
Artorius looked at Hermione and Kashan Della and muttered something in his heart, and then looked at Zhang Qiu on the side with a smile on his face, after all, Zhang Qiu is also a Chinese, which made Artorius have a feeling when he looked at Zhang Qiu A feeling of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Hermione and Cassan Della became jealous when they saw the smile on Artorius' face.

"Isn't Zhang Qiu beautiful? You can't even take your eyes off Zhang Qiu!"

Hermione looked at Artorius angrily and said, Zhang Qiu's face turned red immediately.

Then Zhang Qiu found an excuse and left quickly.

After Zhang Qiu left, Artorius said to Hermione: "I said you are so easy to get jealous? You have to have confidence in yourself, other girls can't compare to you

"Two Nine Zero"

"That's not sure, who knows if you're a big radish, will you meet someone and love someone?"

Artorius looked at Hermione and said helplessly: "Look at Cassandella, she doesn't doubt me at all.

However, Kashan Della sneered after hearing what Artorius said: "If you think too much, you will doubt Hermione, but I am sure that you will like other women!"

Artorius felt bad all of a sudden.

Laughing and crying, Artorius said to Kashan Della: "Do I have such a love in your hearts?"

"You know it in your heart."

Voldemort is very irritable now, since Voldemort killed a unicorn in the Forbidden Forest for the first time and drank the blood of the unicorn, he couldn't find a second unicorn in the Forbidden Forest .

"Master, those unicorns are gone, how do we return them?"

"Now we have learned how to deal with the three-headed dog from Hagrid's mouth. Now we just need to wait for Dumbledore to leave so that we can seize the opportunity to take the Philosopher's Stone. Unicorn blood can maintain your body The only way, so you have to keep looking for unicorns.


"Shut up, it's nothing, but it must be because you killed that unicorn last time and attracted the attention of the unicorns, so now those unicorns are all hiding now, to ask which one Big idiot, he's the watchman of the Forbidden Forest and he must know where those unicorns have gone.

"But how can we get news from the other party? Do we have to give the other party a fire dragon egg?"

Voldemort: "You idiot [wouldn't you think of some other way to get the whereabouts of the unicorn out of Hagrid's mouth? Why do you have to think of using the fire dragon egg to extract information from the opponent's mouth? Don't you know? Use Legilimency for me!"

"Master, if I can use Legilimency, then we don't need to use the fire dragon egg to get through the three-headed dog from Hagrid's mouth."

Voldemort: "..."

Then Voldemort became enraged and began to torture Quirrell!

Quirrell was tortured so much that he could only scream and howl, but there was nothing he could do.

No one will come to help save Quirrell!

After torturing Quirrell for a while, Voldemort said to Quirrell, "Don't let me hear your stupid words again, understand?"

"Yes, master!"

After a while, Voldemort said to Quirrell: "Find an opportunity to contact Artorius Pendragon. I have something to talk to him about."

"Good host!"

Facing Voldemort, Solid Solution didn't dare to refuse at all.

Just teaching Quirrell a lesson seems to have consumed a lot of Voldemort's power. Voldemort fell into a deep sleep after telling Quirrell to contact Artorius, using this method to reduce consumption.

However, what Voldemort didn't see was that Quirrell's eyes were full of hatred and resentment.

It's okay to be squeezed by Voldemort, but in the end, he was treated like a dog by Voldemort. No, even if he was a dog, Voldemort would still lose a bone, but when facing Quirrell Voldemort, he didn't even want to lose a bone. leave.

It's a pity that the current Quirrell really has no way to resist Voldemort and can only hide the resentment and unwillingness in his heart under Voldemort's pressure.

"Artorius Pendragon!"

Quirrell had his own plans for the boy Voldemort valued, and if Voldemort valued this boy, he could completely destroy this boy!

But if you can't let Voldemort see it, you have to be careful, and kill this boy without being seen by Voldemort!

Under the collapse of his body and the pressure of Voldemort, Quirrell, who was already on the verge of collapse, didn't think about so many things at all, and the current Quirrell only wanted to make Voldemort pay the price!

As for anything else, Quirrell doesn't want to worry about it anymore!

Artorius didn't know at this time that he was being targeted by Quirrell after he didn't do anything. If Artorius knew, then Artorius would have wondered if the god of death had cast his eyes on him, if it wasn't like this , How could Quirrell want to do something to himself......

On the Hogwarts Express, Artorius, who was secretly looking at Kashan Della's black silk and Hermione's white silk, suddenly felt a malicious attack.

He subconsciously frowned, and the next moment his eyes began to empty, but the next moment two tears of blood flowed from Artorius' pupils, and Hermione and Cassan Della were taken aback.

"Still being targeted!"

Artorius' tone was somewhat heavy, just now Artorius used his precognition ability to see what happened, but it failed. . . 1.7

Artorius saw a man wearing a tattered gray cloak, and the whole person was covered by the hood. He stretched out his right hand and poked at Artorius' eyes, Artorius felt sharp pain in both eyes, and then Blood and tears flowed from both eyes.

At the same time, Artorius realized that he lost the ability to prophesy, and the vision of prophecy was destroyed.

Hermione immediately uses the unicorn talent to heal Artorius!

It took a long time for Artorius' eyes to regain their light.

"I'm being watched by the Grim Reaper!"

As soon as Artorius opened his mouth, Hermione and Kashan Della's bodies trembled suddenly.

"Are you serious?"

"I don't joke about things like that."

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