Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 141 Sudden murderous intention

Avada kept his eyes fixed forward and scanned the surroundings with his magic senses - there was no glass, no ghosts, no water, mirrors, smooth walls and other reflective objects that could allow him and the basilisk to look directly at each other. The basilisk's gaze fell on him nakedly, waiting for him to glance back inadvertently...

'what happened? Why? ’

After realizing that the Basilisk's target was him, he immediately changed his direction and walked towards the gate of Hogwarts - he had to go outside as soon as possible to make the Basilisk lose its target, otherwise it would be extremely vulnerable to injury in its current state. innocent!

‘Could it be that the fact that I made the basilisk early warning device was exposed? ’

While walking quickly, he thought quickly in his mind: 'Impossible, the confidentiality abilities of Baron, Fred and George are all credible. Summers and the others are even less likely to leak the secret. They don’t have boarding diaries with them, and they have already left school...'

'And what's the benefit of killing me for this? To stop me from making more warning signs? ’

‘But dozens of basilisk early warning devices have been sent out, and the structure is very simple. Any professor can perfectly imitate it with a little effort. There is no point in killing me for this! ’

‘Want to create chaos by directly killing people and fish in troubled waters to hide the basilisk? ’

‘Then why not after the Christmas vacation, but on Christmas Day when there is almost no one in the school? Moreover, the death of a student will directly trigger public opinion and put great pressure on the school board. It may also anger Dumbledore and make him directly rip off his face. Neither the Horcrux Diary nor the school board want to see this situation...'

Avada observed the basilisk's eyes - in addition to the deadly black magic, a layer of magic was added to its eyes. Once activated, two transparent shields will be generated to protect the basilisk's eyes. Covered...and now that magic has been actively turned off.

‘It’s specifically designed to kill people. ’

His heart seemed to be gradually sinking, and his steps gradually became faster. And it wasn't until he opened the door and left the castle, and came to the lawn that was already covered with thick snow, and felt the basilisk's sight disappearing from his body, and the huge vitality gradually disappeared again, that he felt a little relieved. Some.

The cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew towards his face, and the cold air poured into his nose, making him shiver involuntarily, and his beating heart finally calmed down. He turned back and stared at the tall and majestic castle that hid dangerous murderous intentions with some fear, and his heart was full of anger and doubt.

‘The basilisk is still on the move during Christmas, so picking it up means that the host of the diary is still in the school. But I didn't observe any soul fragments or traces of Horcrux magic just now... Could he control the basilisk remotely, or make the basilisk carry out a long-term order? ’

'Also, is he here specifically to kill me, or is he just planning to kill random people...'

'not good! ’

Avada was shocked when she thought of this question, so she immediately reached into her pocket and made a surprised expression, then turned around and rushed back to the castle, as if she had forgotten something - he You must get back into the sight of the basilisk before it thinks of killing others. Most people in the school don't have early warning devices yet, and it would be extremely dangerous for any student to encounter the basilisk!

Less than ten seconds after he stepped into the castle, he saw a huge life force appearing next to him again, casting a fatal look at him. No matter how he moved, that gaze always followed him unswervingly.

‘It’s okay, it’s just for me. ’

He himself found it a bit funny - after realizing that he was being assassinated, he actually breathed a sigh of relief.

'Why? ’

Avada touched her pocket and walked quickly towards the Hufflepuff common room, as if she really just forgot something and wanted to go back to get it: 'Is there anything special about me that is worth killing? ’

‘I first judged the existence of the basilisk and made a cock crow badge? But that did not pose a real threat to the basilisk and the diary. According to Diary's character, he should not kill easily unless he is seriously threatened or is certain that he will win. Just like in the original Chamber of Secrets, he just petrified the students and didn't plan to kill Harry and Ginny until he fully recovered his strength...'

'Or...I sealed his body? ! ’

'By the way, if he entered the school by possessing a student, he would definitely know that his body has been sealed, and the culprit is three students...'

'Probably. In the original book, wasn't it because he wanted to kill Harry that he opened the entrance to the secret room without hesitation and exposed a huge flaw, and put Fawkes in? The status of the body is very important in his mind...'

'But if this speculation is true... wouldn't Balon and Harry be in danger now? ! ’

After realizing this, Avada immediately quickened her pace and ran into the lounge in three or two steps. After returning to her dormitory, she entered the space mezzanine with the End of the World Curse and rode her broomstick as fast as she could. He found the location of the library, and then unexpectedly sensed Baron who was concentrating on his homework.

He took out his wand and cut off a corner of his robe, used Transfiguration to turn it into a note, and quickly wrote a line of words: [Go to Hagrid's hut, as soon as possible, and close your eyes as much as possible! ——Ken]

Then he activated the End of the World Curse again and sent the note out of the space mezzanine to Balon's hand. He immediately turned around and rushed to the Gryffindor Tower to send a note to Harry who was playing chess with Ron in the lounge. After the note, he returned to his dormitory - Ron and Hermione happened to be beside Harry, and they were also involved in the plan to eliminate Voldemort. Calling them over would be an extra layer of insurance...

After a while.

"What's wrong?"

Harry and the other three hurried to Hagrid's hut. They looked at Avada and Balon, who had been waiting there for a long time with solemn expressions on their faces. They gasped and asked - the Gryffindor lounge is in the tower, what do you think? It’s not easy to get down quickly.

"I was chased by a basilisk just now."

Avada said seriously: "There is no blindfold, there is no room for indirect gaze, the gaze is always directed at me... Don't ask me how I discovered this, I have some special abilities."

"I suspect this may be related to our sealing Voldemort. Snape told me that the person controlling the basilisk is likely to be a ghost of Voldemort, and there is every reason to kill us specifically to avenge the original body."

"Especially you two, Harry and Hermione."

He turned to look at Harry and Hermione and said, "Harry is famous for defeating Voldemort right after he was born. And Hermione, you are a Muggle-born. You are both easily targeted, so be extra careful."

"I have a basilisk early warning device that I just made here. Harry, Ron, and Balon will each take one...Hermione must have already received it, right? That's good, remember to take it with you."


Hermione took out an early warning device from her pocket to indicate that she had always carried it: "I was reminded of what happened to Colin yesterday. I am always wearing the early warning device now."

"That's good."

After distributing the early warning devices, Avada breathed a sigh of relief. Several people discussed the recent events together and then left one after another, returning to the castle with a nervous and heavy heart.

"We need to make more early warning devices as soon as possible."

Seeing their backs gradually being hidden by the snow, Avada sighed and exhaled some white steam: "I don't even care about killing people anymore. God knows what that madman will do next?"

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