Hogwarts Melon Eater

Chapter 69: Gringotts readers⑦

With long gray hair, a wooden leg, and a bright blue fake eye blinking non-stop, Mad-Eye Moody waved his hand, "I'm just an old man about to retire, don't pay too much attention to what I say."

The young Auror was a little fortunate that he didn't say the sarcastic words just now, "Uh... Senior Moody, we have controlled all the people who ran out of Gringotts, and the other Aurors are discussing the capture strategy with the people in the Fire Dragon Reserve... …”

The old man in front of him can be said to be the elite among the 'Elite Aurors'.

"Cough," the freckled Auror coughed twice, "but the attitude of the staff of the Fire Dragon Reserve is a little impatient... They are not very willing to cooperate with the capture... Mainly because this \'iron belly\' has too many wounds. Now...they even want to file a lawsuit against the Ministry of Magic..."

Moody looked at the dragon at the top of Gringotts that was breathing fire all around.

Are you trying to provoke a conflict between wizards and fairies? Or was it just a simple act of unleashing a battered dragon? or…

He looked at the man who ran out of Gringotts who was temporarily placed in the extraordinary clothing store, and spun around a few times with his fake eyes...

Are you trying to take advantage of the chaos to take something that doesn't belong to you from Gringotts?

"Senior Moody," the Aurors standing in the extraordinary clothing store greeted Mad-Eye Moody, Moody nodded and carefully observed the crowd in front of him.

A large group of fairies who haven't recovered from the shock, a witch who is comforted by her husband, an impatient man in a suit sitting on a chair shaking her feet...

The most striking are the four children, and the little girl is holding a bear doll in her hand.

Moody frowned and walked over.

"Hello, children, I have a question..." He carefully observed the expressions of these children, "What are you four children doing at Gringotts?"

Hermione was taken aback by Mad-Eye's appearance, and took Anna's arm, Fred squeezed the corner of his shirt and came out to answer his question, "Well, of course, to save things, after all, everyone knows that Gringotts is the most important thing. safe place."

"Are you..." Moody looked at Fred and George's red hair, "The Weasleys?"

"If you're talking about Weasley in the Burrow, that's right," George looked at Moody, who was really distinctive.

While it's a little weird to have four children in the Gringotts vault, the Weasleys...

Moody couldn't imagine what nefarious scheme the Weasley children would be involved in, but his years of vigilance as an Auror led him to ask—

"What are you going to store in gold?"

The twins looked at Anna, who was very calm and shook the teddy bear in her hand, "This, my great-grandfather left it, I wanted to save it, but suddenly I found that the fire dragon ran out—"

She looked at Moody, "I thought Gringotts might not be as safe as everyone described, so I took the doll away."

"Gringotts is the safest!" A goblin heard what Anna said, "It was just an accident that the dragon came out this time! Gringotts is still the first choice for storing things!"

"Maybe," Anna shrugged.

Moody stared at the teddy bear with his fake eyes, the eyes that could see through the invisibility cloak didn't see anything, all signs were that it was an ordinary, commemorative teddy bear...but Moody just didn't feel right, there was A sense of discord --

This girl is too calm.

She had just escaped from the dragon, but she couldn't see any fear on her face, as if she had just returned from a walk in the back garden.

The Freckled Auror came over, "Senior Moody, these children have all passed the compound drug test, the oldest of them is just eleven years old, and has not yet gone to school, there is no way they can do bad things in Gringotts. Son."

Moody looked at Anna, was silent for a while, and nodded.

"Do you want them to leave?" A female Auror came over, "The twins were arguing about going home for dinner."

"Let's go," Moody's eyes never left Anna.

He really deserves to be the most outstanding Auror in modern times. Look at this terrible intuition. As soon as he enters the door, he finds that there is something wrong with this group of cute and harmless children...

Anna stood up, pulled Hermione, motioned for the twins to follow, and walked towards the door.

Mad-Eye took out his wand.

"Break apart!" A white light hit the doll in Anna's hand, and Hermione screamed.

A pile of cotton floated in the air, the teddy bear's head was blown off by the cutting spell, Moody frowned, and quickly used a repairing spell, "Refresh!"

The teddy bear is back to normal.

Anna and the others stopped, and the young Auror stared at Moody with wide eyes. Was the senior too vigilant? What threat can these children pose? Sure enough, it is already beyond the realm of understanding...

After the freckled Auror was surprised, he pinched his chin and thought about something.

Anna was taken aback, God, if it wasn't for safety reasons, she had left Borg in the vault when she came out... It wouldn't have been splattered with blood on the spot—Mad-Eye, so terrifying!

"Aren't you sad?" The female Auror didn't agree with Mad-Eye's rude behavior, thinking that he was a little too cautious. She sympathized with the well-behaved little girl in front of her, "This doll should be very precious, right?"

