Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 895 Heavy Trust

Late at night, a faint cry came from St. Catchpole Village, which seemed to come from the Burrow, but after listening carefully, the sound disappeared.

It might be the ghoul in the attic, Kyle thought to himself, but he didn't care.

There lived an old ghoul in the attic of the Burrow. The name of this thing was quite intimidating, but it was actually just a magical animal of level XX, the same level as the Bowtruckle, which feeds on foxes and moths.

Even the Bowtruckle has sharp fingers, but the most lethal weapon of the ghoul is probably only their name.

Maybe it can scare the little wizards who don't know the truth.

If you don't mind their scary appearance, it's not bad to keep one as a pet in the attic or barn.

Anyway, the Weasley family gets along well with the ghoul.

Ignoring the sound coming from outside, Kyle closed the window and went to bed.

At midnight, it started to rain outside.

All the lights in the village were turned off. The moon was hidden behind the dark clouds, and the occasional light was covered by the falling rain.

Behind the Kyle family's house, there was a small hill that was not very high. Going over it and walking a distance ahead was the windmill house of the Lovegood family.

Because this is a relatively remote place in St. Catchpole Village, not many people usually come here.

At this time, a black shadow flashed on the top of the mountain and headed straight for the direction of the burrow, but the next second, the black shadow suddenly stopped.

Suddenly, two bright purple lights appeared in front of him, like two precious purple gems, flickering in the hazy moonlight, and like a lighthouse in the dark night, making people subconsciously want to approach.

The black shadow was attracted, and unconsciously stepped forward and walked in one direction. Even when he reached the edge of the mountain top, he had no intention of stopping.

After a while, the top of the mountain returned to silence, and the two purple lights disappeared. All traces were washed away by the drizzling rain, as if nothing had happened.

The next morning, Kyle yawned and went downstairs.

The cat leopard lay on the sofa in the living room, licking its fur leisurely, and staring at the cat raccoon at home.

This was the first time Tom saw a cat leopard. It was hard for him to understand why a cat could grow so big and have six legs.

The cat leopard also didn't understand why the head of the ball-like creature in front of him was so similar to his.

The footsteps on the stairs interrupted their gaze, and the cat leopard subconsciously turned his head to look at Kyle.

In an instant, Kyle felt even more sleepy, and his eyelids seemed to be weighed by two lead balls.

"Hey, don't use hypnosis here."

The cat leopard's eyelids flickered, and the purple pupils were instantly replaced by orange.


Tom screamed in terror, his tail stood up, and rushed into the kitchen in a panic.

Kyle smacked his lips. The cat-like cat was not afraid of hypnosis, but it reacted so strongly to the ability to read minds. Could this guy have any secrets?

The cat-leopard called lazily, jumped off the sofa and followed into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, accompanied by Tom's heart-wrenching scream, the cat-leopard came out with a puffed mouth, and a faint aroma of Motla rat jerky could be smelled.

This was to empty Tom's small treasury, no wonder it was so miserable.

But Kyle didn't care. With Tom's size, it wouldn't hurt to go hungry for a few meals.

Kyle waved his wand casually, sat at the dining table and rubbed his face.

Two slices of bread flew out of the kitchen, the egg liquid broke through the eggshell, and was sandwiched between the bread with bacon and seasonings, and slowly flew to the dining table. When it landed on the plate, the bread had turned from white to a beautiful brown color, and bursts of fragrance came out.

Kyle grabbed it and took a bite... standard sandwich taste, nothing special, but it was convenient.

Chris had already gone to the Ministry of Magic.

After Kyle had a simple breakfast, he was ready to go there.

If possible, he wanted to make his store formal as soon as possible.

But before going out, the cat leopard suddenly stopped in front of him and whimpered lazily.

"Did someone come yesterday?" Kyle frowned and immediately gave up the plan to go to the Ministry of Magic. Instead, he walked towards the hill in the north and saw a familiar black hood among the leaves and twigs at the foot of the mountain.


Because of some trivial matters, it was almost noon when Kyle arrived at the Ministry of Magic.

Chris was in his office, and seemed to have been prepared. When he saw Kyle, he took out a parchment signed by Amelia Bones.

The content on it was also very simple. There were a total of seven vaguely defined items that could be sold legally, but Mobik squid ink was not one of them.

"Quill pens are easy to say." Chris explained: "Thunderbirds are absolutely prohibited from trading in America, but Europe is not so strict, but ink..."

Chris paused for a moment before continuing: "Bones wants to purchase this batch of ink on behalf of the Ministry of Magic."

"Ah?" Kyle raised his eyebrows.

"Because of the special nature of Mobik squid ink." Chris said, "The ink made from it can last for thousands of years without fading, which is very suitable for writing important bills and signing documents."

"I understand, it's just for show." Kyle nodded.

