Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 136 Balon in confinement

"Provider of key information...what key information?"

While walking back, Avada was thinking about what Snape had just said - Snape's office was only a few steps away from the Hufflepuff lounge, so he had to think about it quickly.

"What information is needed to push the so-called plan to this point... The coma incident was self-directed and self-acted, and it can be implemented under any circumstances as long as there are internal personnel to cooperate... And the matter of the basilisk and the secret room was Tom Lee's Del knew it from the beginning and didn't need anyone else to tell him..."

"But now that I think about it, was Dumbledore's behavior in the whole incident a little too passive?"

"Ahem, I'm off topic. What other information could be considered critical..."

"That's right! Myrtle's memory and the password to the secret room were changed at the beginning of the school year!!"

Avada shivered violently, almost spraining her feet even on the flat ground: "They knew that someone would explore the secret room from the beginning! And one of the reasons for using the coma incident to get rid of Dumbledore was to clear out those oil paintings. chicken!!"

"Who told them?!"

He rubbed his temples vigorously, wishing he could unpack all his experiences from birth to the last second, for fear that he might have exposed a flaw somewhere...

But unfortunately, nothing was found - before the start of school, he never told anyone that he knew about the secret room. He only expressed his worries about this year on the train.

At the end of his second grade, he went to the abandoned bathroom, but he found nothing because he couldn't see souls at that time. And that time he was hiding in the space mezzanine, and he also confirmed that there was no one else around...

"Could it be that I'm being legiliminated?"

He couldn't help but come up with this ridiculous idea, but he rejected it the next second - with his level of Occlumency and magical senses, someone might be able to violently break through his protection, but absolutely not Anyone can silently read his thoughts without him noticing, not even Dumbledore!

"Then how did they know? Who can provide such information??"

"Is there a prophet on the other side? Or is there a time traveler on the other side?"

While Avada was thinking wildly, she walked slowly towards the Hufflepuff common room - after thinking for a long time, he was not even half gone.

"Yo, Ken."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind him. Avada looked back and was stunned: "Baron?"

"Just finished looking for Professor Snape?"

Balon was holding water in one hand, a mop in the other, and an apron on his body. He was smiling and saying hello to Avada.

"This outfit..."

Avada pointed at Baron blankly, rubbed his eyes, and remained silent for a long time before cautiously asking: "Are you in solitary confinement?"


"...What is the specific situation?"

That a model student like Baron with good grades and good behavior would actually receive solitary confinement - this was as fantastic in Avada's mind as someone who knew from the beginning that he would check out the secret room.

"I was caught trespassing in the Forbidden Forest."

Baron smiled nonchalantly, while grabbing the mop rod and mopping the floor: "I'll tell you later, this retreat is worth it, and I have gained a lot - it just so happens that I need your help in this matter. After dinner, I’ll meet you at the door of the room where you can ask for anything. I’ll show you something good..."

"Better not have the Room of Requirement anymore."

Avada was also curious: "Harry and the others are making potions there recently...isn't it something that needs to be kept secret?"

"No, it's even the opposite... Then just find an empty classroom. How about the Potions classroom?"


Seeing Balon's face that he was trying to sell everything, Avada didn't ask what exactly he had done, but she kept holding back an uncomfortable curiosity in her heart. So after saying goodbye to Baron, he began to force himself to think about how the mysterious information provider knew that he would check the secret room as soon as school started...

Then he felt even worse.

"What the hell, what the heck...why are the Horcruxes left behind by Voldemort more difficult to deal with than his real body?"

"Oh, by the way, it was me who secretly plotted against him that time, and now it's his turn to plot against me...is this retribution?"

Sighing, he paced and finally returned to the door of Hufflepuff's common room. Then from a distance he saw a group of students running between the kitchen and the lounge carrying various bottles and cans. Running back and forth, a scene full of excitement...


Rolf Scamander was walking from the Kitchen King's Lounge with a bunch of snacks in his arms, and happened to catch a glimpse of Avada: "Cookies? Candy? Or chocolate?"

"What are you doing?"

Avada took out the package of chocolate frogs from his arms with a puzzled look on her face, and asked while opening the package - wasn't the lounge still depressing when he left? After a short while, it became lively again?

"Susan just knocked out a barrel of balsamic vinegar!"

Luofu's face was flushed with excitement: "We are planning to hold a banquet just for this bucket of vinegar tonight, and we are preparing now... Do you want some?"

"Having a party?"

Avada almost jumped when she heard the name of Balsamic vinegar, but then calmed down: "Isn't it a bit... um, inappropriate to hold a banquet at this time? Muggle-born students are having a hard time. "

"This party is just for them - the balsamic vinegar is enough to wash away any bad mood!"

Luofu explained with a smile: "Didn't our dean make it clear that we will not give up on any student? There are many ways to deal with the petrification curse. Professors will come to the common room to teach, and we will also You can fly out of the window with a broomstick, and the dean's mandrake is also growing... If it doesn't work, we don't want this castle anymore, and the professor and students will move together!"

"Just in time to take advantage of the balsamic vinegar, we also want everyone to change their mood and encourage those Muggle-born students. We hope they will not give up magic, school life, and the food in the kitchen so easily. …Food always brings a good mood, right?”

"Sounds good...do you need a helping hand?"

Avada raised her eyebrows - the professors' words sounded exciting, but the starting point was still to fight against the so-called will of the castle. Could it be that the professors didn't know about the existence of the basilisk and were frightened by what Snape and the school board said?

"No, we are almost ready."

Rolf shook his head, and seemed to suddenly remember something: "By the way, Ken, you are a Muggle-born, right? I just heard that your name is not on the school's Muggle-born list?"

"Oh, I just asked Professor Snape. He said that the school re-calculated the student files and found that I may be a descendant of a weak wizard such as Squib, so he counted me among the descendants of wizards."

"Can this still happen? Congratulations!"

"Actually, there is nothing to congratulate. Anyway, things will be resolved sooner or later..."

Watching Rolf disappear into the barrel with a bunch of snacks, Avada turned around and planned to ask Baron if he wanted to come to the banquet. By the way, he finally opened the chocolate frog in his hand and looked at it. Look at the card inside——

Despicable Herbo.

"thank you."

Avada's eyes twitched.

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