"Yes," Anna pretended to wipe away her tears, "a little sad...but it's been fixed, hasn't it? Mom told me to always look forward to life."

She is really an optimistic child, the female Auror's eyes softened, "You guys go home quickly, Diagon Alley is very dangerous now."

"Goodbye, pretty sister," Anna waved goodbye to her. Sure enough, only beautiful people would give themselves face.

"Goodbye, pretty sister!" *3, Anna's repeater went online again.

The female Auror covered her face and showed a sweet smile. She felt that she was ten years younger... She is so sensible and optimistic, and appreciates children with a high level... She hasn't even entered school to learn magic, so how can she do bad things?

Mad-Eye didn't move, but Anna looked out of the corner and saw that he had been silently following behind her.

The four walked out of the store, breathing the hot, burnt air. The twins had noticed Moody who was following behind. Hermione was trembling and wanted to say something. Anna squeezed her arm to stop her.

"Chirp - bang! bang! bang!"

The loud sound of fireworks attracted the attention of everyone around, including the mighty lady who was making trouble on the roof of Gringotts.

"What??!" The mad-eyed man's eyes widened and he roared, with a strong inconceivable meaning, and the scabbed scars all over his body seemed to start to ache.

Diagon Alley was silent for a second, and then there was a commotion bigger than seeing a dragon, screaming incessantly, and everyone started running, as if they were running slowly, and a shadow would come out the next second to take it. own life.

No one cares whether Ms. Mighty has already flown away.

A green pattern appeared in the sky.

It was a skeleton with a snake sticking out of its mouth, as if the skeleton was sticking its tongue out mischievously.

"What!?" The long-haired man at the table in Malfoy Manor read the letter handed by the owl and stood up abruptly. The table was shaken, and all the sweet soup was splashed on an innocent little boy with a spoon. .

"What!?" The 'Black Bat' at Hogwarts received the news and almost burst the slug in his hand. He threw his cloak and hurried to the headmaster's office.

"What!?" A tabby cat in Diagon Alley rushed to a hidden corner, and a woman in a robe appeared. She hurriedly ran to the window of No. 92 Diagon Alley to look inside. There was no one inside.

"What!?" A Muggle opened the window. "Are you crazy? Fireworks in broad daylight?"

All the goblins and wizards in the extraordinary clothing store rushed out, and the Aurors were powerless to stop them, and even a few Aurors flinched.

Mad-Eye Moody was in a trance for a moment, and then he lost track of his four children.

"Oops," Mad-Eye could only put aside the children's affairs first, he shouted at the freckled Auror, "Let the Ministry of Magic send more staff!" He turned and ran towards Knockturn Alley where the fireworks were set off.

"It was so exciting—" Anna pulled Hermione and ran into the crowd, the twins closely following her.

"This symbol—how did you come up with it?" George ran, looking at the fireworks that were still going on in the sky, "This is definitely big news! We've never made such a big commotion before!"

"Tomorrow's Daily Prophet headline is definitely this thing!" Fred exclaimed.

Hermione was dragged by Anna, she knew in advance, but she never agreed with the use of this symbol, "I said before, this will cause too much disturbance..."

"Anna...you mean—the prophecy on the cover of that book—" Fred thought of something.

"Yes," Anna led them to No. 92 Diagon Alley, "I believe the prophecy on the cover of 'Wizards in the Twentieth Century'... Voldemort will come back sooner or later," opened the door and let everyone run in.

"You can think of this as a drill, an early warning."

Standing in front of the display window, Anna found that the door of the next door \'Naughty Vine\' was hung with \'Close\', and the opposite \'Morning Book Publishing House\' also pulled down the sliding door, looking out from the display window everywhere. It was the one who left in disguise, the wizards dragged their lovers, mentioned the children and fled everywhere.

Some people were pulled out of the store and started running with the crowd without knowing anything. Some stores connected to the Floo network didn't have time to close their doors, and the fireplace was crowded with panicked wizards.


Anna crossed her hips. Even though she knew what scene she would see, she still felt a little powerless.

"Boom," the sound of the butterbeer lid opening rang out, and Ron, Harry and Ginny appeared in the middle of the room with Dudu.

"Did the plan go well?" Harry looked at Hermione.

Hermione, still wondering if it was a mistake to use the symbol, nodded at Harry with a complicated expression.

"It's just a slightly more expensive firework, the kind that any Muggle shop can make to order - why did they respond so much?" Ron was a little surprised, he had never seen the sign before, and even thought it was kind of cool !

"Mostly because of the 'Dark Sign', which I saw in a book at Lisbon Bookstore," explained Hermione, "The You-Know-Who and his accomplices would lift the sign into the air when they were killing people. …”

"Oh...the mysterious man..." Ron read out this synonym for 'terrible', which he often heard from his parents.

