Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 163 The outrageous monster book

"Hello, I need a copy of "The Monster Book of Monsters"..."

"Ah, what a ghost."

The owner of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore pulled his hair and complained: "You have to be careful. The new Care of Magical Creatures professor at Hogwarts this year is so crazy that he took a book that can move independently and is extremely ferocious. The books are listed as textbooks, the ones commonly used for grades three to seven... Shouldn’t such dangerous books be tied up with belts in the restricted book area?”

"God knows how much effort I put into finding the supplier of this book! Fortunately, Hogwarts's subsidy is quite considerable... but the supplier who cost me a thousand dollars also recommended a batch of "Invisibility" books to me. "The Invisible Book", I must have had a basilisk in my head before I agreed to buy it - and then I got a piece of air weighing several hundred kilograms!"

"Merlin on top."

Avada's eyes twitched and comforted: "Think on the bright side, those suppliers at least did not recommend "The Cruciatus Curse" or "The Cruciatus Curse" or anything like that..."

"Then I will be happy, because they will be wiped out by the Aurors, and then they will never export these scourges to the market again..."

The bookstore owner grumbled and walked to the corner of the bookstore and opened a small door - if Avada read it correctly, the space inside should have been temporarily expanded using a traceless expansion spell, and the volume was quite large.

'what's the situation? He opened a large warehouse specifically to store those "Monster Books of Monsters"? There shouldn't be a Colosseum inside, right? ’

Then, when he followed the bookstore owner into the room, he instantly felt a biting cold air hit his face, making him shiver in surprise——

The "Monster Books of Monsters" were neatly stacked together, filling most of the space in the room, leaving only a narrow passage that only allowed one person to pass. Moreover, those originally ferocious books were all placed quietly, making people unaware of their nature at all...

As for the reason, Avada guessed that it had something to do with the thick lumps of ice on their bodies.

That's right, the owner of Flourish and Blott Bookstore directly used a freezing spell on every "Monster Book of Monsters", freezing them firmly into a large ice brick, eliminating the source of the problem. The possibility of their mischief...

"You have to be careful,"

The boss pointed at the monster books with a sad face and said: "Although they are so quiet now, they will really bite people once they thaw out - you'd better prepare a belt or a larger clip in advance to make sure We can trap them in the first place, otherwise you may have to come to my place again and buy all your previous books again."

"By the way, don't use fire when thawing. I've received several complaints - it's really outrageous. Don't they have a way to raise the temperature without using flames? I heard that Muggles have something called The induction cooker is pretty good..."

The boss seemed to be tortured by this batch of books. Whenever relevant topics were mentioned, he started to complain endlessly. It took him a long time to realize that the student in front of him who wanted to buy books was still waiting. So he coughed dryly and stretched out his hand, causing a bunch of ice bricks to fly out from the ice wall and float beside him: "Do you need anything else?"

"Uh, I also want a copy of "Standard Spells: Level 4"..."

"Oh, fourth grader?"

The boss raised his eyebrows, turned around and left the "ice cellar" and rummaged through the bookshelves: "I heard that Miranda Gorshak recently planned to write a batch of new books, hoping to give them to those who have graduated but want to Some specialized textbooks are provided for young people who continue to study full-time instead of learning professional knowledge while working in the workplace..."

"I hope she can complete this great undertaking before she is two hundred years old. Charms can be divided into many branches. Fortunately, she is only over seventy this year and still has a lot of time... Your book At this."

"Thank you."

Avada was about to take out her wand and cast a levitating spell on the big lump of ice, but then she realized that theoretically she couldn't cast a spell now, so she had to endure the cold and took the lump of ice with her other hand. This "Standard Spell·Level 4" couldn't help but shudder again: "Is there a bag?"

Avada, carrying a large pile of ice cubes in his hand, sneaked to a remote corner of Diagon Alley. After confirming that no one was around, he took out his wand and quickly melted the ice cubes. Without hesitation, he poked at the monster book, which completely silenced the guy who was about to show off his teeth and claws.

"Until now, I still haven't figured out what those guys who insist on bringing books to life are thinking..."

He held the big furry book and looked up and down: "There are even teeth on the edges of the book. It's hard to tell that the author wasn't deliberately seeking revenge on society... Sure enough, there is no signature."

He pouted, opened the book and started reading on the spot, intending to see what kind of content would make Hagrid abandon a classic book like "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" instead of forcing him to use a chewy book. Human books are used as textbooks...




As the pages turned, Avada's expression gradually became distorted.

"The book is a good book. The content inside is objective and detailed. When introducing magical creatures, it also combines a large number of examples and the author's personal experience (most of which are mainly about being tortured by magical creatures), and combines various kinds of magical creatures. The characteristics of living things are presented in a vivid and interesting way that is easy to remember, and the theoretical knowledge involved is also introduced in quite detail..."

"But why are there no danger levels of magical animals below XXXX recorded in this book?"

"Hippogriff, Chimera, Sphinx, Three-Headed Dog, Poison Leopard, Fire Dragon...all are magical creatures of XXXX and XXXXX levels!"

Avada blinked in confusion, unable to react for a moment: "I remember that in addition to learning theoretical knowledge in the Care of Magical Creatures class, there is also a very important aspect of actually contacting and observing various creatures, right?"

"The hippogriff that Hagrid moved in the original book is already the safest one in this book?!"

"If nothing like Malfoy had happened, would he have developed enough to bring a fire dragon to class??"

"Oh, there is a basilisk in this book. Maybe there is a chance to play with basilisk specimens in class? By the way, more than half a year has passed. Have the professors produced any research results? You can buy some related academic papers later. Check out the journal..."

"Wait, why are the Dementors up there?!"

Avada shuddered again: Considering Hagrid's fascination with all kinds of dangerous magical animals...

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