Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 889 The Fake Goblin in Gringotts

"What's going on? No?"

In Diagon Alley, Kyle asked three times, but Dobby's answer was always that he didn't know.

He didn't see anyone sending galleons at all, let alone galleons, not even a Nat.

"That's weird." Kyle sat behind the counter.

Snape said that he had sent galleons, but Dobby insisted that he had not received it, and neither of them was lying.

But Galleon...can't just disappear into thin air.

At this time, an owl suddenly flew in from outside and threw a letter on the table.

"Letter from Romania?" Kyle, who came back to his senses, glanced down at the envelope, then opened it and pulled out a piece of parchment.

Dear Kyle:

Regarding what we discussed before, I'm sorry for delaying it for so long. The goblins are always resisting and are unwilling to transfer the treasury that should belong to them (this group of greedy guys, it is obviously our gold).

What's interesting is that their kind are just as greedy. The British goblins are here. Although they're a little late, they finally got it done. I hope you didn't wait too impatiently.

Your new vault is in Vault 166, Gringotts, England. Enclosed is the key. We will also send Galleons to that vault later.

(Actually, I personally think that although Gringotts is convenient, it is safer to keep Galleons in your own hands. Those goblins are not trustworthy.)

Yours faithfully


The letter was from the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, and it also contained a golden key, which should be the key to the Gringotts vault.

Kyle excitedly took the key in his hand. It was more than six thousand three hundred galleons. He had waited for so long and finally arrived.

At this moment, Professor Snape was completely forgotten by Kyle... His compensation was not even a fraction.

This is the real big money.

And on one thing, he and Droles have the same view.

Goblins can't be trusted, so it's safer to put Galleon on yourself.

"Dobby, I'll leave the store to you."

Thinking of this, Kyle suddenly stood up and walked towards Gringotts, ready to take out the money.

Although the news of Dumbledore's resignation as Headmaster of Hogwarts caused an uproar in the wizarding world, it did not affect Diagon Alley, which was as deserted as before.

Kyle was walking on the road, wondering whether he should write a letter back to Drolls later.

If possible, he would like to ask the other party if he could bypass Gringotts and send the Galleons directly to him.

If he could, he wouldn't have to go to Gringotts every year.

It should be... ok.

Judging from Drolls' last words, he also doesn't trust goblins.

The main reason is that Kyle really doesn't want to deal with goblins. Although they look very similar to house elves, they feel completely different.

Especially their gangster-like theories and extremely selfish character.

In the world view of goblins, the things they make should belong to goblins.

Godric Gryffindor once prepared his own materials and spent a lot of money to ask the Goblin King to forge a sword, which is now the famous Sword of Gryffindor.

But when the sword was completed, the Goblin King was reluctant to give it to Gryffindor. After he had to hand it over, he spread a rumor that Gryffindor had stolen the sword, and tried to ask his servants to steal the sword back.

Goblins a thousand years ago were quite troublesome, much stronger than they are now, and most wizards were no match for goblins one on one.

If it had been someone else, the goblins might have succeeded, but unfortunately they met Gryffindor, the one who least values ​​​​face among the four giants, and is also the most capable of fighting (taken from the Hogwarts Library) "Legendary Duel Master, Gryffindor's Honor", with idol filters not excluded).

So the goblin king's servants were beaten to death. Under the threat of force from Gryffindor, the goblin king also gave up the idea of ​​stealing the sword.

However, the title "Gryffindor the Stealer" has been passed down among the goblins. It can be seen that they are still obsessed with the sword and are always thinking about the sword.

In addition, some of the extremists among them even believe that the treasures stored in Gringotts belong to goblins... When wizards take money, in their eyes, they are just thieves who broke into the house openly.

There are not many idiots who think this way.

When staying with these goblins, Kyle can't help but want to throw a ball of fire to burn their heads.

But one thing is that the existence of Gringotts has indeed made it convenient for many wizards, especially those young wizards of Muggle origin.

Gringotts was the only place where they could exchange Galleons during their school days.

So even if Kyle doesn't like goblins, he must admit the importance of their existence...

The store was not far from Gringotts, and soon Kyle saw the iconic white building.

He remembered that the Daily Prophet published a photo of Gringotts after it was attacked some time ago. The exterior wall was full of cracks, and even two of the pillars that served as the facade were broken.

But now these traces are gone, Gringotts is still the same as before, as if nothing happened.

On both sides of the door stood goblins in uniforms, holding a slender golden rod.

Honesty detector that detects hidden spells and magic items.

It seems that the last attack also made these goblins alert.

Kyle glanced at his deformed lizard skin bag and walked up the stairs calmly. The tip of his wand was slightly exposed at the cuff of his right hand behind his back.

He walked up the steps, and the two goblins raised their golden rods at the same time.