"That's true." Chris said, "Romania has dragon blood ink, and Ilvermorny also provides their Ministry of Magic with high-quality snake vine ink... Although these things can only be regarded as embellishments, they are also important in a sense."

"What did we use before?" Kyle asked curiously,

"Mr. Scamander provided it, which is also a kind of dragon blood ink." Chris said, "But in terms of quality, it is definitely not as good as Mobeck squid ink."

"What about the price? Minister Bones will not deliberately lower the price."

"The original price is unlikely." Chris thought for a while and said, "But it won't be too low. After all, you just helped the Ministry of Magic a lot."

"Okay, I will go to Minister Bones when the time comes." Kyle only thought for a moment and agreed.

After all, at the price of that thing, it would be difficult to sell it even if it was placed in the store, and cooperating with the Ministry of Magic is also a good choice.

And Bones is different from Fudge. She is not the kind of shameless person. Her favor is still valuable.

Kyle took the parchment, folded it up and put it in his pocket.

"You, really went back to 1899?" Chris suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Kyle said, "Otherwise where did those things come from, and I also invested in the Dragon Sanctuary. The 6,000 Galleons you saw before are the share of this hundred years."

Chris pursed his lips. Although he had heard the whole process from Dumbledore, he still felt a little incredible.

Using a Philosopher's Stone as a price to go back a hundred years was really a bit too exaggerated. He didn't even dare to think about it.

"What did you experience at that time?" He asked curiously, "Did you meet anyone special?"

"Does Grindelwald count?" Kyle said, no wizard is more special than this one.

Chris shuddered, "Yes, is there anything else?"

Obviously, he was not interested in Grindelwald.

"And... probably Harry Potter's great-great-grandfather." Kyle said, "We had a good chat, and he wanted me to be the godfather of his child, but unfortunately there was not enough time."

Chris shuddered again and sorted out the relationship in his mind.

"You mean, you almost became the godfather of James' grandfather?"

He was not familiar with Harry, but he was a classmate of James Potter.

The famous Marauders, few people didn't know them when they were in school.

Diana was even friends with Lily Evans, so he and James were also somewhat close, but not much.

As a standard Hufflepuff, he didn't like some of the behaviors of the 'Marauders'... Of course, except for Lily Evans.

"James Potter's grandfather... You can say that." Kyle nodded.

"Fortunately you didn't succeed." Chris said with lingering fear.

"What do you mean."

"Because your mother and James' wife are friends, and he and I are classmates." Chris said, "If you really become the godfather of James' grandfather, what are we."

"Hey, let's talk about each other." Kyle waved his hand and said indifferently.

I call you dad, and you call me great-grandfather godfather? Kyle didn't know if this title was correct, but it was probably the meaning.

"Haha." Chris laughed dryly, "Do you dare to come with me to the Department of Mysteries now and repeat what you just said."

"Don't dare." Kyle blurted out.

Kyle was so straightforward that Chris didn't know how to respond. After thinking about it, he decided to skip this topic.

It would be a bit counterintuitive to talk about it further.

And to be honest, he didn't dare to take Kyle to the Department of Mysteries at this time. Diana would definitely oppose Kyle's use of the time converter, not to mention the span of a hundred years.

If she knew, he would suffer... at least he couldn't know it from him.

"Do you want to be a professor at Hogwarts?" Chris changed the subject very stiffly.

"Be a professor at Hogwarts?"

"Vice-Principal Dumbledore asked me to tell you." Chris looked at Kyle, "He said Hogwarts is short of people now, and you are just right."

"No, no, impossible!" Kyle directly vetoed three times in a row.

"Why?" Chris was puzzled. "I think it's nice to be a professor at Hogwarts, and the youngest professor. You can assign homework to them at will."

Kyle still shook his head.

Hogwarts professors are basically fixed, and there is only one position that is often short of people.

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

This position that has lasted for decades is really a bit weird. For so long, only Snape has broken the cycle of annual turnover and successfully taught for more than a year.

But he also paid a price.

The last time they met, Kyle noticed that Snape's right leg was a little weak and he limped when he walked.

Isn't it uncomfortable to open a store in Diagon Alley? Why run over and curse...Kyle doesn't want to compete with Snape for a job for the time being.

But he soon realized another situation. It was fine before, why did Hogwarts suddenly lack people, what happened to Snape?

Could it be...

"It shouldn't be!" Kyle shook his head and muttered to himself.

Snape was in Hogwarts, and if something happened there, Chris would definitely not be as calm as he is now.

Forget it, for Kangna's sake, let's go check it out.

Kyle thought about changing his body and walking out.

"Molly asked us to go to the Burrow for dinner tonight," Chris said. "Don't forget it."

"I'm not going." Kyle stopped and said.

"You're not going back tonight?"

"Well." Kyle said, "I want to tidy up the store. I have been living in Diagon Alley recently."

Speaking of this, Kyle thought of the Death Eater found at the foot of the mountain.

