Hogwarts: I'm Really Not The Dark Lord

28 Ceremony Of The Four, Guardian Of The Castle

Kassan Della looked at Artorius, and then said to Artorius, "You better stop talking from now on, because it will make people think that you are really an idiot."

Artorius was a little speechless, but even with this appearance, Artorius still looked at Kashan Della with stubborn eyes, as if to say that I am not an idiot.

As for Artorius, Kashan Della feels that the more she understands Artorius, the little bit of admiration caused by Artorius standing in front of her to stop the Avada Kedavra disappears.

Hermione also covered her forehead and sighed!

"I have to remind you Artorius, what you were arguing with Xiaobai just now is really like an idiot, have you ever thought that you are arguing with Xiaobai but in other people's eyes it's just you Tell Xiaobai that you are an idiot, and other people will not hear what Xiaobai said."

"All in all, you should stop talking for now, don't spoil my good impression of you."

Originally, in Hermione's heart, Artorius was equal to Prince Charming, but now the person riding the white horse is not necessarily a prince, but also Tang Seng.

Artorius: "..."

Fortunately, Artorius didn't feel embarrassed for too long, a burly titan walked over, compared to Artorius and his eleven-year-old students, this guy in front of him was already enough to be called a titan.

"I am Hagrid, Warden of the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, and all new students come with me now."

Holding a kerosene lamp, this titan finished speaking to the freshmen present, and then began to lead the way in front.

Cassan Della, who was beside Artorius, saw that Artorius was still foolish, and suddenly grabbed Artorius's arm and supported Artorius to walk.

Almost at the same time Hermione grabbed Artorius' hand and pulled Artorius forward.

Artorius: "..."

Let me go, I can walk by myself!

Artorius shouted in his heart, but didn't dare to say it.

When Artorius and the others arrived here, the sky was already dark without the slightest afterglow of the sun. There were not even any stars in the sky. Under the night, you could hardly see your fingers. The only source of light was the one held by the titan. A kerosene lamp.

Artorius looked at Hermione and Kashan Della, who were holding his left and right hands, and couldn't help but said: "Why don't we use fluorescent flashes, whether it's Kashan Della or Hermione, you know it."

Cass, Della and Hermione were stunned for a moment, right, why didn't they use fluorescent flashes?

Could it be that he is also an idiot like Artorius?

Such an idea popped up in the hearts of the two of them, and they shook their heads resolutely.

It must have been infected by Artorius, Artorius is an idiot.

However, Artorius didn't know that Hermione and Cassan Della had given all the blame to himself, and said to Hermione and Cassian Della triumphantly: "So no matter how you look at it, you all look like idiots."

Hermione and Kassan Della pinched Artorius's waist fiercely at the same time, and Artorius's teeth grinned in pain, and then Hermione and Kassan Della took out their wands, and at the same time they were able to recite the spell: "Luminescence blink."

Suddenly, a light appeared on the tip of the wand, and then the light gradually became larger, illuminating the muddy path in front of Hermione and Cassandella.

This sudden light caught the attention of other Hogwarts freshmen, and then those freshmen immediately approached one by one. After all, no one wants to walk that dark path, if they fall, hehe. . .

"Fluorescent flickering!"

Seeing those individuals approaching, Artorius suddenly became a little upset, raised his wand and used a fluorescent flash on the sky, and then a cloud of light floated from the tip of Artorius' wand, like A small sun floated above Artorius' head.

Those little wizards who were approaching stopped suddenly. Now that they could see the road ahead, there was no need to crowd people.

Titan Hagrid, who was leading the way, immediately praised Artorius and the others when he saw the lighting spell used by them: "It's really a beautiful spell. If I were a professor, I would definitely add points to this spell of yours. Alright, little wizards, now See the path under your feet and follow."

Hagrid brought everyone to a river: "Then the four of us now take a small boat, and then take the small boat to Hogwarts. Each small boat can hold no more than four people."

Artorius, Hermione, and Kashan Della naturally took a boat, and at the same time, another girl also took Artorius and their boat.

It's just that the other party didn't talk to Artorius and the others, and Artorius naturally didn't intend to speak.

"I have read from books that this is a ceremony, which is to let students imitate the road walked by the four creators of Hogwarts and sign a contract with Hogwarts Castle, so that Hogwarts Castle will be Protect every student."

Hermione was a little excited and told Artorius about this piece of news she had read in a piece of Hogwarts school history.

"Perhaps, but the contract is not absolute. Being guarded by the castle does not mean that nothing will happen. There was once a Hogwarts student who died in Hogwarts."

Suddenly my eyes widened!

And the girl who was on the same boat as Artorius and the others also looked at Artorius.

However, Artorius didn't intend to continue talking.

Artorius' half-spoken behavior made Hermione feel her teeth itch.

The same Kashan Della looked at Artorius with some displeasure, and finally the last person said: "Then how did that student die?"

Artorius spread his hands: "I don't know, after all, I only heard about this incident from the drinking guests in the Leaky Cauldron."

Immediately, the face of the inquiring girl turned dark, seeing Artorius with the same expression of displeasure, finally snorting and ignoring Artorius.

Suddenly Hagrid's voice came from the front: "Low your head, lower your head, all lower your head."

It turned out to be a bridge hole, but just looking at the bridge hole, Artorius twitched his mouth slightly, looked at Hermione and Kashan Della who were about to bow their heads, and said: "I don't think we need it, look at the other's physique, and then look at it." us."

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