Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 915: The Fear of the Death Eaters, Professor McGonagall Violated the School Rules

"I'm sorry, Ms. Minerva McGonagall, but you don't seem to understand what we mean."

In Hogwarts, a little wizard with a little hunchback and a deer-headed mouse-like face stood in front of Professor McGonagall, looking up at her.

"Last night, representatives from the Ministry of Magic held a meeting with the Hogwarts School Governors, and we agreed that you are no longer suitable for the position of Headmaster."


Professor McGonagall glanced at him with a calm expression, "If it was really the Ministry of Magic's decision, why wasn't Amelia Bones the one who came?"

"She has other things to do and can't come for the time being." said the little wizard.

"Then come to me and talk to her when she is free." Professor McGonagall waved her hand impatiently, "I don't miss this position, but changing the principal of Hogwarts is a big deal, not just you, the sports department. The president can decide.”

"What did you say?" The little wizard seemed to feel insulted, but he quickly calmed down and said, "But the school directors have already agreed. In comparison, the minister's opinion seems not that important! "

He pulled out a piece of parchment with names written all over it.

"Do you need me to read it to you?" the little wizard said proudly, "After the unanimous decision of the school governors, Minerva McGonagall was dismissed from her position as headmaster and replaced by Severus Snape."

Professor McGonagall's face darkened. She didn't expect that the school director would hold back at this time.

But she still didn't care, looking at the little wizard with disdain, as if she was looking at something dirty.

"The school directors do have the right to remove the principal from his position."

"Now that you know, it's easy to handle." The little wizard sneered.

"But..." Professor McGonagall continued: "As far as I know, in order to fulfill this right, all twelve school directors must agree. But this one you took..."

She glanced at the parchment and said, "There seem to be only nine signatures on it, which is quite a bit different.

"So unfortunately, what's on it does absolutely nothing."

"You, damn..." the little wizard took two steps forward with some irritation, "You should understand the situation, Minerva McGonagall, you don't have Dumbledore to support you now, if you don't listen to me Yes, the whole school will be hungry and walking around.”


The door to the principal's office was pushed open, and Kyle walked in from the outside.

"I just heard someone talking about walking around. Why, is the lunch at Hogwarts so delicious? Do you want to take it back to eat?"

"Who are you!" The little wizard turned around and said viciously: "Get out, or you will die."

"Oh, I recognize you." Kyle looked at his face and thought carefully, "You must be in the Heshidry Islands, right? You are still alive?"

"Really, it's my fault." Kyle shook his head in annoyance.

The little wizard finally saw Kyle's appearance clearly, and the anger on his face turned into panic in the blink of an eye.

Of course he remembered Kyle, and the memory was still vivid. In other words, every Death Eater who had been to the Heshidry Islands knew him.

The Dark Lord showed them what Kyle looked like and gave them the order to kill him.

Since joining the Death Eaters, this was the first time he saw the Dark Lord wanting to kill someone so much that he almost destroyed an island.

To this day, he can still recall the scene when the entire island was surrounded by fierce fire.

It's a pity that almost all the Death Eaters who remembered this incident died, and only a few escaped by chance.

He is one of them.

It's just that he never dreamed that he would actually see the other person again, and still in this situation.

"You...you..." He pointed at Kyle, his eyes full of fear, and he was speechless.

"Why, don't you remember me?" Kyle stepped forward and looked at him with a smile, "That's right, it's really hard for a passerby like me to leave a deep impression on others, so it's normal that you can't remember me.

"But we are acquaintances after all. How about you give me some face and be polite to Professor McGonagall."

The little Death Eater broke into a cold sweat, especially when he saw the wand held in Kyle's hand, his whole body went numb and he stood there stiffly, not daring to move.

Professor McGonagall was a little strange. She didn't quite understand how to face her arrogant and domineering Death Eaters. After seeing Kyle, she completely changed and became much more introverted.

Kyle continued to move forward, one step, two steps...

The footsteps were like stepping on the little Death Eater's heart. Finally, his instinct overcame his fear and he raised his wand suddenly.

"The bones are again..."

"The soul is out of body!"

The raised arm dropped down again, and the light on the tip of the staff dimmed again. The little Death Eater stood there, his expression dull and motionless.

"Sure enough, I'm still not suitable for using this kind of black magic." Kyle looked at his wand, recalling the awkward feeling when he recited the spell just now, and shook his head helplessly.

"Kyle!" Professor McGonagall grabbed her chest and whispered, "What did you do..."

"As you can see, Professor, the Imperius Curse." Kyle said, "He recognized me. If we don't deal with it in advance, the Dark Mark may appear over Hogwarts in the next second."

Professor McGonagall recalled what the little Death Eater had done just now...yes, that was indeed the spell of the Dark Mark.

"What on earth is going on!" She forced herself to calm down and asked: "Why did the director of the Sports Department come to Hogwarts? He united nine school directors to remove me from my position."

"I don't know either." Kyle shrugged.

He was just in class when Principal Armando Dippet suddenly got into the portrait of the ancient rune classroom and told him that someone was causing trouble in the principal's office.

