“Dumbledore, have you seen the Daily Prophet?”

“Are all the things mentioned here true? Is Ye Shu the puppet you trained?”

“Also, is buying magic stores around the world your business?”

“The same goes for Ye Shu. We can’t contact him at all. Is he hiding out of fear?”

A long time after the Daily Prophet came out, Dumbledore was almost crazy with work. Some old friends kept contacting him, asking whether this matter was true or not!

In the end, he took the trouble to cut off his magical communication, and then he was able to be quiet!

“This little guy really doesn’t stop!”

“However, in just such a short time, he actually has such a big industry!”

“Global Shopping for Magical Stores. Even as an old man, I have heard of this store for a long time. Not only is it located in the most prosperous area of ​​Diagon Alley, but it also makes a huge amount of money every day!”

“The most interesting thing is… this shop was originally the property of the Malfoy family. Although Ye Shu is now teaching Draco Malfoy to practice, this little Malfoy obviously has no right to give such a shop to others!”

“Lucius is the only one who can do this, so…when did this little guy get involved with Lucius?”

“It’s really interesting. You think you can use public opinion to make this little guy restless. Unfortunately, he is not me!”

“If this kid is pushed too hard, he will really kill someone!”

Dumbledore let out a long sigh and looked at the sky outside the window, his eyes full of melancholy and recollection!

As the leader who personally brought Ye Shu into the magical world, he knew clearly that this little guy Ye Shu was not an easy person to talk to!

Although he usually laughs and laughs as if he is heartless, once someone provokes him, he will definitely be greeted with extreme anger!

Ye Shu knows how to kill people. This can be seen from his courage to face Voldemort directly. He definitely has this mentality!

But Dumbledore never thought this was a bad thing. Wasn’t it the case when he was young?

In Dumbledore’s view, this mentality should be called the mentality of a strong person. It is the mentality and qualifications that a person must have to grow into a strong person.

The young Dumbledore had it, Voldemort had it, and even the imprisoned Grindelwald had it!

However, if he can keep his original intention while growing up, then he can walk on the right path. If he cannot keep it, he will become lost and become a person like Voldemort!

In Dumbledore’s opinion, there should be no problem with Ye Shu’s character!

Ye Shu’s incident was posted on the front page of the Daily Prophet and spread throughout the wizarding world. After all, this incident occupied an entire page!

However, while everyone was paying attention to this matter, one person paid attention to another thing in the newspaper!

What this article reports is not a big event, it is just an advertisement. Being able to appear in the Daily Prophet shows how much money the other party has spent.

The content of this article is that the Weasley family won a grand prize, and the reward was a trip.

Even if the winner is not the Weasley family, but another family, it will still be published in the Daily Prophet. This is not a big deal. After all, it is just a side advertisement for the organizer. It just happens that the winner is a Weasley. One family.

However, precisely because they were the Weasley family, this incident attracted one person’s attention!

Azkaban is located in the waters of the North Sea. As the prison of the wizarding world, countless prisoners are imprisoned here!

Azkaban originated in the fifteenth century. It was not originally a prison for prisoners, but the home of a powerful wizard. It was only after the death of the wizard that this place was discovered!

Due to its isolated geographical location and the countless dementors on the island, this place slowly became a place for prisoners.

This place is guarded by dementors. These monsters feed on human emotions. Both ordinary wizards and dark wizards who have done all kinds of evil are afraid of these creatures.

All wizards who enter Azkaban will become insane in just a few weeks!

Three centuries have passed since Azkaban became a prison. In these three centuries, there has been only one prison escape, and that was Barty Crouch Jr.!

Generally speaking, Azkaban’s control level is quite strict!

Hoo ho ho…

The strong sea breeze blew through the dilapidated Azkaban Prison, and the low temperature of the sea was carried throughout the prison by the sea breeze.

The sky above Azkaban is shrouded in black fog all year round. There is no sun here. Coupled with the geographical location surrounded by the sea, the temperature on the island is extremely low. Many prisoners died of hypothermia.

temperature environment.

But sometimes, when the sea breeze brings low temperatures, it also brings other things!

Blah blah blah….

A newspaper flew in the air, the pages waving at different angles, like a dancing dancer, but the people in Azkaban were not in the mood to appreciate this kind of thing.

The eyes of the people here have long since lost their light, and there is only cold ashes in their eyes!

The newspaper swirled in the air for a while, and finally seemed to lose its strength, slowly falling into a dark corner and lying quietly on the ground!

The corner was very small, but there was a figure huddled inside, because this corner could slightly block the raging sea breeze. Even if it was only a little, it would at least keep him from being so cold!

This figure’s face was scruffy, with a dirty beard covering his entire face, and his eyes were bloodshot.

But his face, and even his entire body, were so thin, and the word “skinny” is the best way to describe him.

This figure, like everyone else in Azkaban, has a pair of empty eyes. Now he is just lingering on!

The newspaper accidentally fell in front of him. The middle-aged man glanced at it accidentally and wanted to look away, but the next second, he quickly focused his eyes on the newspaper again.

His eyes were fixed on the photo of the Weasley family, or more precisely on the pet Scabbers held in Ron’s hand!

A moment later, a shrill cry suddenly sounded, the voice full of sorrow and unwillingness: “Wormtail… Wormtail… you are still alive, why are you alive, you deserve to die!”

“No, I want to get out, I want to escape!”

“You traitor, I must kill you, I must kill you!”

The figure stood up suddenly, but due to long-term malnutrition, he did not even have the strength to stand firm, and staggered and almost fell.

However, he didn’t know what was supporting him. This figure fell to the ground and panted for a moment, then stood up again, but this time his body slowly changed.

Black fluff emerged from his body, and his body also changed from human form to dog form. After a moment, a large black dog appeared on the spot.

However, this dog is so thin, the bones under the fur are clearly visible, and the hair is extremely messy!

The skinny big dog looked around, then glanced at the mouse on the newspaper again, and finally jumped into the cold sea water from a height of tens of meters!

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