Hogwarts Melon Eater

Chapter 102: Peeves' glorious past

The strange smell in the Hogwarts corridors did not dissipate until the afternoon of the next day. It was very obvious that this time the battle between 'Human Dung' and 'Parkour Master' ended with Peeves' victory.

According to Professor Binns of the History of Magic, this 'dung egg incident' was, in every respect, 'much milder' than the riot caused by Peeves in 1876.

"It's still subdued," said Professor Spin.

The little snakes looked at him with eager eyes.

"It's been a long time since I saw so many sober and knowledge-seeking faces. I thought you guys always take sleeping pills for food, which is strange," Professor Binns complained.

"You want to know what riot Peeves caused in 1876?"

The little snakes nodded frantically. Professor Binns finally ended the question of who invented the 'self-stirring cauldron' and began to explain interesting things.

Some sleeping snakes were woken up by their companions, "Get up, Professor Ghost is going to talk about Peeves!"

"Ahem," Professor Binns floated out of his seat, crossed the wooden table in front of him, leaned out of the classroom wall under everyone's eyes, and floated back to the blackboard after a while.

"I have to make sure that Peeves is around here first..." Professor Binns explained, "I talked about him last time, and I happened to be heard by him... He got excited for a week and made the castle uneasy."

"I'm not afraid of him harassing me," added Professor Binns.

The little snakes nodded understandingly.

"In 1876...the castle keeper at that time was not Filch, but a wizard named Lancoros Calpe..."

Professor Binns said in a completely unwavering voice, "He's a very rigid person, even more rigid than a ghost like me, so it's no surprise that he doesn't deal with Peeves..."

"Calpe desperately tried to get Peeves out of Hogwarts, but it was impossible - Lady Ravenclaw left a parchment specifically to indicate that Peeves was part of the will of Hogwarts Castle, Representing a 'rebellious spirit of unwillingness to be restrained', how can others drive the will of the castle out of the castle?"

"But Calpe, this stubborn wizard, won't give up," Professor Binns paused. "He has devised a trap that he thinks is very ingenious, but is in fact very stupid... He uses extremely powerful Muggle weapons. as bait and thought these weapons would not pose much of a threat to the students."

"How powerful are Muggle weapons?" Belinda frowned and raised her hands, "Professor Binns, do you mean the pitchforks that Muggles use to drive away witches?"

I have to say that the melee power of the pitchfork is really strong, and Anna scratched her head.

"I think it's a Muggle weapon called 'canned herring'. My dad worked in the Ministry of Magic and brought it back from a business trip." The blond snake pouted, "The smell makes me feel like a troll for several years. Unwashed feet almost blinded me..."

"It's not a pitchfork, or a can of herring," Professor Binns shook his head, still speaking as usual, "it's a large-caliber muzzle-loading gun and a small cannon. Maybe you don't know the power of these weapons, so let me give an example. , they can easily pierce giant bell jars with various restraining spells..."

"This is how Peeves escaped from a trap made by Calpe using Muggle weapons and shot at random in the castle. Although there were no casualties for a while, Hogwarts was still suspended at the strong request of the council. ."

"It wasn't until three days later that Hogwarts' then-headmaster, Ms. Euplasia Moore, and Peeves signed a 'not very equal' treaty that was heavily biased toward Peeves, and the school began to resume normal classes."

Professor Binns added, "Originally, this was one of the test sites for the end of the term, but because some Gran... children began to worship Peeves after learning this history, the incidence of Hogwarts pranks and night tours increased sharply. In the end we had to negotiate to cancel this part of the study.”

Peeves is a Hogwarts legend.

"What happened to Calpe, the administrator? Is he dead?" The curly-haired snake raised his hand.

"Calpe retired early because of 'serious health problems' shortly after this incident. Indeed, he had a 'severe' cold, and he would soon recover if he did not retire," Professor Binns floated back to his seat.

"After that, the school has never used strong means to drive away Peeves, although every administrator has been very difficult to deal with Peeves..."

"Professor Binns, what happened to those powerful Muggle weapons in the end?" Anna raised her hand, she was a little curious about this.

"Those Muggle weapons?" Professor Binns recalled. "Headmaster Moore packed up the weapons and put them in the headmaster's office or somewhere else where Peeves can't find them..."

"Oh, speaking of this, Calpe's account of the origin of these weapons is a bit strange. The Ministry of Magic later investigated in depth and attacked the two goblin smuggling dens in Hogsmeade Village—"

Professor Binns emphasized, "We must focus on memory here, because this action by the Ministry of Magic almost contributed to another goblin rebellion..."

"When you are in fourth grade, I will talk about the specific details of the Goblin Rebellion. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com It is a compulsory content for the general wizard rank test - OK, now let's go back to the classroom..."

"Ah..." The little snakes made regretful voices.

"The 'self-stirring crucible' is the invention of Guspard Singleton and has trans-generational significance..."

Professor Binns began to explain the boring 'self-stirring cauldron', and the eyelids of a group of small snakes began to tremble.

"I think the potion stirred by the 'auto-stirring cauldron' has no soul..." Anna pulled Belinda, who looked sleepy, "Hey, Belinda, you're about to fall asleep!"

"I didn't," Belinda opened Anna's hand, "it's just that the light is too dazzling, I can't open my eyes, don't disturb me, I'm listening carefully..."

Anna looked at the room with the curtains closed, "Okay, it seems that you can only rely on my notes for the history of magic exam..."

She turned her eyes back to Professor Binns and took notes carefully. Perhaps Professor Binns unleashed some 'difficult to concentrate on listening to the lecture' magic. Within ten minutes, Anna lost her mind and began to think about Professor Snape. How will she complain about 'automatic stirring the crucible', and whether Professor Binns needs to sleep or not, and a series of questions, when she comes back to her senses, the get out of class is over.

"?" Anna woke up with an expression of disbelief, and Belinda walked out of the classroom full of energy.

"What did you take in your notes?" Belinda stretched.

"Uh..." Anna scratched her head, she opened the notebook, "some...not too important knowledge..."

Anna didn't write down anything, but drew quite a few portraits of Professor Binns in her notebook.

"..." Belinda glanced at Anna's notebook and was speechless, "Looks like we have to go to the library at the end of the term..."

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