Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 143 Riddle doubting life

On the third day of Christmas, a shocking news swept the school - the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who was staying at the school for Christmas, Gilderoy Lockhart, was petrified!

This is the first professor to be attacked since the petrification incident!

Although due to well-known reasons, Lockhart has always had a very bad reputation in the minds of some students, and many people even breathed a sigh of relief after the news that he was petrified, but a professor will also be affected by the Will of the Castle (or The fact that the Basilisk was targeted still caused unease in many people.

What's more, Lockhart himself is still a mixed-blood wizard and should not be within the attack range of the castle's will. This makes people more puzzling and nervous...

And what's worse is that Lockhart's petrification is just the beginning.

On the morning of the fourth day of the Christmas holidays, half-blood Gryffindor wizards Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas were found petrified in the corridor at the same time. On the same day, the early warning devices on several Muggle-born wizards who were staying at the school reacted.

The fact that half-blood wizards can also be attacked plunges the remaining students into unprecedented chaos. The vast majority of students now barely dare to leave the common room of their college, and only a handful of purebloods are still arrogant and domineering... And this arrogance was ruthlessly crushed in the afternoon of the fourth day of the holiday——

Baron Shafik, a pure-blood wizard from the Shafiq family, is petrified!

Headmaster Severus Snape, who had already left the school, rushed back to the school on the fourth night after receiving the news. He went from lounge to lounge to comfort the students, saying that he was about to communicate with the castle's will. , find the problem...

Although Snape's promise had a certain soothing effect, Hogwarts was still empty on the fifth day of vacation. Students even had breakfast and had to take the food from the cafeteria back to the lounge as quickly as possible. , not daring to stay any longer in areas other than the lounge. However, this still could not stop another terrible news from spreading rapidly throughout the school——

On the fifth day of Christmas vacation, the famous savior Harry Potter was petrified at the door of the Gryffindor common room!

Harry Potter, who had defeated Voldemort twice and could not be harmed by Avada's Kedavra, was petrified. This basically means that nothing can stop the will of the castle from doing whatever it wants, and no one can guess what will happen next. Will he be the one being attacked? In this case, Snape had to go to the lounge to provide three meals for the students, because no one dared to leave the scope of the lounge...

'wrong. ’

Listening to the pale-faced classmates around him discussing the recent erratic attacks, Tom Riddle fell into confusion.

‘It shouldn’t be like this. ’

‘My order to the basilisk should be to kill Ken, instead of acting like this. ’

‘And I remember that I should have unlocked the shield on the basilisk’s eyes... Why is the person being attacked still only petrified and not dead? ’

'Why did Harry Potter, who defeated his true form and somehow possessed the gift of Parseltongue, fall victim to this attack? ’

‘Why is there no Ken on the list of those attacked? ’


To be honest, when he heard about the first two petrification incidents, Tom Riddle was actually quite disdainful - after all, he thought that the basilisk was completely under his control and there would be no accidents. He ordered the basilisk to kill Ken, and then the basilisk would never do anything else until Ken was killed...

And those two petrification incidents were probably imitations made by some fanatical pure-blood factions.

At first, it was not only him, but also many people around him who had the same idea. But on the fourth day, they were all confused - Madam Pomfrey and Snape from the school hospital made it clear that the petrification curse on the attacker was exactly the same as that on the previous victim, and this was by no means an imitation. What the person can achieve, and reminds everyone not to doubt the people around them, and to pay attention to safety...

That's when he realized something might be wrong with his basilisk.

And after hearing that even Harry Potter had not escaped death, Tom Riddle couldn't sit still at all.

'I have to go take a look and confirm the status of the basilisk...'

‘Since that evil guy can make the main body stumble, it is not impossible to have some means to influence the basilisk in turn. And if this conjecture is true...'

He narrowed his eyes, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes: "Then I have to kill him with my own hands."

While thinking this, he controlled the damn student's body, picked up his own diary, wrapped his body in the expensive invisibility cloak, and left without anyone noticing. In the lounge, I slowly began to sense the location of the basilisk...

'Damn guy. ’

While searching, he cursed in his mind the host that had brought him so much trouble.

According to his plan, he was supposed to be a ghost that could change its host at any time and hang above all the students' heads, but he didn't expect that something went wrong in the first step, causing him to have a huge flaw out of thin air. Don’t observe that damn “Ken” too frequently or too closely...

'Um? ’

To his surprise, the Basilisk's current location was not near the Hufflepuff common room, but in the corridor outside an empty classroom...

'Ken wasn't cowering in the lounge like the others? ’

'Or... the Basilisk has completely violated my orders? ’

He controlled his body and stepped forward, quietly rushing towards the location of the basilisk. Moreover, with the most basic vigilance, he stopped dozens of meters away from the classroom, knocked the body unconscious and covered it with an invisibility cloak, condensing his illusory body. Picking up the diary, he cast a disillusionment spell on himself and then cautiously approached it...

Thirty meters.

Twenty meters.

Fifteen meters...

Suddenly, an inexplicable excitement and throbbing feeling enveloped his soul, making him almost unable to maintain his body.

How to describe that feeling... It was like holding that rosewood wand for the first time when I was a student, or seeing Morfin Gaunt and Old Tom Riddle for the first time - a feeling that was like blood. A feeling of connection.

Damn it, he doesn't even have a body now, how can he be "connected by blood"? !

Moreover, why do I suddenly feel this way? What happened to the basilisk? What is in that empty classroom? !

Tom Riddle became a little irritable for no reason. Just when he was hesitating whether to retreat temporarily to avoid the weird feeling or continue to explore, something even more incredible happened.

"Tell me, when will he come to see me?"

Even the subtle sounds that were weakened by the doors and walls were particularly obvious in the extremely silent corridor at this moment. What shocked Tom even more was that the voice was very familiar, and the language used by that voice at the moment was even more familiar——

His target, Ken, is chatting in Parseltongue with his basilisk.

"You can really keep your composure..."

The voice in the classroom continued: "I ordered you to cause such a big mess, but he didn't even plan to come and see you? And he also sealed your mouth so that you couldn't talk to me... …What a heartless piece.”

"Who could be so calm...a ring? A crown? Or a diary?"

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