"Confuse the audience!"

The tip of the wand flashed twice, and the goblin put down the golden rod again, as if he had not seen Kyle at all.

The second door was made of silver, and it was engraved with a warning that thieves will be punished, reminding everyone who had bad intentions.

But there were no guards here.

Behind the silver door, a large number of goblins were busy in the hall.

Kyle couldn't tell what they were busy with, anyway... they were busy.

Behind the long counter, a goblin was carefully studying the gem in his hand, and it didn't raise its head until Kyle walked to the front.

There was a long scar on the goblin's face, which seemed to be fresh, which made it look even uglier.

"What can I do for you?" The goblin looked at Kyle and asked.

"I need to withdraw money." Kyle took out the golden key.

Hearing about withdrawing money, the enthusiasm in the goblin's eyes disappeared instantly.

He took the key, checked it and returned it, "No problem, I'll have someone take you there."

He looked back, "Griphook..."

"Mr. Bogrod." A goblin took the initiative to stand up and said, "Griphook is not here, let me take this gentleman to the vault."

"Not here?" The goblin called Bogrod didn't think much about it, nodded and said, "Okay, you go."

"Okay." The young goblin walked out of the counter, "Do you need to call Carla? After all, this is a special period."

"It's just an ordinary vault..." Bogrod thought for a moment, and still nodded, "Forget it, you guys go together, go and come back quickly."

"Okay." The young goblin picked up a bell and shook it, then looked at Kyle and smiled, "Sir, please follow me."

Kyle also looked at him, and after a moment, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Then... I'll trouble this goblin gentleman."

"It's my job."

The two walked into a rough stone corridor one after the other. The sunlight was blocked outside, but fortunately there was a string of torches for lighting.

Another goblin was already waiting here. Seeing the young goblin, it whistled, and a cart came along the track from the darkness.

When Kyle came over, he just saw it standing in front of the cart with an expressionless face.

"Sorry, sir." The young goblin said, "Kara is not good at talking to people, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not." Kyle said casually, and didn't care, and got on the cart by himself.

"Just don't delay me from withdrawing money."

"Definitely not!"

Vault No. 166 is the most ordinary vault. In less than ten minutes, the cart stopped.

Kara was still standing in the front, with no intention of moving. The young goblin took the key and went forward to open the door.

I don't know if it was too dark, he tried twice before opening the vault door.

A ray of golden light spilled out from the crack of the open door.

More than 6,000 Galleons, the number may not sound like much, but all these Galleons piled together are quite shocking.

It feels like a gold mountain almost as high as Kyle, and the small vault is filled with intoxicating fragrance.

"I like this." Kyle stroked the gold coins and couldn't help saying.

"Yes." The young goblin nodded in agreement, "It is said that gold is dirty, but no one can live without it."

"No, you are wrong, I never said that gold is dirty." Kyle took out a bag that had been prepared long ago and put all the Galleons into it without leaving any. Then he checked every corner of the vault, including the cracks in the stone.

Only after making sure that everything was packed cleanly and there was nothing missing, did he walk out of the vault and get back into the car on the track.

The young goblin followed, and the goblin started the car.

The car drove deep into the vault.

"Mr. Goblin." Kyle looked around, "Excuse me, this doesn't seem to be the way back to Gringotts."

"Yes." The young goblin admitted readily, "We have another task to complete, which is quite urgent. It may take up some of your time. I hope you don't mind, sir."

"Ah, it's okay." Kyle took out a gold coin and rubbed it in his hand, "I'm not in a hurry."

The car sped along the maze-like corridor on the track, speeding up and down. The clattering sound of the car mixed with the whistling wind, making people upset.

There were fewer and fewer torches on the walls on both sides, and there was gradually an unpleasant smell in the air.

After the car turned a sharp corner quickly, Kyle heard a third sound.

It was the sound of a huge stream of water hitting the ground.

Not far ahead, a waterfall rushed down the track.

"Mr. Goblin, are you sure you want to go on?" Kyle suddenly said, "I need to remind you that the anti-thief waterfall will wash away all magic."

"Of course I know that." The young goblin turned around, and then he took out a wand.

Goblins are not allowed to hold wands. This is the bottom line of the Ministry of Magic. No wizard wants to see a goblin who once launched a rebellion pick up a wand again.

But Kyle was not surprised at all, as if he had known it for a long time.

The anti-thief waterfall seemed to be cut off by something, and the car passed through it smoothly.

"What a hassle." The young goblin held the wand and muttered, "But I still need it to help me open the door now."

He didn't mean to put away the wand, because Kyle also held his wand.

"I'm curious." Kyle suddenly said.

"What are you curious about? Can goblins hold wands?"

"No." Kyle shook his head, "Goblins definitely can't, but you can definitely.

