In order to reward the students for their outstanding performance, Lockhart immediately dismissed get out of class early and did not assign any homework - this made the students even more fond of this professor who they already admired.

However, in the first class after school starts, as long as the students' performance is not too bad, there is usually no homework. So the students who have just returned to Hogwarts have plenty of time to spend this evening communicating with each other about their holiday life, or experiencing their wands again, or...

'There's nothing here either...'


'still none……'

‘What the hell, what’s going on? ! ’

Avada looked at her watch with the fluorescent light flashing in the dark space mezzanine - it was already past four in the morning.

After learning from Hagrid that the history of the Chamber of Secrets had not changed at all, he made a special trip to Professor Binns to confirm that the legend of the Chamber of Secrets still existed. So he suspected that the location of the entrance to the secret room had changed, so he rode on a broom at night and used his magic senses to scan every corner of the school.

In the end, nothing was found.

"After a sweep, I found a bunch of entrances to secret passages, as well as a lot of weird magic. I can almost draw a Marauder's Map myself! But there is no secret room!"

"The legend has not changed, and the history has not changed, only the secret room is gone!"

"Then was Myrtle killed by Voldemort? Did he create the Horcrux diary through that killing?"

"Oh my God, it's a good thing that I completely controlled Voldemort's main soul last semester, otherwise I would have been scared to death now..."

"But the Horcrux Diary has its own consciousness and is also a very unstable factor. We must find a way to confirm its status..."

"Wait, maybe I can use technical means to use the confession effect to attract all the soul fragments. In this way, wouldn't all the Horcruxes be destroyed on their own?"

Avada's eyes suddenly lit up.

"In this case, even if he launches the Horcrux to the moon, he won't be able to escape this trick!"

"Secret room? Let the basilisk or something else sleep and die in it!"

Avada became excited all of a sudden, sweeping away the tiredness from around four o'clock in the morning: "Let's take a break from alchemy and stuff, and then go back to the research!"

"I already have three Horcruxes in my hand, and I have enough research materials... I will try to get the results out before next year!"

When he thought that he still had such a powerful trump card in his hand, and that Dumbledore was responsible for the secret room attack, he suddenly felt that he was countless times more relaxed.

"So, where did the secret room go?"

He was uneasy again.

So, in the constant transition of relaxation - restlessness - relaxation - restlessness, Avada stared at the ceiling of the dormitory with bloodshot eyes. From about four o'clock until dawn, the total distance rolled on the bed could wrap around Hog. Watts lap.

"Are you suffering from insomnia?"

After the ample sunlight awakened the roommates, they were all startled by Avada's scarlet eyes.

"Yeah, of course I'm excited about my first day back at school. I haven't cast a spell for a whole holiday..."

"You look more like a mysterious person, Mr. Forager...even your eyes are red now." Xia Bi rubbed his eyes and muttered, and the dormitory was suddenly filled with happy air.

Ever since everyone knew that he sealed Voldemort, and found out from Harry and Balon that he was the main force in implementing the plan, Avada has successfully upgraded from "the person who must not even be named" to a regular person. The words "you no full" and "duck lord" in Erba Jing, the fact that his name was concealed has always been talked about, and as soon as the matter of Voldemort was mixed in, it immediately produced a nuclear fusion-like effect...

Of course, Avada was absolutely certain that the reason why this nickname spread so quickly must be due to certain two redheads.

"My first lesson today is divination..."

He gulped down half a bottle of uplifting potion, finally making his face look better and his eyes not so red - he heard from his seniors that incense would be lit all the time in the divination class classroom, and he didn't want to do it in the first class. Just sleep on it.

The divination classroom was at the top of the north tower, and it took Avada nearly ten minutes to climb over after breakfast. The room looked like a cross between an attic and an old-fashioned teahouse, with at least twenty small round tables crammed into it, surrounded by calico armchairs and bulging little futons. Everything in the room was illuminated by a hazy red light, the curtains were tightly drawn, and many of the lamps were covered with large crimson scarves. The whole room was as warm as a quilt in winter, making people want to sleep to death, and the diffuse smell of incense greatly strengthened this desire.

There were many shelves lined up along the circular wall, crowded with dirty quills, candle stubs, many tattered playing cards, countless silver crystal balls and a lot of tea cups. At the bottom was a mantelpiece with a roaring fire and a large copper teapot on it, from which the smell of incense came.

"Really looking forward to it."

Avada couldn't help but hunched her neck and rubbed her hands like she did in winter: "I'm about to see the secret of divination..."


Baron on the side put his hands in his sleeves and nodded: "Divination has always been the most mysterious branch of magic. It is said that it relies heavily on talent, but every true fortune teller is the most respected in the entire magic society. One wave.”

——After listening to Avada's persuasion and giving up Muggle studies, Balon finally took a divination course.

"By the way, what are you doing with your hands in your hands?"

"Why are you holding your neck back?"


The two looked at each other in confusion, and finally returned to their normal sitting posture.

And after everyone arrived and waited for a while, they finally waited for the belated professor of divination class——


A soft voice said, "It's so good to finally see you in the physical world."

Professor Sybill Trelawney walked into the firelight. She was very thin, and a pair of large glasses magnified her eyes several times in size, making her look like an insect. She also wore a thin and transparent shawl decorated with many shiny metal pieces.

"Welcome to my class. The divination class you are taking is the most profound knowledge in all magic." She shook her head and said: "But I must say it first - if you don't have innate insight I am powerless. In this field, books can only teach you so much..."

While Professor Trelawney was making a mysterious opening statement, Avada was also rapidly analyzing the structure of her mental power.

"The different place, where is the different place... Where is the structure that allows her to see the future..."

"Found it! This is... a thread? A thread made of mental power? It extends outwards, breaks away from Professor Trelawney's mental body, and connects to..."

Avada "looked" along the thread - the thread continued to extend in the ocean of magic, almost completely penetrating the world composed of magic. Avada had no choice but to cheer up, and even secretly held the wand, narrowing her eyes subconsciously, desperately trying to see where the thread was going.

In this way, his perspective followed the thread and extended, approaching the deepest part of the magic ocean at an angle he had never observed before...

Finally, Avada seemed to hear a soft sound. The scenery in the magic sense suddenly changed——

Those structures seemed to be magic, but they were more powerful and solid, just like the difference between gas and liquid. Countless such forms come together to form a great "long river" that cannot be described in words. Countless "waves" surge in it, and whenever they surge, Avada can see a picture of the real world in it...

He found the time.

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