Then Kyle came, and happened to hear the little wizard say something at the door... something like making the whole school miserable.

But he didn't expect that the other party was actually an acquaintance.

When he pretended to be a Death Eater and sneaked into the Heshidry Islands, the man was standing not far in front of him. Kyle was still somewhat impressed.

"Oops, Ministry of Magic." Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment and became nervous.

Could it be that the Ministry of Magic has been occupied by them?

Professor McGonagall staggered back a few steps, fell into a chair, and clutched the collar of her robe tightly.

Kyle's face also looked a little ugly.

"It's okay, Professor, maybe he was just scaring people. Although I don't know what happened, we can take a look now."

He raised his wand again and pointed it at the Death Eater.


Fortunately, this was not a Death Eater who was good at Occlumency, but it saved Kyle a bottle of Veritaserum.

Memories came to him like a flood. Kyle flipped through them quickly. After a moment, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"How..." Professor McGonagall asked nervously.

To be honest, she was a little afraid to look at it.

She couldn't imagine what the British wizarding world would be like if the Ministry of Magic was really captured by Death Eaters.

"It's okay, Professor." Kyle said softly: "The Death Eaters only occupied half of the Ministry of Magic. Minister Amelia Bones is still alive, and the Aurors and Strikers are also on our side."

"Huh..." Professor McGonagall suddenly relaxed and took a few deep breaths.

"That's good...so what happened!"

"I can't explain it in a sentence or two, you'd better see for yourself." Kyle put the wand on the Death Eater's forehead, pulled it gently, and brought out a wisp of sparkling things.

Professor McGonagall's eyes twitched.

After extracting the memory, coupled with the Imperius Curse and Legilimency just now, Kyle has violated the "Wizard Law" three times in a row in front of her.

It's not against school rules, it's against wizarding law.

Especially the Imperius Curse, which requires a single room in Azkaban.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Kyle seemed to realize that his behavior was not very appropriate, so he stopped what he was doing and forced the memory back.

Then he waved his wand, and a velvet curtain hung from the ceiling out of thin air, just blocking him and Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall had another vein on her forehead.

What is this, trying to hide something?


There was a burst of laughter from the wall, and Armando Dippet held his stomach and burst into laughter.

"I knew it was right to call Kyle. This would be so interesting."

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded, "He always has a lot of unexpected ideas, but they work."

"Hey, you are an unruly thing." Phineas curled his lips next to him, "Using the Imperius Curse in the principal's office is simply lawless! Such a person is not worthy of being a professor."

"Huh?" Armando Dippet's expression suddenly changed, and he said sullenly: "I called Kyle here, are you questioning my decision?"

After that, without waiting for Phineas to explain, he carried a mace that he pulled out from nowhere, rushed over and gave it a sweeping sweep.



After a muffled sound, there was a scream,

However, the other principals didn't stop him. They closed their eyes and pretended not to see, just like they pretended not to see Kyle use the Imperius Curse.

Professor McGonagall felt her head buzzing, and she resisted the urge to take off two portraits and throw them out of the window.

She used to feel that the portraits in the principal's office were quite serious. Apart from pretending to be asleep, they basically didn't do any abnormal behavior. How could it suddenly become like this?

Could it be that they were just pretending before?

Or maybe it became like this after adding a certain portrait...

Professor McGonagall glanced at the portrait of Dumbledore on the wall intentionally or unintentionally.

Fortunately, at this time, the velvet curtain disappeared. Kyle looked around, took out a pensieve from the cabinet with ease, and put the memory hanging on the wand into it.

Memories are like sparkling fish, spinning rapidly in the pensieve.

Professor McGonagall naturally knew how to use this thing and stuck her head inside.

The whirlpool took her out of the principal's office and to the Ministry of Magic. She saw Scrimgeour, who was furious, and Amelia Bones, who was confronting the Death Eaters.

Fortunately, it was just like Kyle said.

Although the Ministry of Magic has experienced some changes, it has not been occupied, and Minister Bones is still alive.

Soon, Professor McGonagall was separated from her memory.

"The situation is still a bit serious." She looked at the motionless Death Eater beside Kyle and asked, "What are you going to do with him?"

"Of course..." Kyle paused suddenly, and then continued: "Sent to Azkaban."

"But Azkaban has long been unreliable, and you know that."

"It doesn't matter." Kyle waved his hand, "I know a place that is similar to Azkaban. There are dementors guarding it. It will be the same if he is sent there."

"Oh?" Professor McGonagall asked in confusion: "Where?"

She has lived in the UK for so long, but she has never heard that there are separate classes in Azkaban.

"Well, don't ask, the configurations are pretty much the same anyway." Kyle laughed sarcastically.

Of course he was talking about the dementor in his box. It had never had a full meal since it followed him. Kyle sometimes felt uncomfortable with it.

It was a rare opportunity, so Kyle planned to open a small stove for the Dementor and let it eat once.

Lest Newt keep saying he abused the dementors.

Moreover, this Death Eater might be able to provide other help, which would be very useful.

