As the water flowed back in the bathroom, the entire bathroom returned to its previous tranquility.

Even Myrtle’s crying stopped abruptly at this moment!

“Why don’t you cry anymore?”

Ye Shu raised his eyebrows and looked at Myrtle sitting on the toilet with a wronged expression, a little surprised!

“Stop crying, even you come to bully me, Xiao Ye Shu, I usually thought you were a good person!”

Myrtle got up from the toilet and floated in front of Ye Shu, with an unhappy look on her face!

“What? I didn’t bully you!” Well, Myrtle actually complained about herself!

“You said no, you didn’t even let me cry to my heart’s content. You did it on purpose!”

“Huh, I’ll ignore you from now on!”

After saying that, Myrtle turned around and jumped into a toilet with a “pop” sound. The water splashed everywhere and she had already followed the sewer pipe and got into some nook and cranny!

“Forget it, I can never understand a woman’s mind, let alone such a ghost who has been dead for decades!”

Ye Shu shook his head. Myrtle was a bit nervous when she was alive. After so many years after her death, she hid alone in the bathroom and refused to go out. This made her look even more nervous than before!

Seeing that no one bothers him anymore, this is exactly what Ye Shu wants!

He glanced at the sink in the center of the bathroom. This sink was a cylindrical structure with a wash basin surrounding the outermost periphery, which could be used by many people at the same time.

Speaking of which, this sink has a history of thousands of years and has been there since the school was founded!

However, today, this thing with a long history will be ruthlessly destroyed by Ye Shu!


As Ye Shu raised his hand, the sink in front of him exploded. Fortunately, the students had already left, and no one would come here. Otherwise, it would have attracted the attention of the school!

After the smoke and dust dissipated, a deep hole appeared in the middle of the bathroom. The hole was bottomless. Looking down from above, you could only see a dark pit!

Ye Shu then picked up a piece of gravel and threw it down. It took a full seven or eight seconds before a “dong” sound was heard. However, it was not over yet. It was followed by a “dong-dong-dong” vibration.

Obviously, there is at least one curve below!

“It’s quite hidden!” Ye Shu smiled coldly!

Slytherin put a lot of effort into this secret room. No one could have imagined that the entrance to the secret room would be in a bathroom, and it would also be the sink in the bathroom!

This is also the reason why the top management of the school gathered together to search for the reason but could not find it for a long time!

Apart from using Parseltongue as the key to open the entrance to this secret chamber, the only other method left is to break through it violently.

Of course, you can also reverse the opponent’s spell. As long as you untie the spell, you can naturally get a way to enter, but Ye Shu is not willing to waste this time.

Why do I have to use my brain when I can do it with brute force?

An invisible force enveloped Ye Shu’s whole body. He was suspended tightly in the air, and then fell tightly towards the deep cave!

This was a levitation spell, but Ye Shu applied it to himself, giving him the ability to fly briefly.

Under the control of his thoughts, his body slowly fell towards the deep passage. At the last moment when he was about to disappear, Ye Shu turned around suddenly,

There was a figure flashing past the bathroom door that was supposed to be empty!

Looking at the figure hurriedly avoiding the door of the bathroom, Ye Shu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a meaningful smile, and then accelerated his fall to the ground!

Outside the bathroom, a figure covered his chest with cold sweat on his forehead and gasped for air!

“Phew, it was so dangerous, I was almost discovered by this kid!”

This figure was Lockhart. He followed Ye Shu all the way to the second floor, and saw Ye Shu destroying the sink in the bathroom.

After a full five minutes, there was no movement in the bathroom. Unable to bear the loneliness, Lockhart poked his head in and looked inside again. Ye Shu was nowhere to be seen!

“Why did this kid destroy the sink in the bathroom for no reason? And there is such a big passage hidden under the sink. It’s really weird!”

“Looking at the appearance of this passage, it seems that it has been there for a long time. It is probably as old as the school. But when I was at Hogwarts, I had never heard of such a passage. How did this kid know about it? of?”

“Could it be that there are some unknown treasures here?”

Lockhart’s eyes flashed. He guessed that Ye Shu had obtained some kind of treasure map, and that the treasure’s burial place was under the bathroom!

This possibility does not exist. On the contrary, it is very likely. Hogwarts has been established for thousands of years. Who

I don’t know if those seniors secretly left anything behind.

Ye Shu probably came across information about the treasure, and that’s why he destroyed the sink in the bathroom.

Otherwise, who would want to go down here when it’s pitch black? Don’t forget, this passage is in the bathroom, and it’s likely that the entire Hogwarts sewer system is underground.

Lockhart was a little hesitant to go down. He didn’t know what dangers there were. What’s more, there was a powerful person like Ye Shu. Once he was discovered by the other party, he would definitely not end well. But when he thought about the possible dangers inside, Treasure, he felt a little itchy!

“Forget it, there is no gain without effort, give it a try!”

Lockhart gritted his teeth, took out his wand from his arms, cast a lighting spell, and then jumped into the passage!


“Dong…dong dong…”

In the deep passage, Lockhart’s shrill and long shouts were heard, accompanied by the dull sound of heavy objects hitting the pipes!

. . . . .

Under the passage, Ye Shu’s body was suspended in mid-air. Looking at the pile of dead bones above the ground and the smell of decay coming from his nose, he felt full of disgust!

Fortunately, the pile of dead bones was just the pile on the ground. There was a clean passage a few meters in front of him.


Stepping into the dry passage, several groups of white fluorescence floated around him, making the dark passage look like daylight.

In the silent passage, there was only the sound of Ye Shu’s footsteps for a while.

After turning a corner, the scene in front of me changed again. It was originally a man-made passage, but after turning the corner, it turned into a grotto. There were protruding rocks both above the head and under the feet.

Some rocks are so sharp that if you don’t pay attention, you may get stabbed to the head and bleed!

But what is really shocking is not this grotto, but what is left on the ground in the grotto. It is a snake skin!

A huge snake skin, a hundred meters long, covering the entire grotto floor after shedding!

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