Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 121 Halloween Dinner Arrives

"Why Snape?"

Someone asked blankly.

"Yeah, why Snape..."

Avada also lowered her head. Although he knows a little more than others, this does not prevent him from having the same doubts as everyone else——

How did this guy who had been by Dumbledore's side for more than ten years and was still deeply trusted by him, be trusted again by those stubborn pure-blood families?

Based on the years of friendship between colleagues? Or is it based on the Dark Mark on his hand? Even Voldemort himself has completely fallen, so what's the use of this? What's more, many of them are in the same class as Snape, and they all know about Snape and Lily!

In the original book, Snape gained the trust of Voldemort and all Death Eaters by virtue of killing Dumbledore with his own hands. This is a huge contribution, enough to suppress any dissatisfaction. But what about this time?

And it stands to reason that after defeating the threat of Dumbledore, their goal should have been achieved. Even if they really want to go further and transform the school into a factory for instilling extreme pure-blood ideas as Dumbledore said, they should do it slowly and step by step, otherwise it will definitely cause a strong backlash - just like the original book Umbridge faced the same situation.

Even if the school board really has a collective brain failure and must start reforming the school now, then why not just parachute in a new principal who can be trusted, but insist on restarting the school after staying by Dumbledore's side for more than ten years, with serious doubts about loyalty? Snape? ?

This doubt continued until Avada returned to the dormitory at night and found a note with a bright red feather under her pillow:

[Voldemort is still in my hands, don’t worry. 】

[Professor Snape will do his best to ensure the safety of his students, but there are always things he cannot see from his perspective - I leave the rest to you. 】

[You can trust Professor Snape at critical moments, but try not to show it. 】

[Things are not over yet, be careful. 】


No matter how people questioned, Snape finally took the seat of principal under the absolute authority of the school board, and temporarily served as Dean of Slytherin and Potions Professor - since this year's recruitment has ended, probably It would be next year before a new Potions Professor could be found, allowing Snape to become the full-time headmaster.

And during this period of time, everyone, including Avada, noticed an anomaly, that is, Snape did not live in the principal's office at Hogwarts, but still lived in his own Slytherin. In the dean's office. This also made many people suspect that Snape was not recognized as the principal at all - most people believed that Hogwarts Castle had its own will and could choose who would be the principal and lead the school, rather than simply of reliance on orders from the School Board.

Fortunately, Snape did not have the new official to make major changes to the existing facilities and school rules of Hogwarts. Instead, he continued to use the rules left by Dumbledore's era, and the teaching and leadership of students. The rhythm of other activities such as Diqi has not been disrupted. Nothing seemed to have changed except that Slytherin's score hourglass had skyrocketed and those annoying chicken crows had disappeared.

But this still did not prevent the whole school from being shrouded in a depressing atmosphere - there were almost no smiles on the faces of the professors, and the gamekeeper Hagrid even cried for several days. The students also felt depressed every day when they looked up when eating and found an old bat sitting on the seat that originally belonged to Dumbledore...

Therefore, in this atmosphere, this year's Halloween party is particularly important. Everyone hopes to have a good time during this holiday to dilute the gloom caused by Dumbledore's departure.

And this time even the ghosts came to join in the fun - according to the ghosts, this year's Halloween happens to be the 500th anniversary of the death of Gryffindor ghost "Nearly Headless Nick", and he himself happened to have recently encountered Something bad happened (supposedly his application to join the Headless Knights was rejected). So he also planned to invite ghost friends from all over the world to have a grand party on Halloween to entertain everyone.

And Snape probably followed Dumbledore's style for the sake of the stability of his position, allowing the ghosts to enjoy the banquet with the students in the sky above the auditorium on Halloween, as long as they did not cross the long table to cool the food. …

So at the Halloween dinner, the entire auditorium was immediately divided into two parts - the bottom was still lit by four long tables lit by warm yellow candles, where students happily ate and chatted, with bats and pumpkins decorating everything. There was even a big bat on the principal's seat... But if you look up, you will see a completely different scene.

Countless dark, thin candles floated on the top of the auditorium, shining with blue light when burning, making the faces of those white ghosts look even more gloomy. A large number of ghosts, at least hundreds, were hovering over the auditorium. They were as spectacular as a large cloud, but the cold air they brought also made the entire auditorium become colder out of thin air. There were even many enthusiastic ghosts floating down to talk to the students. The scene was like snow...

"Wow, I remember you, the boy who came up to me and asked me how I died!"

At this time, on the long table of Hufflepuff, the fat monk was chatting lively with a large group of ghosts, and even many students participated. And I don’t know whether it’s lucky or unfortunate, but Avada’s seat is not far away...

So, not surprisingly, he was discovered by the ghost in the abandoned bathroom, Moaning Myrtle.

"Happy Halloween, Myrtle...Would you like a piece of pumpkin pie? I heard you can taste something when you pass it through food?"

"Who told you?"

Myrtle raised her eyebrows: "What will it look like if I live in a flush toilet all day long?"


Avada silently put down the golden pumpkin pie in her hand, and pushed the bowl of grainy mashed potatoes smeared with pepper sauce further away.

"Hey, wait, Ken, have you ever taken the initiative to find Myrtle?"

Hannah, who was sitting opposite Avada, noticed something unusual. She took the mashed potatoes that Avada pushed and looked over with suspicion: "But I remember, Myrtle never seemed to leave the women's bathroom. ah?"

"Ahem, I have no choice, I have no choice, in order to find out something..."

Avada coughed dryly and simply pushed her pumpkin pie to Hannah: "Eat, eat."


Facing this mysterious senior, whose name no one knew, and who personally sealed Voldemort, Hannah didn't think much, lowered her head and concentrated on eating her new pumpkin pie.

"Hey, are you chatting?"

At this time, the fat monk also floated down and looked at Avada with a surprised look on his face: "Are you very interested in the causes of death of the ghosts? Do you want to hear about my death method? I guarantee it will be more exciting than that guy Nick. He is today He would pull his neck over to show off his neck to anyone he met. If Ghost hadn't been unable to drink, I would have suspected that he was drunk..."


Avada suddenly stood up, startling the people around her: "Myrtle, could you please stand next to the fat monk?"

I have a bit of a fever today and am not in very good condition. The update has been delayed for a long time. Sorry... orz

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