Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 901: The Principal and the Magic Rune of Freedom

Kyle actually knew that Sacia would come from the beginning, because he asked Raton to send a letter to St. Mungo's last night.

It’s just that the time he agreed in the letter was noon, but he didn’t expect Sasia to come so quickly.

Outside the door, a witch who looked similar to Dumbledore was standing there, frowning.

"Mrs. Sasia, it's so nice to see you here..." Professor McGonagall walked over.

"It doesn't have to be so formal, Minerva." Sasia hugged her, "Please forgive me for not coming to attend your inauguration ceremony as principal. There are too many things going on. I hope it's not too late to say congratulations now."

"Of course..." said Professor McGonagall.

To be honest, she was so confused during the inauguration ceremony that she didn't even notice who was sitting underneath.

Two witches who were equally tall, thin, and had serious expressions stood together, looking very much like two older sisters.

"Welcome, Pegasus..." Dumbledore also walked over, "I'm surprised to see you somewhere other than St. Mungo's."

"Long time no see, Albus." Sasia nodded.

After a brief greeting, she turned her gaze to the door and frowned again as she looked at Hagrid, who was spinning in circles.

"Albus, is he also a professor at the school?" Sasia asked doubtfully: "I just thought that his brain seemed to be affected by some kind of magic, but after careful inspection, I found that it was not.

"Is this some kind of ritual at your Hogwarts? Or is it a habit of half-giants?"

Sasia could clearly feel that something was wrong with Hagrid's state, and moved her fingers. Out of professional instinct, she wanted to study it carefully.

"Ah, just a little trick." Dumbledore said with a smile, and with a wave of his hand, the icon on the door dimmed instantly.

Hagrid finally stopped and noticed the group of people standing beside him.

He wanted to say hello, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt something wanted to come out of his stomach.

Hagrid ignored his politeness, covered his mouth, and stumbled into the forbidden forest behind.


The scene was a little awkward.

"Sorry for making you laugh." Professor McGonagall glared at Kyle with a sullen face.

Kyle twitched the corners of his mouth and turned his face to the side.

In fact, he thought of Hagrid who was still outside in the garden, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Kyle felt that with the physique of the hybrid giant, the alchemical fog should not have much effect on him, but now it seems that the effects of alchemy and magic are two different things.

Sasia looked at the performance of everyone present... Although she still didn't know what happened, she also guessed that it had something to do with Kyle.

She raised her head and glanced around, then drew her wand.

On the edge of the Forbidden Forest, seven or eight unnamed wildflowers floated into the air, quickly becoming shriveled, and a few drops of juice melted into a puddle of clear water.

Then, Sasia picked a few leaves from a pineapple tree, crushed them also and mixed them into the water.

Dumbledore was the first to react. He turned a stone into a bottle and caught the water that had changed color.

"Let the half-breed giant drink it, it will be good for him." Sasia said.

"I have no doubt about that." Dumbledore smiled.

The most famous potion master in the wizarding world... Even if she said that the things Professor Sprout took were useful, Dumbledore would not hesitate to give Hagrid a spoonful.

"Please excuse me for a moment." Dumbledore took the bottle and walked towards Hagrid, and said at the same time: "Oh, Minerva, I just remembered that Horace wanted to see you for something, it seems to be about purchasing potion ingredients. things.”

Of course he could see who Sasia was looking for this time.

Professor McGonagall reacted a little slowly. After all, she was not very clear about the relationship between Sacia and Kyle.

However, she understood Dumbledore's hint and called Professor Flitwick back to the castle.

After everyone left, Sasia couldn't help but smile and said, "Albus is still so considerate."

"Who says it isn't?" Kyle shrugged, "Dean, when did you come?"

"An hour ago," Sasia said.

"Didn't you write me a letter last night? It happened that the potion needed to be brewed for a while this morning, so I took the time to come over."

"Then what I mentioned in the letter, about the campus hospital..."

"I have already met Poppy." Sasia said, "Although I cannot cooperate with Hogwarts on behalf of St. Mungo's, I can share part of the potion formula with Hogwarts Campus Hospital on behalf of an individual."

"It has nothing to do with St. Mungo's, it's my private potion formula." Sasia emphasized again.

Kyle also understands that St. Mungo's must remain neutral, especially in the current situation. The Death Eaters must not want to see St. Mungo's and Hogwarts get too close.

But that was enough, at least he had accomplished what he promised Madam Pomfrey.

Last night, when Dumbledore suggested having a late night snack during the intermission, Kyle did not stay in the principal's office, but found an excuse to go out.

He just went to the campus hospital and made Madam Pomfrey an offer she couldn't refuse... cooperation with Sasia.

It was Sacia, not the Head of St. Mungo's.

After all, Kyle was very aware of St. Mungo's situation and would not make it difficult for her. He did not mention the content of the cooperation, and it was up to them to discuss it themselves.

Madam Pomfrey agreed and voted on the spot. Kell also wrote a letter in front of her and sent it to St. Mungo's by owl.

If it weren't for this, the meeting last night might not have produced any results until now.

