Hogwarts: I'm Really Not The Dark Lord

269 ​​Fiction Needs Logic, But Reality Does Not

"Suddenly I thought of a question, tell me, Peter Pettigrew knows that Remus John Lupine has become the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but the other party didn't run away, but stayed at Hogwarts for what?"

Artorius suddenly remembered one thing, Pettigrew Peter Peter knew that Remus John Lupine became the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but he did not run away but stayed with Ron Weasley, it is impossible for Pettigrew Peter to think Remus John Lupine couldn't recognize his Annie Magus, and Artorius couldn't believe it if that was the case.

When Artorius said this, Hermione and Kashan Della suddenly realized, yes, there is no reason why Remus John Lupine couldn't recognize Peter Pettigrew's Annie Magus.

"Then why did the other party stay here instead of running away?"

The three people looked at each other, and in the end Hermione said to Artorius: "Do you think there is such a possibility that Peter Pettigrew deliberately exposed himself, if he is still alive, then it can prove that Sirius is He was wronged, so you said there is a possibility that he wanted to help Sirius wash-out the crime?"

"Peter Pettigrew ended up being strangled to death by the ten hands that Voldemort gave him because he had a little kindness towards Harry Potter."

"So you said it would be because...

How should I put it, Artorius felt that what Hermione said was impossible but he couldn't refute it, because writing fiction requires logic but reality doesn't!

Artorius is now in a real world, so no matter how outrageous things can happen.

"Perhaps, but whether it is true or not is none of our business, is it?"

Artorius shook his head and threw out all the thoughts in his mind. Pettigrew, why did Peter not escape but stayed in Hogmots? Artorius didn't care about ten points.

Artorius also didn't care whether Sirius could wash away his grievances. Artorius just wanted Lupine to join the Knights of the Round Table, that's all.

Of course, it is not necessarily necessary for Lupine to join the Knights of the Round Table. Artorius actually doesn't care too much about whether to let Lupine join the Knights of the Round Table.

Artorius just felt a little appreciative of the other party, and if the other party was unwilling, Artorius would not force it.

Artorius thought for a while and said to Hermione and Kashan Della: "Inform Zhang Qiu and Penello, and take them to the secret room."

"Which one of you two will go?"

Kashan Della looked at Hermione, and Hermione nodded and stood up: "I'll go!"

"Then call the other chambers of the Knights of the Round Table to gather!"

The dragon patron saint flew out of the magic wand in an instant

Not long after, Artorius received the news from Hermione that he had already arrived in the secret room.

The moment Artorius took Cassan and Della's subordinates disappeared with the flash of fire. Artorius and Cassan Della disappeared in the prefect's rest hour in an instant. In the Slytherin secret room at Hogwarts, Artorius and Cassan Della emerges in flames.

Now Artorius no longer needs to transform into a phoenix to use Apparation.

Although apparition is prohibited in Hogwarts, it is only for wizards. The apparition of house elves and phoenixes cannot be prohibited in Hogwarts.

And now Artorius no longer needs to become a specific creature to use the talent of magical animals.

Like the apparition of the phoenix, Artorius is now able to use the human form of the wizard.

Those members of the Knights of the Round Table who came to the secret room formed a circle and leaned against the wall of the secret room. Penello and Zhang Qiu, who were in front of them, appeared in front of Artorius only under the leadership of Hermione.

"Zhang Qiu, Penelope Clearwater, I once again ask you if you really want to join the Knights of the Round Table, because the next time you join the Knights of the Round Table, you must be pure. If you join the Knights of the Round Table with malicious intentions, then you Will be reduced to ashes in Fiendfire!"

Zhang Qiu and Penello said with certainty: "Yes, we want to join the Knights of the Round Table."

Artorius waved his wand and immediately a golden wall of fire appeared in front of Artorius, blocking Zhang Qiu and Penello in front of him.

……ask for flowers……

Artorius said to the two people in front of him: "Now you can join the Knights of the Round Table after walking through this wall of fire. If you really want to join the Knights of the Round Table and serve me loyally, then this wall of fire will not do you any harm. harm. But if you are malicious then this wall of fire will burn you to ashes!"

Zhang Qiu and Penello looked at each other and then resolutely crossed the firewall!

A smile flashed in Artorius' eyes as he watched the two easily cross that wall of fire!

"Very well, let's cheer, it's about the joining of our Knights of the Round Table, Zhang Qiu and Penelope Clearwater are the first and second people who are not students of Slytherin Academy to join the Knights of the Round Table, let We cheer for them!"

Countless applause sounded!

Artorius waited for a while before looking at Zhang Qiu and Penelope: "Don't you want to know why the strength of wizards who joined the Knights of the Round Table has improved rapidly, so I will tell you now!"

Artorius pricked his finger, and two drops of golden blood flew out from the fingertip!


Following Artorius' words, Zhang Qiu and Penello swallowed the drop of golden blood that flew to their mouths, and the next moment the pain was clearly conveyed to the brains of Zhang Qiu and Penello!

"Enduring this pain is the price of power.

Artorius' voice accurately reached the ears of Zhang Qiu and Penello. After receiving Artorius' words, Zhang Qiu and Penello bit their lips tightly to prevent themselves from uttering any screams.

But fortunately, the pain disappeared quickly, and then Zhang Qiu and Penello felt the magic power in their bodies was continuously increasing, and soon their magic power at least doubled!

"It turns out that this is the secret of the Knights of the Round Table becoming stronger!"

Zhang Qiu looked at Artorius with some surprise in his eyes!.

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