"How about leaving him to me?" Professor McGonagall asked after pondering for a moment.


"Didn't you use the Imperius Curse just to control him?" Professor McGonagall unceremoniously revealed Kyle's thoughts, "Didn't you want the person who cannot even be named to know that you are in Hogwarts? "

"No, not really, he must know I'm here." Kyle shook his head, "You may not be happy to say this, but some people in Slytherin have seen me, so Voldemort should already know. "

Hearing that name, Professor McGonagall grabbed her collar again.

Kyle didn't have much reaction. He just discovered an interesting thing from the Death Eater's memory.

Voldemort never showed up, whether they were attacking the Ministry of Magic or other activities, he never showed up.

Kyle guessed he was injured.

While on the Hesidian Islands, Voldemort did not completely avoid his Vulcan.

This is the most powerful offensive magic he currently has. With the magical magic and the blessing of Li Huo, even Voldemort can't be without trouble.

Also, when he was in Godric's Hollow, he seemed to have been struck by lightning summoned by Dumbledore's magic.

Old wounds plus new wounds, with Voldemort's fear of death, he will definitely not show up easily again.

What Dumbledore did before was to use this method to make Voldemort relax his vigilance and see if he could trick him out.

Just looking at the current situation, Voldemort is more calm than they thought. Even though Dumbledore was already 'dead', he did not come out to enjoy the fruits of victory.

Kyle has been thinking of other options lately.

The Death Eater in front of him did provide him with a possibility.

If all the Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic were wiped out, it would be impossible for Voldemort to endure it any longer.

It’s just that doing this is a bit risky and could easily affect Amelia Bones and the others.

"In that case, why did you prevent him from placing the Dark Mark?" Professor McGonagall suddenly said, interrupting Kyle's thinking.

"The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn't know what magic he was going to use." Kyle spread his hands, "I thought he would use the Death Curse, but I didn't expect that he would actually bring in rescuers. How could he be a Death Eater if he is so timid... What a shame."

Professor McGonagall's eyes flickered, pretending not to hear Kyle's complaints.

"Then why do you control him?"

"I don't know." Kyle continued: "I listened to your conversation at the door for a while and found out that he was the director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports. At that time, I didn't know what happened in the Ministry of Magic. I just thought that if I could control it, His words should have some effect.

"At least he can go back and be a thorn in the side of the Death Eaters at the Ministry of Magic."

Professor McGonagall frowned, thinking carefully about what Kyle just said. She looked at the little Death Eater again, and then shook her head after a long time.

"It can't be done."


"Your Imperius Curse is a bit... bad." Professor McGonagall carefully considered her words and tried to make her tone less harsh.

"To be honest, the reason why your Imperius Curse works is more because of his fear of you. It won't be long before he can break free from the control on his own."

As she spoke, the Death Eater's body twitched and his fingers were shaking and bending.

These are all signs that he is about to break free from the control of the Imperius Curse.

"Okay." Kyle was a little helpless.

There is no way, his magic power is too clean, and naturally it will not have much effect when using black magic like the Soul-Imperius Curse, which requires the support of negative emotions.

But there is nothing we can do about it, we can only say that there are gains and losses.

"Leave him to me." Professor McGonagall said. She waved her wand, and a silver net fell on him, lifting him up into the air.

"If there must be a war between Hogwarts and the Death Eaters, I hope the initiative will be in our hands."

"And the evacuation of the students will also take time. Before everything is ready, I hope they can take their eyes away from Hogwarts for a while."

"Of course, no problem." Professor McGonagall said so, so Kyle naturally wouldn't refuse.

"But Professor McGonagall, he may not be so easy to cooperate with. Do you need my help to find a suitable backup candidate?

"I recommend Cedric. He has experience in pretending to be a Death Eater, and he is very careful. As long as he looks at the Pensieve a few times and becomes familiar with the other person's character, he will definitely not reveal his secret."

"Experience of pretending to be a Death Eater?" Professor McGonagall glanced at Kyle, "I remember that I seemed to have seen Mr. Diggory in the castle before, could it be..."

Kyle then realized that he had let the cat out of the bag, but he remained calm on the surface.

"Ah, he came to see me that time, I was talking about earlier, when we were fighting the Dementors together."

"Oh." Professor McGonagall nodded, not caring.

"There is no need to trouble Mr. Diggory for this kind of thing." She continued.

The Death Eater who was hung by the net had broken free from control and began to struggle hard, but his wand had been thrown to the side by Kyle in advance, so this struggle was somewhat powerless.

It was just a little noisy,

"Although I hate the effect of the Imperius Curse, it doesn't mean that I don't know this curse." Professor McGonagall's expression was a little struggling, but after a moment, she made up her mind and slowly stretched out her wand.

"Soul out of the body!"

The principal's office was quiet.

"Oh!" Dumbledore in the portrait exclaimed, and said to the person next to him in an incredible tone: "Armando, did you see it? Minerva used the Unforgivable Curse in the headmaster's office."

"I saw it, Albus."

Armando Dippet rubbed his eyes, "Merlin, I must be dreaming!"


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