Hogwarts: I'm Really Not The Dark Lord

282 Hogwarts About To Close

In the Hogwarts Quidditch competition, even if they knew that the final result was the Slytherin team's victory, these Hogwarts students would still cheer for their college team.

But the whole Quidditch pitch was quiet today!

The dementors floating in the sky made none of the people present laugh.

"Fudge Connelly is just a nerd."

Hermione couldn't help cursing out, obviously it should be a very happy thing, but it was because of the stupid behavior of the Ministry of Magic that directly led to the current situation.

After speaking, Hermione directly raised her wand!

"Call God to protect you!"

A unicorn flew out of Hermione's wand in an instant, and then those dementors wandering in the sky instantly fled this place one by one like a mouse seeing a cat.

After the dementors disappeared, the Quidditch stadium burst into cheers!

But soon Hermione's behavior angered those dementors again, and soon all the dementors assembled and returned again.

As a Quidditch player flying in the sky, he discovered this situation at the first time!

"Damn it, the dementors are back!"

Marcus cursed secretly!

Artorius just frowned and looked at this scene a little displeased. If those dementors had a little discernment, they probably wouldn't return to the Quidditch pitch again.

However, what Artorius didn't know was that after Hermione drove away the dementors, these students naturally cheered happily to cheer for their academy's team after they were relieved.

But it was this joy that attracted those dementors back.

"All students who know the Patronus Charm, release the Patronus Charm with me!"

Hermione immediately used the Amplifying Charm to spread her voice, and then immediately used the Patronus Charm, and a unicorn Patronus galloped directly towards the dementor.

The Patronus controlled by Hermione keeps chasing and killing those Dementors, but those Dementors are very clear that Hermione's Patronus has lethality and can kill them completely, so they are far away from Hermione's Patronus I just avoided it, and the rest of the patron saints of the other students, the dementors, didn't care at all!

"Sure enough, a creature like a dementor has no meaning at all~!"

Artorius saw the strong disgust flashing in the eyes of the screen!

"Call God to protect you!"

Holding the Elder Wand in his hand, three Patronus flew out of the Elder Wand at the next moment. Seeing this, Kashan Della summoned her own Patronus with the wand.

The dementors who were able to do their job were killed by surprise, and the original nearly a hundred dementors were wiped out more than half of them in just a few breaths!

Finally those dementors were afraid and wanted to back down, but how could Artorius let them go!

The three patron saints of Artorius cooperated with the patron saints of Hermione and Kashan Della to strangle these dementors, and other members of the Knights of the Round Table used the patron saints to drive the dementors to the side of Artorius and their patron saints. The dementors, the students of Slytherin, were wiped out in almost no time.

"Does that count as killing all the dementors?"

With the disappearance of the dementors, a glimmer of the sun appeared in the originally gloomy sky, and the sunlight shone through the dark clouds on the Quidditch pitch.

"The game continues."

Artorius uttered a megaphone, and the Quidditch players woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream and continued to play, finally ending the match with Slytherin's victory.

But here comes the problem!

This time, Artorius directly wiped out all the dementors. The Ministry of Magic will definitely not let Artorius go easily, especially the Minister of Magic, Fudge Connelly. All waiting for Artorius to make a mistake.

This time Artorius killed all those dementors. Fudge Connelly must have been overjoyed.

But is Artorius making a mistake?

Not long after, a student ran to find Artorius in a panic.

"King, ten students in Slytherin were kissed by dementors."

"But he told the principal about this matter, and asked Principal McGonagall how to deal with this matter by the way.

The other party was a little surprised by what Artorius said, but he answered immediately: "Yes!"

Artorius took Hermione and Kashan Della to the scene.

"Gregory Goyle!"

Hermione exclaimed in a low voice after seeing the victim. Gregory Goyle was one of Della's servants, but after Della joined the Knights of the Round Table, the two servants of Della did not join the Knights of the Round Table. Because of this, the relationship between Della Ke and his two servants has become somewhat alienated.

But I didn't expect that Gregory Goyle would actually die because of the dementors. This is a big problem!

Not long after, Professor McGonagall hurried over with other professors, and when he saw Professor Gregory Gore McGonagall, who had lost his life, he covered his mouth with a sad look in his eyes.

"Professor McGonagall, this is the second Hogwarts student who has died. Last year's Lee Jordan, this year's Gregory Gower, can Hogwarts still guarantee the safety of students?"

Mo Bai's casual question made Professor McGonagall fall into silence.

On the other hand, Dumbledore said: "This is just (Wang Zhao) accident, no one expected that those dementors would attack the students!"

"Hogwarts is a school, right? But why do the guards of Azkaban appear in Hogwarts or the Ministry of Magic already treats Hogwarts as Azkaban? Don't tell me anything Sirius, the current Sirius has been cleaned up, hasn’t it? Why haven’t the dementors evacuated yet?”

The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched. Could it be that he wanted to say that these dementors were deliberately left by Fudge Connelly to be disgusting, but no matter what he said, this time the matter might not be resolved.

But looking at Gregory Goyle who lost his life, Dumbledore was also angry. Last year, a student died because of Lockhart, and this year, another student died because of a dementor. How could Dumbledore accept it!

If this matter is not resolved, Hogwarts will be closed!

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