The group of people on the 26th were undoubtedly very lucky. They quickly found the traces left by Ye Shu!

Ye Shu ran all the way on the ground, which would undoubtedly leave footprints. After all, No. 26 was the one who ate this bowl of rice. He quickly thought of this.

Sure enough, shortly after returning along the original path, No. 26 found the footprints left by Ye Shu!

What happened next went smoothly. They followed the footprints all the way for two hours.

The speed of the floating boat is not slow. It can reach a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, which is no less than the speed of a car on the highway.

However, in the end, they lost trace of Ye Shu!

The original footprints on the ground completely disappeared here, and Ye Shu disappeared with them!

Even though they searched the area and even further afield on the 26th, they still could not find the footprints left by Ye Shu!

The last thing he had left was the pair of footprints in front of No. 26!

Obviously, Ye Shu apparated and left!

“I knew it wouldn’t be that simple!”

No. 32 smiled bitterly and shook his head. How could such a being be easily found by the entire Tiandao Alliance?

If the opponent’s strength is to leave no trace, it will be completely easy. The reason why they leave so many footprints is just to play with them!

“Let’s go, let’s go back to sleep!”

“We won’t get involved in this kind of thing. If we really want to make a big contribution, it won’t be our turn!”

“I’ve been busy all day and now I’m as sleepy as a dog!”

“I’ll take a nap first. You guys take your time. The floating boat will be wherever it flies. We don’t have to worry about it anymore!”

No. 26 stretched out. Even if they were wizards, they couldn’t help but tossing like this. No. 26, who hadn’t slept all day, was already exhausted from running around.

“On the 26th, actually… the dogs are not as tired as we are!”

“As a dog, you can sleep when you want. You just need to eat whatever you want to pad your belly. If you really can’t find anything to eat, you can eat shit!”

“If you are lucky and meet a richer family, their life is better than that of humans. They can eat as much fish and meat as they want and sleep whenever they want. So… strictly speaking, we are not even as good as dogs!”

Hearing this, the expression on No. 26’s face changed for a while, and finally turned into two words: “Shut up!”

. . . . . .

The people on the 26th were passive and slow in their work, but the rest of the Tiandao Alliance were looking around like crazy!

Even, in order to find Ye Shu’s traces as early as possible, the leader of the Tiandao Alliance called a group of wizards who were good at divination and asked them to work together to calculate Ye Shu’s traces.

This group of wizards thought it was something at first, but they ended up quarreling for a long time just to find one person, a young wizard!

These people are all elites in the Tiandao Alliance, and they are all well-known figures outside. But at this time, they were not sleeping in the middle of the night, but they were called over to find someone, which inevitably made them a little dissatisfied!

Some of the grumpy ones secretly thought that when they found the other party, they would go over and deal with him first!

With everyone’s joint efforts in divination, everything went smoothly at first, and the divination tools soon lit up with a mysterious light.

As the light became more intense, a humanoid outline appeared inside. Everyone worked together to see the details inside, but something happened suddenly.


There was a violent explosion, and the crystal ball surrounded by these wizards exploded!

If it was just like this, it would be fine, but at this time, the crystal ball was filled with an extremely large amount of magic power. The fragments of the crystal ball with magic power became extremely terrifying.

“Puff puff puff…”

The sounds of flesh and blood being pierced resounded in the secret room, and those divination wizards were pierced into sieves in just an instant!

Those who had resentment against Ye Shu and wanted to do evil to him were hit in the fatal parts and couldn’t even be saved!

“What’s going on? I asked you to predict someone, but you can’t even do this well?”

“Where are the treatment staff? Help quickly!”

Lao Luo, the leader of Tiandao League, who had been waiting for the result outside the door, opened the door and walked in quickly after hearing the sound. He looked at the blood on the ground and frowned tightly!

“The first one…the backlash…is the backlash…”

“This person cannot do divination…he has…a big secret…”

The person who spoke was the leader of the divination team, and he was lucky enough to save a small life!

“Hiss…heaven’s backlash, this is a man of great luck!”

“Lao Luo, this is a treatment that none of us have. Even the leader in charge of all Muggles does not have such treatment.

It looks like we really met a treasure! ”

Lao Li was so excited that he grabbed his beard, his old face was full of uncontrollable excitement!

“So what if you are lucky? You can’t even find anyone now!”

Lao Luo had a straight face, thinking that there was a divination team, and finding someone was just a matter of kissing Songsong. With such a lineup, even finding Dumbledore’s whereabouts could be done!

But when faced with this little guy named Ye Shu, the entire group was actually counterattacked!

At first, Lao Luo and Lao Li had a grudge against Ye Shu’s active appearance to provoke the Tiandao Alliance!

In their opinion, Ye Shu is just a junior with good talent. He has been living abroad all year round, and now he wants to show his favor to the Celestial Empire. As elders, they don’t mind playing a game with him and meeting him.

But now, they have completely put away this idea in their hearts!

People with great luck should not be looked at or made enemies of. Even if you are stronger than the other person, there are countless ways to avert danger.

Every danger is an opportunity for the other party to grow. It can be said that this kind of person is the protagonist of destiny!

Even the force that this kind of person belongs to will become stronger because of him, and his friends will also become lucky and become extremely outstanding!

This kind of person must never be offended. Not only must he not be offended, but he must be well served!

The atmosphere in the secret room became extremely strange. Except for the continuous wailing of the wounded who were carried out, no one else spoke!

After a moment, Lao Luo suddenly turned around and shouted to the people outside: “What are you still doing? Go find him quickly!”

“Before sunrise today, I must find Ye Shu. If I can’t find it, everyone in the Tiandao Alliance will be punished!”

“Together with your salary for this year, all of it will be deducted!”

Lao Luo was very angry. This was the first time in so many years that he lost his temper in front of his subordinates. He was extremely upset!

As the leader of a top power, he should have been able to remain calm and calm in all situations, but at this time he could no longer remain calm!

Amid Lao Luo’s roar, the people of the Tiandao Alliance felt as if they had been severely whipped, and their work efficiency increased again!

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