"Thank you." Kell said sincerely.

Sassia raised her eyebrows and didn't say anything, just looking at him.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Kell slapped his forehead, reached into the bag, and took out two bottles, one large and one small, "Don't worry, you won't make a wasted trip."

"As a thank you..." He handed the larger bottle to Sassia, "This is the blood of the basilisk, about a pint."

"And this, the basilisk venom." Kell pointed to the small bottle that was about the size of a thumb.

"It's just that there may be some dragon blood mixed in here, so it's not so pure."

"It doesn't matter, although it's a little troublesome, but I have a way to separate them." Sassia looked at the dark red small bottle, her expression became more and more strange.

"But I'm curious, why is there dragon blood mixed in the basilisk venom...

"No, it should be more appropriate to say that dragon blood is mixed in the venom. At least two-thirds of this is dragon blood."

It's not like she hasn't seen real basilisk venom before, which is light yellow, but this one in her hand is completely the color and texture of dragon blood, and it's the kind that is rotten and spoiled.

It's polite to say two-thirds.

"It's all the same, all the same." Kyle said with a wry smile, "Dragon blood is also very precious, isn't it? Just consider it as an extra gift from me. "

He just took these venoms out of the wounds on the Horntail, making use of the waste.

The reason why the Horntail was so quiet and could not be awakened was because it was poisoned by the basilisk and fell into a coma.

It can only be said that it is both inexperienced and playful. If Kyle had not instructed in advance that the basilisk was not allowed to kill the Horntail, it would have been eaten as a midnight snack long ago?

The basilisk blood was also obtained in this way. The Horntail was inexperienced, but it also left many wounds on the huge body of the basilisk. Just find a few containers to put under the wounds to catch them for a while, which is enough.

Sasiya pulled the corner of her mouth.

Dragon blood can only be said to be expensive. As long as it can be bought, she has no shortage of it. What she needs is materials related to the basilisk.

Fortunately, there is enough blood of the basilisk, so it is not a wasted trip.

Sasiya put away the two bottles and walked into the wooden house at Kyle's invitation.

"I heard that you are going to be a professor at Hogwarts? "She looked around the cabin and shook her head.

There are too many windows and the light is too bright, which is not suitable for brewing potions. Just remove the windows on the roof and the left side.

But this is where Kyle lives after all, so she can't say anything.

"Yeah." Kyle nodded, "I've offended the mysterious man a lot recently, so I came to Hogwarts to hide. It just so happened that the school wanted to find someone to replace Professor Barbling, and I also have a certain amount of knowledge in magic, so I caught up. "

Sasiya felt her throat dry.

Has he offended the mysterious man too many times?

It really opened her eyes. This was the first time she heard such a strange reason.

In the entire magic world, there are wizards who can offend Voldemort, but most of them have only one end... they are killed by him with the killing curse.

There is only one and a half wizards who can survive after angering Voldemort.

Dumbledore is one of them. It is well known that Voldemort is most afraid of him.

And the savior Harry Potter... he can only be considered half.

As an experienced witch, Sasiya knows very well that it was not Harry Potter who killed Voldemort, but a magic of Lily Evans that acted on him.

The title of savior is more because the Ministry of Magic wants to settle the situation as soon as possible. The panic caused by the Death Eaters was put on the child.

So Voldemort really wanted to kill Lily, but she was dead, and only Harry Potter was still alive.

But now there is one more person, although it is only temporary, it is also surprising enough.

And that sentence... the number of times is a bit too much.

It seems that Kyle has done something she doesn't know, and it's not a small thing, enough to make Voldemort want to kill him at all costs.

Could it be the last time in the Gringotts vault... It shouldn't be, Voldemort didn't show up at that time, there was only one Death Eater.

However, Sasiya is not a witch with strong curiosity. She didn't ask in detail what Kyle did, and she took the initiative to skip this topic.

"It's good to be a professor at Hogwarts." She said softly: "Maybe in a few years, you can become the principal naturally."

"Impossible." Kyle waved his hand.

"Why, you don't believe it?" Sasiya glanced at him, "Don't you think it's too coincidental? Why did Minerva and Albus suddenly agree to give Bathsilda a holiday?

"As far as I know, there is a hard rule for the headmaster of Hogwarts, that is, he must have been a professor in the school."

"Maybe it is true, but it is still impossible." Kyle said, his expression was very calm, and he did not show too much excitement.

Maybe Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall really have this idea, but it is just an idea.

Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard, defeated Grindelwald and won the Order of Merlin, First Class.

Professor McGonagall, the most famous master of Transfiguration, and a conscientious deputy headmaster.

But both of them became headmasters when they were about eighty years old.

Kyle had seen the portraits in the principal's office. All the people who became principals through normal channels were almost the same age.

He is not yet twenty years old, so early.

In addition, Kyle also knew himself well and asked him to be a professor in the school for sixty years. He really couldn't guarantee that he would run away midway...just like Professor Babling.

