Deep in the cave, Ye Shushang didn’t know what was happening outside!

He was very fast, and after sensing that there was no danger, he went all the way down!

“Strange, the deeper you go, the stronger the magic inside becomes!”

“When we first entered the secret realm, the magic power was almost twice that of the outside world, but after entering this cave, the magic power was at least three times that of the outside world.”

“As we go deeper, the magic power becomes more and more intense. Now, it is more than five times that of the outside world!”

“If word of such a blessed place spreads, I’m afraid it will attract mad rush from all the wizards in the world!”

As a wizard, Ye Shu is well aware of the importance of magic power to wizards. With such strong magic power, even a person with average talent can achieve a high level of achievement as long as he is given time.

And if some big forces knew about it, there would inevitably be a fight!

However, this is within the territory of the Celestial Empire after all. Even if it really spreads, it will just fall into the hands of the Tiandao Alliance in the end.

“Although I don’t know why there is such a strong magic power in this cave, I guess there must be some good treasure!”

“As for the fact that I still can’t detect the traces of Cedric and the two after entering, I’m afraid they will be disturbed by this rich magic power!”

“Huh? This is…”

Ye Shu, who was walking all the way deep into the cave, suddenly heard a noise not far away. The noise was very slight, but this was in a silent cave, and a small sound would be amplified a lot, not to mention that Ye Shu’s body strength was far beyond Ordinary people, hearing is even more so!

“Who is it? Come out honestly, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Ye Shu snorted coldly, and then the thunder and lightning elements lingered in his hand. As long as something went wrong, he would attack without hesitation.

“Ye…Brother Ye Shu?”

A familiar voice came from deep in the cave, which made Ye Shu startled slightly, and then a look of joy appeared on his face!


In Ye Shu’s soft call, a small head popped out from the corner of the cave, it was Qiu Zhang!

“Wow…Brother Ye Shu!”

Qiu Zhang was in a very embarrassed state. His originally exquisite clothes were now in tatters, and his face and body were covered with bloodstains. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot in the past few days.

The moment she saw Ye Shu, she could no longer suppress the grievance in her heart, and cried and threw herself into Ye Shu’s arms!

“Brother Ye Shu…where have you been? Do you know how much hardship we endured in order to find you?”

This was the first time Qiu Zhang cried so hard in front of Ye Shu, as if he wanted to pour out the grievances he had suffered in the past few days!

“Okay, okay, I’m here, you’re okay!”

“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. If I had told you my whereabouts earlier, you wouldn’t have had this happen!”

“By the way, where’s Cedric?”

Ye Shu comforted Qiu Zhang for a few words, and then he remembered that he had not seen Cedric!

“Brother Ye Shu, come with me quickly, Cedric is about to die!” Qiu Zhang was stunned and hurriedly took Ye Shu’s arm and ran towards the inside of the cave.

The place where Ye Shu met Qiu Zhang was about to reach the end of the cave. After the two ran for a short distance, they suddenly arrived at the deepest part of the cave.

This is an extremely wide underground cave, with a height of at least twenty meters and an area of ​​several hundred meters. In the middle of this underground cave is a small spring.

However, what emerges from the spring is not ordinary spring water, but liquid containing rich magic power.

The intensity of the magic here is dozens of times that of the outside world. As for the spring, the intensity of the magic is immeasurable.


Ye Shu was not in the mood to care about the spring at this time. His mind was attracted by Cedric lying not far from the spring, his eyes full of worry.

At this time, Cedric was in an extreme state of embarrassment. How could everyone in Hogwarts look in awe of his senior!

A hideous scar spread from Cedric’s left shoulder to his right waist, almost cutting him in half. There were several various scars on other parts of his body.

The cloth strips made of patchwork clothes were hastily wrapped around his hands, and the dark red blood had already spread along the cloth strips to the ground.

Cedric’s face was even more bloodless and pale. Ye Shu stepped forward and checked the other person’s heartbeat. It was already weak to the point of being absent, and he would die on the spot at any time.

Logically speaking, with such an injury, another person would have died long ago and would not have survived!

Even in the wizarding world, without magic potions and corresponding treatment methods, you can only wait for death!

After looking at the magic spring water remaining on Cedric, Ye Shu knew that it was thanks to the mysterious spring water here and the rich magic power that he was able to hang Cedric.

A small life.

“Brother Ye Shu, please save Cedric quickly, he…he became like this just to save me!”

Qiu Zhang couldn’t stop wiping his tears on the side. Ye Shu didn’t say anything. Now is not the time to ask what happened. Cedric will die at any time, so saving him first is the top priority.

Under Qiu Zhang’s expectant eyes, a series of life-restoring magics took shape in Ye Shu’s hands, and then disappeared into Cedric’s body.

Every time a piece of magic penetrated Cedric’s body, his injuries were restored. In the end, the originally hideous wound was restored to its original state, as if he had never been injured.

“Huh… luckily I came in time!”

Seeing Cedric’s vital signs stabilizing, Ye Shu finally breathed a sigh of relief. With Cedric’s state just now, if he had been half an hour later, he might only be able to see his body!

“Okay, it’s time to wake up, come to life quickly!”

When Cedric’s condition was completely stable, Ye Shu raised his hand and cast a Fusu spell to wake up Cedric’s sleeping consciousness!

“um, I…”

“Qiu, run, run!”

The first thing Cedric did when he woke up was to shout for Qiu to run away. When he saw Qiu in front of him, he was so nervous that he threw her down and held her in his arms.

“Cedric, you…let me go!”

Qiu Zhang’s face was full of shame and anger. She never expected that Cedric would actually rush towards her. What she didn’t expect was that the first thing she did when she woke up was to care about her and protect someone who had been seriously injured before. Hold yourself.

This made Qiu Zhang feel ashamed and angry, but his heart was filled with emotion, but when he thought of Ye Shu watching from the side, he couldn’t help but feel strange in his heart!

“Ahem, let me tell you, you’ve had enough of this tofu!”

Ye Shu coughed twice and said with a chuckle to Cedric on the ground!

“Huh? This is…Ye Shu?”

Hearing a familiar voice and turning around, Cedric suddenly saw Ye Shu, whom the two of them had been looking for. He jumped up from the ground in a swish, and there was no way he looked like a man who had just been seriously injured and dying!

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