. "The Ministry of Magic is almost drilled into a sieve by the Death Eaters. Who knows how many traitors there are in it? Unified command... What's the difference between this and giving the battle plan to the mysterious man?"

"I agreed."

"Ah?" Kyle was stunned for a moment. "No, agreed?"

"Let's not talk about this for now." Dumbledore waved his hand and looked at Kyle straight. "I just want to know how much you have done in my name during my absence."

"This... No, not much..." Kyle's eyes were a little vague.

To be honest, he forgot.

Anyway, Dumbledore would go to him when he was in doubt, and he would blame Dumbledore if there was any problem. As for the specific number, he really didn't remember.

"Then why did Minerva get so angry just now, saying that I took you to the Hesperides, and ran away after meeting Tom."


Kyle raised his head. He dared to swear on his own personality that he really didn't know this.

He told Professor McGonagall that he met Voldemort in the Hesperides, and Dumbledore was away because of something.

This is the truth, not a bit of adulteration, God knows how it turned out like this.

He just wanted Dumbledore to help divert the firepower, not to kill him.

Looking at Kyle's shocked and confused look, Dumbledore sighed faintly.

Minerva pointed at him and scolded him just now. He explained for a long time before saving his headmaster's office. Who can he go to for justice now?

"It's really not you?"

"I swear!" Kyle said seriously.

"What about this?" Dumbledore took out another piece of parchment. "I went to the Hog's Head before coming to school. Why do I suddenly owe Aberforth 5,000 Galleons?"

"How much?"

"7,563 Galleons." Dumbledore picked up the parchment.

Kyle leaned over to take a look. There was a detailed list of bills on it.

Twenty bottles of whiskey, 150 Galleons each. Kyle Chopper, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, agreed to let Dumbledore pay for it.

150 Galleons of whiskey?

Kyle swallowed his saliva. Even if it was five times the amount, the number was a bit too outrageous. He didn't dare to grab it like this... Well, the price.

And this is only part of it. There is more to come.

Help with cover, transfer... provide a hidden place... provide advice on sneaking into Hogwarts... use of the secret passage... maintenance of the secret passage... confidentiality fee.

Adding up all the miscellaneous things together, it is exactly 7,563 Galleons, with both decimals and integers.

Kyle thought he was shameless enough, but he didn't expect there were masters.

He had only been to the Hog's Head twice, and with twenty bottles of low-quality wine that he didn't know where he came from, he could actually calculate more than 7,500 Galleons.

It only took 3,000 Galleons to build a dragon sanctuary. 7,000...

"Professor, Scrimgeour should not have gone far. Let him come back." Kyle said in a deep voice: "This is blackmail. He must be caught and made lunch for the Dementors for a few days!"

"Aberforth said you agreed." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, "Every figure is traceable, and he also played the Echo Charm for me."

"Echo Charm?"

"It's to save what a person said." Dumbledore explained lightly.

Kyle was speechless for a moment, and asked uncertainly: "Did I really agree?"

Dumbledore didn't say anything, but this was enough to explain the problem.


Kyle felt a little guilty.

It shouldn't be, did he make so many bills for Dumbledore?

No way.

How come I have no idea about the maintenance fee of the secret passage... Would he agree to such an outrageous thing?

But Dumbledore didn't look like he was trying to trick him.

Could it be that he was used to using Dumbledore as a scapegoat and just said it casually?

Now it seems that this is the only explanation.

"That... this is also a necessary expense." Kyle turned his head away, "Professor, if you don't have so much money, I can lend you some first."

"Lend me 7,000 Galleons?" Dumbledore blurted out.

"Well... not that much." Kyle thought for a while, "How about 70 Galleons? You know, I just opened a store in Diagon Alley, and I really don't have much money on hand."

Dumbledore didn't say anything and continued to stare at Kyle.

"How about this." Kyle gritted his teeth, "75 Galleons, I'll pay it, you don't have to pay it back."

"Forget it, you don't have to pay." Dumbledore rubbed his forehead. "Ariana has already paid this money."

"Ariana..." Kyle turned his gaze back, "Did she agree to meet Aberforth?"

"It's at the Hog's Head now."

Dumbledore smiled knowingly, "It's the first time I've seen Aberforth cry like that in all these years. The guests in his bar were terrified, thinking he had been hit by some kind of dark magic."

"Did you take a picture of the scene at that time?" Kyle asked immediately.

"What?" Dumbledore didn't understand. He was talking to Kyle about family affection. What did it mean to take a picture?

"It's just taking a picture, taking a picture." Kyle took out a camera and made a shutter-pressing motion.

"No." Dumbledore shook his head, "I didn't bring a camera at the time, and I rarely use that."

After Kyle said that, he also regretted it a little. This scene of meeting again after a hundred years of separation is indeed worth recording.

"What a loss." Kyle pounded his leg, "It would be great if we could take a picture of Aberforth crying and sell it to him later."

Dumbledore's eyes twitched. He suddenly felt that Kyle's ideas might be a little different from his.

"What a great opportunity! I believe Aberforth would not mind paying 7,500 Galleons to buy this photo that carries family affection."


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