Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 147 The end, double kill!

On the sixth day of the Christmas holiday, the strange and irregular petrification incident that frightened everyone suddenly subsided without any warning. Throughout that whole day, even though there were a few students walking around in the corridors, not a single one was petrified.

After the news spread, some students who were more courageous, or who believed that the murderer was a basilisk and carried early warning devices with them, dared to leave the lounge and walk around outside. However, on the seventh day of the holiday, there was still no sign of anything. People are petrified.

Gradually, a trace of life finally returned to Hogwarts Castle. At least there were many students eating at the long tables in the auditorium during the meal, there were finally some people in the library, and there was some chatter and laughter in the originally empty corridor...

Of course, there are still only a few students who dare to walk around in the outside world. The shadows in most students' hearts have not yet dissipated, so they still dare not leave the lounge of their college for a long time, except for eating and going to the library to find reference materials to complete homework. In addition, I also try my best not to go out without going out. In addition, the number of people staying in school this Christmas is already very small, so the castle is generally very deserted.

On the eighth day of the Christmas vacation, "Diary" Tom Riddle met with "Golden Cup" Ken in the empty classroom as scheduled - he still used an illusory body condensed with spirit, and did not expose the students he was currently controlling. identity of.

However, nothing worth discussing happened in the past three days. The two just exchanged details on how to bring Dumbledore back and then separated again. But before leaving, Ken reminded Tom not to let the basilisk be too quiet, so as not to detect any abnormality, and at least continue to try to attack Muggle-born students - on the one hand, it is to eliminate the great plan of mudbloods, On the other hand, it is also to maintain the status quo.

'How to lure Dumbledore back...'

Tom Riddle was wearing an invisibility cloak and controlling his body, while using Parseltongue to order the basilisk to follow him - nowadays, Muggles basically have an early warning device, so it is very difficult to attack, and he is Just take the basilisk out and let those damn early warning sirens go off twice to create some panic and show the school that the attack is not over yet.

‘Killing a student directly to anger Dumbledore? No, that would be a bit unstable. Dumbledore must be given peace of mind and a sense of security, so that the Golden Cup can obtain the true form from him...'

‘Find a way to sell a flaw, temporarily lose power, and let Dumbledore come back as the principal? This is a way, but it will be a huge blow to my own reputation. Those purebloods may resist me... This is not possible. I still need their power to find the crown of Ravenclaw. ’

'Jinbei, you really gave me a huge problem...'

He sighed in his heart, but forced a smile: 'But I'm not bad either, at least my intelligence impressed him. The coma incident must have made him dizzy when it first came out...'

While thinking about it in his mind, he walked silently along the corridor, looking for a target to attack, or at least activating an early warning device to cause some panic - but he hadn't met anyone for almost five minutes. The person I met five minutes ago was a mixed race.

‘What the hell. ’

The double frustration in his heart and on his hands made him feel a little depressed, and he wanted to turn around and go back to the lounge: 'Let's come out when it's time for dinner. It will definitely not be as deserted as now...'

"Everyone is petrified! Expelliarmus! Immediately imprison them! Fall unconscious!!"

Without warning, a series of curses suddenly sounded around him, and the four spells hit his body almost indiscriminately, causing the student he controlled to lose his ability to move in an instant, and his own spirit was also in a trance. !

A figure suddenly appeared beside him out of thin air, took off his invisibility cloak, opened the wizard's robe, and pulled out a black diary from a secret compartment as if he knew where it was from the beginning. Then he stuffed it into a dark box with lightning speed, closed the lid of the box as quickly as possible, and wrapped it with five large circles of tape!

In the course of these few seconds, Tom only had time to break free from the trance and glance at the attacker. Then his carrier was completely shut into a solid box, completely losing contact with the outside world. Perception.

And the last face he saw...



The vicious howl stopped abruptly as the lid of the box was closed.

"it is finally over……"

Avada slumped to the ground, glanced at the student he knocked down in surprise, and then looked at the corner of the corridor as if nothing had happened.

"Professor, I've got this guy!" he shouted.

"That's great!"

A figure ran out from the corner excitedly, with an unstoppable smile on his face, and by the way, he also showed eight big white teeth——

Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Thankfully, you're here to help me, Professor."

Avada wiped his sweat and smiled sincerely: "Otherwise, I wouldn't have the courage to sneak attack this guy."

"You've done a great job."

Lockhart pulled him up from the ground and patted his shoulder gently: "And as long as I am here, of course I will not let you be in danger - since you are willing to share your plan with me from the beginning, How can I betray your trust?"

"Let a professor be attacked and draw out the attacker... It's really yours!"

"I will definitely write this matter into my next book - that book will definitely surpass all my previous books!" His face turned red with excitement, and his breathing became rapid. stand up.

"Okay, Ken, could you please lift that student up and take her to the hospital? I think she is also an innocent person and needs immediate treatment..."

"Of course, Professor."

Avada smiled and nodded, then turned around and used a levitation spell to lift the student's body, with her back to Lockhart...

"Everything is forgotten!!"

A bolt of white light burst through the air like lightning, and Avada had no time to react after hearing the chanting of a curse behind her. She could only do her best to dodge sideways, preventing the powerful Forgetting Curse from hitting her torso—— But the spell still hit his right hand holding the wand hard, knocking his wand away.

His body trembled, and he hurriedly caught the falling student's body. Then he turned his head and looked at Lockhart in disbelief, whose expression changed at some point: "Professor?"



Seeing the confused look of the student who lost his wand in front of him, Lockhart smiled proudly: "Of course it's for your story, my dear Ken." "

"Story? What story..."

"Of course it is this wonderful plot, this story deserves to be recorded in my book and let the world praise the great Lockhart!"

He burst out laughing: "Kid, think about it, who would believe that a second-year Muggle-born kid can solve the crisis in the entire school and save Hogwarts? Look at you, His face is pale, his clothes are messy, he looks like a bullied crybaby, and he has no clothes at all... How could you think that you are more worthy of this wonderful story than the great Roha'at?"


Avada asked in disbelief: "Are all your stories false? Were they all taken from other people's hands like today?!"

"No, no, no, how can you call it a robbery?"

Lockhart waved his hand and replied disdainfully: "If people don't think that I did all those things, the sales of the book will be far worse. Readers will not be willing to read about the deeds of an ugly old American wizard. Even though he saved a village from the scourge of werewolves. How ugly would it be to have his picture on the cover? And the witch who banished all the ghosts, with her hairy chin!"

"But I'm not doing nothing, I have a lot of work. I have to track these people and ask them how they did what they did. Then I have to cast a forgetting spell on them, so that they can I will forget this matter completely. If there is anything I am proud of, it is my forgetting spell..."

"You know, Ken, I have to work a lot of hard work. If you want to be famous, that's it..."

"Okay, kid."

His wand pointed at Avada again: "Now that I have satisfied your curiosity, you should repay me and keep my secret, right?"

"Forget everything—"

"Expelliarmus! All petrified! Imprisoned quickly!!"

Suddenly, three spells burst out of nowhere in the air around Lockhart, instantly making him lose his ability to resist!

Baron Shafik lifted off his invisibility cloak, carrying an instrument that was probably a video recording facility on his shoulder, holding a wand in one hand, and looked at Lockhart with a smile, his eyes gradually becoming desperate...

"I recorded everything you just said, professor?" He smiled faintly and turned to look at his side.

Beside him, there was another person who also emerged from the invisibility cloak——

Another Avada Kendavia.

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