“Yes, I have to say that classmate Ye Shu’s views on reporters are extremely accurate, but…why do you say that we are not worthy of being reporters?”

“You know, we have released countless news so far, which has helped many wizards realize things they never knew before!”

“Can it be said that after we have made so many contributions to the press and the wizarding world, we are not worthy of being called journalists? What a joke!”

It was still Rita Skeeter. Seeing that the situation was not good for her, she couldn’t help but stand up and refute Ye Shu!

“To be honest, you are the thickest person I have ever seen. It’s hard for you to listen to what you say!” Ye Shu sneered, his words full of sarcasm.

“What do you mean?” Rita Skeeter’s face darkened and she looked at Ye Shu coldly!

“Tell the truth? The truth? How many of your news items are worthy of this term, huh?”

“You must know that every report you publish is responsible for culture and history!”

“Reporters or journalists, the information you spread will accumulate into culture at any time and will become history in the future, so you must understand the status of news in culture!”

“As a news media worker, you should first pay attention to the authenticity of news cases and news materials, try to reduce the impact of subjective personal factors or external factors on the authenticity of news, and not be afraid of power or coercion, and conduct in-depth investigations to ensure the authenticity of news. Present news events to the public in a real way.”

“But what about you? Maybe not all of you, but some of you actually make up all kinds of lies in order to be famous enough for yourself and for your own status in the press!”

“Ask yourself, don’t you feel ashamed? If these things become history one day, won’t you become the sinners of history?”

When he said the last paragraph, Ye Shu’s voice rose an octave, as if he was scolding everyone, but at that moment, the reporters were speechless!

Ask yourself, are the news they publish true? Not necessarily!

They had never thought about this problem before, thinking that they just needed to publish enough news to attract traffic and make themselves famous enough.

But now, Ye Shu has linked the reporter’s reporting of news to the history and civilization of wizards. This is a big hat. If they really become the fabricators of false history, they will really become sinners!

“Yes, we know the ethics of these reporters. There is a lot of fake news in the news they publish!”

“That’s right, my friend’s sister’s cousin’s sister-in-law’s brother’s son’s sister-in-law was casually fabricated by these reporters to make some fake news. Now not only has she lost her job, but her reputation has also been ruined!”

“When you say that, it seems true. Not to mention some small newspapers, even some news in the Daily Prophet can only be viewed as entertainment!”

The onlookers who were watching the show suddenly pointed their finger at the reporters in the store. Rita’s expression changed. Something seemed wrong about the current situation!

“Don’t listen to his nonsense, he is just diverting your attention. Don’t forget, we are the reporters and we have the most say!” Rita Skeeter turned around and said to the people in the store!

“You are indeed journalists, but you don’t even know the most basic mission and responsibilities of journalists. What kind of reporters are you?”

Someone in the crowd muttered something, but it blocked all Rita Skeeter’s words!

Yes, although Ye Shu is not a reporter, what he said makes sense. Even people who are not reporters know that what Ye Shu said is right!


Rita Skeeter took a few deep breaths. She had always been eloquent, but this time she found that she almost lost her moral integrity!

If what Ye Shu said spreads and has a great impact on the journalist industry, many people may redefine journalists!

“No, we must embarrass him a little!”

Thinking of this, Rita Skeeter said: “Ye Shu’s insights into reporters are indeed profound, so is there anything else you can teach us?”

“Huh? Isn’t it gone? Is it possible that classmate Ye Shu only has this little opinion?”

“But it doesn’t matter. After all, Ye Shu is not a reporter, and he is still young. Maybe as time goes by, he will think of more things!”

Rita’s big face was full of smiles. As long as Ye Shu couldn’t answer, even if this matter could be spread, the impact would be slightly smaller!

“Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully what a journalist’s professionalism is!”

Ye Shu smiled, Li

Tusket’s fortunes and misfortunes are unpredictable, and she has a bad premonition in her heart!

“First of all, as a reporter or journalist, you must serve the wizarding world wholeheartedly. Unify the opinions of the Ministry of Magic with the voices of wizards, unify the adherence to correct public opinion guidance with understanding of social conditions and public opinion, and adhere to positive publicity as the main In conjunction with the correct conduct of public opinion supervision, the Ministry of Magic and newspapers can serve as a bridge between the Ministry of Magic and the press to connect with the wizarding public.”

“Secondly, we must adhere to the correct direction of public opinion. We must adhere to unity, stability, encouragement and positive publicity, carry forward the main theme, spread positive energy, and continuously consolidate and strengthen positive, healthy and uplifting mainstream ideological and public opinion.”

“The third article is also an extremely important one, that is the principle of authenticity of news! Treat truth as the life of news, work hard on the front line, go to on-site interviews and verifications, insist on in-depth investigation and research, and make reporting true, accurate, comprehensive and objective .”

“However, while ensuring the authenticity of the news, we must also pay attention to obtaining news materials through legal channels and methods, carefully verify the sources of news information, and ensure that the news elements and plots are accurate; describe facts based on facts, and do not exaggerate, minimize, or distort facts. It is not allowed to manipulate the subjects of interviews and reports, and it is prohibited to fabricate or create news. Once false reports are published, we must have the courage to take responsibility, make timely corrections and apologize, and eliminate the negative impact.”

“Finally… because reporters have the power given by readers, they are also known as the uncrowned king. Having this title is an honor but also a responsibility. I hope you can take on this responsibility!”

Agreements regarding reporters or journalists came out of Ye Shu’s mouth one after another. The appearance of each agreement made today’s reporters breathe heavily.

Although these treaties are binding them, they are also setting some directions for them!

But to Rita Skeeter, it sounded completely different, especially the last one, which was completely saying that she was fabricating the news, and more like a hint to her to apologize!

“Damn it, you shot yourself in the foot!”

Now that things are irreversible, no matter what Rita Skeeter says, it has lost its guiding effect because she has no substantive evidence at all!

But what Ye Shu said in the potion shop was published in newspapers of all sizes, and spread throughout the wizarding world the next day!

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