He didn't know why the Death Eaters appeared in the village of St. Catchpole, but they most likely came for him.

If he didn't go back, nothing would happen. Only one day after he returned, a Death Eater had touched him?

If this was a coincidence, it would be a bit too coincidental.

"Dad, please pay attention recently. St. Catchpol Village may not be very safe." Kyle said seriously.

"What's wrong?" Chris frowned and asked.

"Death Eaters passed by last night," Kyle said.

Chris stood up suddenly, "What did you say?"

"Ah, it's okay now." Kyle quickly explained: "Cat Leopard discovered him in advance, and the matter has been resolved."

Chris didn't relax, on the contrary, his frown deepened.

"Is this coming for you?"

"It's possible." Kyle nodded, "To be honest, I've messed with mysterious people too many times recently."

Chris already didn't know what to say. At the same time, he was even more curious about what Kyle had done to actually say something like "I've provoked a lot of mysterious people recently."

You know, most of them have never even seen the mysterious man!

"It doesn't matter, we can set up the Loyalty Charm." Chris rubbed his forehead, "No, you go to Hogwarts now, that is the safest place."

"No need, I don't want to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Kyle pouted, "If it doesn't work out, I can go to No. 12 Grimmauld Place."

"Then build another house on the edge of the Forbidden Forest and be Hagrid's neighbor."

Chris didn't seem to hear the second half of Kyle's words at all, and said to himself: "You don't understand the horror of the mysterious man. Unless you are willing to stay in the house protected by the Loyalty Curse, otherwise, give me the old man." Go to Hogwarts honestly.

"...No wonder Dumbledore suddenly told me that. I'm afraid he has the same idea."

"I think I understand quite a bit." Kyle muttered softly.

During this period, he had faced Voldemort twice in a row. It can be said that apart from Dumbledore, he was the person who had the most contact with Voldemort.

But looking at the serious look on Chris's face, Kyle also knew that he probably wouldn't agree to him living in Diagon Alley.

As for staying in the house all the time…

"I'd better go to Hogwarts." Kyle compromised, "Principal McGonagall may not welcome me very much."

Chris's face twitched. Although he didn't know what happened again, he was already a little bit used to it.

"Then you and Hagrid can be neighbors. You can help him if you have nothing to do. Anyway, you are not short of money now, so just treat it as a holiday for yourself."

Kyle shrugged noncommittally.

He couldn't refuse anyway.

After leaving Chris's office, Kyle went to the minister's office on the first floor to discuss the ink issue with Amelia Bones.

The process went quite smoothly.

Bones wanted to buy all the ink at 50% off the market price. After some simple bargaining, he finally priced it at 30% off, as well as another favor from the minister.

Both parties are very satisfied.

After finishing everything, it was almost evening.

Chris didn't go anywhere. When Kyle was in the minister's office, he stayed outside and followed him to the village of Hogsmeade.

"Dad, where is the trust between us?"

On the streets of Hogsmeade, Kyle looked at Chris who was not leaving, and couldn't help but said: "Can I still run?"

"Who knows," Chris said. "It's not impossible."

"That said, if I really have this idea, I can come out when I get to Hogwarts." Kyle looked at the warthog gate in the distance, "There is no guard there."

"I know." Chris said, "I respect your ideas. No matter what you want to do, there must be corresponding reasons and careful consideration. I will not try to use experience to interfere with you."

What a heavy trust.

Kyle was a little moved.

But the next second, he heard Chris continue.

"But I still have to watch you walk into Hogwarts with my own eyes... Even if you run out later, I can still explain it to your mother."

"So you asked me to come to Hogwarts not because you were worried about me, but just to give my mother an explanation?" The feeling in Kyle's heart disappeared instantly.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have unrealistic fantasies.

"Otherwise." Chris said, "You can go back a hundred years ago and rescue Dumbledore, you can face the mysterious man in the Heshidry Islands and escape unharmed, and you can even get a certificate of legal dragon raising. These things There's nothing I can do, so there's no need for me to worry..."

"You know everything?"

"Dumbledore told me." Chris sighed, "I didn't expect that you were the one who did what happened in the Heshidry Islands. Mr. Scamander and I scolded you a lot at the time."

"Hehe." Kyle smiled awkwardly, "I didn't mean to hide it on purpose, I just didn't know how to say it. If it wasn't through Professor Dumbledore, you might find it hard to believe this is the truth."

"Indeed." Chris said.

To be honest, even when Dumbledore told him about what happened, his first reaction was not to believe it.

Until Dumbledore took him to see the memory in the Pensieve...

It's incredible.

"Oh, and your legal dragon breeding certificate..." Chris seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he shook his head, "Forget it, you can do it yourself. I just hope you don't destroy the Forbidden Forest. That place is the natural barrier of Hogwarts, and it's still very important."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"I hope so."


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