As soon as the bell rang, Professor Baker hurriedly turned around and left the classroom, leaving behind a group of first-year students chatting among themselves.

"Does the professor mean that he is better than Mr. Lockhart?"

"Definitely! Only those who are weaker need to rack their brains to think about how to solve problems. A powerful wizard can solve all problems with a single spell!"

"But that's Lockhart, the famous adventurer!"

"That doesn't mean he is the strongest, at least not as strong as Professor Dumbledore, right? And Lockhart is only an honorary member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the professor is a director, several levels higher than Lockhart!"


Sure enough, fighting power is unavoidable in any world and in any field.

Although there is nothing to quarrel with at all, Lockhart is a liar who is just trying to gain fame. On Avada's agenda is a plan to wait until Lockhart takes over as a teacher to find a way to expose him, give him the justice he deserves, and return honor to those victims.

Moreover, Professor Baker's strength is real - according to Avada's perception, Professor Baker's vitality and spiritual power are also extremely strong, on the same level as veteran powerhouses such as McGonagall and Flitwick, and second only to Dumbledore.

However, I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Professor Baker’s mental structure seems a bit strange, but he can’t say what’s wrong.

"Hey Ken!"

Roommate Joel Stebbins, who was sitting next to him, poked him and asked, "What's the next class? I forgot to bring my schedule."

Avada took out the class schedule and looked at it: "Potions, take them with Slytherin."

"Oh, that's unfortunate."

Stebbins covered his forehead and said: "I heard from the seniors that the professor of Potions class is the dean of Slytherin. Not only is he strict and harsh, but he is also particularly partial to his own house. It seems that since he joined the job, the Slytherin years have College Cup champion every year!”

Avada rolled her eyes. Even Hufflepuff, who doesn't like gossiping behind his back, can comment on Snape like this. It seems that no matter what his personality is, this guy is really not good at being a teacher.

"Relax, at least we don't have to face him as Gryffindor." Avada comforted, then put on her backpack and left the classroom, heading towards the Potions classroom.

The Potions classroom is located underground in Hogwarts. It is said to have been converted from a dungeon. It is dark and damp inside and much colder than elsewhere. Various specimens soaked in unknown liquids are placed on the walls, which look a bit scary.

"Tell me, why can such a place with almost no ventilation be used as a Potions classroom? Aren't you afraid that a certain student will shake his hand and create poisonous gas, which will wipe out everyone in the classroom?"

Before Snape could come, Avada poked Balon beside her and asked in a low voice.

"Who knows."

Baron said helplessly: "It's quite good here, but our lounge and dormitory are even worse. They are built directly under the Black Lake. That is really cold, wet and unventilated. I feel that after living there for one semester, I can get rheumatism!”

"Then you might want to try the anti-cold potion, Mr. Shafiq. If you can read through the first-grade textbook before school starts, you should be able to recall it."

A low and smooth voice sounded above Avada and Baron's heads without any warning. The two of them trembled, raised their heads and met a pair of black eyes hidden under greasy hair.

"Also, the Potions classroom has comprehensive security measures, so please don't use your unexperienced heads to make arbitrary comments about things you don't understand. One point will be deducted from Hufflepuff."

Avada's eyes twitched: That's right.

However, only one point was deducted. It seemed that Snape was merciful. If Harry dared to talk about his classroom in front of him, Gryffindor would probably turn into Gryffindor on the spot.

Avada and Balon were sitting in the first row, so after Snape scolded them, other people in the classroom realized that he had arrived, so they all sat down quietly - even though it was their first time in class, but They were more or less aware of the professor's "reputation", so they were much more cautious.

"Now let's start the roll call."

At some point, Snape had a piece of parchment in his hand. He stared at the content on it, his brows furrowed tightly, and his expression even looked ferocious - an expression that the previous professor had never shown.


He almost squeezed out the name through his teeth.


Avada's pupils were shaking, and then she remembered that her name seemed to be the second culprit behind Snape's loss of his beloved!

He was glad that he was not a Gryffindor before, maybe he could make Snape gentler, but he didn't expect that he would face the hell difficulty and possibly experience the exclusive treatment of the savior.


He timidly agreed.

Snape snorted, as if he remembered that he shouldn't be angry at an innocent child who was the victim, so he calmed his expression and continued to read: "Baron Shafiq!"


"John McNeil!"


After confirming that everyone was present, Snape put away the roster and slowly scanned everyone in the classroom with extremely oppressive eyes.


He spoke softly, but it was enough for everyone to hear clearly in the quiet classroom: "It is a precise and scientific rigorous technology. I know that in your previous classes, every professor will spare no effort. To express the charm of their respective subjects and stimulate your interest..."

"But from my side, unfortunately, I think most of you are unable to appreciate the charm of potions. Even since most cases do not require the involvement of a wand, some of you may I won’t believe this is magic.”

"I don't expect you to truly understand the beauty of the slowly simmering cauldron emitting white smoke and wafting out bursts of fragrance. Nor do you really understand the beauty of the liquid flowing into people's blood vessels, which makes people's hearts wander and their wills blur. This kind of magical power... However, I can still teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death..."

"But there must be one thing, that is, you are not the talentless fools I often encounter."

The unprecedented opening remarks immediately silenced the entire audience.

"Ken!" Snape suddenly called Avada up: "Please answer, what is the formula of the anti-cold potion?"

It’s over, let’s begin.

Avada stood up in despair and replied while recalling: "Fire salamander blood, cabbage, kudzu..."

Then he got stuck. During the summer vacation, he spent most of his time studying spells, transfiguration, and curses recorded in Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks. Although he tried hard to memorize memory-related things like potions and herbs, his memory was mediocre. He was not allowed to memorize the entire book in the limited time.

"And fire crab shell powder!"

Snape glanced at him: "You don't even know such a basic question, sit down."

Somewhat unexpectedly, Snape did not deduct points from him, probably because he was not a Gryffindor.

"In this class, we will learn scabies treatment potion. This is a very basic but classic potion formula. The principles and techniques used in it are used in almost all potion production."

Snape finally began to teach seriously, taking out various instruments such as cauldrons and scales, as well as other bottles and jars from under the podium: "I will explain the process first, and then demonstrate it myself, and then I will divide you into two people. As a group, let you practice by yourself."

"This potion will use porcupine quills, venomous snake teeth, and dried nettles... The ratio is... It should be noted that when crushing the venomous snake teeth, there may be... There are also three different techniques for cooking slugs in sequence. Once Reversing the order will cause... And if you don't cool it after the first boil, it will..."

Snape was writing on the blackboard quickly and methodically, and the students below were also taking notes nervously, for fear of missing a detail that would cause his dissatisfaction.

"...So, the role of the slug here is to adjust the conflict of medicinal properties between porcupine quills and venomous snake fangs. According to the calculation of Beaumont's first basic law, its own properties are not enough... so it needs to be boiled and boiled three times. Add to……"

Snape finally finished explaining the process and principles of making scabies treatment potion, and then placed the crucible in the center of the podium: "Let me demonstrate it myself."

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