"I'm curious about what happened in Gringotts before. The newspaper only mentioned it briefly, and there was no process at all."

"This..." The young goblin thought for a while and said, "The Dark Lord needs something in Bellatrix's vault, but after she was killed, the vault key can't be found. There is no way, we can only take some tough measures."

"Isn't there another Lestrange alive?" Kyle asked, "Can't he come?"

"Rodolphus?" The young goblin shook his head, "He is not Bellatrix. Even if the two are nominally married, they need to provide proof.

"But this is back to the beginning. Ms. Bella is so loyal to the Dark Lord that she carried out his order to hide something so well that even Rodolphus didn't know where the key was."

"So without the key, the goblins won't let them go to the vault?"

"That's right, that's the rule."

"It's really troublesome."

"There's no way, that vault is too valuable, the goblins wish it would stay in Gringotts forever."

"Goblins..." Kyle looked at him and smacked his lips, "Don't you even pretend? Professor Oren."

"Oh, damn." The young goblin said perfunctorily, and he scratched his body with his wand, instantly changing into another look.

"It's still comfortable this way." Death Eater Oren straightened his clothes and looked at Kyle with interest, "When did you guess it?"

"When we first met." Kyle said, "I have some experience in transfiguration. Your eyes are not what a goblin should have."

"I wanted to follow someone in, but I didn't expect it to be you." Oren said, "I'm really surprised."

"I didn't expect a popular Death Eater to go to Gringotts disguised as a goblin." Kyle said, "Why, none of you more than a hundred Death Eaters Can we take down Gringotts?"

"There are not so many, there are less than twenty." Oren waved his hand, "The anti-thief waterfall washed away the Imperius Curse they cast on the goblins, causing the mission to fail, so I came."

"Is that so." Kyle shrugged, "But I dare say you can't complete it."

"That's troublesome, the Dark Lord doesn't like useless subordinates." Oren sighed, "From your tone, are you going to stop me?"

"Of course, is there any need to say this?" Kyle flicked the gold coins onto the cliff outside the car, and then grabbed a handful from the bag and threw them out.

"And you have already thought of this answer, since you took the initiative to bring me to the vault.

"To be honest, if you didn't call me, I might not recognize you, but you called me and took the initiative to bring me in.

"It would be inappropriate for me to pretend I didn't see it."

"What bad luck." Oren sighed again, "I wanted to catch up with you."

"There's no need to catch up between us." Kyle grabbed another handful of gold coins and threw them out.

Oren looked at Kyle throwing gold coins out, and he really didn't understand what it meant.

"What are you doing?" he couldn't help asking.

"Prepare the scene in advance." Kyle said, controlling the gold coins to fall to some conspicuous positions, "Even if I have to stop you, I can't help Gringotts for nothing."

"Okay." Oren still didn't understand, but he chose to respect, "We're almost there, do you want to do it now?"

"No, wait a minute." Kyle stopped throwing gold coins, looking at the deep tunnel in front and said, "Since we're here, this is a rare opportunity, and I just want to do something along the way."

At this time, the car turned a corner again and entered a huge underground space.

The passage suddenly opened up.

A huge fire dragon was bolted to the ground in front, preventing anyone from approaching the four or five deepest vaults there.

However, unlike other fire dragons Kyle had seen, this dragon was in a very bad condition, with pale and loose scales that looked like they might fall off at any time.

This was caused by staying in a cold place for a long time. Fire dragons like hot and dry environments. Staying in such a tunnel deep underground is a torture for them.

Its two legs were locked by huge iron chains, and the scales around them had long been worn away by the shackles, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

"Okay, go and do your thing."

Kyle jumped off the cart, "By the way, when the anti-thief waterfall was cut off, the goblins should have noticed something was wrong, and we'd better hurry up."

"Well, you're right." Oren also jumped off the cart with the goblin named Kra. During this process, the goblin's eyes were distracted and he didn't move at all.

The two separated tacitly, and no one made things difficult for each other.

Kyle walked towards the fire dragon, which was a Ukrainian iron belly.

Sensing someone approaching, the dragon turned its ugly head, opened its mouth and spewed a stream of fire at Kyle.

A stone wall rose up to block the fire.

"Do you need help?" Oren threw a strangely shaped iron sheet from a distance, "I've asked around, this thing can calm it down."

"No need!" Kyle said.

He waved his wand again, and the stone wall in front of him turned into two huge stone arms, one on the left and one on the right, grabbing the dragon's neck, and then suddenly pressed it to the ground.


The ground roared, splashing a lot of gravel and dust.

The dragon seemed to be enraged, roaring and struggling, and at the same time indiscriminately spewing fire around.

"Relax, little guy, relax." Kyle whispered to comfort the fire dragon, and at the same time raised his wand?

With a ding, the shackles that bound the fire dragon were cut in half by something.


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