Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 117 The arrival of the investigation team

Lockhart's Dueling Club finally ended successfully in a panic - the reason why it can be said to be a success is that in addition to Snape's explanation really teaching a lot of people, everyone played at the end They were all quite happy. And Lockhart is also very happy to announce that he will invite Professor Filius Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, to guide the duel club next week...

"This trip is really worth it..." Avada, who was lying on the bed in the dormitory, couldn't help but sigh.


Opposite him, Stebbins nodded his head buried in the pillow and said in a muffled voice: "Who would have thought that Lockhart could have such a high level of skill and be able to teach Harry the disarming spell to defeat Malfoy in one fell swoop? And Snape’s explanation is indeed very detailed..."

"I still think Lockhart is just being mysterious."

Shabby muttered: "I noticed that Lockhart's movements when teaching Harry were as if he had a convulsion, which had nothing to do with the actual movement of the disarming spell."

"Then how did Harry cast the spell?"

"Then you still need to ask? He was the savior who defeated the mysterious man when he was born. Isn't it easy to learn a disarming spell? And even Ken said that when they faced the mysterious man himself last semester, Harry was He single-handedly attracted almost all the attention of the mysterious man! How strong he must be!"


He admitted that these words were indeed spoken by him - when faced with the enthusiastic questioning from the people around him, he could only briefly and comprehensively summarize what happened at that time: Harry single-handedly held back Voldemort's mind. ; while Balon lurked close to Voldemort when he was restrained by Harry, leaving a fatal trap on him; and Avada himself secretly activated a powerful magic weapon provided by the Shafiq family to defeat Voldemort. Injured; in the end, it was Dumbledore who fell from the sky and finally captured him completely.

Later, when others compared these words to Harry and Balon, they hesitated for a long time, and then found that they could not refute them at all. After all, not a single word of these words was false...

In the auditorium the next morning, the students were surprised to find a row of adult wizards wearing black robes in front of the teacher's seat. Dumbledore himself actually appeared in the middle seat, with a serious look on his face, discussing something in a low voice with Professor Sprout next to him.

After a while, probably when the students were almost finishing breakfast, Dumbledore suddenly stood up, and the auditorium suddenly became quiet, and the row of wizards all turned their heads and glanced at the audience.


At this moment, Dumbledore was not as serious as before. Instead, he was smiling and seemed to be in a good mood: "Please allow me to take up a little of everyone's time to enjoy breakfast. I want to announce two pieces of good news."

"First, Professor Sprout told me just now that the second phase of the healing potion has completed the final test. Those students who were previously in a coma only need to receive one more week of treatment before they can return to hospital intact. Normal campus life, and guaranteed to have no sequelae. This means that you can finally reunite with those poor friends who have been separated for a long time..."

There was a burst of cheers in the auditorium - in more than a month, the number of comatose students has reached dozens, including a prefect and a Quidditch captain, socializing to all students It has had a big impact on our lives, and it has also made everyone panic...

"After they are discharged from the hospital, the professors will take time to provide them with intensive tutoring classes by grade. I also hope that everyone can help them in their study and life..."

After the cheers subsided a little, Dumbledore continued: "The second good news is that Hogwarts will receive a powerful support to help us jointly solve the problem that has troubled us. It will take a long time, and at the same time, it can better protect everyone’s safety..."

"After discussion, the school directors and I unanimously agreed to allow the investigation team formed by the school board to enter Hogwarts to investigate the recent incidents of frequent coma among students."

He walked directly down the teacher's seat and came to the far left of the row below, next to a burly wizard. He introduced with some excitement: "Then, please allow me to introduce these outstanding and noble wizards to you. …”

"Mr. Robert Parkinson, a member of the Hogwarts School Board and the main organizer of the investigation team."

"Mr. Marcel Flint, a member of the Hogwarts School Board, he will oversee the actions of the investigation team together with Mr. Parkinson."

The two school directors looked a little gloomy, but they still waved to the students around them.

"Oh, they are relatives of Pansy and Marcus. No wonder they took the lead in organizing this investigation..."

Similar whispers continued, but Dumbledore continued to introduce the wizards one by one as if he had not heard them: "Mr. Exeter Delis, is an excellent Auror, with permission from the Ministry of Magic. Later, I was invited to participate in the investigation..."

"Mr. Pierre Alex, the famous curse-breaker..."



Listening to Dumbledore's introduction one by one, Avada suddenly noticed something unusual: 'It seems that most of the members of these investigation teams are members of pure-blood families? ’

'And the remaining surnames are not from pure-blood families, and they seem to be supporters of the pure-blood sect, such as the Auror warrior...'

‘Do you need relatives who are related to you to add people to the investigation team? This is not a bad job, but a problem that even Dumbledore can't solve for a while! ’

‘By the way, didn’t Dumbledore already apply to the Ministry of Magic for a time-turner? But what was waiting was an investigation team that was related to them? The time turner must not have come, otherwise Dumbledore would have found the source of the problem long ago with his strength. There's no way that even Dumbledore, who holds the time-turner, couldn't discover the truth, right? Wouldn't that be terrifying? ’

Avada gradually narrowed her eyes as she listened to Dumbledore continue: "From today on, members of the investigation team will be permanently stationed in the school and will be solely responsible for investigating the coma incident. They will patrol around the castle, But please don’t worry, they will try not to disturb everyone’s normal life..."

‘Full authority? Dumbledore doesn't plan to investigate on his own? Why? ’

So, after the first class ended, Avada quickly found Baron: "It seems that many of the members of the investigation team today are pure bloods, right? Do you know anything about them?"

"It's okay. I didn't recognize a few people originally, but we in Slytherin roughly figured it out after talking among ourselves."

Balon looked at Avada with an understanding look: "Don't worry, although most of them are pure bloods, their hard power is no problem at all. Each has a very glorious resume, and there are many in Slytherin. Few people have seen them in action, and they all speak highly of them..."

"I know what you are thinking. In fact, many people think the same way. They are worried that there will be a few guys like Lockhart in the investigation team because of their relatives... Don't worry, this kind of worry is unnecessary. . The school directors probably chose these people to come in out of trust. After all, not everyone can come to Hogwarts, and it is related to the safety of the students."

"...I feel much more relieved when you say that. Thank you very much."

After saying goodbye to Baron, Avada turned around and frowned - he still couldn't figure it out.

What happened between Dumbledore and the school governors?

Could it be said that even Dumbledore, who was holding a time turner, couldn't find out the truth? But in that case, what's the use of just an investigation team?

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