North Sea.

A small island surrounded by strong winds and huge waves.

It's not so much an island as it is a slightly larger reef. After all, its area seems to be big enough to fit a slightly larger house. But if someone can really bypass the many strict checkpoints and obstacles with the blessing of a miracle or an Auror and set foot on this island, they will be horrified to find that there is a hidden secret in it——

The moment they set foot on the island, visitors will find that the island, which was originally only the size of a house, has suddenly expanded countless times. High walls, squares, a gloomy fortress, and the messy cemetery behind it are like ghosts. The same suddenly appeared. At the same time, a group of creatures much scarier than ghosts will surround them, and they will be greeted in various ways depending on the identity of the entrants...

This is Azkaban, the only wizard prison in the UK, a place that makes countless wizards talk about it with horror.

However, no matter how terrifying, oppressive, and deadly this prison is in various rumors, it cannot change the fact that this is a prison, and it is the only prison in the UK. And this also means that the prisoners' crimes will be light or serious, the sentences will be long or short, the location where they are held, the conditions of the cells, and the frequency of happiness sucked by dementors will all be distinguished.

At least in the light punishment area, which is relatively outside, the life of prisoners is better than what outsiders imagine - four-person cells, three meals with hot mashed potatoes and bread, and the right to go to the square regularly for just two days. A dementor patrol, very particular sanitary conditions to prevent the spread of plague, and even a small amount of joy potion... To be honest, it is no different from an ordinary Muggle prison.

Therefore, those terrible rumors often describe the deepest part of Azkaban, but the outside world mistakenly believes that the entire Azkaban is such a hell.

However, if someone really intends to see the source of those rumors, they will definitely use their remaining sobriety to realize that the rumors are still conservative.

Dementors are everywhere surrounding the dark, dirty, and smelly cells, and the windowless walls completely cut off sunlight and fresh air. Mold grows and spreads in the humid air, making people feel as if they are only... Taking a breath will make them grow into your lungs. The people imprisoned here will never see the light of day again, and food and drinking water can only guarantee survival. And if you get sick or die... you can only leave some white building blocks for the next entrant to relieve his boredom.

Darkness, filth, and dementors together created a real hell in this small space.

But today's hell is a little unusual - a wanton laughter seems particularly harsh amidst the wailing, as if there is a partial festival in hell:

"Hahahaha...well done! Well done!"

Sirius Black was using a picture to describe a haggard body and burst into laughter that was incompatible with his appearance: "Look! Look at what this guy looks like now...remember what you said to me last year, my dear Cousin?"

"Oh, scum, you have no idea how great the master is~~"

He screamed, exaggeratedly imitating a crazy female voice, and danced in conjunction: "This little seal can't trap the master at all. The master is immortal! That old bastard Dumbledore can't spy on the master at all. We can only delay time in this embarrassing way, waiting for destruction in fear~~"

"Then...poof hahahaha..."

He finally couldn't hold back his laughter, and then waved the newspaper in his hand at the distorted face in the cell opposite: "The secret of your great master is gone! Hahahaha..."

"A dark magic item that can confuse people's hearts and also carries the memory of Voldemort... isn't it a Horcrux!"

"Now that diary has fallen into Dumbledore's hands, as long as he touches it with his wand, guess what will happen to your great master?"

Opposite him, Bellatrix Lestrange looked at him coldly and laughed like crazy, with even a slight sneer on the corner of her mouth.

‘This idiot. ’

These words did not come out of her mouth: 'Laugh, laugh, see how long you can laugh... Do you really think the master only has this Horcrux? ’

‘Master’s real trump card, I personally put it into Gringotts’ most secure vault! You, and Dumbledore's poor little brain, never dreamed... When you think that the master is dead and your vigilance is lax, it will be the best time for the master to escape! ’


Seeing that the person opposite who wanted to provoke him remained silent, Sirius gradually stopped laughing - he couldn't hold on for too long, and his severely malnourished body couldn't support the energy-consuming activity of laughing.

After he stopped laughing, he turned over and no longer looked at those disgusting snake-like eyes. Instead, he grabbed the newspaper again and smiled stupidly at a certain photo on it.

"Well done, Harry, well avenged your parents, you know?"

"James, look at him, look at your son, he looks so much like you... He is also a seeker..."

"And he's much better than you. Even Snotlout obeys him!"

Sirius looked at the newspaper and wanted to continue to giggle, but when he wanted to raise the corners of his mouth, he realized that his face was numb - so he had to temporarily restrain his expression, and just looked at the words on the newspaper with soft eyes. A familiar face.

Since Voldemort was captured last year, the strikers and Aurors stationed in Azkaban, in order to add some fun to their boring lives, read the contents of the newspaper loudly to the group of Death Eaters in the deepest part of the cell. A copy was also given to each person, so that they could take a good look at the picture of the desperate face in the bottle - the effect was extraordinary, and several of the originally calm guys went crazy that day.

The only thing that confused them was Sirius Black, the number one Death Eater under the Dark Lord's throne - why was he smiling so happily?

Later, they nervously observed Blake for a long time and found nothing unusual. In the end, they could only judge that he was probably crazy, so he would be so insane and laugh wildly to express his sorrow...

Therefore, in order to make the obstructive Death Eaters go crazy and get on their way as soon as possible, or to get a good reason to get a kiss from a dementor after trying to escape from prison, they specially stocked up after seeing the news about Voldemort appearing in the newspaper again. He read the newspapers and waited until the whole story was fully announced before sending all the information to the Death Eaters, which led to the scene just now.

"Let's take a look, are there any other reports about Harry..."

Sirius flipped through the newspaper at a glance, trying to quickly see the face again from one photo to another.

"Snotlout... can he still be a professor? Still working as an undercover agent under Dumbledore? Humph, it fits his wretched character... Forget it, for the sake of helping Harry, stop scolding him today. Two sentences.”

"Hagrid was exonerated? That's great. I hope the motorcycle I gave him is okay..."

"Ken...what a mess, not even a full name, skip skip."

"Harry Potter and Friends...that's it!"

His eyes lit up, and he happily read the contents, while subconsciously holding the newspaper close to his chest, as if it had warmth.

"Well, Arthur's son, right? He and Harry have become friends? That's great..."

He stared blankly at the photo - James's son had a nervous smile on his face, and there were two children standing next to him: a girl with a bit big front teeth, who was said to be as numb as Lily back then. A top student from a melon background, but not as beautiful as Lily; and the other boy with red hair and freckles is obviously Arthur's son...

"They do look alike."

Sirius looked at Ron's face: "I hope he can avoid his father's bad luck in the future and keep his hair..."

"Well, he also raised a mouse? Oh, it's an eyesore..."


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