"Thinking about it this way, why is it a bit like the Joker in "Batman" we watched a few days ago?" He pinched his chin and thought, "How high-profile is crime?"

"Get famous?" George lowered his voice, "Actually, I always thought that the mysterious man wasn't too scary..."

"At least it's not as scary as math," the twins said in unison.

"Uh... hasn't Voldemort been gone for almost eight years?" Harry scratched his head, "I'll be eight years old since I was born... Why are they still so... um... flustered?"

"Habitually scared," Ginny remarked, "maybe it's something that Mysterious Man did too badly."

"Actually, we shouldn't run away. We don't even have the courage to face Voldemort head-on. A philosopher once said that the best way to eliminate fear is to face it!" Anna turned her head to look at her friends seriously, pointing to The scene outside the window.

"Maybe they themselves don't know what they are afraid of... I also saw a lady running out in a hurry with only a bath towel... She even forgot that she knew magic!"

Ron tried to crane his neck to take a peek, but was pulled back by Harry.

Hermione shook her head, "Even if we're not afraid... it won't help, we're too weak..."

"Each of us is not as powerful as Voldemort," Anna said, "but there is only one Voldemort, we have thousands of them, and if we unite all of them, from the Minister of Magic to the cleaning master, there is such a huge With the support of our strength, are we still afraid of a mere no-nosed monster?"

Harry tilted his head and asked strangely, "Yeah, why doesn't the Ministry of Magic organize everyone to unite against Voldemort?"

"Because fighting Voldemort won't do you any good," this is a very real question.

"The most core power of the Ministry of Magic rests at its top, and at the top, pure blood accounts for a large part... Voldemort wants to cleanse non-pure blood and Muggles, and the wealth they leave will eventually flow into these pure blood bags..."

"Voldemort's evil deeds directly benefited most of these powerful and rich pure-bloods. All of them are exquisite egoists."

Anna was a little helpless, "Let them join forces to fight against Voldemort? It's a good thing that these bourgeoisie didn't help Voldemort do bad things."

"When Voldemort was in power, they went to support him, to benefit. Voldemort disappeared, and they waited to support the next, powerful, person who could benefit them - whether that person was called 'Voldemort' or \'Harry Potter\', no matter how this person benefits them..."

"Me?" Harry pointed at himself with a puzzled look, he didn't know why he was suddenly named.

Hermione thought for a while and followed Anna's train of thought, "Because you defeated Voldemort, those high-level pure-bloods will think you are more powerful than Voldemort... If you can help them gain benefits, you will have their support..."

"Our family is also pure blood, but we don't support You-Know-Who..." Ron suddenly said something like this, "And I think Muggles are pretty good, many of them are quite advanced..."

"Yes," Anna nodded, "you are different, you know that there are more precious things in this world than interests, you are willing to accept new things, learn new knowledge... willing to understand a group that you didn't know before. "

"Completely different from some people who rest on their laurels and always think that being a sorcerer is 'I am the only one in the sky and the earth'."

Fred touched his head, "I'm embarrassed to say it..."

"Our ultimate enemy is not Voldemort, but a system, a social system," Anna was very firm.

"My ambition is very big, although I am just a powerless melon eater... But I hope that one day, wizards will no longer value blood, whether it is pure blood, mixed blood, Muggle born, all can go up and down Twist it into a rope~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The seat of the Ministry of Magic is handed over to someone who has the ability to sit!"

Hermione imagined the scene. "If that's the case, Voldemort would be alone, wouldn't he?"

Ron felt great.

Ginny pondered, "It's a good idea, but it's too difficult to achieve..."

"There is always a way, the road is made by people," Anna encouraged, "there will always be some people in this world to change and make a revolution, although the oldest of us is only eleven years old, but this also shows that we have Something no one else has..."

"What?" Harry looked at Anna seriously.

"Time," Anna concluded, "the future is in our hands."

[Special Melon Mission: Reform Contents of the Magic World: Unknown, Reward: Unknown]

"Of course the future is in our hands," Fred took out a gold cup from his pocket. "After all, no one has ever stolen anything from Gringotts before us!"

"Wow—" Harry and Ron leaned closer to the gold cup to watch carefully, "It's amazing!"

Harry vaguely felt that the cup had something to do with him, he shook his head, trying to shake this feeling away.

"It's a good thing, Azkaban doesn't need to go," Anna took the gold cup and weighed it. "Maybe I can have a happy birthday at the zoo tomorrow."

[Soul Crusher—Dancing with Dragons: Mission Completion Mission Rewards: Memory +100, Reaction +100, Constitution +100, Hufflepuff's Gold Cup, Dragon's Friendship]

[Memory upgrade: Ma Dongmei (experience required for the next upgrade: 1000) - Finally, you can finally remember it completely. Although it is sometimes difficult to recall, it is still in your mind, isn't it? 】

[Physical upgrade: as powerful as an ox]

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