In a dark cave, Ye Shu’s figure sat cross-legged!

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath!

“That’s it, this world…”

After killing the man in black robe and capturing his soul, Ye Shu found a place to hide and has been searching for information in his soul!

As the black-robed man’s soul memory was read by him, a hint of enlightenment appeared in Ye Shu’s eyes. At this time, he finally no longer looked at the world with a dark eye!

The grandeur of the world of the undead exceeded Ye Shu’s imagination. If the human world were placed in the world of the undead, it would be just a corner!

Because the world of the undead not only absorbs the undead on the earth, but also connects other different worlds at the same time!

These worlds are diverse. There are dragon worlds dominated by giant dragons, behemoth worlds that rely purely on physical brute force, and water worlds that are all wrapped in oceans. After the death of creatures in these worlds, their souls return to the world of the undead.

Therefore, the scale of the world of the undead is extremely large, and the biodiversity in it is even more amazing to Ye Shu!

There are three powerful kings in the world of the undead. They are called the three gods of death and dominate the entire world of the undead. The title of god of death is not casual. Only the master of the world of the undead is qualified to use this name!

The black-robed man who died in Ye Shu’s hands belonged to one of the Death God’s men. The other person’s job was to patrol for all unrest elements in the area under the Death God’s jurisdiction.

Although the man in black robe can easily capture the huge death worm, the opponent is not very strong, at least not as powerful as the death worm!

The reason why the death worm can be easily captured is mainly due to the black iron chain in the opponent’s hand. The function of the black iron chain is to restrain the undead. This is the standard equipment of the patrols in the world of the undead!

As patrollers, they also have the responsibility of capturing powerful souls and bringing them back. These undead souls who are brought back, if they are lucky, will be accepted by the God of Death into their own army. Some of the unlucky ones will be swallowed up by the God of Death. As nourishment.

As for how powerful the God of Death is, this is not something that a small patrol like him can know!

“The patrollers, the three gods of death, connect different worlds. This world of the undead is far more dangerous than I imagined!”

“It seems that until we know the strength of the God of Death, we have to hold on tight!”

“However, opportunities and challenges coexist. If I am lucky enough to take away a powerful enough creature from another world, when I return to my world, no one will be able to stop me!”

Thinking of this, Ye Shu’s eyes lit up. Of course, he knew that these would be things to consider in the future, and he still had to find a way to survive in this world!

“Maybe it’s not impossible. As long as I disguise myself as an undead creature, can I get away with it?”

The world of the undead is not just about souls, there are also many creatures whose bodies have fallen into the world of the undead. The bodies and souls of these creatures have been eroded by the air of death and turned into undead creatures!

They have bodies, but their bodies have long since died. They are nothing more than a walking corpse, somewhat similar to zombies and vampires in previous lives!

Ye Shu is a man of action. When he thought of this, he took action directly. He captured a trace of the undead aura in the air, and then separated a trace of magic power to merge with it!

This process was unexpectedly smooth. Magic is meant to be compatible with all things, but the aura of the undead can corrode all things!

It’s like a man who wants to be the king of the world meets a woman with red lips that thousands of people can taste. As soon as the two meet, they will naturally be in love with each other, and they will do the most romantic things!

“No, no, no…”

After a while, Ye Shu discovered something was wrong. Although he could convert magic power into the breath of death, this process was irreversible!

Any magic power that is assimilated by the breath of death can no longer be transformed into its previous form, and these transformed magic powers will still be quickly contaminated after being contaminated with other clean magic powers.

“What the hell!”

Ye Shu shook his hand and threw out the magic power that had been contaminated by the aura of death!

The domineering and terrifying power of the death energy exceeded his expectations!

“What should I do now? I just want to pretend, but I don’t really want to become an undead creature. These things are just corpses. I am still a young man. If I am transformed into a real undead creature, my lower body will What should I do if I live a “sexual” happy life?”

At this moment, Ye Shu was entangled with a hint of melancholy!


At this moment, a slight beating came from Ye Shu’s body. It was not a heart or other body organs, but a ball of light!

The light group obtained from the secret realm of the Celestial Dynasty has been in a silent state since it entered Ye Shu’s body.

He has been helping Ye Shu enhance his magic power all the time, and Ye Shu has almost forgotten the existence of this thing!

At this time, this light group emitted waves of magic power. These magic powers flowed through Ye Shu’s body and then spread to his body surface!

“Huh?” Ye Shu frowned. He didn’t take the initiative to drive the light group, but it happened to move.

What the light group conveyed was not the magic power in Ye Shu’s body, but the magic power emitted from the light group itself. As the magic power conveyed by the light group circulated throughout the body, the magic power that Ye Shu originally used to maintain his body was completely replaced!

Ye Shu did not deliberately stop the mysterious light group’s movements. He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do!

When the magic power circulated throughout his body, the magic power actually began to absorb the air of death flowing in the air. This move frightened Ye Shu!

At this time, he relies entirely on magic power to maintain his body. If he rashly absorbs the air of death, there are only two endings. One is that the body is assimilated by the air of death and becomes an undead creature. The other is that the magic power that maintains the body dissipates and the body is absorbed by the rules of the undead world. Obliterated, only the soul remains from now on.

No matter which one of them it is, this is not something Ye Shu can accept!

“You thing, what do you want to do!”

Just when Ye Shu wanted to forcibly cut off the magic power, he was stunned for a moment, and saw that the magic power that had absorbed the breath of death was not as violent as before.

All the magic power with the aura of death stayed quietly in Ye Shu’s body, instead of choosing to pollute the source of magic power in his body. At this moment, Ye Shu’s body was filled with the aura of death, dilapidation, and decay!

His skin turned pale, his black hair turned white, and his eyes became pitch black without the whites of his eyes. Every breath he took was filled with a strong aura of death!

No matter from which point you look at it, Ye Shu is a living undead creature!

But only Ye Shu knows that he is still a human being. As long as he is willing, he can return to a normal human state by expelling the magic power contaminated by the power of death from his body.

No, no, he doesn’t need to expel these magic powers from his body. These magic powers can actually be converted between normal magic power and the power of death at will!

“Hiss…this light group is far more mysterious and powerful than I imagined!”

Ye Shu took a breath of air. He originally thought it was just a source of magic power, but now it seems that it has a more powerful effect!

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