There are no years in the mountains, and there are thousands of years in the world… Bah, I got the wrong script!

Ye Shu stayed in the library pavilion for seven whole days!

Even though the memory ball keeps recording, there are really a huge amount of books in the library. After all the books on the sixth floor and below of the entire library were recorded, seven days have passed.

That’s right, it’s only recorded up to the sixth floor. As for the books on the seventh floor, there are only a handful of them!

These ten books are the most important classics in the entire library. Ye Shu did not choose to copy them, but recorded them in his mind.

Although the Tiandao Alliance chose to open the entire library to themselves, the seventh floor was too important after all, and Ye Shu was not a person who didn’t know what to do or what to do.

In order to maintain goodwill towards the Tiandao League and respect for the countless predecessors of the Tiandao League, he did not record it hastily, but recorded it directly in his mind.

There is no one left by the Tiandao Alliance in the Library Pavilion, but he believes that everything inside will be able to be seen by the outside world.

The facts were as he expected. After learning what Ye Shu had done, Li Changfeng and Luo Tian smiled at each other with expressions of satisfaction on their faces!


The door that had been closed for seven days opened again, and Ye Shu’s figure slowly walked out of the library!

Some passing members of the Tiandao Alliance first showed expressions of surprise after seeing Ye Shu, and then sped up and left the place quickly!

There was no gag order from above about what happened seven days ago, so through the mutual conversations among the members, the entire Tiandao Alliance knew about it!

These people were full of curiosity about Ye Shu’s identity. They wanted to know the origin of the person who could make the senior officials of the Tiandao Alliance issue such an order!

“Mr. Ye Shu, please come with me, Chief Luo is waiting for you!”

A member of the Tiandao Alliance quickly stepped forward and said to Ye Shu!

Obviously, the people from the Tiandao Alliance knew that he was about to leave seclusion and specially sent him to wait here!

“Thank you!”

Ye Shu nodded, looking very polite!

The Tiandao League is very big, and the two of them walked in the Tiandao League for a full five minutes before reaching their destination.

During this process, no one used the magic of disembodiment, and it was banned even in Hogwarts, let alone the Tiandao Alliance!

Anyone who wants to use magic here will be regarded as an invading enemy!

After walking for a while, the two stopped and saw a magnificent ancient building in front of them!

The overall architecture of the Tiandao League is based on the design of the ancient palace. It is not intentionally designed like this. This is because the current location of the Tiandao League is an underground palace hundreds of years ago.

It is said to be an underground palace, but the entire underground is not completely dark. On the top of the underground palace, there are bright light sources, making the entire underground palace as bright as day. These are all creations of magic.

Its history is extremely long. After the Tiandao Alliance discovered it, it repaired and developed it, and then moved into it and became its headquarters!

Firstly, there are many traces of wizard life in the palace. There are not only magic props but also many classics. These are treasures left in history.

Secondly, placing the headquarters underground and setting up a sufficiently secretive barrier can also prevent Muggles from accidentally hitting and discovering it.

The place where Ye Shu was at this time was not the main hall of the underground palace, but a side hall in the backyard. At the same time, this was also the living place for senior officials such as Li Changfeng and Luo Tian.

“Junior Ye Shu, meet two…three seniors!”

When he opened the door, he saw three figures drinking tea at the stone table in the courtyard. Two of them were Luo Tian and Li Changfeng. The remaining one had not been seen before, but the magic power fluctuations on the other’s body seemed familiar.

Ye Shu recalled that it should have been the day he entered the Rizang Library, and it was on the last sixth floor!

Being able to enter the sixth floor and sit down and have tea with Luo Tian and Li Changfeng, this person’s identity is not much different!

“Boy, you finally came out!”

Luo Tian turned around, smiled at Ye Shu and said!

“Come on, let me introduce you to this person. He is one of the most powerful people in our Tiandao Alliance, and he is also the number one in Tiandao!”

“With this old guy’s strength, even if your principal Dumbledore comes, he may not be able to take advantage of it!”

Luo Tian pointed at No. 1 next to him and said with a smirk in his eyes!

This is not because Luo Tian is trying to flatter No. 1, but because he really has this strength!

These two people were fighting each other, but in the end, Number One ended up in a draw with Dumbledore. Of course, neither of them used their full strength in that battle.

In fact, not only No. 1, but also Luo Tian and Li Changfeng present, they all have this strength!

This was also the time when Voldemort was so powerful, but in the end he could only wreak havoc in Europe!

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but he really doesn’t have the strength to even take down Hogwarts. He retreats in panic every time he sees Dumbledore, let alone taking the world by storm.

China has such great wizards, and there are three of them. How can other countries not have them? This is a shocking nuclear weapon!

Therefore, the reason why Voldemort did not step out of Europe is, simply put, he does not have the strength!

“I’ve met Senior No. 1!” Ye Shu said respectfully!

Since entering this small courtyard, he has practiced standard Eastern etiquette, which is to bring the relationship between the two parties closer.

In fact, this is very useful to the three old guys. They are very powerful at a young age, but they are not rude, which makes them extremely satisfied!

“Boy, Luo Tian can be said to have set a precedent by letting an outsider enter the library, let alone asking you to copy all the classics. Do you know how much pressure Luo Tian has endured during this period!”

“This point, even if he is the leader of the Tiandao Alliance, after all, the Tiandao Alliance does not belong to him alone!”

No. 1 glanced at Ye Shu lightly, and then said slowly!

“Here they come, these old guys!”

Ye Shu’s heart moved slightly, and he obviously knew what the other party meant!

There are some things that Luo Tian can’t say face to face, but it’s just right for others to say it!

“The kindness of the seniors will be kept in the hearts of the juniors!”

“As I said before, this junior has the blood of the Celestial Dynasty. No matter what difficulties the Celestial Dynasty faces in the future, as long as a message is sent, the junior will definitely arrive as soon as possible!”

Ye Shu bowed to Luo Tian, ​​and this time he meant it sincerely!

No matter what the other party’s purpose is, he dares to open the entire library to himself, which already shows the other party’s sincerity.

If he hadn’t met Dumbledore in advance, if he hadn’t entered Hogwarts, if he hadn’t had too many people in country Y that he couldn’t let go of, Ye Shu would have really chosen to stay in China.

After all, as he said, he still has the blood of the Celestial Dynasty in his body, and he feels like he is home when he comes back here!

“Boy, it seems you have made up your mind!”

“No matter what, as I said before, the door of the Tiandao Alliance is always open for you!”

Seeing that Ye Shu had made up his mind, Luo Tian shook his head and stood up, saying with great regret!

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