
“so close…”

The figure of No. 19 appeared on top of the Talisman Dragon. He knelt on one knee, his face full of fear!

He was almost, just almost, hit by the opponent’s spell. If he hadn’t used his transformation to avoid it in time when the barrier was broken, he would be a corpse lying on the ground now!

Looking at the damage on his chest that was affected by the curse, cold sweat could not stop flowing from his forehead under the No. 19 mask!

“You run really fast!”

Ye Shu raised his arm, gently blew the non-existent gunpowder smoke at the top of the wand, and looked at No. 19 in the air with a face filled with laughter.

“Are you kidding? Number 19’s shield was broken just like that?”

“That is a shield that can defend against attacks by hundreds of people at the same time. Even in Heaven, only the top five can break it, but it only lasted for… three seconds in the hands of this kid? ”

No. 11 and No. 15 couldn’t help but swallow. At this moment, they completely put away the contempt in their hearts.

People like me may really despise this teenage child!

“You… are strong!”

“My shield was completely shattered in a few seconds. Although I valued you enough before, it seems that I still despise you now!”

“But I have one more move. This move is my strongest attack. If you can block it, then even in the entire Tiandao Alliance, your strength will be ranked among the top ten or even the top five!”

“Boy, try your best to survive. Let me see where your upper limit is. Don’t let me down!”

Having said that, No. 19 slapped the dragon with talismans under him. The dragon made of talismans roared upwards, and then carried No. 19 and rushed toward Ye Shu.

Wherever the giant dragon passed, it brought up fierce winds, and there were even flashes of thunder in the roaring winds.


Ye Shu and No. 19 were not far apart, and the dragon was very fast. It was almost in front of Ye Shu in an instant.

“Well done!”

A look of excitement flashed in Ye Shu’s eyes. Apart from Voldemort, No. 19 was the first person to give Ye Shu such a sense of oppression. Even Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were aware of this. Never before.

It’s not that Dumbledore and the others are not strong, but because when fighting Ye Shu, neither side dared to use their full strength!

“Shattered to pieces!”

Ye Shu used his strong magic power to activate the crushing spell, and a one-foot-thick magic light beam hit the dragon’s face.

I thought that even if this move could not crush the dragon, it could at least stop its advancing body, but what happened next made Ye Shu’s eyes widen.

Facing the approaching attack, the giant dragon did not dodge, but instead opened its mouth wide!

Then, such a thick magical attack was just like being swallowed by a giant dragon and whale…constantly devouring it.

“Damn it…you are a glutton!”

Ye Shu’s pupils were shocked. This was the first time he encountered such a coping method.

Seeing the dragon’s mouth getting closer and closer to him, and the giant teeth transformed from the talisman bit him head-on, Ye Shu wanted to change his body and leave, but…he failed…

The surrounding space seemed to be disturbed. The passage he opened was forcibly closed only halfway through. Ye Shu, who felt bad, wanted to retreat, but it was already too late after such a delay.

As his vision went dark, Ye Shu was swallowed by the giant dragon!

“it’s over!”

“No matter how talented you are, you can only stop here!”

“Despite this, the strength you have shown is amazing enough. It is rare to see it in a hundred years? This is an understatement!”

On the top of the mountain, only seven people from the Tiandao Alliance were left. No. 19 muttered to himself after doing all this. Ye Shu was swallowed by the dragon he controlled. In his opinion, there was no possibility of a comeback.

The Talisman Dragon is not just as simple as hundreds of completely different talismans assembled together. The moment it is formed, a unique space is created inside this giant dragon.

This space contains all the attacks recorded on the talisman, and the attacks will continuously generate automatic attack entrants in this space.

It can be said that the space inside the dragon’s belly has become the most dangerous place in the world.

There are only three ways to break this space. One is to wait for the energy on the talisman to be exhausted and it will be broken automatically. The other is to use powerful force to break it from the outside or inside. The third point is that the caster No. 19 can do it on his own. Lift.

In the view of No. 19, although Ye Shu is powerful, he will never be able to survive the moment when his energy is exhausted, and it is even more impossible to break this space.

All that’s left is

There is a third rule: wait until the moment this kid is dying, and then release the space by yourself to release him.

Although this kid is very arrogant, he has such strength at a young age, and his heart will inevitably swell. It is normal to be young and frivolous.

Number 19 is not a person who likes to kill geniuses, especially this Ye Shu. Behind him stands Dumbledore. This old guy has lived for more than a hundred years and his strength is unfathomable. Number 19 does not want to go out when he is away. He died inexplicably.

Therefore, it is enough to teach Ye Shu a lesson and make him suffer a big loss!

The hundreds of talismans I have at the bottom of the box can’t just be wasted!

“Finally… this kid is really a monster. If No. 19’s ability to press the bottom of the box is not strong enough, I’m afraid it’s hard to say who will win and who will lose in this battle.”

“To be able to force No. 19 to use all the talismans, this kid’s strength is really terrifying. Even we can’t make No. 19 use this move.”

“In order to subdue this kid, No. 19 consumed all the talismans. It can be said that he suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, the leader promised to help No. 19 collect materials for making talismans.”

No. 11 and No. 15 looked at each other, their eyes full of emotion!

The two of them were a little dismissive of Ye Shu before, but now it seems that they may not be each other’s opponents!

This time, people are really being underestimated!

“Hmph, it’s better to let this kid suffer some losses, otherwise I will really think that there is no one in the wizarding world!”

“On the 19th, let’s release him as soon as possible. If he is really killed, it will be difficult for old man Dumbledore to explain!”

Luo Tian chuckled, thinking of the letter Dumbledore sent him, he couldn’t help but say to No. 19!

“Yes, first seat!”

No. 19 nodded slightly. He focused his attention on the dragon space, but the next moment, his expression changed drastically.


Just by spitting out these two words, the dragon composed of talismans exploded. No. 19, who was at the top of the dragon, was blown into the sky by the powerful impact of the explosion!

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