The professor of the ancient rune class, just like the ever-changing magic texts, never sticks to a certain pattern. The school's castle cannot contain the free magic texts... Anyway, Professor Babling is quite free and independent, isn't it? No one can find her during school hours.

Kyle felt that he needed to learn this excellent tradition.

The two chatted for a while longer, and Kyle showed Sasia his garden.

Unexpectedly, the dean suffered from occupational disease again and stared straight at the golden horns on both sides of the horned dragon's head. His eyes were so hot that the little guy was so scared that he didn't even dare to stand.

What a good thing, the main material of flying potions can also be used to brew fireproof potions, strong potions... They are priceless treasures in the eyes of any potion master.

Unfortunately, it's a bit small.

Longhorns is not yet an adult, so the effect of the horns must be doubled.

Sasia finally gave up on some immature idea and looked away.

But this also really frightened Kyle, fearing that Sasia could not hold back and give the Romanian long-horned dragon a haircut with her stick in hand.

Fortunately, Sacia kept the potion in the cauldron in mind and was soon ready to leave. Kyle sent her out of school.

Before leaving, Sasia gave Kyle a piece of parchment.

"African tree snake skin, unicorn blood, mandrake juice, locust juice, lacewings, ginger root, sulfur powder..."

Kyle looked at the various names on it and wondered: "What kind of magic potion is this? Why have I never seen this combination before?"

"A potion formula from the Middle Ages, developed by a dark wizard." Sasia said.

"Dark wizard?"

"Well, have you heard of Singer who controls the fire dragon?"

Now Kyle knew.

He was quite a famous person. His own strength was average, but he had the talent to control fire dragons and was extremely ambitious. He was the Voldemort of that era.

The fire dragon he commanded caused a lot of trouble to the Ministry of Magic.

However, he did not remain arrogant for long. No matter how difficult the fire dragon was, it was still a magical animal. Just like Antioch holding the Elder Wand, he was not strong enough and was quickly knocked down by the Auror at close range.

Once he died, the threat of the fire dragon was naturally lifted.

Later, it became a negative teaching material, reminding every magical animal expert not to go astray.

"Is this the magic potion he invented?" Kyle asked.

"Yes." Sasia said, "The function is to increase the power of the fire dragon and the temperature of the dragon flame for a certain period of time. I think you should be able to use it.

"Those dragons of yours are too small. Except for the Horntails, any three or five Death Eaters can kill them if they work together."


"Thank you." Kyle put away the parchment.

"I just happen to know." Sasia said, "And this kind of potion is not easy to brew, and the materials are very expensive. You need to find a way to do this yourself."

"I know."

"That's good." Sasia walked out of the school gate and said half-jokingly: "Maybe after you become the principal, I will consider coming to Hogwarts to be a potions professor."

"That will have to wait for a while." Kyle shrugged, obviously not very interested in this topic.

It's been too long and I'm too lazy to talk.

When Kyle returned to the cabin, Dumbledore was already chatting with Hagrid in the garden.

"I really didn't expect you to call Sacia here." Dumbledore looked at him and blinked, "That's why Bobby changed his mind."

"Well, the dean promised to provide some of the private potion formula."

"No wonder," Dumbledore said, "I didn't expect that your reputation is quite big...well, bigger than mine. At least Sasia won't go to Hogwarts because of me. I'll look for you." she."

"It's not me, it's the basilisk's pride." Kyle said with a smile: "After all, I am the only one who can provide the basilisk's blood and venom. She seems to value this very much."

"Strength Potion," Dumbledore said suddenly.


"A potion that can protect against curses has just been researched recently." Dumbledore explained: "It has a similar effect to armor protection, but it can last for a long time, and it is especially effective against dark magic."

"Invented by Dean Sasia?" Kyle said in surprise. This is already another form of defense potion. If you drink one bottle during battle, you can resist two more coma spells.

"If I had known better, I would have given more basilisk blood." Kyle regretted a little.

The basilisk is so big that it can drain another five pints of blood.

"It doesn't matter." Dumbledore shook his head. "In addition to the basilisk blood, the main ingredients of the strong potion also include the nails of the five-legged monster. Those things are also rare."


How should I put it, Kyle suddenly felt that his armor was very useful for protecting himself, and there was no need to drink any magic potion.

"By the way, one more thing." Dumbledore continued: "Bathida has left the school. The notice will be posted tomorrow. When the vacation is over, you can officially take over her job. "

Subconsciously, Kyle thought of what Sasia had said before, but then he shook his head and said, "I know."

"I suggest you put the garden aside for now." Dumbledore said, "Being a good professor is completely different from learning all that knowledge. You'd better prepare in advance."

"I will." Kyle said, "But Director Dumbledore, I have an idea..."


Hearing Kyle's address, Dumbledore became nervous for no reason... Kyle's politeness is definitely not a good thing.

"Tell me." He said cautiously: "But you also know that I am only one of the twelve directors, and I am not very experienced and have no say.

"You should have seen it before, my words are not even as effective as Minerva's."

"Don't worry, it's just a small matter." Kyle said: "As a new professor, I want to rearrange the schedule, which should not be too much."


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